Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1192 The Requiem of the Betrayer (2)

Chapter 1192 The Requiem of the Betrayer (2)

Cheng Mo's seaplane is preparing to land in Dvina Bay on the White Sea.The weather in Dvina Bay in December was cloudy and frozen for thousands of miles. The entire Dvina Bay looked like a piece of white land. Looking down, it was an endless ice field. It was completely impossible to see that this place should be the sea.Although it was already noon, the sun in mid-air was just like a white spot, which would disappear at any moment.The old seaplane flew through the gray sky, and the roar of the engine seemed hoarse in the howling cold wind, which made everyone sitting in the cabin feel a little scared.

Due to the deafening sound, the four people dressed like zongzi sat in their seats without speaking. It was only when the plane began to land slowly and the sound of the engine became quieter that Amedeo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This plane shakes so badly." Scares me and wonders how your pilot managed to drive it to its destination with all the laughs."

Lermontov laughed and said loudly: "The pilot who flies the plane for us is a Soviet super pilot."

Amedeo asked in astonishment: "Soviet? How old is that?"

The pilot sitting in the driver's seat turned around and said in a rough voice: "I'm only 64 years old, and I haven't reached retirement age yet!"

"My God~~~" Amedeo changed his face and forced a smile, "I sincerely wish you a smooth retirement!"

During the descent, the plane's wings shook more and more. Seeing the icy wings on the side, Amedeo grabbed the handle tightly, closed his eyes and began to shake his mouth and pray silently.Lermontov also gripped his seat.Number zero, who occupied one and a half seats, folded his arms and sat on the seat as if nothing had happened.

Cheng Mo looked out the porthole, and he could vaguely see the outline of the coastline in the whiteness. Looking carefully, he could still see a few stone windmills standing in the ice and snow.

As the plane got lower and lower, the feeling of weightlessness became more and more obvious, and several people all grabbed the handles tightly. There was a loud "bang", even with the restraint of seat belts, everyone in the cabin was bumping and swaying left and right, like a cowboy sitting on a mustang.Sitting next to Cheng Mo, No. [-]'s head was about to hit the roof of the cabin, but now he had to raise his hand to hold the roof so that his head would not hit the roof with a "bang bang".

Probably because the ice surface was too slippery, the plane came to a complete stop after taxiing for several kilometers.

The crowd who were about to fall apart applauded collectively, and the 64-year-old super pilot turned around and whistled and waved his hands.

Lermontov, who was sitting by the hatch, got up and opened the hatch, made a gesture of invitation and said, "I can only take you here. You go to the stone mill on the shore, and someone will take you to the north." Downtown Devonsk”

Amedeo, who couldn't wait, got up first, jumped from the seaplane onto the white ice, turned his head and waved to Lermontov, "Thank you! Mr. Lermontov!"

"You're welcome," said Lermontov.

"Come to Belgium as a guest when you have time, and I will definitely treat you well!"

"Go there if you have the chance."

Then No. 200 jumped off the plane, and the weight of more than [-] kilograms pressed hard on the ice surface. The sound of "creak, creak" made people wonder whether the ice surface would be cracked.

Cheng Mo got up last, and when he walked past Lermontov, Lermontov said in a low voice, "Mr. Cheng Mo, you are welcome to come to the Winter Palace anytime." After a pause, he smiled wryly again and said, " Maybe we won’t be called the Winter Palace in the future. Ms. Yan Yitong said that she will change the name to a mighty and domineering one.”

Cheng Mo said in a low voice: "I hope I won't come again." He jumped off the plane, tightened the thick felt hat on his head, and said back, "No matter what, I still have to thank you, Mr. Lermontov, The Winter Palace was a pleasant journey for me. You will have to work hard to send Ms. Delorme and Mr. Onassis back."

Lermontov said: "This is what I should do. When Ms. Delorme and Mr. Onassis are coming back, I will contact you in advance!"

Cheng Mo nodded, then waved his hand.

"Please don't forget the agreement! Never reveal the location of the 'Winter Palace'!" Lermontov waved his hand again and shouted at the three of them, "Goodbye!" Then he closed the hatch.

The three of them stood on the ice field, watching the seaplane take off until it turned into a small dot, then turned and walked cautiously towards the frozen coastline.

Even though he had worn enough clothes, Cheng Mo could still feel the piercing chill, the cold wind blowing on his face was like a knife, but after getting on and off the plane and walking tens of meters away, his hands and feet felt cold.

"In this damn weather, it feels like icicles will come out when you pee." Amedeo complained, holding his hands in his arms.

"It's no common sense for you to say that. Everyone knows that at such a low temperature, urine will only turn into dry ice. What you need to consider is whether your bird will get frostbite." Zero said.

"Ah~~~~ Don't tell me, I don't even know how I got here for more than two years. When I get back to the city, I will go to the bar to have a glass of whiskey or vodka immediately, and then find Let her embrace a warm Ennos girl to warm my frozen body and soul." Amedeo turned to look at No. [-] and Cheng Mo, "Where are you two?"

"I have to go back to Nuremberg immediately, and the unfinished business is urgent." Zero said in a deep voice.

"Don't! No. Zero, don't be in a hurry these days. I think we can still spend a few days in St. Petersburg. Ennos girls are famous for their unrestrained enthusiasm. In such a weather, living in the Winter Palace "Amedeo shook his head, "No, I probably don't want to hear this name again for the rest of my life. We can live near the summer palace and want to see it. It's snowing outside, and the room is warm like spring. Vodka in the left hand and blond hair in the right Beauty, the three of us are talking about revenge plans. How pleasant it must be."

Number Zero shook his head ruthlessly.

Amedeo shrugged his shoulders in disappointment, and looked at Cheng Mo again, "Cheng Mo, what about you?"

Cheng Mo also shook his head, "I'm afraid not, someone has come to pick me up, not to mention I still have a lot of important things to deal with."

Amedeo sighed, and said melancholy: "Could it be that our perverted group of four didn't even drink a breakup drink, so we had to go our separate ways?"

"Sooner or later we will get together." Cheng Mo said, "We have a common enemy."

Amedeo smiled, "Yes." He stretched out his gloved hand and wrapped it around Cheng Mo's shoulder, "I'm a little surprised why Mr. Onassis and Ms. Delorme seem to treat you differently !"

Cheng Mo said with a serious face: "Maybe because they want me to be their son-in-law!"

Amedeo was stunned for a moment, and then "haha" laughed, "You are so brave! I dare not say such a thing in my dreams! If Athena finds out, I guess you will be cut in half with a knife, and then do into a ham."

"No, she won't do that." Cheng Mo smiled and said, "She will hug me and thank me for helping her find her mother."

Amedeo slapped his chin, and the thick anti-cold gloves made a dull sound, "Good idea! This can indeed shorten the distance with Athena, but Athena is now beside Napoleon VII, so it is not easy to get close! He sighed deeply, "It's a pity, how could that bastard Napoleon VII take over all the good things? God will be his, Europa is his, even Athena is his."

At this moment, the military felt cap on Amedeo's head split into two pieces silently, and a few strands of hair were blown up by the cold wind.Before Amedeo could react, a cold voice sounded in the sky, "Amedeo, this time is just a warning, let me hear you bring me and Napoleon VII together next time, I won't I’ll be more polite and cut your mouth open.”

Zero took out his pistol and looked towards the sky, only to see a blond woman wearing a brown bearskin cap, an army green combat padded jacket, breeches and boots descending from the whitening sunlight, like a goddess who came into the world.

Amedeo forgot the cold, raised his head and muttered dumbfounded: "How is it possible? How could it be Athena?"

Cheng Mo pressed down No. [-]'s hand holding the gun, stared at Athena who landed lightly on the opposite side, and asked with a smile, "Didn't I tell you to wait for me in the city? Why did you come out?"

Athena didn't look at Zero and Amedeo, but focused on looking at Cheng Mo, and said lightly, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Cheng Mo stepped forward, and hugged Athena under the shocked gaze of Amedeo and Zero, "Sorry!" He said, then tapped her cold lips, staring at Athena With an infinite face and blue eyes, he said softly, "It's been hard work, but it's all worth it."

In the email, Cheng Mo told Athena that he met his mother-in-law and old man in the Winter Palace, and said that they decided to stay in the Winter Palace for a while.The mother-in-law is going to wait for the "Utopia" to reopen, and successfully get out her research of these years.And the father-in-law is for Queen Delovna.

Athena didn't ask for any news about her parents urgently, she just nodded, raised her hand to help Cheng Mo straighten his crooked hat, and said softly, "I didn't work hard, I couldn't do anything, just Just looking for news about the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg aimlessly"

Cheng Mo smiled wryly and said, "I heard from Lermontov that you have already stirred up panic in St. Petersburg, and their people are afraid to go to St. Petersburg to purchase supplies!"

Cheng Mo and Athena were in the ice and snow, and Amedeo suddenly yelled like crazy: "No, no, I'm already confused! Shouldn't you two explain what's going on? ?” He held his head and shouted, “Am I still awake in the virtual world?”

Zero also looked puzzled, and whispered: "It doesn't make sense!"

"Indeed, I should introduce." Cheng Mo coughed, "This is my wife Athena, this is Amedeo, you should be familiar with it. This is number zero, the leader of the Teutonic 88 Knights , maybe number zero is the first time you see "

"I have watched countless videos of you fighting." Number Zero said, "I admire your strength."

Athena just nodded indifferently, the expression on her face was as it should be, and she didn't mean to be polite at all.

"Your wife. What's the matter!?" Amedeo rushed up, just raised his hand to grab Cheng Mo's collar, but immediately put his hand down under Athena's cold gaze, and he looked at Athens Na stared at Cheng Mo again and asked in a low voice in disbelief, "What's going on with all this??"

Cheng Mo smiled, "It's a long story." He pointed to the felt hat that was split in half on the ice, "Amedio, you pick up your hat and put it on first. ! Or your ears will be frozen off"


On December 12th, Ennos time at 9:[-] pm.

A group of people arrived at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo International Airport from Severodvinsk. The zero flight flew directly to Berlin at [-]:[-]. Amedeo was afraid that Napoleon VII would notice that he had escaped from the Winter Palace. , Not daring to go home directly, decided to go to Berlin with Zero.

Cheng Mo will fly directly to Xiangjiang with Athena and Feng Luwan in a private jet.

Three people who have lived and died together bid farewell at the airport.Zero had already removed his iron mask in the Winter Palace, revealing a vicissitudes face with a long vertical scar. He has a typical Nordic appearance, with a square outline and deep eye sockets. Without that long scar, he is For an ordinary uncle, with that scar, he inexplicably has a depressing aura, like a handsome and ruthless killer.

Amedeo, with bandages on his ears, looked a little funny. He looked at Athena standing beside Cheng Mo again, closed his eyes and said, "Cheng Mo, tell me, I'm still dreaming. "

Cheng Mo patted Amedeo's arm, "Accept the reality!"

Amedeo sighed, "The reality is too cruel."

"Better than Athena being Napoleon VII's wife," Zero said.

Amedeo looked at Number Zero in astonishment, "No, you also have a crush on him."

"I'm not interested in women." Zero shook his head, "I mean without Athena, Napoleon VII would be much easier to deal with."

Amedeo sighed, "Thinking like this is indeed something worth celebrating." He turned to Cheng Mo and said, "So, Cheng Mo, we have to thank you."

Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders, "You're welcome."

Amedeo lowered his voice and said, "I hope we can meet soon to discuss the major issues of dealing with Napoleon VII."

Cheng Mo said softly: "I think it should be soon, and it may not necessarily wait until the end of the Garden of Eden."

"Garden of Eden" Zero asked solemnly, "Do you really want to get involved?"

Cheng Mo whispered, "I have a reason to go."

Zero patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, "Then I wish you good luck."

Cheng Mo replied: "Thank you."

"May the Creator bless you!" Amedeo hugged Cheng Mo and whispered in his ear, "You bastard, remember that you owe me. I have endured the matter between you and that one in the Winter Palace until now." didn't say"

Cheng Mo sneered and said, "Then what's the difference between you and what you said now."

Amedeo smiled "hehe", patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, and said with a melancholy face: "Anyway, do it yourself! I hope the next time I hear about you is the good news that you were split in half by Athena " Seemingly aware of Athena's cold gaze, he quickly turned his head to Athena and said with a gentlemanly smile, "I'm just joking, just joking."

Athena said blankly, "Amedio, you know, I'm not good at making jokes."

"Sorry! Sorry!" Amedeo raised his hands, "I promise there will be no next time!"

Athena did not speak.

Zero whispered, "Then let's keep in touch."

"Keep in touch." Cheng Mo said.

"Keep in touch." Amedeo also said, and after finishing speaking, he greeted Feng Luwan who was not far away, "Miss Feng! I hope we can meet again next time!"

Feng Luwan smiled and waved his hand.

When he turned around, Amedeo said "goodbye" softly, and he didn't know who he was saying goodbye to.

Cheng Mo watched Zero and Amedeo walk towards the departure hall, drowning in the crowd.Turning to look at Athena and Feng Luwan, she whispered, "Let's go."


The private jet took off from Pulkovo International Airport at the first time. After entering the troposphere and flying smoothly, Feng Luwan unfastened his seat belt, stood up, looked at Cheng Mo and Athena, blinked and said, "It's still 15 hours away. We can only reach Xiangjiang, do you two want to go to the rest room at the back to rest?"

Cheng Mo didn't expect that he and Yan Yitong had already developed a relationship beyond friendship, but that kind of thing hadn't happened with his real wife yet.He sighed in his heart, and wanted to whisper to Athena about her parents for a while, but there were more important things at the moment, so he asked in a low voice, "Sister Lu Wan, is it absolutely safe on the plane?"

Feng Luwan nodded, "Athena and I have checked several times, and we will definitely not be monitored."

Cheng Mo straightened his body, and said seriously: "The reason why I don't let Sister Bai reveal the news that I have escaped is because there is a traitor inside Taijilong, and he is a traitor at the emperor level."

Feng Luwan was shocked, "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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