Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1187 Dark Stage - Capriccio (1)

Chapter 1187 Dark Stage - Capriccio (1)

Cheng Mo used the "Seven Sins" as a halyard, and quickly descended to the security center on the first floor.At this time, Paul XIV was already standing at the door of the elevator waiting for him. Seeing the dwarf in the Zorro suit again, Cheng Mo jumped over from the elevator shaft without saying a word, and kicked Paul XIV. On the chest of the fourth generation.

Paul XIV, who knew he was wrong, not only did not hide, but rolled to the ground and shouted aggrievedly: "Cheng Mo, I don't want this either, but Yan Funing is a lunatic! How can I hand over the Winter Palace to him !?"

In fact, Cheng Mo didn't think there was anything wrong with Paul XIV's pretentious and arrogant approach. They were never friends, let alone allies.He was just annoyed that Paul XIV was extremely cautious when he should not be cautious, and extremely arrogant when he should be cautious.It caused him to be stupid at the critical moment, so that he had to face some unexpected situations.

Even though this situation is not a bad thing, he was still a little annoyed, so he gave Paul XIV a kick first, and then said angrily: "I called you to wait, but you still rushed in. Do you use your brain to think that people like Yan Funing might not hold back?"

Paul XIV stood up and said with a bitter face: "Who knew that Yan Yitong was a monster who only killed carriers! At that time, there was nothing on the map. I just believed in the map too much."

It was also impossible for Cheng Mo to tell Paul XIV that Yan Yitong was not actually a monster who specialized in killing carriers. He sneered and said, "Okay, anyway, you are now on your own terms."

Paul XIV ran to Cheng Mo's side, pretended to be a child, grabbed his hand, and said in a low voice, "Can you persuade Yan Funing well and leave the money to me! I can also help you run the business after I go out." Hermitage"

"You want to run? You think that the Winter Palace will be discovered sooner or later, so you want to escape?" Cheng Mo shook his head, "Your Majesty, this is your country."

"Bullshit!" Paul XIV took off his black top hat and threw it on the ground, yelling, "What if you don't run away? Waiting to be surrounded by star gates and sunflower banners? FXXK! It's not that crazy Yan Funing who messed with you! These bastards, count me unlucky!"

"Things are not necessarily that bad." Cheng Mo whispered, "In short, let me see Mr. Arnold Vladimir first."

"Let's go! There's no point in complaining anymore anyway, I just hope that lunatic Yan Funing won't launch a nuclear bomb." Paul XIV muttered a few words restlessly, then picked up the top hat he threw on the alloy floor, After clapping it twice, put it on the head, turned around and walked towards the exit of the corridor full of canned human-brain jellyfish on both sides.

Cheng Mo followed behind Paul XIV and asked in a low voice, "Is there any problem with the installation of the water pump outside now?"

"If there is a problem, I won't be here to chat with you."

"You still have to arrange for someone to go to the island to re-do the camouflage on the silo cover."

"Are you sure that lunatic Yan Funing won't launch a nuclear bomb again."

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment before replying in a low voice: "I'm sure."

"Why hesitate?"

"My hesitation has nothing to do with my making this judgment." Cheng Mo said, "It's because I remembered something else."

"whats the matter?"

"It's not polite to inquire about other people's privacy, Your Majesty." Cheng Mo shrugged.In fact, he was thinking just now, perhaps those two nuclear bombs were not used to threaten the people in the Winter Palace, not to threaten Paul XIV, nor to threaten Arnold Vladimir, but to show him .

Before, he couldn't figure out why Yan Funing launched a nuclear bomb, and insisted on detonating it.Even if Arnold Vladimir said he was willing to hand over the Winter Palace to him, he didn't have the slightest intention of negotiating.

Cheng Mo doesn't think that Yan Funing is the kind of person whose behavior is illogical. In his opinion, Yan Funing will not be crazy to that extent.If everything is Yan Yitong's meaning, then it makes sense.But this is just a guess, he has no evidence, and there is no way to prove it.But he is convinced that Yan Yitong is a more dangerous existence than Yan Funing.

Paul XIV seemed to have given up struggling, sighed and said, "Okay! As long as you're sure he won't go crazy."

The two walked out of the corridor and walked along the stairs towards the bottom of the cinema-like hall. The staff sitting between the workbenches were doing nothing, all discussing the nuclear bomb that exploded in Ozhou and the second nuclear bomb that was launched and exploded in space. From the words, it sounds very frightening.On the three big screens, there was only a piece of blue, with "No Signal" floating on it in Russian.

"What's going on?" Cheng Mo asked.

Paul XIV turned around and said: "The satellite suddenly lost its link, and all communications were interrupted. We have no way of knowing what happened outside for the time being. In addition, the activation of the safe mode also caused damage to the Winter Palace, and many components failed. Already." He spread his hands, "In short, the situation in the Winter Palace is not optimistic."

Cheng Mo was speechless, thinking that Yan Yitong's fireworks were too vigorous, but anyway, blowing up the satellites was better than blowing up Lundun.

Walking to the bottom of the hall, Arnold Vladimir was not standing on the round platform.Cheng Mo didn't ask any more questions, and silently followed Paul XIV into an almost pure white room on the side of the hall.The top of the room is a projection of the vast universe, and in the middle is a large pure white round table with a circle of honeycomb-shaped speakers on the edge of the table, a Soviet flag flying in the center of the table, and sitting on handmade wooden sofa chairs Scientists who have a place in the history books.

At this time Lugin, Arnold, Shnileman, Buchshtab, Barbarn, Kolmolokov, Kurchatov, Vitaly Lazarevich Kinz Fort, Lebedev. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev are all listed.Even though they were just phantoms, they assumed a sitting posture, arguing constantly.

They have different expressions and postures, but their voices are unified, without distinction of pitch, just like reading software.No matter how angry and dissatisfied they were, their voices were flat, gentle baritones.

Cheng Mo soon saw Arnold Vladimir, who was sitting on the chair and frowning, as if he was powerless and unwilling to stop all this.

"Your Excellency Vladimir, Cheng Mo is here."

Paul XIV's address to Arnold Vladimir was polite. It is obvious that there is a certain distance between the two people and they are not that close.

Arnold Vladimir turned his head to look at Cheng Mo. The body composed of light spots in the air seemed to be very imperfectly matched. The rhythm of the head, neck, and body was inconsistent, giving people a feeling of disharmony.

"Are you here to receive the control center?" Arnold Vladimir's voice floated out from the speaker on the table, his tone was calm and calm, but the face displayed by the [-]D projection was extremely frustrated.

Arnold Vladimir's voice stopped the quarreling all at once, and everyone turned their heads to look at Cheng Mo. After a brief silence, chaotic curses rang out in the conference room.Some projections even stood up from their seats and rushed over to beat Cheng Mo, but in the end, a ball of light passed through Cheng Mo's body.

Arnold raised his hand and pressed the red light button projected in front of him, as if all staff had been silenced, and the entire conference room fell silent in an instant, only the projection was left. resentment.

"Don't pay attention to them!" Arnold Vladimir said melancholy: "First of all, you have to ensure the safety of everyone in our kingdom of the underworld. Secondly, you have to wait a while, we still need a little time, the control The handover is not something that can be done in minutes, it involves a lot of

Cheng Mo interrupted Arnold Vladimir's thoughts, bowed slightly and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Vladimir"

Arnold Vladimir shook his head and said, "Don't call me teacher, I feel guilty when I hear this word now."

"Okay! Your Excellency Vladimir." Cheng Mo said, "First of all, I have to tell you that Yan Funing and I are not in the same group. His Majesty Paul XIV is very clear about this."

"Yes, I can testify about this. But it doesn't mean they are not completely different, he and Yan Funing are from the same organization 'Tai Chi Dragon', and Yan Funing's sister likes him. But Yan Funing doesn't seem to trust him that much , and he doesn't trust Yan Funing that much." Paul XIV thought for a while, "In short, the relationship between them is very complicated! It's very complicated!"

Cheng Mo glanced at Paul XIV and said, "There's no need to explain so much. Now I'm coming down, what I want to talk to you about is how to force Yan Funing to give up complete control of the 'Winter Palace'."

"What?" Paul XIV jumped onto the table, grabbed Cheng Mo's arm with both hands, and shouted excitedly, "If you can take Yan Funing away, I would like to call you Dad!" But he let go of his hand immediately, Squatting on the table and holding his head in pain, he said, "Even if you can take him away, it's already too late, we will be found sooner or later."

"I told you not to worry about being discovered. Yan Funing dared to launch a nuclear bomb and wanted to stay in the Winter Palace, which shows that he has long been prepared for this." Cheng tacitly said sincerely, "What I need now is You cooperate with me."

"Really?" Paul XIV raised his head and looked at Cheng Mo expectantly, "Tell me, Cheng Mo, how do you want us to cooperate?"

Arnold Vladimir stared at Cheng Mo suspiciously and said, "Why are you so kind?"

"Your Excellency Vladimir, your grandson Zero and I are also friends"

Arnold Vladimir suddenly changed his face, and said very angrily: "No! Don't mention him, neither he nor his father have anything to do with me. One is a traitor and the other is an executioner!"

Cheng Mo didn't expect Arnold Vladimir to react like this. It's not like the homonym of Ye Ci, Sun Xiao, Sheng and Qing that No. [-] said. It seems that No. [-] didn't say a word of truth. You know, he thought No. [-] at one time Is the most trustworthy person among them.Regarding the fact that No. [-]'s father was a "traitor", he just heard Paul XIV say that, as for why Arnold Vladimir called No. [-] an executioner, he didn't know the reason.It seems that everyone who can enter the Winter Palace has a story.

Now is not the time to pursue this issue, Cheng Mo just froze for a moment, then continued: "I don't think we can draw conclusions on a person based on our own intuitive impressions, which is definitely unfair. But it is not a discussion for the time being These times. Now I just want to say, anyway, you have decided to hand over the Winter Palace, why don’t you try it? Trust me, let me fight for you, and you won’t lose anything.” He paused, "right?"

"Yes~ yes~ yes~" Paul XIV first nodded at Chengmo like a chicken pecking at rice, and then he turned his head to look at Arnold Vladimir, "Anyway, we have nothing to lose, how about believe him!"

Arnold Vladimir thought for a while, and asked with a serious face: "Do you want to compete with Yan Funing for the Winter Palace?"

Paul XIV turned his head to stare at Cheng Mo again, and asked, "Do you want to compete with Yan Funing for the Winter Palace?"

Cheng Mo thought that Arnold Vladimir was indeed too simple. Not only did he speak directly without any cover-up, but his brain circuit was also straightforward.No wonder he was deceived by Yan Funing, and no wonder Yan Funing deceived him and respectfully called him a teacher.This kind of academic boss really doesn't have any scheming.

"If I want to control the 'Winter Palace', it's definitely easier to wait for Yan Funing to control the Winter Palace, and then find a way to snatch it from him. What's more, my current thinking is to hope that the three of you will form a stable check and balance,' The Kingdom of the Underworld' is still under your control, as for the external reception and accounts to His Majesty Paul XIV, and the control of the nuclear power plant is given to Yan Funing." Cheng Mo said in a low voice, "The three of you will jointly control the Winter Palace , in the current situation, isn't it a matter of everyone's satisfaction?"


When Cheng Mo returned to the nuclear bomb launch center on the 32nd floor, Yan Yitong had already fallen asleep on the chair by the wall.Yan Funing sat in front of the console and stared thoughtfully at the broken surveillance camera.

Seeing Cheng Mo coming out from the shadow of the elevator shaft, Yan Funing first made a gesture in a low voice, then stood up and asked in a low voice, "How is it? How are they going to hand over?"

Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks. He stood under a fluorescent lamp and whispered, "Let's go over there and talk."

Seeing Cheng Mo turning around and leaving, Yan Funing was taken aback for a moment, then sneered, and silently followed Cheng Mo's pace.

The two went up to the 33rd floor from the spiral staircase, crossed the cross bridge without saying a word, and then walked to the back of the "1" civil defense gate.

When Cheng Mo turned around, without saying a word, Yan Funing grabbed Cheng Mo's KGB uniform collar, punched Cheng Mo's face, suppressed his anger and cursed: " Bastard, why?"

Cheng Mo didn't intend to hide, let Yan Funing's fist hit the side of his face, his whole body tilted, and his face instantly swelled up.He turned his head and wiped the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and said expressionlessly, "It's even now."

Yan Funing was short of breath, his veins were bulging in his hand clutching his collar, and his left face, which was full of earthworm-like scars, was particularly ferocious.

Cheng Mo pushed Yan Funing away and said lightly: "Uncle, calm down, we are a family now, no matter what I do, it is for the good of this family!"

After a few breaths, Yan Funing regained his composure, and said coldly, "You only want to control the nuclear power plant?"

"I think it's enough." Cheng Mo said, "There's no need to kill everyone. Don't you two brothers and sisters live among a group of white brains? Isn't it boring and boring?"

Yan Funing pursed his lips tightly, and did not deny that Cheng Mo had guessed his idea. Looking at Cheng Mo calmly, he said in a cold voice: "Brains won't harm people, but people will."

Cheng Mo shook his head and said in a low voice: "Yan Funing, there is no real sense of security in this world, all the sense of security is a false feeling, it is endless, and the only thing related to trust. When you believe in this world When you are in the world, you feel safe, and when you don't trust the world, you don't feel safe no matter where you are."

"Don't tell me these fake truths, I know the truth no less than you." Yan Funing sneered and said, "I think it was my mistake to underestimate your shamelessness in this round, but don't think that you and Tong If you have a relationship with Tong, you can use her unscrupulously. If you don't treat her well, I will definitely teach you a painful lesson that you will never forget."

Talking to someone like Yan Funing is extremely easy for Cheng Mo, there is no need to waste words at all, everyone knows each other's thoughts and cards.

For this reason, he smiled, and then said seriously: "Fake Dakong? I used to think so. When I was very young, I thought this world would be like this! Maybe it won't get worse, but It will definitely not get better. The vast majority of people in this world are neither good nor bad. Morality and etiquette, supremacy of human rights, and equality for all, but we all know that this era is the same as any era in history. It is still a world where the weak prey on the strong and the fittest survive. Until I met Xie Minyun"

"What? You want to talk to me about your life experience, how did you become a staunch proletariate fighter from an exquisite egoist?"

Cheng Mo smiled sincerely, "I still don't believe that the ideal world can be realized. But because of her, I think there is still a little hope in this world."

Yan Funing smiled at first, then immediately restrained his smile, and said coldly, "She's dead."

Cheng Mo was not angry at all because of Yan Funing's blatant mocking attitude, he lowered his eyes and said softly: "I know. But my heart is full of memories about her all the time, I will always remember the scene of her shining above Paris, I can see her quiet, lively demeanor when I close my eyes. She made me realize that we do have sleazy bums and false jovials among us, but there are also generations of people who are very different from them , their happiness is not superficial, it is deep and serious. Before I went to Syria, I didn't think too much about what the 'highest state of happiness' is. Like you, I pay more attention to myself , pay attention to my own safety and freedom. But in Syria, I feel the happiness of Xie Minyun. She radiates light to people like the sun, and conveys compassion, joy of life, good mood, confidence and trust to everyone. They radiate continuously to all those who take it seriously and those who are willing to continue to receive it. Her light also shines on me. I really can't reach that state, maybe I will never reach it, but I can understand that this state of happiness is all The highest state of joy. This joy is neither idle play nor self-amusement, but the deepest knowledge and love, the confirmation of all things, the sobriety in the face of all abysses, the It is a virtue of sages and chivalrous men, which cannot be destroyed. It is the secret of beauty and the basic essence of all arts. Therefore, poets use dance-like rhythms to write verses praising the magnificence and horror of life. Novelists sing praises in words All the beauty and ugliness in the world. Musicians play all their emotions, sadness, anger, passion, and joy in music. No matter what they want to express, most works of art are a struggle against life , a call for beauty. Since the birth of human beings, we have been looking for the origin of life, the secrets of the universe, and the meaning of our life. Art, religion, science. Until now, we have not found a true and correct answer. But I look at History suddenly realized that our nation is a nation that truly understands the significance of the word "hope". From glory to decline, from wealth to poverty, and from weakness to strength. Other nations always advocate carpe diem, while we This nation always lives like an ascetic monk, fighting hard for the next generation. I didn’t quite understand how the predecessors of this nation faced up to the word “sacrifice”. It was not until my father and my wife died that I began to slowly Understand. Our nation is a nation with a sense of sacrifice. When other nations declared non-violence and non-resistance, our predecessors shouted "bloody sacrifice, self-inflicted". This great spirit runs through the entire history of our nation From the martyrs who died for the country and the nation, to the parents of each of us, the spirit of sacrifice and dedication is engraved in our genes. No nation pays more attention to future generations than our nation, and even puts all efforts on In future generations, although there is a lot of pressure to be a hope, it is also a kind of happiness. This spirit of dedication and sacrifice passed down from generation to generation , is the driving force for our nation to continue to this day and to be reborn from the ashes again and again.Because we always believe that as long as we dare to sacrifice, we can get hope.Even if this hope is just a spark.A hundred years ago, our ancestors watched the changes of the cruel world with fear and pain. They did not understand the fragility of life, and did not know how to seek good luck and avoid danger in the face of danger. However, they could create a By unbelievable miracles, a new world was created from the ruins of a fallen world. He raised his head, stared at Yan Funing intently and said, "Actually, aren't you the same person?" "

Yan Funing remained silent.

Cheng Mo closed his eyes, "So, you have to believe in this power."

The two stood in the silent corridor and looked at each other silently. After a long time, Yan Funing sneered and said, "Are you a dead wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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