Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1168 Orfeo in Hell (14)

Chapter 1168 Orfeo in Hell (14)

Cheng Mo, his mother-in-law, Amedeo, and No. [-] stood at the entrance of the corridor and heard a textbook-level coaxing scene. Under the double training of the father-in-law, Queen Dolovna still chose Forgive.

Amedeo didn't know that the woman standing among them wearing a KGB combat uniform and a mask was Chloe Delorme, the nominal wife of Socrates Onassis, who kept calling her an expert from behind the door. .

Cheng Mo threw him two hygienic eyes, and Amedeo didn't know what was going on, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Onassis is the most talkative man I have ever seen, no wonder he can marry the 'Light of Europa' "Ms. Delorme, she also gave birth to Athena. I didn't quite understand how Mr. Onassis had such an excellent woman as Ms. Delorme, how could he still think about attracting bees and butterflies outside? Now I want to come to Ms. Delorme Such a woman may really only be suitable for enshrining at home like a god statue, and a woman like Queen Dolovna is even better in terms of taste."

Cheng Mo glanced at the cold-eyed mother-in-law beside her, put her knee on Amedeo's thigh, and said coldly, "Shut up! Amedeo."

Amedeo gasped, turned his head to look at Cheng Mo and asked, "Why?"

Cheng Mo said angrily, "Because it's not a gentleman to talk about others behind their backs."

"No, Cheng Mo, even in front of Mr. Onassis and Ms. Delorme, I dare to say that I am straightforward and unpretentious. I think this is an excellent quality that a gentleman should have."

"Really?" Chloe Delorme said suddenly, and said coldly, "Then you analyze and analyze with me what is 'interest'?"

Amedeo turned his head to look at Chloe Delorme and was startled. As if seeing the officer, he stood upright, quickly closed his mouth, stared straight ahead and muttered: "Cheng Mo, you bastard, why didn't you remind me earlier?"

"I've told you to 'shut up,' Amedeo."

"Should have said earlier."

Amedeo kept trying to ease his embarrassment with random thoughts, until the affectionate voices from the warehouse gradually stopped, and Socrates Onassis said to Drovna, "The future is long", and walked over. Slightly bowing, he said very vigorously: "Hey! Guys! Now let me take everyone out of the 'Winter Palace', this prison that no one has ever been able to successfully leave."


A group of people waited for a while at the ammunition storage location in the warehouse, and then heard the alarm sound, and the red police lights on the tall roof began to rotate, and the entire warehouse was rendered blood red.

Immediately, everyone clenched their guns tightly and made a posture of vigilance.

Socrates Onassis made a gesture of not worrying, and said in a low voice: "The gate of the passage is closed, and the door of the dock is opened. This is just a normal warning."

After a while, there was a heavy hinge sound from the other side of the warehouse door. This sound was familiar to Cheng Mo, almost exactly the same as the sound of the civil air defense door opening on the 33rd floor.Then someone entered the warehouse talking and laughing, followed by the sound of moving goods.

A moment later, a bald and sharp white man in a dark blue sailor uniform sneaked over from the ammunition mountain covered with oilcloth, holding a plastic bag in his hand, and saw Dolovna and Socrates Cheng Mo and the others behind were stunned for a moment, and immediately said with a stiff face: "Didn't we agree, two people? Why are there so many now?"

"Andre, listen to me."

Socrates Onassis stepped forward to invite Andrey Vlasov's shoulders, dragged him to the other side of the ammunition mountain, smiled, coaxed and threatened a lot , And promised a lot of conditions, and Andrey Vlasov agreed with a cold face and unwillingness.

Andrey Vlasov handed the plastic bag in his hand to Socrates Onassis, said "Wait" and walked back quickly.

Socrates Onassis took out two sets of sailor uniforms from the plastic bag, threw one to Cheng Mo and said, "Put it on first."

Cheng Mo reached out to take the sailor uniform, walked to the back of the ammunition pile, changed the sailor uniform, and stuffed the KGB uniform under the tarpaulin, and saw Amedeo and Zero also walking over with the sailor uniform .

After the two changed their clothes, the three of them went out together. Queen Delovna and Chloe Delorme were gone, and Andrey Vlasov and Socrates Onassis were standing in the warehouse At the edge, there are two more trailers in the corridor, and on the trailers are two large wooden boxes with "Danger" written in Russian and torpedo symbols painted on them.

"You drag the box together, don't talk, just follow me. Don't shoot unless you have to." Andrey Vlasov explained in a serious tone.Seeing that Cheng Mo had an oriental face, he showed a headache expression, and said to Socrates Onassis, "Oh~ you should tell me there are oriental people. Maybe we have to get a box!"

"It's okay ~ Andre," Socrates Onassis patted Andre Vlasov on the shoulder, "I believe no one will pay so much attention to me." He turned to look at Cheng Mo, "You Keep the brim of your hat down, and keep your head down when you walk away."

Cheng Mo nodded, and when he walked to the box at the back, he said in a low voice with an authentic Moscow accent: "I can speak Russian. It's not the first time I've pretended to be an Ennos!"

Andrey Vlasov hesitated for a while and finally nodded, and said helplessly: "Okay! You go to the back." He pointed to No. [-], "And you, what's going on? Your mask can't Take it off?"

Number Zero shook his head, and refused directly in Russian: "No."

Andrei Vlasov was a little broken. He held his head and said to Socrates Onassis: "My God, who are these people?"

Socrates Onassis shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "It's just some trash who ranks dozens of people!" He turned to look at number zero, "How many are you?"

"The one that came in was 39, and now I don't know where it went." Zero said lightly.

"What about you, Amedeo?" Socrates asked again.

"I'm not very good at it. I was already 72 when I came in, and I guess it's already outside the top [-]. But it's not difficult to fight back."

Socrates looked at Cheng Mo and said, "What about you?" Before Cheng Mo could speak, he waved his hand, "You don't need to say anything, you just killed a clown Sith, and it's not even worth introducing yourself."

Cheng Mo was speechless, thinking that he didn't have time to go to Rome at all, where would he have time to enter the Colosseum to play the top ranking.

Andrey Vlasov was shocked, but he quickly calmed down and murmured in a low voice: "This is the 'Winter Palace', this is the 'Winter Palace'."

Socrates Onassis spread his hands and said proudly: "It's a bunch of trash after all, it's nothing compared to my daughter."

Andrey Vlasov smiled bitterly: "How many people in this world can compare with your daughter?"

"Ah!" Socrates Onassis touched his chin, "It seems that there are none."

Andrey Vlasov shook his head, "Forget it, let's go! We can only expect those idiots in the security center to play the game honestly and don't look at the surveillance camera."

"If you mean the security center, that's fine," Zero said, "they're all dead."

Andrey Vlasov was stunned, "How is that possible?"

"We're not just good at gladiators." Amedeo said with a smile, "If it wasn't for finding the way to the control center on the first floor, the entire Winter Palace is now under my control."

"Okay, stop blowing! Sober up, it's time to get on the submarine." Socrates Onassis said.

"Let's go!" Andrei Vlasov waved his hand.

Cheng Mo asked: "Is it okay that there are two corpses in the passage?"

"It's okay." Andrei Vlasov said, "Our people are not allowed to enter the Winter Palace. Didn't you see that the doors on the other side of the passage have been closed? The scope of activities of the submarine's people is in the warehouse, and they are transported here The materials left here will not be under our control.”

"Understood." Cheng Mo replied.


The four divided into two groups, one dragged and the other pushed, and followed Andrey Vlasov towards the gate of the warehouse.The police lights on the roof were still spinning, but the sirens were no longer sounding, so the sound of the rollers rolling on the alloy road was particularly obvious, rumbling like thunder in the warehouse.

Because No. [-] wore a mask, No. [-] fell to the end.It was replaced by the old man and Cheng Mo. The old man was pulling the cart in front, and he was pushing the cart forward with his head lowered in the back. It was probably because there were real torpedoes in it, and it was faster than he imagined. Much heavier.

After pushing for more than 100 meters, five people arrived at the main entrance of the warehouse.The air defense door, as tall as the gate of hell, just slid open a gap on both sides, but that gap was several meters wide.Andrei Vlasov greeted the guard standing at the door, saying that he was going to send the torpedo to the submarine, and the guard let it go without asking a word.

Cheng Mo bowed his body and lowered his head to push the cart onto the alloy plate on the track. After passing through the surprisingly thick gate, he felt that the light dimmed.He raised his head slightly and saw a space that looked like a huge sewer, rows of lights shone on the dark water, and he couldn't see the end on both sides.

The waterway is divided into ten narrower waterways, like a train platform. In addition to numbers, red police lights and diving suits are hung on the cement stone pillars on both sides of the platform.Those orange diving suits are like frogmen hanging on the wall, and the big diving goggles are staring at the direction of the gate, like ghosts from the Cold War period, watching the visitors silently and vigilantly.

Cheng Mo looked into the waterway again, there were at least two black submarines parked in each waterway, and at a glance, there were more than ten ships, about seventeen, which only occupied one-third of the waterway length.But this order of magnitude has surpassed most countries in the world.Judging from the exposed bridge, there are not only the famous "Delta IV" nuclear submarine, but also the "Alpha" class nuclear submarine. Even Cheng Mo saw the world's largest nuclear submarine nicknamed "Shark" in the widest waterway. Type 941 strategic nuclear submarine.

Led by Andrey Vlasov, they walked 300 meters along the edge of the platform, and saw a "Sierra"-class nuclear submarine docked at the edge of the waterway that had completely merged and had no platform. Going up this waterway is like a deep underground river.At this time, there were many sailors in uniform standing on the platform, some were smoking and some were chatting.

Andrey Vlasov stopped in his tracks. He raised his wrist to look at it. A few minutes later, the urgent siren echoed in the empty and cold tunnel, and the police lights installed on the top of the tunnel also spun continuously. , making the surface of the river red.A sense of urgency swept over.

"The waterway will be closed in half an hour! Unrelated personnel please leave, and the ship's personnel will be on board. Repeat, the waterway will be closed in half an hour! Please leave irrelevant personnel, and the ship's personnel will be on board. Repeat, the waterway will be closed in half an hour! Please leave irrelevant personnel and ship personnel board the ship."

"After 10 minutes, the countdown will start. If there is an emergency, please report immediately! If there is an emergency, please report immediately!"

The serious and pleasant female voice kept echoing, and the soldiers standing by the platform all moved and walked towards the direction of the submarine.They entered the interior of the submarine one by one from the raised bridge one after another, and soon the platform was empty.

Andrey Vlasov turned around and said: "Quickly, open the box."

The four moved into action, opened the torpedo box, Queen Dolovna stood up suddenly, and said coquettishly dissatisfied, "Why is it taking so long?"

The father-in-law reached out and lifted Queen Dolovna out of the box, "We're as fast as possible," he glanced at the thick gate at the top of the tunnel, and put Queen Dolovna down, "Now is not the time to talk about this, we Gotta go up now, or we'll all drown here."

"After 10 minutes, the countdown will start. If there is an emergency, please report immediately! If there is an emergency, please report immediately!" The female voice reminded again.

"Yes! Your Majesty, we must hurry in," said Andrei Vlasov.

Delovna patted her skirt, shivered and said, "Let's go!"

Andrey Vlasov took the lead and ran towards the ship, Socrates Onassis took the hand of Queen Drovna and followed, the sound of "da, da, da" of high heels was like a typewriter in the wide tunnel singing.The old man saw that Queen Dolovna was really not walking fast, so he hugged Queen Dolovna horizontally, and followed Andrey Vlasov to the head of the submarine.

Amidst the flashing red police lights, the atmosphere was tense to the extreme.Cheng Mo looked back, the mother-in-law was the last one, he stopped and waited silently for the mother-in-law to catch up, and then accompanied the mother-in-law to run towards the head of the submarine.

When Cheng Mo and his mother-in-law ran to the bridge, Andrey Vlasov had already reached the head of the submarine and was directing the old man to help Queen Dolovna get in through the torpedo tube first.

Guessing it will take a while, the mother-in-law slowed down and said in a low voice, "The shoes don't fit well."

Cheng Mo also slowed down his pace, "It's okay, there is still time, there are still more than ten minutes!"

"I didn't expect to run out like this all of a sudden."

"It was quite sudden." Cheng Mo nodded, "but Mr. Socrates should have been planning for a long time, so it's not an accident for him."

Chloe Delorme stared at the father-in-law who was standing by the side of the submarine and helped Amedeo in. He hesitated for a moment, when the sound of the radio stopped and the countdown began.Cheng Mo looked back, the gate in the middle of the water channel was slowly falling, and the old man was waving to tell them to hurry up.

"The water gate is about to close! It will be completed in 8 minutes! Please get ready! Repeat - the water gate will be closed! It will be completed in 8 minutes! Please be ready!"

In the sound of urging, the two walked quickly to the head of the submarine, and Andrey Vlasov stood on the torpedo installer mounted on the head of the submarine and said: "Jump over."

Chloe Delorme jumped first, then lay down and climbed into the torpedo tube.Then Cheng Mo also jumped over, and Socrates Onassis, who was standing on the torpedo installer, gave his hand, slapped Cheng Mo on the buttocks and said, "Lucky boy, get down!"

Cheng Mo lay down, got into the hole where the torpedo was launched, and climbed in. The pipe painted in yellow was not spacious, but a little crowded.The mother-in-law squirmed in front, and Cheng Mo followed closely.Soon the father-in-law joined in, and finally Andrei Vlasov.

At this moment, Cheng Mo had already heard the countdown sound of "10, 9, 8, 7". He reluctantly turned his head and saw Andrey Vlasov's head up and down. It was quickly screwed on, and then the pressure-bearing cover was pulled up, and the female voice counting down became extremely distant in an instant.

"Don't be so nervous. Even if the countdown is complete, it will still take a while for the water to come in." Andrey Vlasov said while lying in the torpedo tube.

The old man turned his head and smiled and said, "I like this way of entering, it's quite exciting, and it also feels like returning to the mother's womb."

"It was awesome! I loved the trip too!"

Amedeo’s voice came from inside the submarine. With the support of Zero and Amedeo, the mother-in-law got out of the torpedo pipe first. It was probably caught by something in the woolen hat, and the mother-in-law’s blond hair fell down. , The delicate face is also exposed to the dim light.

Before Cheng Mo got out, he heard Queen Dolovna's unbelievable sharp voice asking: "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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