Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1152 In the Black Dream (13)

Chapter 1152 In the Black Dream (13)

Discussing the manga, the two unknowingly walked out of the mangrove forest, and when they climbed up the slightly steep cliff, Cheng Mo naturally let go of Yan Yitong's hand, and then the two walked side by side along the stone road of Swan Lake towards the universe. Think about the direction of the garden.

The night sky was smudged blue by the moonlight, and Cheng Mo and Yan Yitong were swimming in it like two fishes.

"Do you think the old thief Isayama got his inspiration from 'Ouroboros'?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I don't think so."

"No?" Yan Yitong looked at Cheng Mo's side face, "I feel that the real world seems to be similar to the world in "Giant"! I never imagined that this world would be so chaotic. The target of kidnapping by a country and organization. It's amazing!"

"I see that you are not anxious, but quite excited?"

"I don't know why, but I'm pretty happy anyway." Yan Yitong paused, then changed the subject, "After hearing about your experience in Paris from Fu Yuanzhuo, I really feel that the world is not what I imagined. It’s safe, as if the end will come at any time, but others think it’s scary, but I think it’s fun, and I wish I was there at the time.”

This obvious pause seemed to be swallowing something that he wanted to say. Cheng Mo guessed that the current experience made Yan Yitong and himself, his brother and Fu Yuanzhuo no longer have a sense of distance. There is an invisible barrier.One is the lack of common experience; the other is that she is not the chosen one.

Cheng Mo did not reveal what Yan Yitong was thinking, and said softly: "The world is not as dangerous as you imagined, but it is definitely not as safe as you imagined. In fact, living in our country of Xia, you are already lucky to be at the first place in the world pyramid." The second floor. You have not been to Africa, South America and some Eastern European countries. It is not an exaggeration to call some countries hell on earth. For example, Haiti, we often laugh at ourselves that poor people want to eat dirt, but Haitians really want to eat dirt , They mixed kaolin with water to make mud, and then filtered it to make soil biscuits. This kind of soil biscuits that can eat dead people costs RMB [-] a dime each. It is already the daily life of Haitians. The scariest thing is that Haitian men are proud of joining gangs and Haitian women are proud of being prostitutes. This is just the tip of the iceberg, what is happening in many countries is difficult for those of us who live in peaceful countries imagination"

"Ah? Isn't it just poor?" Yan Yitong asked in surprise.

Cheng Mo said lightly, "In the concept of cyberpunk, there must be a giant company that can dominate the destiny of mankind, such as the 'Umbrella' in "Resident Evil", or the 'Han in the Ghost in the Shell'." G Machine Company', such as "Arasaka Company" in "Cyberpunk 2077". '.'East India Company' history books have said enough, but 'United Fruits' may not be known to us Xia people. This is a company that grows bananas in South America. Most people may think that what happened to the bananas? Actually Planting bananas in the sky is an extremely dangerous job. The high concentration of pesticides in the banana orchard will blind the eyes of the workers and damage their health. If you don’t swing the sickle well when harvesting bananas, you may die or be disabled. Bananas are labor Intensive industries, which have resulted in a large number of workers being injured, disabled or even killed. In order to suppress the workers, United Fruit Controlled a large number of South American governments and suppressed the workers for them. The most famous one was killing 16 people with machine guns in Colombia. A worker who wants to improve his life. There is also a small country that is not very famous, called Honduras, the name of this country is translated as 'endless abyss', and that country is indeed an endless abyss, even if the scenery there is beautiful, there is no It’s like hell. The regime in this country was overthrown by United Fruit, and it was deeply affected afterwards. There will be coups from time to time. In the most exaggerated decade, there have been 350 coups. The most dangerous job in the world, but in fact the Grand Commander of Honduras is, at least there is still a trial process in the Republic of China, and he may not necessarily die, but the Grand Commander of Honduras will be shot directly as soon as he is caught, even the news. Won't report it because it's too frequent to be worth reporting. The political situation is chaotic, but the armed giant corporations are standing. If it's just poor, it's not a big deal. The point is that these giant multinational corporations don't care about the situation of small countries. The more chaotic the situation The lower the income of the people, the better it is for them. Therefore, the law and order in most Latin American countries is very bad, and Honduras is the most violent country in the world. To what extent is this country exaggerated, and an average of nearly [-] people die from murder every day , not even Somalia. If you want to be safe, you have to pay the gangsters a 'war tax' (protection tax), the amount is [-]RMB a week, and if you don't pay, your whole family will be killed."

Yan Yitong was dumbfounded when he heard that, "How could this happen?"

"This world is essentially a world where the weak prey on the strong. The news you hear comes from the top countries in the world. Of course, it is sunny and peaceful, and students jumping off buildings are big news. But in those countries at the bottom, there are wars. There are piles of dead people every day, no one cares, this is the reality."

Yan Yitong was silent.

Cheng Mo added: "By the way, 90.00% of the trade in Honduras is under the control of a large company in country A. The core of cyberpunk is not considered a science fiction concept, in fact, it has always existed."


The two of them were chatting, and they didn't feel that the journey was long, so they walked to the door of the "Garden of Cosmic Thinking" without knowing it.Cheng Mo talked to Yan Yitong about some strange things in strange countries, his mouth was dry, he glanced at the black and white checkerboard iron gate, and the dotted street lamps inside the iron gate and said: "Then I will send it here."

Yan Yitong was still a little reluctant to part with him, grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and shook it a few times and said, "Wait until you finish telling the story about Romania, okay?"

Inexplicably, Cheng Mo thought of those campus couples who were in the dormitory downstairs when they were in college, and they were unwilling to leave for a long time.He ignored Yan Yitong's pure beauty's temptation, shook his head resolutely and said: "Today is too late, next time!"

Yan Yitong pouted for a while, said "hmm" unwillingly, and put his hands behind his back, "I'll look for you tomorrow."

Cheng Mo thought for a while and said, "I may have something to do tomorrow."

"It's impossible for you to have something to do one day." Yan Yitong raised her hand to grab the buckle on the iron door and buckled it. The iron door opened quietly by itself. She stood at the door and said, "Besides, you are not going to sleep with me. Chess? It’s okay if I take the chess and wait for you in your room.”

Cheng Mo hesitated, "It will be boring."

"It's boring here too."

Yan Yitong raised his small face and looked at him with innocent eyes. Cheng Mo was indeed a little curious about why Yan Yitong was so good at minesweeping, so he said, "Okay then."

Yan Yitong laughed immediately, "Then I'll go find you in the morning!"

Cheng Mo nodded, turned and walked in the direction of the Winter Palace.

"Cheng Mo!"

Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks, looked back at Yan Yitong and asked, "What's wrong?"

"If I were Mikasa, I would not kill Eren. Even if the world is destroyed, I would not kill Eren."

Cheng Mo knew that Yan Yitong regarded himself as Alan, and maybe even regarded his elder brother as the commander of the army. He smiled and replied: "I am not Alan. I don't have the heart to save the world, and I know very well that I don't have the ability."

Yan Yitong said loudly seriously: "No, you have. I know you have. You have already saved one time in Paris!"

It was Xie Minyun who Cheng Mo wanted to save Paris, and it really had nothing to do with him. He not only killed many people, but also destroyed many buildings in Paris, but there is really no need to tell Yan Yitong about these.He smiled and said, "Go to bed early!"

Yan Yitong walked into the Cosmic Thinking Garden, and when the gate was slowly closing, he waved to Cheng Mo and said, "Good night."

Cheng Mo walked towards the Winter Palace without looking back, but what was in his mind was what Soviet secrets were hidden in the "Utopia".

The next day, just after dawn, Yan Yitong came to his room with a chess set.Sleep is not just needed in the 'Utopia'.Cheng Mo also got up, first washed his face and brushed his teeth, and then played a few games of chess with Yan Yitong.But Yan Yitong's chess game is really average. If Cheng Mo belongs to the master rank, then Yan Yitong is only one silver at most.

Cheng Mo couldn't figure it out, so he asked Yan Yitong some things, but Yan Yitong couldn't explain why.Cheng Mo thought that maybe Yan Funing must know something, but Yan Funing probably wouldn't tell him.

Cheng Mo didn't know the reason and didn't get entangled. He planned to put aside the secrets about Yan Yitong for the time being, and turn to investigate the secrets about the "Utopia". After all, this problem is more urgent, and he is not a dead-headed person.

Telling Yan Yitong that he was going out, Yan Yitong immediately stood up obediently. Cheng Mo thought that Yan Yitong was planning to go back to the "Universal Thinking Garden", but unexpectedly, Yan Yitong only sent him to the door, and said obediently: "I am in the room. Waiting for you to come back."

Cheng Mo pushed down his glasses, and said without expression: "I don't know when I will be back."

Yan Yitong didn't care about Cheng Mo's flat tone, and said sweetly: "It's okay, I borrowed a bicycle from Grandpa Vladimir, and it stopped at the door, you can ride it, you can hurry up."

Cheng Mo thought for a while, but still did not refuse. He felt that if he spent more time with Yan Yitong, he might be able to discover the secret hidden in Yan Yitong faster.

Walking to the door, Cheng Mo saw a road bike with white tires, tender green body, and a Soviet red star logo on the bridle. The whole bike was full of Soviet-style beauty. In the real world, such a highly collectible Soviet bicycle would cost at least tens of thousands.

Cheng Mo admired the solid workmanship, and remembered that this bicycle seemed to be exactly the same as the one that No. [-] rode on that day.He took off the bracket, jumped on the bicycle, and first rode in the direction of Swan Lake. When he reached the fork between Amedeo’s residence and No. [-] residence, he stopped and thought for a while, then turned the car to Take a quick ride through the mangroves where "Number Zero" lives.

It was still morning when we reached the edge of the cliff, Cheng Mo parked his bicycle on the side of the road, went down to the beach according to the road yesterday, passed through the mangrove forest, and saw Zero in an iron mask rowing a wooden boat back to the shore.He parked the wooden boat, jumped onto the shore, and dragged the large fishing net from the boat.

A few huge black-backed salmon and a few spindle-shaped domon are jumping around in it, and the lake water is splashing in the morning waves.After dragging the nets and fish ashore, No. [-] started to light the fire. The firewood probably had been prepared by him a long time ago, and he had already piled up some dead branches and leaves on the shore. After a while, the curling smoke rose from the shore. up.

Cheng Mo didn't hide his whereabouts, and walked straight towards No. [-] by the fire.

Soon Zero, who was handling the salmon with a knife, found him, but he just glanced at Cheng Mo and continued to cut the fish. When Cheng Mo approached the fire, he said coldly without raising his head: "Who are you looking for?"

Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks and said, "Comrade Vladimir, I'm looking for you."

When No. [-] heard the title "Comrade Vladimir", his movements froze for a moment, and only for a moment, the silver knife in his hand turned slightly, and all the internal organs of the salmon fell out from the abdomen.He swiftly took out the gills, viscera, and fish bubbles of the fish, threw them into the lake, cut the fish into two neat halves, and placed them on the green quinoa leaves beside him, then stood up and looked at Cheng Mo. Said: "How do you know my name?"

Cheng Mo stared at No. [-], the surface of the iron mask hanging on his face was uneven, cold light was reflected between the pits and hollows, and a pair of deep blue eyes were hidden behind the narrow gap, which came up only by the senses Said that the tall and strong bear-like man on the opposite side was extremely cold, and this iron mask gave Cheng Mo a barbaric bloodthirsty feeling.

But people should not be judged by appearances, Cheng Mo decided to believe in his own judgment, so he said sincerely: "I don't want to tell lies, I heard the conversation between you and Prince Amedeo yesterday, and I happen to know the history of the Universe Thinking Garden The owner is Mr. Vladimir Igleevich Arnold."

Zero stared at Cheng Mo without speaking, the burning wooden branches crackled, and several fish flicked wildly in the net with their mouths open, and the atmosphere gradually became scorched by the burning flames.

Cheng Mo didn't evade at all, just looked back at number zero.

I don't know how long it took before No. [-] whispered: "Honesty has won you a chance to speak."

(End of this chapter)

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