Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1128 Winter Palace (10)

Chapter 1128 Winter Palace (10)

The mechanical black horse in front of him is quite tall, and Cheng Mo felt that he had to use a horse stool to ride it. Thinking of the short Zorro riding on it, Cheng Mo felt that the scene was funny.Of course, this is not something that deserves his concern, so he stood on the gravel road outside the thatched house and shouted: "Mr. Zorro, I'm here."

Immediately, Zoro's exasperated voice came from inside the thatched cottage, "I'm shitting well! Why are you screaming?"

"Sorry, Mr. Zorro, please take care of me. I'll wait slowly at the door." Cheng Mo replied loudly.

"What an impolite bastard." Zorro shouted angrily.

Cheng Mo didn't respond.Standing on the gravel road, I looked at the mechanical horse as black as night in front of me. Its eyes were blood red, as if inlaid with two bloodstones, and the hair on its body was also shiny, as if it had just been washed. Its limbs were thick and slender. , like a steed coming out of a myth.In short, it is very imposing, and people can't help but admire it.

After a while, there was the sound of flushing water in the thatched hut. Zorro, wearing a top hat, a black outer red cloak and a black silk shirt with breeches, came out of the thatched hut. A long Western sword, which was much longer than his legs, dragged on the ground and rattled.

In fact, Zorro's props are great, but the sword is a little longer and the cloak is a little bigger. Against the background of the dwarf's height, it really makes people play.Cheng Mo suppressed his smile, stroked his chest, bowed slightly, and said politely: "Good morning, Mr. Zorro."

"What a fart." Zoro said angrily, "I haven't learned anything else, but I have learned a lot about the hypocritical etiquette of Westerners. It's really disgusting. I don't think you are Chinese, but Japanese. people."

Cheng Mo was a little surprised. The name "Lin Zhinuo" he wrote on the contract that day, if he didn't have a better understanding of East Asian culture, it would be difficult to guess which country he was from.He pretended to be shocked and asked, "How did Mr. Zorro know that I am from the Xia Kingdom?"

Zoro said triumphantly: "Because the Japanese speak poor English, you have no Japanese accent at all."

"Then why am I not from the Republic of Dahan?"

Zorro was puzzled, "In that small country, will anyone be able to enter the Winter Palace?"

Cheng Mo thought that Zorro must have stayed in the Winter Palace for at least 20 years, but he did not explain to Zorro that the Republic of Korea is now considered a relatively strong country, but continued to probe with a smile: "Mr. hypocritical?"

Zoro raised his head, glanced at Cheng Mo and said with a sneer: "Because all the etiquette designed by the white pigs in the West is to express to people who don't know the truth, I am very polite, I am very cultured, and I am very self-cultivated." , but no matter how they behave, under the appearance of this set of etiquette, there is still the cultural core of the jungle." After a pause, he continued, "In contrast, your Xia Kingdom's 'benevolence, righteousness, reason, Heart', is a higher moral concept."

Of course, Cheng Mo knows that the so-called "benevolence, righteousness, reason, and heart" refer to: "benevolence" emphasized by Confucius, "righteousness" advocated by Mencius, "reason" in the connotation of moral values ​​that Zhu Xi is concerned about, and the realization of morality that Wang Yangming is concerned about. "Heart".This is not the core of moral thinking of Confucian culture that can be summed up by ordinary people.It shows that the other party not only has a deep understanding of Western civilization, but also has a good understanding of East Asian civilization, otherwise he would not be able to utter such sharp ridicule and insights.

However, Zorro's tone made Cheng Mo unable to judge Zorro's nationality. Originally, he thought that Zorro should be from Europa, but today's tone didn't sound like it.In short, Zoro has a good understanding of East Asian culture and European culture, otherwise he would not be able to make such a sharp ridicule.

"If you look at it from a moral point of view, our Chinese morality is more noble, but don't you think this set of arguments is too lofty for ordinary people in the secular world? After all, people still can't escape a profit In other words, morality cannot solve the fairness of benefit distribution, nor can it solve the complex differences and cognitive contradictions in the real world, so it will always be uncertain, and the law is still reliable."

Zorro didn't intend to discuss with Cheng Mo, so he waved his hand and said impatiently: "You are already out of the real world, and now you are in the Utopia, so you don't have to think about things so far away. You can be whatever kind of person you want to be now." What kind of person do you want to be?"

"You're right." Cheng Mo said, "I'm here to pick up the script."

"I know." Zoro turned to the penguin robot standing behind him, "Chernabog! Give the script to this idiot."

Chernabog staggered to the front, and handed a notebook in his hand to Cheng Mo.When receiving the script, Cheng Mo said, "My name is Lin Zhinuo, if you find it hard to read, you can call me Zero."

Zoro rolled his eyes and said, "I can pronounce your name, Lin Zhinuo." He said the word "Lin Zhinuo" with a somewhat weird emphasis, and then cursed, "Idiot."

"Okay! Mr. Wisdom." Cheng Mo said with a smile, he believed that Zoro definitely didn't know what the word "wisdom" still represented in Xia Guo's internet language.He looked down at the script in his hand, on which were written a few cursive words in English, and he couldn't help but read, ""Orphée aux enfers" ("Orpheus in Hell")"

"Know this show?" Zorro asked.

Cheng Mo opened the script and said: "Of course I know. Orfeo is a famous poet and singer in Greek mythology. According to legend, his singing can make beasts bow their heads and stones nod their heads. He is going to hell to find his dead wife Olu Di Keshi sang all the way, moved Pluto and Pluto, and promised to let Eurydice return to the world. But Orfeo forgot Pluto's order when he was close to the ground, and looked back at his wife, causing her to return to the underworld. Orfeo's grief He decided not to marry for life. This story is very popular in Greek mythology. Monteverdi and Gluck had already written it into an opera earlier, and then Offenbach adapted it based on this myth. made a satirical tale, and turned tragedy into comedy."

Zorro laughed, "It's best if you know the story."

Cheng Mo flipped through the script, the content was pitifully small, only a few sentences of introduction, the content of the introduction was somewhat similar to the light comedy satirical story adapted by Offenbach. A beautiful scientist Chloe is entangled, and the queen Drovna is beautiful and proud. Knowing that the king likes the beautiful scientist Chloe, she often goes to have a tryst with the ex-husband of the beautiful scientist Chloe without telling the king. The king does not know that he is pursuing the goddess. At that time, he was cuckolded by his wife, and the task assigned to Cheng Mo was to let the king know and witness the scene of being cuckolded with his own eyes.
"This is the script?" Cheng Mo raised his head first, and after looking at it for a while, he immediately lowered his head to look at Zorro, "How can I act this way?"

"How to play, you are free to play!" Zorro said confidently, "The contract only says that it does not violate the "Laws of the Utopia", so does my script call you to violate the "Laws of the Utopia"?"

"But you didn't write how I should act?"

Zorro raised his hand and jumped up like a flea, slapped the script and said, "Isn't the writing clear enough? Tell you to let the king witness the scene of his wife dating the ex-husband of his rival!"

Cheng Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Would the king be His Royal Highness Paul XIV?"

Zoro crossed his hips and laughed "haha": "If it's not that narcissist, who is it!"

"But now I don't even know who the queen is, who Chloe is, or who Chloe's ex-husband is!" Cheng Mo spread his hands, "This is too difficult!"

Zoro sneered and said, "If it's not difficult, I will promise to take you into the 'Garden of Cosmic Thinking'? You must know that it is not a place where cats and dogs can enter!"

"The big deal is to wait for the 'Cosmic Thinking Garden' to open."

"Now that the contract is signed, do you think you still have a choice?"

"Failing to complete the contract is just deducting money. What else can you call me?" Cheng Mo shook his head and said, "I really want to do it. Either offend the king or the queen. It's better to deduct some money."

Zoro shouted angrily, and raised his hand to snatch the script from Cheng Mo's hand, "If you don't want to enter the 'Universal Thinking Garden', return the script to me! Don't try to bargain with me!"

Cheng Mo dodged backwards, Zorro jumped into the air, and he said seriously, "At least you should help me within your ability, right?"

Zorro bounced around and continued to grab the script, "I told you not to bargain!"

Cheng Mo didn't think that Zorro was as naive as he acted, he knew that this was Zorro's self-disguise, and he was checking his bottom line by acting.Cheng Mo was sure that in the entire Utopia, perhaps only he dared to do such an adventurous and boring thing with Zorro, so he conveniently stuffed the script into Zorro's arms, pretending to be angry and said: "In this case , it’s a failure anyway, so you should hire someone else!”

Saying that Mo Mo turned around and left, Zorro was not given a chance to continue performing at all.

Zoro was stunned for a while holding the script, and watched Cheng Mo go away quickly, but in the end he still didn't catch up.

Cheng Mo firmly believed in his judgment and did not look back. He walked along the gravel road to the checkerboard gate of the "Garden of Cosmic Thinking" and observed it for a long time before returning to his room in the Winter Palace.

In the afternoon, Cheng Mo walked around in other places. He found the farm of Joseph Kennedy, the former fifth general. It was a huge circular pasture, and Joseph Kennedy's cabin was the center of the circle. Cheng Mo After passing by three times, I didn't see Joseph Kennedy, only saw his cows and chickens walking and running leisurely in the pasture.

He also passed by the study of Kramers, the great physicist, several times, but he saw Kramers with a mage hat and a long white beard sitting on a rocking chair on the platform of the study basking in the sun.Cheng Mo cheekily yelled twice tentatively, but Kramers ignored him as if he didn't hear him.

As for the people Cheng Mo wants to find besides Yan Funing, "Zero" and "Amideo", one is in "Changfengya" and the other is in "Sansence Palace", both of which are in private territory, Cheng Mo If you want to enter, you must first find a way to get an invitation.In a utopia without modern contact methods, the only way to get an invitation is a monthly plenary meeting, but not everyone will be there.Then there is the weekly palace ball, and not everyone will be there.

Cheng Mo thinks that the first is that the prisoners in Utopia do not have much social needs, and the second is that Utopia deliberately slows down the pace, which is why it uses rules to make it so difficult to find someone.

If you don't consider that someone outside is working hard to find you, Cheng Mo thinks that this kind of life is quite leisurely. If you really choose the land, build a house, and do farming and planting on your own, it is indeed a joy in life, especially For the chosen ones who have experienced a lot of blood and blood, such a carefree environment can be called "paradise".

To be honest, if Athena and Teacher Shen are here, Cheng Mo feels that he can live happily.He took a fancy to a piece of land by the Swan Lake, which is next to the mountain forest, and the scenery is beautiful. If he builds a house there and lives there, it will definitely be very pleasant to deal with nature every day.

But all this is unlikely to happen.

Cheng Mo patiently inspected Utopia for another two days, except for feeling that this place is a paradise, he didn't add any other feelings.There are only nine hundred and ninety-three people living in such a large area. It is still a little difficult to meet them. In fact, there are only dozens of houses that Cheng Mo can see. Go to the corner.

But on the 29th, Cheng Mo finally had his first chance to meet other Utopia citizens.Because Chloe stopped the palace ball for a week, it will be held again, and this time it should be the time when people from Utopia arrive.

In the afternoon, Zorro finally couldn't hold back anymore, and asked his robot servant Chernaberg to come to Cheng Mo's room, promising that Cheng Mo would help him.Cheng Mo readily agreed, but the plan in his heart was to play it by ear. The two made an appointment to meet in the garden before the palace ball.

At 05:30 when the banquet was about to start, Cheng Mo changed into the dress Sislaberg had prepared for him, took the invitation card Lermontov gave him, and went out.Next to Venus, the goddess of love, and the golden little angel sculpture in the garden, Cheng Mo saw Zorro the dwarf. He was still wearing the very funny Zorro COS suit, and the long silver sword was also hanging on the ground. .

"Good afternoon, Mr. Zorro." Cheng Mo greeted with a smile.

"You won," Zorro looked at his cheeks, like a squirrel stuffed with pine cones, "tell me! Do you need any help?"

"No, Mr. Zorro, no one loses," Cheng Mo said with a smile, "If our goals can all be achieved, it will be a win-win situation."

"Don't talk sweet words." Zoro said impatiently, "Be specific."

"It's not convenient for you to cooperate with me. At least you have to let Chernaberg take orders from me. I know that he often plays you. He is very familiar with the queen, Chloe, and Chloe's ex-husband. With his help, I think our script has a much higher chance of success."

Zoro thought for a moment and said, "Yes, but not more."

Cheng Mo asked noncommittally: "I want to know, what kind of role do you plan to play? The hero Zorro probably isn't suitable for the play "Orfeo in Hell"?"

"You don't need to worry about this, as long as you complete your role-playing task, I, as the unique hero, will make an honorable appearance at the right time!" Zoro drew out his long sword and said majesticly.

"Okay!" Cheng Mo felt that according to Zorro's enthusiasm, maybe tonight's banquet would become a farce, but this does not violate the "Utopia Law", and everything will not have much to do with each other, even if the king and Ke If Roy was looking for trouble, he was also looking for Zorro, and it had nothing to do with Cheng Mo, a trickster. He was confident in his heart, and said, "Then please explain to Chernaberg."

"Chernabog is leading the horse at the garden gate. I'll call him over." Zorro said, "You just wait here."

Cheng Mo replied "OK", and Zorro turned around and walked towards the entrance of the garden.

After a while, Cheng Mo waited until Chernaberg, who was wearing a ghost mask and a tuxedo, respectfully said to Cheng Mo: "Mr. Cheng, I am here to assist you in completing the script task at the master's order."

Cheng Mo you asked thoughtfully: "How much authority do I have?"

"As long as it is an order that is conducive to the completion of the script task, I will execute it."

Cheng Mo asked a question that had been brewing for a long time, "What's your master's name?"

Chernaberg stood still and thought for a while before answering: "This question is not directly conducive to the completion of the script task."

Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders, thinking that the highest-level artificial intelligence is not so easy to fool. Although it did not achieve its goal, it is not a bad thing. At least waiting for Chernaberg should be able to play a good role.

"Okay then, let's go to the palace now."

"Yes, sir."

The two walked towards the palace from the path in the garden.It was evening now, and the orange sunset had already fallen to the edge of the skyline, and the mist floating in mid-air was like a sunset glow.In the orange light, the palace is golden, the pure gold dome, the brilliant lights, and the last sunset complement each other.

One person and one plane passed through the square where all kinds of strange vehicles were parked. Pumpkin carriages, antique cars, hoverboards and single-person helicopters were dizzying.

After crossing the square, there is a gorgeous Baroque palace with golden tiles on the roof and white granite on the walls.Palace guards in maid outfits and tuxedos greet guests.And looking inside from the open gate of the palace, you can see all kinds of people, some of them are wearing formal court dresses, with gorgeous long swords around their waists.Some are dressed in punk, like 80s rock stars; there are also very inexplicable western cowboys with a horsewhip in their waist
In short, the scene is both grand and weird, like a Hollywood masquerade.

The most dazzling one is His Royal Highness the King standing in the center of the palace, his shiny body is really dazzling.But he was still not as dazzling as the woman in white next to him. That woman only wore an ordinary white lab coat, which overshadowed the crystal lamps in the room.

Cheng Mo stared at the woman's blond hair and a rather familiar face, and was so shocked that he was a little at a loss. He finally remembered who the name "Chloe" belonged to.
(End of this chapter)

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