Rebel Demon King

Chapter 112 Youth and Queue Jumping

Chapter 112 Youth and Queue Jumping

The reason why youth is beautiful is because we are ignorant.

Our young bodies are full of passionate blood, we are full of longing for all prospects, we think that we will be omnipotent when we grow up, we lie on the bed and sit at the desk to draw the blueprint of the future, we squander the carefree When I was worried, I looked forward to leaving the campus immediately, and I never worried about the future at all.

Until one day we crawled at the desk, laughing and enduring the scolding of the boss for thousands of quick wages and five social insurance and one housing fund; until one day we were so drunk at the wine table at the class reunion, watching the girl we liked become The bride who bought a lot of money; until one day, the parents who were disgusted and nagged by us, their hair gradually turned gray, wrinkles gradually climbed up their cheeks, and they were still anxious about our house.
Only then will we truly understand-how beautiful youth is!
So we reminisce over and over again about the girl in the early summer sun, she smiled shyly at you with her hands behind her back, and her whole body exuded sweetness inadvertently, that is the epitome of our youth, but we can only repeat it in depression I asked again and again in my heart: "Is she okay?"

If life can be repeated again, we will be able to bravely say to her loudly: "I like you." Because in the future you will understand that impossible bitter love, untouchable dreams tied to youth are beautiful, leave Youth is stupid B.

Of course, no matter what the final result is, we will definitely study hard.

However, life cannot be repeated. Adolescent boys and girls who don’t know what regret is, have the courage to do anything, quietly wait at the entrance of the alley, pretend to meet the person they like, and read aloud hard when she walks by Textbook, when the teacher called her to answer the question, he booed and shouted the name of another person who had a crush on her.
We dare to do anything, but we lack the courage to say "like" in person.

Most of the time, there are no joking assists from friends, and adolescent boys and girls are rarely able to confess their love in person.

For Yan Yitong, taking the initiative to say to Cheng Mo, "Let's go together, how about I ask you?" seems to have exhausted all her courage.

Maybe this is youth, incomparably brave and incomparably cautious, without even saying the word "like", but blushing as if pouring out the thoughts that have been hidden for a long time.

At this time, Cheng Mo didn't understand that a girl's blushing face was better than a long and well-thought-out confession.

He stopped for a while in the shadow of the teaching building, not far away was the scarlet national flag hanging feebly in the warm wind, the buildings covered with white tiles shone in the sunlight, and the pendulum on the top of the steeple never stopped The house was shaking, and the twelve o'clock bell was about to strike.

Cheng Mo turned his head to look at Yan Yitong and froze for a moment.

Ignore her hairstyle Tongtong is actually very beautiful, the unique slenderness of a girl is like a willow branch that has just been twirled, and her skin is as delicate and white as ivory. Short, but she didn't dare to look into Cheng Mo's eyes.

She lowered her head shyly, letting the golden metal frame slide to the tip of her nose, her eyelids were half closed, and the emerald moisture in her pupils was filled through her slender eyelashes, containing a mouth-watering tenderness.

Cheng Mo was keenly aware that the girl in front of him had an inexplicable affection for him, and he said to himself, "People like me neither want to be liked nor desire to be liked by others. Communicating with others is a cumbersome thing. To cater to each other’s preferences, to do things against one’s will, to say things against one’s will, in order to maintain the relationship, such a relationship will break sooner or later, it’s better not to start, anyway, no one can live without the other.”

So he said softly: "Thank you, I'm more used to being alone." Then Cheng Mo walked down the steps, leaving a bewildered Yan Yitong standing alone on the third step of the corridor.

Cheng Mo walked through the sun alone, and his scalp was itchy from the scorching ultraviolet rays. He didn't feel better until he walked into the shadow of the cafeteria and plucked his thick and messy hair.

The canteen of Changya Middle School was buzzing with people, and Cheng Mo took the stainless steel plate to queue up. At this moment, because Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong delayed Cheng Mo for a long time, the battle of ordering food in the canteen was coming to an end, and it was time to enter the dining room. Gao Feng, the long blue fast food tables are full of people, only two or three windows are still open, and the people here are crowded together to see what dishes are left in the window. Chaotic, no obvious division of teams.

Cheng Mo is not a person who blindly abides by order. When order is beneficial to him, he will naturally maintain order. When order is not good for him, he will naturally find ways to disrupt order. Efficiency comes first.

According to Cheng Mo's experience, queuing and jumping in line is also a science.

Generally speaking, for ordinary people, being forced to reject others in social interactions is also a very painful thing. Therefore, when requesting to jump in line, it is not important to give any excuses, but the attitude is important.As long as you are eager and sincere, even if you say: "I'm sorry, I need to join the team urgently, so please let me join!" The other party will not bear to refuse, especially if you are a child or a woman.

Of course, there will be hard nails, who will reject you very coldly: "Everyone is in a hurry, isn't everyone in line?" At this time, don't panic, don't be red-faced, but should go to the last position in the line and speak sincerely Ask him: "I have something urgent, can you let me intervene."

For the last person in the queue, it doesn't matter if you are cut in, so you can ask loudly one by one until you start asking people who won't let you cut in line, and ask loudly: "The people in the back agree with me." Cut in line, can you let me cut in too."

No one can refuse in this situation. If he refuses, he has to bear the social pressure accumulated by everyone. Just imagine that a dozen or twenty people in the back have agreed to this child. If you don’t agree, you have no quality. , immoral, you will be despised, do you agree or not?

However, the vast majority of people are not weird like Cheng Mo, who would not be so boring to ask the whole team just to join a team, so this trick is meaningless to most people.

But what happened at this time may become a classic textbook in social psychology.

Cheng Mo probably observed some of the messy situation. More than 20 people crowded together. He quietly walked to a big man beside the crowd. The big man was ordering food, and a girl stood behind him, so Cheng Mo Asked: "Is the queue at your place?"

The voice of this sentence was not very loud, but the girl, the big man, and the aunt in the cafeteria all heard it, and basically none of the others heard it.

The girl said a little confused: "I don't know either!"

So the cafeteria lady stuck her head out of the window holding a spoon and shouted loudly: "Line up, line up, everyone must line up!"

Cheng Mo bent his mouth and said to the girl with a smile, "Then I will be behind you."

The girl nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then a miracle happened so simply, a group of people crowded in front, heard the conversation and immediately withdrew, stood silently behind Cheng Mo and started queuing up, and took the initiative to maintain order: "Everyone don't Squeeze, you have to line up."

Then three distinct lines appeared at the chaotic ordering counter.

Cheng Mo, who was very late, waited only 2 minutes for him to be in line, and Fu Yuanzhuo, who was at the end of the line after he followed Cheng Mo into the cafeteria, asked Yan Yitong in confusion, "He came here before you?" How long? Impossible?"

Yan Yitong was also puzzled, and said: "No! Maybe he jumped in the queue! No, you have to jump in the queue because of the side effect, or if he finishes eating, we might not be in the queue yet."

Fu Yuanzhuo turned his head and said, "Damn! I won't do such a shameful thing! Why don't you tell him yourself and ask him to make a copy for you."

Yan Yitong whispered: "It's over! It's over! It's too late, you see he's gone"

Fu Yuanzhuo said helplessly: "I'm really afraid of you!" After speaking, he walked to the first one, took a pat on the meal card, and said carelessly: "Sorry! I'm so hungry! Join the team!" The whole team There was an uproar all of a sudden, and then Fu Yuanzhuo said: "Don't make trouble, I've invited all the people behind me to eat."


Cheng Mo was looking for a seat in the cafeteria with a stainless steel dinner plate, when someone shouted: "Cheng Mo! Come here, sit here, there is still room here."

(End of this chapter)

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