Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1114 Gemini (1)

Chapter 1114 Gemini (1)

Shen Youyi went to Xiangjiang to stay for almost half a month. Although he had a video with Cheng Linglu every day, it was the first time he had been separated from his daughter for such a long time.Just got home, Cheng Linglu, who was watching cartoons, immediately jumped up from the sofa when he heard his mother's voice, lying on the backrest and staring at the direction of the door of the living room, when he saw Cheng Mo and Athena When Shen Youyi came in from behind, he immediately yelled: "Mom! Mom!"

Shen Youyi quickly replied: "Baby, Mom is back!"

Cheng Linglu burst into tears when he heard his mother's voice, waving his hands to hug Shen Youyi.Shen Youyi didn't care to put down her bag, and hurried to the sofa and hugged Cheng Linglu, stroking her back and comforting her softly: "Why are you crying, baby? Mom bought you a lot of beautiful little skirts from Xiangjiang. Lots of toys and snacks”

"No skirts, no toys, no snacks." Cheng Linglu rubbed his teary eyes and cried, "Don't go!"

"Don't go, don't go, Xiaolu, don't cry, isn't mom back?"

Cheng Linglu hugged Shen Youyi's neck, and murmured: "You, you talked about coming back today last night. I have always been with you in my heart." Shen Youyi's eyes were also a little red, and he kissed his daughter's cute bun-like cheek, "Mom My heart is full of deer!"

Cheng Linglu stopped crying, opened his eyes wide and wide, and muttered: "You lied, you lied"

"How could Mom lie to Xiaolu?"

"I, I heard you say to Dad yesterday that you miss him. You still have Dad in your heart." Cheng Linglu pouted and said, "You should play with me more today, and you are not allowed to sleep with Dad."

Shen Youyi couldn't help laughing at first, but when she saw Qi Hui stood up and avoided with an embarrassed expression, she was just about to speak to relieve the strange atmosphere in the air, but she heard Athena say: "Xiaolu, that's not right. Your parents haven't slept together for many days Yes, today they have to sleep together, that's their job."

"Work?" Cheng Linglu asked with big flickering eyes, "Mom and Dad work so long every day. Is it to make me a younger brother or sister?"

Hearing this shameful conversation, Qi Hui fled into her room as if fleeing, and closed the door heavily with a "bang".

Cheng Mo thought to himself that Qi Hui looks like she is in her twenties, why does she look like she hasn't even been in love?
Shen Youyi glanced at Qi Hui's closed door, and said in a low voice with flushed cheeks, "Is there no rush? I just came back, and I haven't gotten off the plane for a few hours."

Athena said lightly: "You have already rested for half a month, how can we waste time?"

Shen Youyi's expression hesitated, and he wanted to refuse, but he looked a bit embarrassed.

"Not today." Cheng Mo took Athena's hand, "Today is the day we get our marriage certificate, so we have to celebrate it."

Shen Youyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Yes, today is a memorable day. Cheng Mo asked me to come back today as soon as possible, because today is May No. 20, not only is it said in the almanac that it is a suitable day for marriage , also represents 'I love you'. Today, don't worry about any experiments, you and Cheng Mo go out and have fun, let's celebrate!"

Athena looked at Cheng Mo, then at Shen Youyi, thought for a moment and said, "For me, doing experiments is just playing."

Shen Youyi was a little speechless by Athena, and glanced at Cheng Mo, implying that Cheng Mo persuaded Athena.

Before Cheng Mo could speak, Cheng Linglu asked loudly, "What kind of experiment are you doing? Is it a physics experiment to create fire?"

"I'll leave it to you." Shen Youyi said softly to Cheng Mo, and then he hugged his daughter and walked towards the box at the door without hesitation, "Xiaolu, mom bought you Minnie and My Little Pony dolls, do you want to see them?"

Cheng Linglu immediately forgot about the "experiment". Anyway, she was not very interested in the "experiment" that Cheng Mo performed in front of him. She clapped her hands and said, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Cheng Mo turned to look at Athena and said, "Haven't you been to my house yet? I'll take you to see it?"

"Now?" Athena hesitated and asked, "Then shall we start the experiment at night?"

"You!" Cheng Mo pulled Athena to the door, talked to Shen Youyi, and then led Athena out the door. While waiting for the elevator in the elevator room, he raised his hand and flicked Athena's forehead, He said angrily, "Today is our wedding day, you just want to see me and sister Xi sleeping together?"

Athena frowned and said, "Why don't you want to? There is no conflict between the two of us getting married and experimenting?"

"What if I'm sleeping with another woman?"

Athena shook her head and said, "That's different. You slept with Sister Xi for the experiment, but you slept with other women, not for the experiment."

Cheng Mo asked narrowly: "Then I want to do the experiment with another person?"

Athena said solemnly: "I am the mentor and the first author. I have the final say on how to do the experiment, when to do it, and with whom to do it."

Cheng Mo rolled his eyes and said, "I'm really just a guinea pig in your heart?"

Athena didn't realize that Cheng Mo was just joking, and said seriously: "I won't marry a little white mouse."

Cheng Mo stared at Athena's solemn and godlike expression, and was moved inexplicably by a tide. He held Athena's hand tightly, and pulled her into the room. After gently closing the door, his hands He grabbed Athena's hands, smiled and stared into Athena's eyes, "Do you know what I was thinking when I was taking wedding photos and reading the vows?"

"I didn't spy on your thoughts at that time." Athena explained.

At this time, the two had already got into the nanny's car, and Cheng Mo did not continue to talk to Athena, but after a while they arrived at the downstairs of the old house in Dingwangtai, and Cheng Mo dragged Athena upstairs.When entering the gate, the security guard at the gate looked at Cheng Mo and Athena with wide eyes.

The weather in Xingcheng in early summer is already a bit hot, and the room that has not been lived in for a long time is filled with a scorching hot and dull smell.Cheng Mo walked to the side of the living room and opened the window, orange sunlight, noisy voices and fresh air poured in at once, making people feel much more comfortable immediately.

The crude environment did not make Athena feel uncomfortable, but she began to observe around with great interest.

Cheng Mo casually took Zhang Chopin's "Nocturne" from the disc rack and put it into the gramophone, pressed the switch, the pointer jumped onto the vinyl turntable, and the moonlight-like music flowed like water.

"I've lived here for almost ten years."

"The house is really old."

Cheng Mo pointed to the room on the right and said: "This is my room," he pointed to the room on the left and said, "That is my father's room. My father leaves early and returns late, and spends most of the time I was alone at home, and when other children thought they didn't want their parents to take care of them, I was already a social person who had to rely on me for cooking."

"I have never had parental control since I was a child." Athena said neither happy nor sad. She walked to the door of Cheng Mo's room and looked inside. There was only a long desk, a bunk bed and a set of wooden wardrobes in the room. The electric globe on the top is still slowly turning.She walked into the room, then pressed the globe, glanced at the blue Pacific Ocean, and then let go.

The globe keeps turning.

Cheng Mo followed in, "Originally I was the only one living here, but after my father passed away, my uncle and aunt moved in, and my cousin was admitted to my high school, so I changed my bed to a bunk bed. .”

"I didn't feel your breath."

Cheng Mo explained: "After I disappeared in Europa, my uncle's family went to the capital. This house was replaced by Sister Xi, and Sister Xi and Xiaolu lived here all the time."

"No wonder."

Cheng Mo walked to the desk, opened the bookcase hanging in the air, and found a yellowed photo album among a pile of old magazines. He patted the dust on it, and said softly: "There are photos of me when I was young, There are also photos of my parents, but our family doesn't like taking pictures very much, and none of the photo albums are covered." He shrugged his shoulders, "It is estimated that many people don't have such things as photo albums at home."

Athena opened the first page of the photo album, and there was a photo of Cheng Mo not long after he was born. He was wrapped in a maroon blanket, his small face was wrinkled like an orange, and it was written "December 2001, 12, full moon".Behind this photo is a photo of a young man and woman with outstanding looks.

Cheng Mo stared at the photo, and lowered his voice, "This is my father and mother."

Most people would probably say that your father is so handsome, your mother is so beautiful, why do you look so ordinary, but Athena didn't say that, but said: "It looks like the wedding photo we took today."

"It's the wedding photo." Cheng Mo said, "Didn't I ask you just now, do you know what I was thinking when I took the wedding photo and read the wedding vows?"

"Yeah." Athena flipped through the photo album and replied again, "I didn't spy on your brain then."

"That's not what I mean." Cheng Mo smiled, "Actually, I don't mind you spying on my brain, no matter when and where"

Athena stopped looking through the photo album, and remained silent for a while, "But my father said that if you care about someone, don't pry into his heart, because you will definitely be disappointed."

"This sentence is true. People's hearts are so fickle. Even if you have the ability to guess what the other person is thinking in person, there will always be times when you don't face to face. It sounds like your ability is indeed very strong, but in fact it does not. It is as strong as imagined. After all, you can’t monitor people’s hearts all the time, and people’s hearts are changing every second. It is so elusive, and it often smashes people who believe in it. Just like when I was a child, I always I can't believe others, but in the final analysis, I think my mother abandoned me because of my heart disease. This has always been a shadow deep in my heart that I can't escape. Even though I have been trying to think about it and let it go, but There was no way until I got the Ouroboros that my father left me. He was no longer alive at that time, but he left me a clue, it was a set of vinyl records, Zorge Solti's [-]th birthday Anniversary edition of The Ring of the Nibelung."

Cheng Mo roughly talked about his hard work to find the secret of "Uroboros", "I told you the story of going to Europa later. From then on, I realized that people's hearts are indeed fickle, but it Also trustworthy, my father showed me with his actions that you really can get confidence and courage from another person, and of course love."

Athena turned back to the first page of the photo album. She caressed the wedding photo of Cheng Mo's parents, "Then what were you thinking when you took the wedding photo and read the oath?"

"I think of an American drama called "Game of Thrones", the wedding vows in it are: Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger: I'm hers(His) and she(he)'s mine , from this day until the end of my days. (Heavenly Father, Blacksmith, Warrior, Virgin, Maiden, Old Woman, Stranger: I am yours, you are mine, from this day until death)”

Athena repeated softly: "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger: I'm His and he's mine, from this day until the end of my days."

"Yes," Cheng Mo nodded, "it's very romantic, and a bit decisive. I wanted to say that to you just now, but I didn't have the nerve to say it. When I looked at the camera and the flash light rang, I remembered the In the wilderness of Liya, you didn’t go to Damascus, but came back to find me. At that time, I felt the joy of the sudden realization of hope for the first time, and I also realized how much I need you. Desperately needed. I feel like we're both survivors of being left behind by the world and sometimes having to do things we don't really enjoy doing, but more importantly, you seem like a monster, which just so happens to be me Good man, how well we fit."

Athena didn't speak, but Gu Jing looked at Cheng Mo calmly, but there was a touch of tenderness in her shining holy face and star-like pupils.

"It's an honor to be your husband."

Cheng Mo recalled everything that happened at that time, and his heart flooded again. He closed his eyes, trying to calm down his emotions, but he did not expect that Athena would take the initiative to kiss him.Soon Athena put the photo album on the table, and the two hugged each other, and their postures changed many times. From the desk to the bed, the sweet kiss lasted for a long time, only when the sun disappeared by the window stopped.

The room fell into an ambiguous gray, lips parted, Athena's eyes flickered amidst the quiet breathing, and she said softly: "I am also honored to be your wife."

Cheng Mo smiled, "This is the first time you have kissed me proactively."

"It's what you said before, when you close your eyes, you just want to kiss."

Cheng Mo blinked and said, "It's usually girls who do this."

So Athena obediently closed her eyes.


The two didn't linger in the old house for too long, recalling the past, Cheng Mo showed Athena a bunch of exercises he had done, and gave Athena a bowl of simple scallion noodles, and the two held hands. Started, strolled back to the hotel from the old house.

Although they haven't broken through the last hurdle until today, they are no different from old couples.Getting the marriage certificate did not cause much disturbance in the hearts of the two of them.

It was past ten when we returned to the hotel, and Shen Youyi had already fallen asleep. At first, Cheng Mo thought that Athena would let Shen Youyi and himself go today, but unexpectedly, just after twelve o'clock, Athena pulled Cheng Mo up from the bed, Said: "Go and call Sister Xi to the next door, we will start the experiment now."

"Ah? Didn't you say you won't do the experiment today?"

Athena said lightly: "It's past twelve o'clock now, and our wedding day has passed."

Cheng Mo was speechless, he could only get up and run to Shen Youyi's room, and carefully called Shen Youyi up.

When Shen Youyi arrived at the room where Athena installed some simple instruments, Athena first opened the shielding device, and then asked Shen Youyi about the situation when he activated "Uroboros". "Loss" will have different situations, some people may have nothing happen, but some people will have accidents like Cheng Mo.

Shen Youyi said that everything went well for her, but it was a bit wrong to activate the carrier after the temple was registered.

Athena asked, "Why not?"

"Didn't you say that when the carrier is activated, the main body will be in a sleep state? But I don't seem to be able to."

(End of this chapter)

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