Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1108 A Wedding of One Person (4)

Chapter 1108 Wedding of Four People (5)

Cheng Mo walked out of the villa where Shen's father and Shen's mother lived. It was a road paved with anti-corrosion wood planted with low shrubs and coconut trees on both sides. In the moonlight, green lawns and lake-like swimming pools were dotted. One point is the white sandy beach and the sparkling sea, interspersed with dots of lights, just right for people to see the beautiful scenery of Park Hyatt Sunny Bay clearly at night.

Chengmo's villa is located in the best and most private place on the coast, that is, on the raised part of the lower right corner of the coast, where there is a whole piece of beach and sea they enjoy exclusively.

Of course, the price of more than [-] per night is unbearable for ordinary people.

But Cheng Mo didn't walk towards the villa where he lived, but took out his mobile phone to check the time, and then walked towards the hotel lobby.In addition to 35 sea-side villas, the hotel also has a modern building complex consisting of six white buildings, among which the 100-story main building in the middle has more than [-] luxurious rooms.

But tonight, none of the lights in the guest rooms above the main building on the seventeenth floor were turned on, and it looked a bit cold and lonely in the dark night.

Cheng Mo headed towards the main building in the night wind. Before he had taken a few steps, he heard panting and footsteps from behind. He guessed that they were looking for him, but he continued to walk forward.Sure enough, it didn't take long before he heard someone calling his name.

"Cheng Mo!"

Cheng Mo stopped and looked back, Shen Mengjie, who was wearing a painted T-shirt with big "GUCCI" on it and denim hot pants, was panting rapidly with her hands on her knees.He didn't speak, but just watched Shen Mengjie silently.

Shen Mengjie calmed down for a while, then raised her head, rolled her throat, smiled and said, "You walk so fast."

Cheng Mo took a look at Shen Mengjie. There is no doubt that the genes of the Shen family are quite good. Shen Mengjie can also be regarded as a rare beauty. She has a good figure and has everything she should have. Her legs are thin and straight, and she is well-dressed. It is also foreign, with a taste of pure idol stars. Although it cannot be compared with Yan Yitong, it is also an Internet celebrity. It belongs to the kind of photos that will be liked by countless people in the circle of friends.

If someone who doesn't know Shen Mengjie is likely to be deceived by her appearance, thinking that she is a pure as water schoolmaster, after all she has the blessing of Tsinghua University, but Cheng Mo knows that Shen Mengjie is definitely not a simple girl.

In the summer vacation of the freshman year of high school, she had the courage to intentionally commit suicide to force Shen Youyi to solve her loan shark problem. Cheng Mo could see that Shen Mengjie had a bit of ruthlessness in her bones that even men lacked.Later on Penglai Island, he and Shen Mengjie got together day and night for a period of time. At that time, he felt that Shen Mengjie would definitely achieve a great career in the future.Whether it's through a man or through his own efforts, he believes that Shen Mengjie can get what she wants.

Some past events about Shen Mengjie flashed in his mind. Even though the two had some bad entanglements, Cheng Mo didn't hate girls like Shen Mengjie in his heart, because Shen Mengjie was always improving in his studies, not the kind who made mistakes. An unrepentant stupid woman.Badness doesn't really bother him, it's stupidity that bothers him.

Judging from Shen Mengjie's recent performance, she has done well in all aspects, and she has been working hard to perform, but she doesn't ask for credit.

So Cheng Mo frowned, and asked kindly: "Is there something wrong?"

Shen Mengjie smiled, and said: "I was waiting there just now, and I wanted to pretend to meet you by chance, but I didn't expect you to not go back to the room."

"Do you know which building I live in?"

Shen Mengjie pointed to the southeast, which is the location at the lower right corner of the coast, "Although it's my first time to come to Park Hyatt, I can tell that the building is in the best location." She smiled, "What's more, when you start to choose When I was in the building, I deliberately asked the manager Huang. Although he didn't say where you lived, he said that there are already people in that building, and you have already booked the entire hotel, so it is only possible that you live there. "

Cheng Mo stared at Shen Mengjie, without much expression, but there was a kind of arrogance without anger. This invisible coercion made Shen Mengjie involuntarily uneasy. Although she tried her best to look calm, her eyes and Those tiny movements betrayed the tension in her heart.

Shen Mengjie couldn't bear Cheng Mo's sharp gaze that was almost piercing. She felt that she had no secrets to speak of in front of Cheng Mo. This dangerous feeling of being stripped naked made her immediately want to explain something, " I"

However, Cheng Mo raised his hand and made a silent gesture. He took out the shielding device from the pocket of his casual trousers, opened it, then squinted his eyes, looked at Shen Mengjie and said in a low voice: "It seems that you have a lot of trouble looking for me." Something important to say?"

Shen Mengjie stared at the shield in Cheng Mo's hand and hesitated for a while, then said nervously: "I don't know if it's important or not."

Cheng Mo knew that Shen Mengjie's "hesitation" had elements of acting, but he didn't expose it, and said flatly: "If what you say is valuable, I will reward you."

Shen Mengjie quickly said, "I don't want any reward."

Cheng tacitly asked, "Really don't want it?"

"No." Shen Mengjie shook her head.

Cheng Mo sneered in his heart, determined that Shen Mengjie's words were not credible, and he said calmly: "Anyway, as long as it is useful news to me, I will be grateful to you."

Shen Mengjie shook her head again, her hands clasped around her waist and twisted uncomfortably, "I'm not saying I don't want to be paid. I mean that I don't need it now." She paused and said sincerely, "Because I know the news I'm telling you now. , it’s actually not that important, it doesn’t have much value.”

Cheng Mo was a little surprised by this answer, and he said with great interest: "Whether it is worth it or not is up to me to judge." He put his hand in his pocket, "If my guess is correct, it should be related to Du Leng? "

Shen Mengjie deliberately pretended to be surprised, and after a long moment of stunned, said hesitantly: "How did you know?"

Cheng Mo also cooperated with the performance of the unpredictable appearance, "Tell me! What's wrong with Du Leng?"

Shen Mengjie pretended to be uneasy and said: "During the Chinese New Year, Yu Junshan asked me a lot about my sister and you. I told him the truth at that time." Seeing Cheng Mo's expression was indifferent , Shen Mengjie continued cautiously, "Although he has always pretended to be gossiping with me, I have noticed that his purpose is not simple. On the surface, it is normal for Yu Junshan to be interested in your gossip. He used to have a lot of conflicts, and he was forced to change schools because of you, but I found that the one who really wanted to know about you was actually Du Leng."

Cheng Mo nodded, signaling Shen Mengjie to continue.

"So I showed that I had a very good relationship with my cousin, and slowly revealed to Yu Junshan about you punishing Teacher Tang and about buying a house in Star City. Just before coming to Hainan, I I also specially posted a circle of friends, secretly expressing that you will marry my cousin, and the wedding will be held in Hainan. Yu Junshan probably saw it, and asked me out for dinner immediately. But I didn’t promise him, he asked me out several times I refused all of them, and when he asked me about you and my cousin again, he said it was inconvenient to answer." Shen Mengjie showed a smug smile, "Sure enough, Du Leng couldn't hold his breath and was fooled, Du Leng said Ask me out for dinner. I didn't refuse, you know, no one of our Shonan students in the capital can refuse Du Leng's invitation."

"You didn't join the Dragon Blood Society?"

Shen Mengjie sneered and said, "Of course I joined. But Du Leng only regards me as a pretty girl, and my value to him is only this appearance, so I didn't participate in the activities of the Dragon Blood Society."

Cheng Mo guessed that the source of Shen Mengjie's dissatisfaction with Du Leng and the Dragon Blood Society must be more complicated than what she said, but he is not interested in it, he just needs to judge that Shen Mengjie is not lying.So Cheng Mo pretended to be curious and asked: "Then what did you talk about when you met this time?"

"I didn't talk about anything." Shen Mengjie shook her head and said, "It was Yu Junshan who casually raised his mouth and asked who was going to get married in Sanya. I didn't pick up the quarrel and pretended not to hear. The place where Du Leng chose to eat is Shin Kong Place, after dinner, Du Leng said that he ordered something at Hermes and wanted to pick it up, so he took me to Hermes, and then naturally gave me a Hermes 'birkin'. I pretended to love money Look, reciprocated, told him that you were going to marry your cousin in Hainan, and told him that it was a secret, and asked him not to tell others. He was surprised when he heard the news, and blurted out "how is it possible". I Ask him why it’s impossible. He smiled to cover up and said that he thinks that the cousin is a teacher and you are a student, so it’s impossible, but I know Du Leng definitely doesn’t think so in his heart. I still have a good sense of observation, especially when it comes to men .”

Cheng Mo was not in a hurry to ask what happened later, but instead sighed: "You have really changed a lot, and you are no longer the you in my memory."

Shen Mengjie was silent for a while and said: "No matter who it is, entering Tsinghua University will change it."

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I don't think this kind of change is bad."

Shen Mengjie smiled and said: "Your changes are quite big, I think your changes are very good."

Cheng Mo also laughed, "I think it's pretty good too."

"Continue to talk about buying 'birkin'. Seeing Du Leng's questioning, I pretended to be very angry and said that I will take a video of your marriage with my cousin in Sanya and send it to them. Yu Junshan also intentionally Bet me that if you do marry my cousin he'll lose me a 'birkin' too"

Cheng Mo thought for a while and said, "This news is really not worth enough to me, but I'm still willing to give you a much higher reward than a 'birkin'."

"I'm not looking for you for a few 'birkins'." Shen Mengjie raised her head, "I really love money, but my price tag on myself is not just a few 'birkins'."

Cheng Mo stared at Shen Mengjie and said seriously: "Then tell me to see what you think."

Shen Mengjie took a deep breath and said, "I want to be the chosen one."

Cheng Mo didn't show any surprise, and said lightly: "Very ambitious. But you have to have the strength, or value, to match your ambition."

Shen Mengjie lowered her voice, trying to hide the tension in her heart, "So I said, I don't need your reward now. I also have a general understanding of the relationship between you and Du Leng now. You and him, especially Chen Fang, belong to each other. Enemy sides."

Cheng Mo looked at Shen Mengjie again, and praised without any concealment: "You impress me."

Shen Mengjie smiled, "I can do well in Tsinghua University."

Cheng Mo said coldly and expressionlessly: "But these news are still worthless."

"I know." Shen Mengjie said, "So I need you to give me some valuable information to make Du Leng feel that I am important, so that I can break into their circle and help you get more news."

"It's not so easy." Cheng Mo shook his head, "What's more, you may not know the danger. Chen Fang is not easy to mess with. Maybe your life will be in danger."

Shen Mengjie was silent for a moment and said, "I want to be the Chosen One." She stared at Cheng Mo, and repeated firmly, "I want to be the Chosen One."

Cheng Mo looked down at Shen Mengjie's eyes, and he saw the fire of longing burning in them. If Shen Mengjie wasn't Shen Youyi's cousin, he wouldn't mind giving a bad check.After hesitating for a while, Cheng Mo still shook his head and said, "It's too dangerous, this is not something ordinary people can get involved in." He turned and walked towards the hotel lobby, without looking back, he said, "Go back! Don't think about these things. down to earth."

"Dangerous?" Shen Mengjie stood on the spot and sneered, "During the second year of high school, Lin Zhinuo and I, that is, you, went to Penglai Island, and we didn't realize how unattainable the world of the Chosen One was, and you were just ordinary people. , the main body will die if it is fatally wounded."

Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks, Shen Mengjie actually knew that Lin Zhinuo was him, which really caught him by surprise.In addition, Shen Mengjie also saw through the biggest weakness of "The Chosen One", which was the reason why he stopped.Cheng Mo turned his head, stared into Shen Mengjie's eyes, and tried his best to monitor her physical condition, heartbeat, blood flow rate and breathing, "Why did you choose to trade with me?"

Shen Mengjie hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Because you are willing to marry my cousin."

Cheng Mo fell into deep thought, at this moment, his mobile phone rang, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, it was his cousin Cheng Haoyang, it should be his uncle and they had already arrived at the hotel.He looked up at Shen Mengjie and said, "I can't give you an answer yet, I still need to think about it, maybe I have to ask your cousin for her opinion."

"If you're worried about your cousin, I can convince her myself."

"Let's talk about it after my wedding with your cousin is over."

Shen Mengjie nodded.

"I'll pick up my uncle, aunt, and cousin."

"I'll go with you." Shen Mengjie said.

Cheng Mo didn't refuse.For Shen Mengjie's sudden ambition, Cheng Mo feels that there is a thread in everything, a thread called fate.


When Cheng Mo and Shen Mengjie walked to the lobby, uncle, aunt, cousin, Cheng Haoyang and another girl he didn't know were waiting in the lobby.

The uncle urged anxiously: "You are calling your brother again to ask if it is this hotel?"

(End of this chapter)

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