Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1103 Let's work!Goddess Athena! (5)

Chapter 1103 Let's work!Goddess Athena! (5)

Although the red McGroo's uniform is quite rustic, and the black trousers have no sense of line, they still can't hide Athena's supermodel figure against the sky. Among them, it is like standing out from the crowd, even more dazzling than the sun.

The two thorny apes who were queuing up in the corridor watched Athena, and couldn't help talking in a low voice. As for Athena's words that the door was closed, no one took it seriously. Athena's [-]D modeled face and caricature figure focus of attention.

"Nah, nah! Si Guoyi, this blonde girl's expression! It's like a 'black saber'!"

"Nani? I think it's more like Kissutte Yasai Laura Leon Heart Under the Blade! Look at that vampire-like temperament, my God, I really look forward to her cosplay."

"Is she the clerk of McGroe? Damn, I want to sit in McGroe. Even if I drink Coke for an afternoon, it's only ten or twenty dollars. Isn't it cheaper than going to a maid shop?"

"Are you daydreaming? How could McGroe have such a beautiful clerk? He must be filming a movie, or recording a variety show. Maybe a cameraman with a video camera will come soon!"

The manager, who was wearing a blue striped uniform, also thought it was a prank, or that some Internet celebrity was doing things deliberately to attract people's attention, but she felt that Athena's tone and demeanor did not seem to be in the slightest. Just kidding, she looked at Athena innocently and blankly with her eyes open and her head up, and said eagerly, "Miss, I don't understand what you mean."

Seeing the ignorant eyes of the manager of Ni Deji, Athena no longer tried to negotiate, killing the competitor did not need to think at all, she wore the McGroe uniform and grabbed the McGroo discount coupon in full view. go in.In the eyes of the onlookers, it was like a lone Superman breaking into the Avengers headquarters.But soon they knew that they were wrong. It was clear that the giant broke through the wall and entered the human world.

Things are getting more and more interesting and bizarre, which has attracted many people to pick up their mobile phones and start filming.Among them was a flat-headed stinging ape standing in the store, probably the UP owner of station b. He held up a selfie stick and moved the camera to follow Athena's steps. He introduced excitedly while taking pictures: "Wow! Maicroo The people are doing something wrong! They sent a beautiful blond girl to break into the activity site of Nideji X Primordial God."

"Look, she's almost walking to the ordering counter, holding a bunch of discount coupons for McGroo, I guess she might go to the front desk and ask the person who eats Deji to make her a grilled chicken leg burger, of course And a glass of Coca-Cola from [-]! Let's wait and see!"

"No, it's impossible, I don't think the great white-bearded grandpa who eats Deji will be crushed by a blonde girl, iron juice, believe me, no one can stop me from continuing to queue for Deji, even if it is McGroe has resorted to a beauty trick, and I will not betray my wife. I am not a fake Two-dimensional like you. My wife can only be a paper person! Wait for another 10 minutes and I will be fine. I got my Deji X Yuanshen family bucket, and then I got a set of 'Valentine's Maid Limited Set' for my wife."

"I raised sixty exchange coupons, and I plan to buy sixty family barrels at once, not to mention sixty family barrels for my wife, so what about a hundred?
"What's the point of washing your hair upside down? If you can't get it, I'll live dance to the Xiangjiang River!"

But in the next second.

Just when the staff at the ordering counter stared at Athena and asked "what do you need" in surprise and without loss of proportion.

A white light flashed across the store, as if someone had thrown a flashbang.

Before the screams could burst out from the mouth of the two stinging apes in the restaurant, there was a loud bang in the back kitchen of Cheating Deji, and the whole restaurant reverberated like a gas explosion. The curtain wall was shaking violently, and the old man with white beard standing at the door shook several times amidst the sound of "hum, hum, hum" explosions, and hit the ground hard, breaking into several pieces.Amid the deafening explosions, there was a strange stagnation.Everyone seemed to be unaware of what was going on, and stood there dumbfounded, looking at the source of the sound - Niang Deji's back kitchen.

The movements of the people in the Deji store froze for a short while, and it was unknown who was taking the lead, but the two thorn apes rushed towards the door frantically, and the scene was panicked as if they had encountered a terrorist attack.

And the UP owner holding the selfie stick was also squeezed towards the door, but he didn't seem to want to give up yet. He reached out and grabbed the back of the seat. The flustered face made people feel flustered.And yet he was a refreshing presence amidst the panic-stricken noise.He yelled at the phone: "Maybe one day, I mean maybe, we'll lose confidence in Cheating Deji X Yuanshen, because the popularity of a game will always pass. But I don't think it's today. Maybe one day, I will lose my interest in Two-dimensional and recognize the reality, but I think it is not today. Today, I fought bloody battles and came to the sales site of Niodeji X Yuanshen. I must get one for my wife. Set limited edition! I will never run away”

However, there was another explosion in the back kitchen, and billowing black smoke billowed out. Even the employees who gnawed on Deji ran out of the back kitchen and shouted: "Call the fire! Call the fire!"

The entire restaurant was even more chaotic, the glass curtain wall had been shattered, and there were Erji Apes and Cheating Deji employees running around, like cockroaches being driven away by Mie Hai Ling.

Seeing that the situation is not going well, the flat-headed UP master gave a strange cry and shouted: "Tiezhi, the dog's life is at stake, I have to withdraw! Otherwise, if I die, so many wives will be widows! I can't take advantage of you!"


The round-faced girl and the freckled girl standing outside didn't know what was going on. The two of them, together with the other employees standing at the door of Maicroo, watched the panic-like scene of fleeing from an earthquake, looking at each other dumbfounded.

Soon Sun Yue was the first to react, and she exclaimed, "No, Cheng Ya, she's still inside."

Sun Yue pulled her legs and was about to rush in the direction of Ni Deji, but someone grabbed her arm. When she turned her head, she saw Athena appearing behind her inexplicably. Sun Yue was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise: " Didn't you gnaw on Deji just now?"

Athena didn't answer, but said lightly: "They won't be open for at least several months."

"Ah?" Sun Yue was puzzled, and at the same time, there was a trace of panic in her heart. She stammered, "What did you do?"

Athena said nonchalantly: "I just magnetized all their equipment and blew up their flue."

A group of McDonald's employees stared at Athena in shock, completely speechless.

Seeing the small partners who worked together seemed to have been greatly shocked, Athena thought they were worried, and calmly comforted: "Don't worry! I didn't kill people, and killing people is meaningless."


Cheng Mo, who saw the whole process, had one head and two big ones, notified Jiang Jun to deal with the aftermath quickly, and then stared at Athena who had returned to McGroo, frowning and thinking that this was not the way to go.

If you really want to let Athena mess around like this, who knows who will suffer next?After thinking about it, Cheng Mo made a decision. Everything must be controlled. Jiang Jun can only find people to be extras. Let the nearby Deji be closed for a period of time, otherwise maybe not only Deji is unlucky, but according to Athena's personality, the entire Parkson Catering Group is in danger.

Money and power quickly settled everything.In the afternoon of the same day, the store in Pedestrian Street of Nian Deji put up the sign of "store decoration, closed business".

Instead, it was the staff of Maicroo who were difficult to deal with, but under Jiang Jun's coercion and lure, except for one or two who insisted on resigning, everyone else agreed to stay and act with Athena.

Waiting for Athena to go to work the next day, the business of McGuilao really boomed. From time to time, there will be groups of men with big, three rough, and sharp expressions coming to dine. The flow of these people is not slow, but if you observe carefully, you can find that, Occasionally the same faces show up.

Of course, it’s not that there are no other people who want to come and sit with Mai Kui Lao. For example, the UP owner of station B who had experienced an unforgettable memory in the Deji just now, he ran over to see what’s going on, especially Let's see if that domineering blond girl is really related to the explosion, but just ten meters away from Mai Kuilao, she was stopped by a man in black, who stuffed a half-off coupon and asked him to go to another place. McGroo, don't come here.

Relatively speaking, the most worrisome thing is the employees who are still acting in McGuila, and Athena must not be aware of any abnormalities.This killed a group of beating workers, saying that they just went to work as if nothing happened, but who could really pretend that nothing happened and everything was the same as before?
Especially the words that Athena said without changing her face after blowing up the Deji, would come to their hearts from time to time.

This is a female devil!

Every day, I have to pretend to be nonchalant with this monster woman. The employees, including Sun Yue, live in trepidation, for fear that Athena will do something unbelievable if she disagrees with her.Everyone is careful to get along with Athena. There are people rushing to do the dirty work. Even cleaning the toilet, which is usually the least willing to do, everyone strives to be the first. No one wants to stay in the back kitchen and Athena partner.

Even though there were many flaws in the play, Athena, who was in the kitchen all day long, didn't notice any abnormalities. She went out early and returned late every day, and with the cooperation of hundreds of extras, she staged a hard working life.

Finally a week passed, and it was time to settle the weekly salary for Athena.Sun Yue called Athena who was about to get off work to the office.

Just as Athena walked towards the office, everyone in the restaurant cast their eyes on Athena's back, and everyone's eyes contained great expectations.

When Athena entered the office, Sun Yue had a stiff smile on her face and said eagerly: "Give me a payment code, and I will transfer the salary to you."

Athena took out her mobile phone from her pocket, clicked on the WeChat payment code and showed it to Sun Yue.

Sun Yue made a quick operation, transferred 8 yuan to Athena, coughed and said, "This is your salary for this week."

Athena looked down at the amount received, shook her head and said, "My salary is not that much."

Sun Yue smiled dryly and said, "The salary is really not that much, the main thing is the bonus. Because your work is very good, so I gave you a lot of bonuses." She opened the drawer and took out a "Excellent Employee" card from it. Handed the certificate to Athena, "Look, this is a certificate issued by the headquarters. This certificate is not easy to get."

Athena put the phone back into her pocket, took the certificate from Sun Yue, and read it unceremoniously, "Certificate of Honor, Golden Arch Group Excellent Employee Award for February, congratulations to Cheng Ya for her excellent performance in this month's work , with outstanding achievements, I was awarded as an outstanding employee of Star City Maikuilao Pedestrian Street Store, and I hereby certify it as an encouragement." She stared at the certificate for a long time before showing a gratified expression on the corners of her lips, and said in a low voice, "thanks."

It was the first time for Sun Yue to hear the word "thank you" from Athena's mouth. She was stunned for a long time before she realized, and said, "You deserve it."

Athena said regretfully, "Unfortunately, I have to resign."

Sun Yue's face couldn't help jumping out of a joyful expression, and she said with amnesty: "It's okay, it's okay." Immediately she realized that she was a little too excited, coughed and said in a low voice, "This is really a pity , It is also a loss for us, but I think you are such an excellent girl, you can make a big career anywhere. "

Athena nodded, looked at the certificate again, and said seriously: "It's not difficult to be an ordinary person."

Sun Yue's expression was complicated, but she couldn't wait to stand up, and stretched out her hand to Athena, "Then congratulate you for making great achievements in other jobs."

Athena didn't say anything, just shook Sun Yue's hand gently, and said: "If there is a chance, I will come here to work."

Sun Yueyan smiled insincerely and said: "Welcome, McDonald's Star City Pedestrian Street will always be your home."

Then Athena didn't say goodbye, she walked out of the office with the certificate in her arms, and walked out of the restaurant amidst the farewell sounds of a group of employees from McGroe, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Seeing Athena walking away, Sun Yue immediately turned her head and wept with joy and announced loudly: "Cheng Ya has resigned!"

Cheers resounded throughout the restaurant, and everyone hugged together.

The actors are celebrating that they finally don't have to eat wheat crotch labor every day, and the employees of wheat crotch labor are celebrating that they finally got together safely until Athena left!

Everyone was in tears.

Cheng Mo also burst into tears. He paid attention to Athena's part-time job every day, and he was worried like an old father.

(End of this chapter)

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