Rebel Demon King

Chapter 105 White Snake (3)

Chapter 105 White Snake (3)

Cheng Mo watched Liang Junwei being taken away with a look of lovelessness on his face. Liang's father, who supported Liang's mother, wanted to thank the proprietress. He was not happy in his heart. This matter had little to do with him in essence. I would also like to thank Liang Junwei for this stupid B. If it wasn't for Liang Junwei, he would not have had the opportunity to easily blackmail Kevin's 10 yuan.

After the kneeling group of people walked away silently and embarrassedly, the woman in white stood up from the sofa. She was tall and graceful, with flowing black hair, as bright as the picture of a shampoo advertisement. When the woman in white turned around In an instant, a classic and upright foxy face came into Cheng Mo's eyes.

Bai Xiuxiu, known as the White Lady, has a characteristic that can surprise people at a glance. This kind of appearance belongs to the vixen in the eyes of typical women and Su Daji in the eyes of men.

Her beauty condenses a strong oriental feeling, with some mystery, some softness, some character in her bones, and some ambiguity between her lips and teeth. She has found a delicate balance between debauchery and abstinence. Like a collapsing glacier, it is extremely impactful.

This charming upside-down sentient being and her plain dress created a great conflict, like a fairy and a demon.

Cheng Mo couldn't tell the age of the woman in front of him at all. It could be said that she was pure and pure in her early twenties, or she was a 30-year-old in the Mood for Love.

It's hard to imagine that this is the white lady who made people feel scared and dared not disobey. This huge contrast is really surprising.

All in all, regardless of words, deeds or appearance, Bai Xiuxiu is a woman who can't be forgotten after just one glance.

When Cheng Mo saw Bai Xiuxiu's face, Bai Xiuxiu also saw Cheng Mo at a glance. At this moment, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, because although Cheng Mo standing by was wearing a bartender's uniform, he had an extremely With an arrogant face, he has an aristocratic air all over his body, and he doesn't look like someone who would come to a bar to work at all.

Many people praise others and like to say that so-and-so has aristocratic temperament, but it is difficult to say what is aristocratic temperament. In Bai Xiuxiu's view, the so-called noble temperament is a high-end appearance that is far away from the sense of labor and average.

The so-called staying away from the sense of labor means that one can tell at a glance that he is well-clothed, rich and well-fed.

It is obvious that this boy has a very strong feeling at this moment. He has a deep outline of a Westerner and is matched with exquisite facial features of an Easterner. With a body proportion that is not too slender and not too thick, he is full of immortality like a cartoon. The boy who came out.

It's too beautiful to be true.

Bai Xiuxiu thought: No wonder the bar's business suddenly improved, and it's no wonder Xiaomei went to her bar to drink specially for this boy. But he should be younger than Xiaomei, right?
Then she thought that this was not something she should worry about. Sister-in-law's old-fashioned parents would never allow Gao Yuemei to find such a young and handsome boy who looked like an idol star. She is a good girl.

Bai Xiuxiu walked gracefully in front of Cheng Mo, Kevin and Big Eye Wen and said softly, "Big Eye, is this the employee who saved Xiaomei?"

This posture and tone are extremely elegant and harmonious, and she looks like a very talkative concubine of the Republic of China.

Dayanwen didn't dare to look directly at Bai Xiuxiu, so he quickly lowered his head and said, "Yes, Chairman, this is Xiao Lin, his name is Lin Zhinuo, he is a student of Yuelu Academy, I mentioned him to you last time, since After he came, the business of the bar improved a lot, and Kevin reminded him today, Lin Zhinuo has been watching, and finally saved Miss Gao at a critical moment."

Bai Xiuxiu didn't thank her, but just stood with her hands behind her back, looked at Cheng Mo with a smile like a peach petal, and said, "Yuelu Academy is not bad, it's a place that produces talents, which department did you study in?" Although Bai Xiuxiu was very charming, but her The calm smile and tone of voice are very dignified and graceful, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

Maybe some people will get carried away by her beauty when they see Bai Xiuxiu for the first time, and can't help but stare at her intently, but Cheng Mo is obviously not this kind of person, and he also remembers very clearly how this woman was just now. After disposing of the person who accidentally offended her dignity, Cheng Mo lowered his head slightly and said, "I am a student of the philosophy department."

At this time, Kevin on the side raised his heart to his throat, fearing that Cheng Mo would renege on his promise after taking the money, but it seemed that Lin Zhinuo had no intention of doing so.

Hearing the Department of Philosophy, Bai Xiuxiu said "Oh?" with great interest, and then asked, "How did you think of studying such an unpopular major as Philosophy?"

Cheng Mo said: "I didn't pass the exam, and I have no choice for professional deployment."

Seemingly surprised by Cheng Mo's honest answer, Bai Xiuxiu smiled lightly and said, "There is no need to be so unfair. Although philosophy is the major chosen by the rich and powerful abroad, in China, you can easily get mixed up after studying philosophy." To create a good future, in fact, most of the knowledge we learn is for forgetting. What the whole high school and university taught us is how to be a human being and how to learn. These are the things that will benefit you for life. No matter what you study For majors, if you just memorize some knowledge from textbooks, just for the sake of credits, without asking for a deep understanding, you will end up doing nothing after graduation. In philosophy, if you are a person who can set your mind to read Hegel and Heidegger If you are a person in Seoul, then the mentality and reading ability cultivated in this learning process will benefit you throughout your life, and will give you great help when dealing with people and thinking about problems after you work in the future.”

After a short pause, Bai Xiuxiu said encouragingly: "So, philosophy is useless. The value of philosophy lies in its uselessness. It is useless but very useful."

These remarks are quite insightful. It can be said that they have insight into the essence of school life. Most ordinary people do not have extraordinary memory. In the 16 years of elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university, it can be said that what elementary school students have learned is enough for us. In the future, our study is to find specialties and hobbies in Europe and the United States, while in China it is to find specialties and exercise learning ability in order to cope with employment competition.

So it doesn't matter what you learn, you will forget it anyway, otherwise there would be no joke saying: In the third year of high school, I knew the principles of celestial bodies and organic and inorganic reactions. In the biosphere, you can speak English on the outside, and learn ancient Chinese on the inside. You can find the sequence, and you can speak Ma Zhe. You can trace the origin of China for 5000 years.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, the third year of high school seems to be the pinnacle of their knowledge level. Even if they graduated from university, as long as they don't engage in academics, there are not many people who can match their majors.

Therefore, what is important is not always what to learn, but how to learn, that is, to have a strong learning ability.

But when you study philosophy, you learn the way of looking at problems, so no matter what industry you are in, you will have a lot of stamina.

But Cheng Mo did not go to university, and he has already left the low-level education for employment. These insightful words are really cast in the shadows by Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo didn't intend to go to Gaoyun Group at all, and even Yinyan didn't plan to stay for a long time, so he didn't want to make Bai Xiuxiu feel that he had great potential, so he just replied in a neither humble nor overbearing way: "Thank you, Chairman, for your suggestion."

Bai Xiuxiu didn't continue to say more. Whether some words can be effective depends on one's luck. The young man in front of her is born with a good skin. Even if her professional achievements are not good, there are many ways out. The conversation changed: "Listen to Big Eye, your level of bartending is very high. You happened to come over today, so let's try it out."

Cheng Mo evaded: "Brother Wen is awesome, I'm just playing with fancy bartending. When it comes to real bartending, I'm just getting started."

Bai Xiuxiu was a little surprised by this answer. Most men, no matter what age they are, will try their best to express themselves in front of her. She also knows that her charm can strongly arouse men's desire to conquer. In the end, she was not distracted by her beauty. Generally speaking, this kind of man knows something about her, so he is afraid of her subconsciously. However, the boy in front of him is not because of fear, because his attitude of speaking is always They are all calm and calm.

Bai Xiuxiu stretched out her hand to stroke the hair around her ears, and said with a smile, "You are such an honest and lovely child."

But at this moment, Cheng Mo changed his mind, because he saw a watch on Bai Xiuxiu's white wrist, a shiny watch in the shape of ouroboros.
(There is another update that will be later, everyone will watch it tomorrow! Please also recommend tickets!)
(End of this chapter)

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