Rebel Demon King

Chapter 100 Bad guys and bad guys.

Chapter 100 Bad guys and bad guys.
The elements of violence are engraved in every cell of human beings.

Shakespeare's plays, war movies, action movies, various games, sports competitions, these exciting scenes are all constituted by violence, although they show human love and cowardice or the preciousness of peace in violence.

However, there is no doubt that everyone must have experienced a situation in which violent factors have been stimulated. Whether to retaliate with violence or choose civilization depends to a large extent on personal ability, and not all decisions are made by blood or reason.

The advantage of civilization is that a contract society enables the vast majority of people to be adequately protected even if they are exploited, so whether it is a vested interest in maintaining the balance of the social contract or a carrier of violent technology is heading to the top of the food chain. Social Darwinists (Note 1), should pay more attention to the roughness of the world and figure out how to fix it. ——Li Jiting

This is Cheng Mo's first fight in nearly 17 years.

He originally thought that fighting was a technical job, but in fact, the final consideration for fighting was only the ability to strike and the ability to resist strikes. Skills were not as important as he thought.

For example, the elbow that he smashed the knife into the air was a technique in Bajiquan and Taijiquan, in which he used his legs to push the ground and send it to his shoulders to push his opponent out. It was called Tieshanyao. Although this move is more powerful than ordinary kicks and punches, it is actually very difficult to use in actual combat, unless the opponent has obvious flaws or a huge difference in strength to succeed, otherwise it is difficult.

In contrast, knocking down the greyhound's leg is a kick from Muay Thai, which is more practical.

But Cheng Mo feels that watching those various fighting teaching videos should be a waste of time. These moves are meaningless to ordinary people, because they are crushing, so you can fight any way you want, and the way of fighting between carriers may be different from what he imagined. It's completely different. For the time being, he has too little information about this kind of thing, and there is no way to imagine it.

But this test is absolutely necessary for Cheng Mo, although the process can be said to be tedious.

The gap between carriers and ordinary people is probably the gap between an adult holding a weapon and a three- or four-year-old child. It may be even larger. It is difficult for Cheng Mo to find a more appropriate reference.

In fact, Cheng Mo had long hoped to be able to do such an experiment. He had always done some basic tests on the carrier's ability. Although he lacked detailed numerical values, he still had a certain degree of understanding. It was also expected to crush ordinary people.

In this experiment, his biggest gain was not the five stamina points consumed, but - degrees.

It is not surprising that a martial arts master kills a person with one blow, let alone a "superman" like a carrier.Cheng Mo's biggest gain in this fight was that he knew how much power he could use to make ordinary people lose their combat effectiveness without being injured too seriously.

The reason why he chose to be beaten at the beginning was not all based on the consideration of testing the anti-strike ability, but also to find some psychological balance in case of a missed attack and serious injury or even death.

Although Cheng Mo has a more thorough understanding of life and death than ordinary people, he is only 16 or 7 years old, and he is not an anti-social personality. Although he can control other people's life and death, he still respects life because he I am a person trying to survive.

As for the latter paragraph, it's better to say it to yourself than to say it to a group of gangsters who don't understand it.

Because he realizes that he has completely become an ordinary person who has jumped out of the existing social contract, and has become a super human with a very high degree of freedom.

Perhaps, the only thing that can restrain him is other people who have a carrier.

Of course, only he can appreciate this complicated feeling, and no one can share it with him.

At this moment, this originally quiet and slightly deserted alley has long since lost its independent tranquility, and it is filled with powerless groans and wailings. There are six people kneeling in front of the 24 Underneath the red painted characters, there are only two people who are not kneeling. A greyhound with a broken tibia is leaning against the wall with a gray face and crying softly, and the other is "Xiong Er", who is still lying down and pretending to faint die.

As for Gao Yuemei, she was moved by Cheng Mo to the underside of the street lamp, and she was sleeping peacefully by the lamppost, unaware of what was happening outside.

Cheng Mo put Gao Yuemei away and returned to the back of the group of social brothers who were still kneeling. Their bodies were trembling slightly in the humid and warm air. Cheng Mo picked up another steel pipe on the ground. Fighting with weapons and fighting without weapons are purely two concepts. According to the destructive power of weapons, a person's combat effectiveness will be multiplied.

"Brother, can you call an ambulance for me, I feel like I'm dying of pain and have difficulty breathing." Kneeling on the ground, wearing a cheap black long-sleeved T-shirt with a thick gold chain around his neck Xiaodao looked back at Cheng Mo and pleaded.

Cheng Mo glanced at Xiaodao and said lightly, "Take off your shirt."

"This" Xiaodao raised his face covered in sweat, his already twisted face in pain wanted to ask Big Brother what you want to do, but seeing that the steel pipe in Chengmo's hand seemed to move a bit, he immediately said nothing, endured the pain and struggled to take off his long sleeves The T-shirt reveals a tiger tattooed on the back, but the tattoo artist's artistic attainments are not high enough, and the proportions of a tiger tattoo are out of proportion, like a simple and bad engraving, blurred and without deterrence, It only made me laugh.

Of course, someone like Cheng Mo, who had a very high laugh, didn't find it funny. He just waited for Xiaodao to take off his clothes and said, "Turn around."

The knife turned around immediately, and he didn't dare to do any extra action. The end of the dare was right next to him. The small hair with wine red hair was a vivid example. Two teeth were lost, two His arms were all scratched and scratched on the ground, and his mouth was full of blood and he was sobbing.

Cheng Mo bent down and stretched out his hand and poked the bruise at the bottom of his left chest. Xiaodao immediately started howling like killing a pig. Seeing Cheng Mo's expressionless and grim expression, Xiaodao immediately covered his mouth to prevent himself from making more noises. loud noise.

Cheng Mo didn't pay attention to him, but carefully felt the subtle feelings from his fingers, the flow of blood, the shrinkage of the skin, and the coagulated tissue could draw a clear image in his mind.

Soon Cheng Mo straightened up and said, "It's just two broken ribs. The problem is not serious, and there is no need for surgery. I went to the hospital to fix the rib fracture with a rib fixation belt. After two months of rest, I should be fine."

"Fuck! It's not serious if you say it's not serious! You're like a doctor." Xiaodao said heartily, but he didn't dare to say that, so he could only say with tears in his eyes, "Brother, people You have already typed it, and we have memorized the 24-character socialist core values, when will we be allowed to leave?"

Cheng Mo tapped the ground rhythmically with the steel pipe, and made a metallic sound that made a group of social brothers horrified in the damp and dark alley. "

The voice was not loud, and there was no threatening tone, as if talking to someone who was not familiar with him, but a few social buddies felt scared in their hearts. As for running away, they didn't even dare to think about it. Xiao Mao was a warning. This monster with extremely high force value casually picked up a steel pipe and smashed it to the ground, and then dragged it back with one foot, as if it was dragging a corpse. If you look closely, there are brake marks on the ground. bloodstains.

Xiaodao's face has shrunk into a bitter gourd, and he said with difficulty: "Brother, we really don't know, it was arranged by our boss, we just use money to do things"

Cheng Mo knew that Xiaodao was lying, and his flickering eyes had betrayed him, but he didn't intend to care, just asked, "Who is your boss?"

Xiaodao didn't speak, just looked at Xiong Er, who was lying on the opposite wall with Ge You lying.

Cheng Mo is also insidious. Of course he knew that the short man with scarred face was taking the lead, but he just wanted Xiaodao to say it. After getting Xiaodao's answer, Cheng Mo said "thank you" very politely and gently, and then greeted Xiaodao. The big bear on the other side walked over. At this time, everyone turned their heads and quietly looked at Cheng Mo's back. Even the greyhound leaning against the wall cried a little less and looked at Cheng Mo intently.

The noise in the alley was a little lower again.

Cheng Mo is quite satisfied with this test. Generally speaking, it is a good result that no one is killed. As for the beating, the vomiting blood, the broken shin bone, the broken rib, etc. are all innocuous minor injuries, and they are not as good as they want. What it does: "Break your own hand" is roughly the same level.

Under the dim light, most of the flat-headed dwarf Xiong Er was hiding in the shadows. Only one foot, wearing a fake GUCCI leather shoe, was shrouded in the street light. Although he closed his eyes, he could clearly hear Cheng Mo and Xiaodao. He could also hear the sound of the devil dragging the steel pipe and rubbing against the ground. The sound was not harsh at all, but rather pleasant, and the irritating big bear even boiled with cold blood.

Like the frog being boiled in warm water.

Xiong Er is a mischievous bastard who didn't study hard since he was a child. His parents were working in other places. His grandparents couldn't control him at all. In junior high school, he struggled with a group of people who collected protection fees in the school in his hometown, and did not take the test after graduation. When he was in high school, his parents wanted him to go to secondary school, but he didn't. He felt that it was useless to go to secondary school. He could only do small jobs. His parents asked him to work part-time. Novels and movies of Young and Dangerous, I longed to be the boss, so I came to the big city with my good brother from junior high school to work hard.

The people in their county are very powerful in the railway station of the provincial capital. When they go out, they naturally rely on their fellow villagers. It is logical that Xiong Er also hangs out in the railway station, and the people who specialize in helping the railway station do business "in trouble". For example, collecting bills, "adjusting" business disputes
In fact, there are not many opportunities for them to really fight, and they usually focus on intimidation. If they really want to fight, they only dare to get a minor injury. It's not like what they do in the book and movie. After all, these days, society B has to follow Economic theory runs, and no one really wants to go to jail unless the price is right.

But in the seven or eight years since Xiong Er has been in business, he has never imagined that he would encounter such a situation today. Eight people are surrounded by one person, which simply subverts his understanding of "fighting".

He originally thought that things like martial arts were deceptive. After all, two fists are invincible to four hands, and no matter how high martial arts are, they are afraid of kitchen knives. However, today he completely believes that there are mysterious and mysterious things like "qigong" and "martial arts" in the world. Things, or else it can't explain how this kid in front of him can hit eight with one punch and knock himself out with one punch.

If he could have this kind of kung fu, it was obviously not the time when he considered whether to go to the Shaolin martial arts school to learn the arts in the future, but how to not lose face in front of the younger brothers, but also how not to get beaten up.

When Xiong Er heard the sound of the steel pipe rubbing against the cement floor getting closer and closer, he couldn't help but shake his eyelids, making him a little strange that although he could hear the sound of the steel pipe, he couldn't hear the footsteps.

At this moment, Xiong Er felt that he was still relatively calm. After all, he had been on the road for so long, what big storms had he not seen before?

Naturally, Cheng Mo could easily see Xiong Er's eyeballs rolling under his eyelids. He walked up to Xiong Er and said lightly: "Don't pretend to be dead, I'll give you 3 minutes to explain the ins and outs clearly. Break your right hand."

Xiong Erxin, who was still pretending to be dead, said: How can you say that if you don't pretend, you won't pretend?If you betray Kevin, you will offend the boss, the boss, the boss, Master Jing. Who should be blamed for not being able to provide Kevin?Kevin didn't say who he was going to blame, he really wanted to send a message and ask him now.
However, before Xiong Er could figure out how to answer, he felt a piercing pain in his left arm, as if something had moved in his flesh. The severe pain made him immediately open his eyes involuntarily, and grabbed his arm with his right hand. , looked at Cheng Mo and howled: "cnmb! Didn't we agree on 3 minutes?"

Cheng Mo looked at Xiong Er, who was sweating profusely in pain, and said slowly: "It was agreed to hit the right hand for 3 minutes, but now it is your left hand that will be interrupted. So, you still have 2 minutes to think about whether to let it go or not." I'll break your right hand too."

Xiong Er looked at Cheng Mo's icy eyes, neither cruel nor pity, no emotion at all, as if he had done something unimportant, he shuddered, his mind changed, "hehe" sneered: "It's a I don't know who the rich boy is, I don't know who it is, our boss arranged it, and I also collect money to do things."

Just now I heard Cheng Mo fooled by a knife, Xiong Er thought that Cheng Mo was easy to deceive, but after he finished speaking, Cheng Mo just stood in front of him and looked at him coldly, after a while, he calmed down. Said: "There is 1 minute"

Xiong Er endured the pain in his arm. No matter what, he was determined not to betray Kevin. He had come to Star City for so many years, and he had played dozens of games, big and small. He had never been so humiliated. When it comes to beating small ones, it’s usually more bullying the less, but no matter what, the most important thing is to save face. Anyone who has been beaten has been beaten, the key is to be able to hold on after being beaten, especially in In front of a group of younger brothers.

Seeing that this kind of rhetoric didn't work, Xiong Er cursed fiercely: "I tell you, Lao Tzu, CNMB, for everything you did today, Lao Tzu will pay back tenfold. Silly B, sooner or later you will fall. It's in Lao Tzu's hands."

"If you don't kill me today, CNMB, you little b, I will definitely hack you to death, hack your whole family to death, prepare the coffin."

Xiong Er cursed fiercely, but Cheng Mo in front of him remained indifferent.

When the time was approaching 3 minutes, the group of social brothers behind couldn't bear to watch, they all turned their heads, and as expected, there was another miserable howl, and it was obvious that Xiong Er's right hand was also broken.

At this moment, Xiong Er's face was pale and covered in black sweat. With his hands hanging on his sides, he could only repeat meaninglessly: "cnmb, I will kill you sooner or later"

Cheng Mo held the steel pipe and said, "Do you know why I beat you?"

Xiong Er never thought that he would be questioned again. The situation was reversed, and he was so annoyed that he spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva at Cheng Mo, but as soon as he made the move, he was slapped in the face by Cheng Moyi's steel pipe and sprayed to the side. , not only blood, saliva, and yellowed teeth flew out
Suddenly, the right side of Xiong Er's face swelled up.

Cheng Mo said: "Because I annoy you the most, only CNMB and CNMB trolls. They seem particularly uneducated, unqualified, and uneducated. Let me ask you, can you write the B character of MB?"

Xiong Er's expression was blank, he never thought about which word it was, how it should be written, maybe it was "forced", maybe it was "B".
"You can't even write, you still call MB, SB, NB, 2B all day long?" Cheng Mo said, another steel pipe was drawn on Xiong Er's left face, with just the right amount of force, and the swelling was exactly the same height.

After the pumping, Cheng Mo used a steel pipe with blood on the top to carve a word on the concrete floor, and said with a serious face: "Remember, this is the B word, don't use this word to scold people for a lifetime, the day you die. I don't even know the word."

Xiong Er was full of anger and how to retaliate. However, he looked down at the words that Cheng Mo scribbled deeply on the concrete floor with a steel pipe, and his legs couldn't help shaking.
Cheng Mo looked into Xiong Er's eyes and said, "Actually, if you don't tell me, I know that Kevin called you here."

"But do you know who the girl I hugged just now that you didn't let me put down?"

"That's our boss lady, the little girl of the white lady. So I guess you won't have the chance to come and cut me."

Cheng Mo paused and said, "Now I say you are mentally retarded and incompetent, are you convinced?"

Hearing Bai Niangzi's name, Xiong Er, who had always been tough and strong, couldn't help but start to tremble. His eyes that were full of anger and resentment instantly became lifeless. He subconsciously said in disbelief, "You lied to me"

At this moment, Xiong Er's blurred face was engraved with panic.

Cheng Mo didn't answer, he determined that the culprit was Kevin through Xiong Er's expression, and when he got a definite answer, he turned and walked towards Gao Yuemei, who was still sleeping peacefully under the street light, bowed and hugged her, then moved towards the alley. Glittering neon walks away.

Behind Cheng Mo, there was a low voice of pain, which made everything even more silent. The shadow of the high wall, the red writing, and the dim skylight made this side street appear even deeper.

The dark sky becomes narrow in the alley, a clear moon hangs high in the long sky, a few black crows pass over the roof, the street lights are weak, spreading a yellow light, and the back of Cheng Mo is in this warm halo. It looks tall and mysterious.

(two-in-one update, ask for a recommendation ticket)

Note 1: Social Darwinism—the theory of social and cultural evolution in the 19th century, has this name because of its relationship with Darwinian biological theory.Social Darwinists—notably Spencer and Bagehot in England and William Graham Sumner in the United States—believe that natural selection processes that affect population variation will lead to the strongest competitors survival and population improvement.

(End of this chapter)

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