Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 975 Solidifying the Atmosphere

Chapter 975 Solidifying the Atmosphere

"Wang Hao, don't go to the airport, come directly to the sky above the conference room..."

Tao Hongguo thought for a while, and immediately said to Wang Hao.

"it is good."

Wang Hao nodded lightly, directly set Tianyin's goal, and directly came to the sky above Yanjiu's People's Assembly Hall.

"The Tianyin fighter plane is coming. Be alert immediately, protect the surrounding arrangements, and a team to protect Wang Hao enters the meeting room."

After the Tianyin fighter plane appeared in the sky above Yanjing, some fighter planes escorted it, and some mech fighters were often accompanying it.

"Sir...please follow me."

After Wang Hao landed, he was immediately protected heavily, which made him shake his head involuntarily. He felt that it was a little too much, but he didn't reject the other party's kindness, and followed the other party.

"Wang Hao, the earth and stars can be changed to be movable, can this idea be realized?"

After Tao Hongguo watched Wang Hao enter the meeting room, he didn't have time to reminisce. Instead, the first sentence directly asked the question that everyone in this meeting room with more than 100 people cared about, that is, can the earth and stars be changed? into a removable form.

"It's okay, but it needs a lot of places to cooperate. It's not just in the territory of China, but in the whole world. There are some countries in this area, but this is just an attempt. Whether it will be successful or not depends on the time." As for the effect, there is no time for experimentation, and if this idea is fully implemented, it will take about three months to complete."

Wang Hao thought for a while, and couldn't help but said, although this idea is crazy, but on the way here, he seriously thought about it, maybe according to his own ideas, it is really possible to transform the earth star into a movable planet.

So as to fundamentally solve the problem of development limitations brought about by migration.

"I believe that everyone has seen the images of the Protoss, and the killing heart is extremely strong. I think that now is a critical moment, a special moment, and special treatment. Maybe the earth and stars only need one voice now, and that is the voice of the Yanhuang Alliance. Let's vote. .”

After Tao Hongguo was silent for a long time, he suddenly raised his head, with a strong firmness on his face. At this moment, he also heard Wang Hao's words, that is, the earth and stars want to complete the transformation, only in Huaguo. Impossible.

"I agree."

After hearing Tao Hongguo's words, Elder Ye was also taken aback, but he immediately realized that he wanted the Yanhuang Alliance to have the sole right to speak on Earth Star.

Although it is said that the Yanhuang Alliance is extremely strong in Earth Star, there are still a few countries that still resist, such as country M and country R.



After hearing Tao Hongguo's words, the people in the meeting room couldn't help but raise their hands.

All of a sudden, the number of votes in favor reached [-]%, which made this proposal pass immediately.

After the resolution was passed, the Yanhuang Alliance headed by Huaguo showed extremely fast speed and a firm attitude. On the day of the resolution, fighter planes took off, warships were often hung in the sky, and many transport planes appeared , Started construction in various parts of Earth and Star.

Yang Lu, Chen Tang, and Lan Wei also returned to Huaguo. At this time, under the leadership of Wang Hao, the researchers of the entire team reached a limit. If they are all counted, they have probably reached 10,000+ research personnel.

Wang Hao has become the backbone of these 10,000+ researchers, everything is going on under Wang Hao's will, and under these 10,000+ researchers, there are millions of construction teams, not to mention, the world-wide fighters.

The entire amount of land, when Huaguo decided to show its true strength and transform the Earthstar, all the countries in the Earthstar, looking at Huaguo, could not help but tremble and dare not speak, even if it was the M country. After all, the gap in strength is too great.

Before Hua Guo had no idea in this regard, M country didn't dare to show off its force, let alone the moment when Hua country showed its fists. M country was really hurt before. Think about it a few years ago, when Wang Hao directly The scene of knocking on the door and taking the alien away, the high-level executives of country M are still in the eye.

Although the people of Earth and Star are very puzzled, there are many giant pillars that have risen all over the world, and even some pillars reach the sky and go straight into the clouds, as if they are going to break through the sky, and they can't see the end, but in the clouds, the pillars reaching the sky At the top, there is a huge sphere located directly in the center of the atmosphere.

This is not one place, but countless places, where this kind of Tongtianzhu, which is jokingly called by people, has appeared.

"Brother Hao, everyone's energy column has been established, and now we need to connect to the energy."

Lan Wei's eyes showed a touch of excitement. During these times, he followed Wang Hao's side in order to complete the transformation of the earth and stars.

"Well, count down to ten seconds, prepare to switch on the energy, and pay attention to the stability of the atmosphere."

Wang Hao's eyes were calm. During these times, he was busy with the transformation of the earth and stars. Even if his own child was born, he just chose a name, went back to accompany Su Yu for a week, and then returned to research work. It's just that it's essential to talk to Su Yu every day and see the children.

After all, the situation is different now, and the pressure from the Protoss is like a mountain in his heart, pressing down on his heart.

"Inject energy in ten seconds... Pay attention to the stability of the atmosphere..."

Lan Wei nodded slightly, with a calm look in her eyes.


As the energy pillars are slowly connected to energy, the hundreds of energy pillars on the entire planet gradually become glowing.

"Look quickly. The Babel is lit up."

"Really, the Tongtian Pillar is on. What are these pillars used for? Are they used as a wonder of the world?"

In Huaguo Demon City, there is a pillar that is many times taller than the Oriental Pearl Tower and goes straight into Yunxiao. It glows at this moment and immediately attracts the attention of all the people in the Demon City. This kind of Tongtian Pillar has appeared for a long time. But Hua Guo did not come out to explain.

However, even though Huaguo did not disclose too much information in order to stabilize people's livelihood, the citizens still noticed some differences, but they couldn't tell what the difference was.

And the same picture appeared in many places, all over the world, in many countries, and countless Earth Stars, all with strong curiosity about the usefulness of these Tongtian Pillars.

However, the research center where Wang Hao is located has no hesitation at all. He is watching these energy pillars, which are called Tongtian pillars by the outside world, which are shining brightly at this time, and with the change of light, the entire research center is boiling When he got up, staff kept reporting detailed data.

"The solidification of the atmosphere is successful, and the hardness is increasing."

"The structure of the atmosphere is normal, and there is no heterosexual change."

"The energy delivery is normal, the energy balance has been maintained, and it can continue to be stable."

After Wang Hao listened to the report, his face relaxed slightly, and he nodded lightly. The first condition for the earth and stars to move is that the atmosphere can move along with them. If they cannot move together, the earth and stars will instantly Be the dead star of the universe, like Jupiter, like Venus.

"Turn on and build the ground star thruster, and the front drag reduction device of the ground star is in place..."

After Wang Hao heard the stable atmosphere, he nodded slightly, and immediately carried out the next step according to the plan.

But compared to Wang Hao's calmness, Fez was stunned. He was staring blankly at the earth star. The step-by-step changes were like the earth star with a light bulb turned on.

"It's crazy. They really let them solidify the atmosphere. The creative thinking of the earth star people, I really dare to think about it."

Fez stared blankly at the changes in the data detection of the Earth Star, and saw that the atmosphere of the Earth Star had changed color, as if it had been frozen. This made him stand in his own fleet, and his eyes could not help but be dull.

(End of this chapter)

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