Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 950 How Do You Know I Can't Stop It?

Chapter 950 How Do You Know I Can't Stop It?
"what is happening."

Qin Hongxi's eyes were cloudy and uncertain. He turned his head and looked around, and found that the unknown pillars of the entire imperial palace were lit up. It should not be said that the entire imperial palace, but the pillars of the entire imperial city were lit up.

Such a scene attracted Qin Hongxi's attention. Although he was about to be swallowed up by anger now, after all, anyone who encountered such a thing would collapse a little bit, and a tiger's poison would not eat its own child, but now he was plotted by his father.

"Haha, I'm about to live forever."

Qin Hao laughed, with strong anticipation on his face. He didn't even look at Qin Hongxi, but lowered his head and looked at his feet, as if there was something pleasing to him under his feet.

But after looking at it for a long time, he found that something was wrong, because he didn't respond at all when he went underground.

"I don't think you can wait any longer."

Just when Qin Hao had doubts on his face, a gloomy voice suddenly appeared. After this voice appeared, Qin Hao was taken aback.

"How could you not be dead?"

Qin Hao looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, especially at the old man's body. Others didn't know it, but he knew it clearly. This voice was the old man's voice.

"Death? You underestimate me too much. As a great emperor and powerhouse, how could I die in your hands? To tell you the truth, what you killed was only my body. My most important core is soul."

The old man laughed, with a strong disdain in his voice, and above the corpse, it turned into a puff of smoke and appeared, slowly blurring into a human form.

".But your body is dead, so what about eternal life?"

Qin Hao seemed to be looking for a reason for himself, as well as an explanation for the old man, but what he muttered to himself was a disdainful smile from the empty old man.

"You still think that you rely on your body to live forever? What is immortal is far from the body, but the soul."

As if he had heard a huge joke, the old man looked at Qin Hao speechlessly, as if he was talking about why your IQ is so low.

"Soul? Do you want to use faith to improve your soul?"

Qin Hao was a little dazed, it was not quite the same as what he knew before.

"Yes, to enhance the soul, but not with faith, because apart from self-cultivation, there is only one thing that can increase the strength of the soul, and that is the soul. A soul that has experienced hope to despair is my greatest tonic haha Haha..You are still too young, think I don’t know your thoughts? Let me tell you, the center of the formation is actually there, and this seat, I just see that you are not at ease, and it is purely a set, which is different from the seat. I fight, you are too young."

The blurred old man was full of arrogance and madness, and the more he talked, the more crazy he became, and at the end he laughed, like an uncontrollable laugh, and pointed at the high platform, with a look of Intense ridicule.

"You want to kill the whole city?"

Qin Hao's complexion turned a little pale in an instant. He looked at the blurred old man in disbelief, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes. He knew that he was really wrong, and his calculations had already been seen through by the other party.

"Yes, and you have to kill in the most tragic way to force out those pitiful and insignificant souls, so that these souls can become my tonic."

The blurred old man nodded lightly, with a contemptuous smile on his face. How could he not know what the other party was thinking? Take away a new body again.

What's more, this body has already reached a limit, even if it is not killed, it will not survive for long.

"No you can't do that you can't do that."

Qin Hao had violent emotional fluctuations, looked at the blurred old man, and wanted to reach out his hand to hold him, but his hand, as if piercing through the air, passed by with one touch.

"It's too late, the formation has already started, and it can't be stopped. Except for a few people, those who have not reached the upper three realms will become my supplements."

After the illusory old man regained his composure, he looked at the person who wanted to touch his illusory body expressionlessly, and said indifferently.

The old man's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Qin Hao's heart directly. His eyes were full of grayness, and he couldn't even sit still. He slipped from the golden chair that the old man had sat on before, as if feeling Seeing that his body had been hollowed out, he did not expect that he had a plan, and the other party had a deeper plan. He actually wanted to kill the entire Qin capital as a representative. This made him feel regretful. Without the people, How can he be an emperor, let alone, he has not entered the three realms.

"Teacher, please help."

Qin Hongxi was also amazed by the scene in front of him. Looking at Qin Hao who had slipped to the ground, that is, his father, there was a strong anger in his eyes, but at the same time he was sober, looking at the light of the pillar. The curtain was getting stronger and stronger, and he was very anxious in his heart, as if thinking of something, his eyes instantly looked at Wang Hao, with a touch of hope.

But before Wang Hao spoke, the blurred old man also set his eyes on Wang Hao.

"It's useless. Once this formation is activated, if I don't want to close it, you can't stop it. I can't do anything to you, and you can't do anything to me. There is no need to waste time. It's just that I am a little surprised that it is here. I can meet several of you in the imperial realm, and your talents are excellent, so I am extremely excited, but it is a pity that you have reached the imperial realm, and the degree of body and soul integration is too high, it is not worthwhile for me to seize them."

The blurred old man glanced at Wang Hao for a few times, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes. He had already discovered Wang Hao and others, and he knew that the other party was the emperor, and these were the few people he said could get away.

Although the Emperor Realm is strong, it has no effect on his plan. After all, he is in the state of the soul, and he knows that the Emperor Realm has little means for the soul, let alone the Emperor Realm, so he doesn't care at all. Can't keep the other party, but the other party can't affect his plan.

"How do you know I can't stop it?"

There was no tension on Wang Hao's face, but he said curiously that he had been in the dark, and silently turned on the monitoring device, trying to detect whether there was a way to crack this formation, but after a long time After a while, the speed of the detection device is very slow, and a feasible solution has not been obtained so far.

And his Eye of Shattering the Void also saw that this formation is very weird, and there are not many conclusions for him to decipher this formation, and if Wang Hao deciphers it from his own knowledge, he really does not have that ability. Although I have improved my knowledge about the formation before, compared with the complexity of this formation, it is completely the difference between a college student and a primary school student.

Therefore, he had no choice but to observe silently, and after hearing what the old man said, his heart moved slightly. He had no way to stop this formation, but he could definitely make the other party stop it on his own initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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