Chapter 942
"Xiaolong, where is the thing I asked you to make?"

Hearing the emotional voice of the borneol, Wang Hao was very pleased. He had deeper expectations for the child who was about to be born in Su Yu's womb.

"The jade seal is on the workbench next to it, and it has been made."

Wang Hao nodded with satisfaction after hearing the voice of the borneol, and naturally he did not forget the real purpose of coming here.

"This is the jade seal you have made?"

Next to Wang Haoyi was a palm-sized jade-colored object with a dragon-shaped totem on his body. At first glance, there was an inexplicable domineering aura. He walked over, took this object in his hand, and looked at it seriously.

There are eight big characters engraved on it, ordered by the heavens, and longevity is eternal. The eight big characters are all written in the body of a dragon, which looks extremely domineering.

He nodded in satisfaction. This is a gift he prepared for his students. It uses a new type of special transparent material. Don't look at this material as transparent, but its hardness exceeds that of star steel. It has become The Vast Research Center, one of the most commonly used materials, whether it is to build space battleships or mechs, uses this glass V[-] material for mixed use.

As for this jade seal, Wang Hao didn't bother to study other styles. He took a legendary item in the history of Dixinghua Kingdom as his gift, that is, the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and used it as a gift for Qin Hongxi's ascension to the throne.

Chuan Guo Yuxi, also known as "Chuan Guoxie" and "Chuan Guobao", was engraved by Qin Prime Minister Li Si on the order of Qin Shihuang in history, using Heshibi, and was later passed down as the seal of the successive emperors of Huaguo.

The Jade Seal of Chuanguo is four inches in diameter, with five dragons at the intersection of Shanghai and New York. On the front is engraved with the eight seal characters written by Li Si, "Designed by Heaven, and longevity will last forever", as a token of "imperial power granted by God, orthodox and legal".

After the Qin Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties regarded obtaining this seal as a symbol of auspiciousness, and enshrined it as a rare treasure, and it was also an important weapon of the country.Getting it symbolizes that it is "destined by the sky", and losing it means that it is "exhausted".Those who ascended to great positions without this seal were ridiculed as "white emperors", and were despised by the world for their lack of confidence.

Generations vying for the great treasure in the past dynasties have caused the jade seal of the handed down country to change its owner repeatedly. It has been in Shenzhou for more than 2000 years, flickering, and finally disappeared. It has never been seen until now, which makes people sigh.

Wang Hao naturally regretted the loss of this object, but he did not reproduce such an object on Earth Star, but reproduced this object in Tianyan World according to the history description of Earth Star Hua Kingdom.

In the final analysis, in fact, there is only one sentence. If it is re-engraved on Earth and Star, it is called a counterfeit and inferior product, not a genuine product. Naturally, Wang Hao would not do such a thing, but it is different in the Tianyan world. It seems that it more represents a kind of spirit.

A kind of spirit that has not been lost by descendants of the Yellow Emperor since ancient times, represents a kind of thought, and even more a kind of belief.

In Wang Hao's heart, this is not only a gift he gave to his students, but also a belief he wanted to give to his students, and a copy of his yearning for the 5000-year civilization of Huaguo's history. Qin Hongxi, this is the original intention of Wang Hao's idea.

After Wang Hao stayed here for a while, he didn't stay too long, and asked the dragon brain to arrange a Tianyin, ready to go.

In Tianyan World, the capital of Qin Kingdom, inside the largest palace, there was a middle-aged man in a gorgeous cotton attire looking at the old man in white robe with a trace of respect.

"Senior, I have already arranged to build many pillars, all of which are based on the drawings you gave me, and they are not bad at all."

The middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes spoke.

"Very well, the time of the grand ceremony is the day of your eternal life, so go back."

The white-robed old man's eyes flashed slightly, his face showed satisfaction, and he nodded slightly. His voice was very convincing and penetrating, which made the middle-aged man's heart go wild instantly.

The old man also felt a little emotional in his heart. After spending three years on the layout, it was finally time to harvest. He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and smiled coldly in his heart. For him, the man in front of him was a chess piece in his hand , a pawn that can be discarded at any time.

If not, the other party is the lord of a country, and there is still some use for him, why should he act with the other party, it would be good if he didn't slap him to death.

"Senior, you have a good rest, I will take my leave first."

The middle-aged man in fine clothes is the current Lord of Qin, Qin Hao. Three years ago, he suddenly met this old man in white robes. After some encouragement, he could get the eternal life he had always wanted.

At this moment, he exited the main hall, his eyes flickered inexplicably, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes, as if he was looking forward to the eternal life he was about to usher in.

"Eighteen, your time is numbered..."

Qin Hao's eyes also showed a strong killing intent. He has a strong desire to possess power. If he hadn't seen some methods of this old man, he was convinced that he could live forever. He would never listen to the old man's words. Establishing Qin Hongxi as the crown prince, let alone such a succession ceremony.

Because Qin Hongxi built schools in the private sector and allowed children from poor families to attend school for free, he had a huge reputation among the private sector, which made him feel a strong threat and made him have a strong killing intent. But at that time, foreign enemies invaded. At that time, he had the idea of ​​killing people with a knife, so he sent Qin Hongxi to the battlefield, but this faction, the prestige of the other party among the people, became more and more out of hand.

Among them, there is the current number one expert in Qin State, Bai Qi, who is known as the existence of the God of Killing, and the murderous aura is extremely terrifying. The command of the war is even more art, which made Qin Hongxi and Bai Qi The prestige among the army has rapidly increased, which is unmatched by anyone. Combined with the prestige among the people, the Qin State only knows Qin Hongxi, and does not recognize him as the Lord of the Qin State.

Before, Qin Hao had a strong murderous intent towards Qin Hongxi, but the old man's words made him stop the thought of killing Qin Hongxi at that time, because he still wanted to use Qin Hongxi's prestige at the ceremony, according to the old man's words , that is, the belief generated by the people can allow him to live forever.

He wanted eternal life, and he also wanted to control the state of Qin. Therefore, in his heart, he also secretly arranged a plan, that is, on the eve of the grand ceremony, arrange someone to directly assassinate Qin Hongxi, and blame him at that time. In hostile countries, kill two birds with one stone.

Qin Hao thought of the new dynasty that was about to usher in. He could take over the already powerful army from Qin Hongxi, take over the chamber of commerce founded by Qin Hongxi, and have great prestige among the people. Thinking of these, the burning in his heart became even stronger. one cent.

(End of this chapter)

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