Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 904 Launching Plan B

Chapter 904 Launching Plan B
I want to see who destroyed Yuntian...

There was a gleam of coldness in Wang Hao's eyes, and his complexion became even more serious, and his aura affected the rest of the people.

After staying in Tianyan World for a period of time, Wang Hao did not slack off in research, so he naturally knew what it meant to be abolished. In Tianyan World, the state of self-cultivation is actually cultivating the body, and in the process of cultivating the body, It is also a process of nourishing Qi.

It will form a mass of qi under one's abdomen, which is where the dantian is. This mass of qi is very weak at first, so it must be carefully cultivated, and slowly let this qi grow stronger, breaking out of the dantian When the time comes, it is the time to break through the realm of self-cultivation.

But in the same way, the dantian has become an important core of the human body, because all qi is cultivated based on the dantian.

In Wang Hao's view, the dantian is, to another extent, a fertile field, which can cultivate qi. It is impossible to cultivate qi in any position. Only where the dantian is, can it be possible to cultivate a state of self-cultivation The most important core, Qi.

It is precisely because of the importance of the dantian that once the dantian is severely injured, it will have a huge impact on people, especially the impact on the practitioners in the Tianyan world, which is even more terrifying.

It is extremely difficult to repair the dantian, and once it is damaged, it means that the cultivation will be greatly affected.

This is also the reason why Wang Hao's complexion is very heavy.


Wang Hao walked out quickly following the guards who reported earlier, and immediately saw Yuntian surrounded by people. At this time, the people surrounding Yuntian were looking at the calm people with strong hatred .

Even Wang Hao saw a hint of sneer among these people.

"Mr. Wang."

After Yun Tian saw Wang Hao, with a painful expression on his face, he wanted to stand up and salute Wang Hao, but Wang Hao immediately pushed him down.

"do not move."

Wang Hao was silent, took out something from his pocket, and looked at it seriously, the more he looked, the uglier his face became.

Because he looked at the feedback from the detection device, he knew that Yuntian was indeed abolished, and even if he was facing the scurrying and destroying Qi in his dantian, he was helpless.

"Yo, this is the younger one, but the old one..."

When one person saw Wang Hao coming out, he smiled slightly, with a trace of cruel excitement on his face, and even licked his hand involuntarily, because this hand was the one he used to destroy the guard who was overwhelmed.

"Qin Ming..."

After Qin Hongxi followed Wang Hao out, he fixed his eyes on the person standing in front of his mansion, with a deep hatred on his face.

The other party is a side branch of the royal family. It was precisely because of his mother's place that he was favored by the current emperor of Qin for one night. This night, the emperor of Qin originally went to the place of Qin Ming's aunt, and it was precisely because of this time , making Qin Ming's family hate his mother.

In the harem, there are many concubines who gained power at one time, but there are also many concubines who gradually lost power. After her own mother gained power at the beginning, she was also slowly forgotten.

After the arrogant concubine loses power, she may be very miserable, but her mother doesn't fight, and doesn't grab. It stands to reason that she should spend her life in an ordinary life, but Qin Ming's family doesn't think so.

They thought that Qin Hongxi's mother cut him off by carefully arranging a person to enter the palace. Later, Qin Ming's family suppressed him in every possible way, and even framed his mother to death. Qin Hongxi didn't hate this.

"Yo Hongxi, it's good that you came out."

Looking at Qin Hongxi's expression, Qin Ming didn't take it seriously, but looked at it with interest, with a teasing look on his face.

"Qin Ming, what do you want, this is my residence."

Qin Hongxi originally wanted to say a harsh word, but just as the idea came to him, he was so outraged that he couldn't speak at all.

"Bai Qi, abolish them."

Wang Hao glanced at Yun Tian with gloomy eyes, and then at Qin Ming who was extremely arrogant. He said in a very cold tone that he was not timid like Qin Hongxi when he did things, but he was always very decisive.


After Bai Qi heard Wang Hao's words, his eyes widened instantly, as if the entire surrounding of Qin Hongxi's mansion had fallen into a weird force field.

The terrifying killing intent burst out in an instant.

"This killing intent... is too terrifying."

Qin Tiange, who was standing in a tea house in the distance, originally had an expression of watching the show, because he had secretly arranged all of this. Taking advantage of the relationship between Qin Hongxi and Qin Ming's family, he casually found someone to mess with it. Everything is going according to his plan.

The reason why he did this is very simple, that is to try Qin Hongxi's bottom. After all, if you don't see Qin Hongxi's abnormality, it's fine if you still have those two mysterious people. After knowing it, Qin Tiange always likes to control everything.

Naturally, he didn't want situations that he couldn't control to arise in the process of fighting for the throne.

But now he looked at a standing person with strong shock in his eyes, it was one of the two mysterious people, and the terrifying killing intent was exuding from the other person's body, affecting his mind.

At this moment, he felt that the situation was completely beyond his control, and he couldn't believe who it was that could have such a terrifying killing intent.

Qin Tiange, as the strongest young generation in the Qin country, was captured by killing intent, not to mention the others, all of them looked at Bai Qi who stood up with strong fear.

Is the killing intent diffusion auxiliary simulator a little too perverted?

Wang Hao glanced at Qin Ming, and then at the people at the gate of Qin Hongxi's mansion, all shocked by Bai Qi's killing intent.

Seriously speaking, this is not Bai Qi's killing intent, but a device that simulates the momentum developed by Wang Hao in order to better show Bai Qi's killing intent, called the killing intent diffusion auxiliary simulator for short. Simulating the killing intent and expanding and spreading.

In fact, this aura looks very beautiful and strong, but Wang Hao also knows that once he really makes a move, it's just a show.

However, Wang Hao thought of the things he had hurriedly produced in the past few days, and he was not worried that Bai Qi would not be able to solve it. You must know that Bai Qi was controlled by the borneol, and he had 1 clones of Bai Qi controlled by the borneol. Rest assured, think that borneol will find a solution.

Analysis of strength After the analysis is completed, the strength is strong, and the clone cannot be crushed, so plan B is executed to activate the mecha.

Bai Qi, that is, Dragon Nao, looked at Qin Ming and the others with a seemingly strong killing intent, making Qin Ming and the others think that they could kill themselves with just a raise of the other's hand.

However, the dragon brain did not do this, because it did a strength analysis and knew that with its own strength, it was impossible to beat Qin Ming who was in the Zhuangyuan state. However, after precise calculations, combined with Wang Hao's initial The character design, as well as the overall layout, made an important decision.

"wake up..."

Bai Qi had killing intent in his eyes, as if he wanted to pierce Qin Ming and the others with his eyes, and suddenly he let out a loud roar, and with this loud roar, a neat and uniform figure suddenly appeared in Qin Hongxi's mansion. footsteps.

This made Qin Ming stunned for a moment, not to mention Qin Ming, even the mastermind behind the scenes, Qin Tiange was also stunned, because in Qin Hongxi's mansion, the sound of uniform footsteps made his heart tremble violently, as if he was like an ancient beast Like waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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