Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 755 Competition Bidding

Chapter 755 Competition Bidding
"My sister, brother Hao, you are really cheating, how can I talk about it?"

Fang Bing had a helpless expression on his face. Facing Wang Hao's deception, he was really powerless to complain, if it weren't for the vast island, the name of the island, and the shadow of the tree.

If it were any other person, he would definitely lose face if he were to be treated like this. This is like asking him to sell a three-no product.

The Tianyin passenger plane flew very fast, and about an hour later, it landed in Gancheng and came to the ruined company.

And the major competition organizations that have been notified a long time ago are already ready for battle.

"Do you think we can take it?"

Yao Yunfa had a look of nervousness on his face. He looked around at the big bosses of some competition organizations, and all the competitions they founded were competitions. Only the two of them came here, and there was an indescribable taste.

Because the highest-level competition they hold is only the Internet cafe league, and it is not the most popular LOL or PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, because even the Internet cafe league, they cannot compete with these larger organizations that do not fully operate the competition.

"I don't know, but let's try our best. This is our chance."

As the person who started the business with Yao Yun, Tan Ren also showed nervousness on his face.

But when the two were talking, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the side, and they spoke with a hint of sarcasm.

"Haha.. I didn't expect to see you here, and I wanted to compete for the organizer of the ruins. This is just a dream."

While Yao Yunfa was talking with Tan Ren, a young man came over with a few people and said mockingly.


Yao Yunfa looked at the young man, as if he couldn't stand the other person's words, and wanted to stand up to refute, but was pressed lightly by Tan Ren.

"It's not necessary to do our job well."

Tan Ren shook his head. Although there was a touch of anger on his face, to him, it wasn't worth it or necessary.

"Ha ha.."

Wen Renyun smiled slightly, as if he was not the one who was mocking just now, but he did it on purpose. He found it really interesting to tease these two people.

Especially looking at the expression of the other party who dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and looked helpless.

ta ta ta

With the sound of footsteps, everyone in the meeting couldn't help but look at the door of the meeting, with a smear on their faces, even Wen Renyun looked at the door of the meeting room .

Because there is only one purpose for them to come here, and that is to win the Ruins Game.

Especially seeing the young man who walked in, the leader made the eyes of everyone in the conference room brighten. After doing their homework, they all knew who this person was. It was Fang Bing, the big boss of Top Games Entertainment.

This one and the great god of the vast island, Haoshen, are true buddies.

"Welcome everyone. This time we will use the form of hidden bids for the Ruins Game competition. We have told you before that we will select the competition organization according to your situation."

After Fang Bing walked in, with a smile on his face, he went straight to the topic and said.

But Fang Bing's words made the people in the conference room look at each other in blank dismay, somewhat unable to adapt to Fang Bing's way.

It stands to reason.. Shouldn't the mechanism of the game be introduced first?How to skip it directly, let them hand in the bid as soon as they come, this is the first time they have seen such a bidding.

"That... Mr. Fang. Can you tell us a little bit about your company's thoughts and ideas for the competition."

Wen Renyun was stunned, they had prepared four or five sets of bidding documents, just to deal with different competition requirements, but now the other party's behavior of directly asking them to hand in the bidding documents made him look down at the several sets he had prepared Bidding documents, he doesn't know which one to submit
This is too out of the ordinary
The reactions of the others were roughly the same as Wen Renyun's, and they also felt that this was too unconventional and no one handed it in first.

"That...we don't have any ideas or assumptions. Please submit your bids first, and we'll see which one is suitable."

Fang Bing looked embarrassed. What he was afraid of was being asked such a question. This competition seemed to be held by his company, but he knew that the leader of all this was Wang Hao, and he still wanted to fight for Wang Hao. It serves because this event has a great influence on Wang Hao, and even to a certain extent, it will affect Wang Hao's layout on the planet in the last days.

But Wang Hao was very stupid, he didn't say the requirements of the competition, how did Fang Bing know, what are the specific requirements of the competition, so he simply said these words with a cheeky face.


Wen Renyun and the people who came with the company looked at each other, speechless in their eyes, and so did the others, but Yao Yunfa and Tan Ren were taken aback, and took out a set of bidding documents without hesitation.

They know that their competitiveness is small, and they write all their competitive points on a tender document. Even so, the conditions given are probably not as good as other companies’ partial profit-making behaviors, so for them, no matter what , only submit this bid.

While others were hesitating, they wondered if they would make a good impression if they handed in first.

"Mr. Fang, this is our company's bidding document."

Yao Yun glanced at Fang Bing, and said nervously, with a trace of respect in his words, after all, the power of his own life and death was in the hands of the other party.

"Okay, you guys are doing well."

Fang Bing was feeling the awkward atmosphere in this meeting room, and was worried about how to solve it when he heard someone handing in the bid, his eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at the two older than him approvingly. .

"Mr. Fang, this is our bid..."

Wen Renyun was also awakened by Yao Yun's behavior of handing in the bid. He knew that the situation could not be changed, because they couldn't change it either. Facing the ruined game company and Fang Bing, who had a very good relationship with the vast island, they couldn't change it at all. There are not many choices, they are just chosen, even without them, the game of ruins will not collapse.

After thinking about it, he took out a bid with the best conditions and handed it over.

"Mr. Fang...this is ours..."

The CEOs of other companies also reacted immediately, and quickly handed in their bids with the best conditions.

All the competition organizations are trying to establish a relationship, but the company's relationship is too difficult to get through, it is useless if the level is low, and the big boss, they can't find it. They found a shareholder, Chen Chi, and were dismissed with one sentence. It's this company, I don't care about the business, let alone the top management, I know that Fang Bing will personally supervise the formation of this competition, so that none of them dare to intervene without authorization, or if one is not good, they will probably be kicked out.

Facing such a difficult nut to crack, it was the first time that the competition organization felt that it wanted to represent a game event, but it was so difficult to start, and it was also the first real bidding.

Even if it was bidding before, it was actually nothing more than establishing a good relationship and going through the process, but this time, they had no way at all. There was really no way to go through the relationship and no way to start.

"Okay, I'll give it to someone to take a look at first. I think he will finish reading it soon. You wait a moment, and the result will be announced in a while to inform which company to cooperate with."

Fang Bing looked at all the participating companies, handed in their bids, nodded slightly and said.

"Mr. Fang... Isn't this a game in the ruins? Why do you want to find someone else?"

Wen Renyun frowned slightly, he didn't realize it, isn't Fang Bing the biggest boss of this company?How to listen to Fang Bing's meaning, but also to ask other people for instructions.

This is completely beyond his expectation...

"Oh, Brother Hao attaches great importance to this competition. Haohan Island will provide technical support and provide equipment for the competition. Therefore, the event operating organization, after showing it to Brother Hao, let Brother Hao make a decision. I will send these bids first. Show it to Brother Hao."

Fang Bing looked at the other party's doubts and couldn't help explaining.

"Brother Hao."

After the other people heard the word Brother Hao, their bodies couldn't help but tremble slightly. If they heard these two words from other people, they would never think too much, but from Fang Bing's mouth, it means, This brother Hao must be the one staying on the vast island now.
Was rated as the god who lives in the world, Wang Huaguo netizens.

Everyone regretted it, they misjudged the form. If they knew Brother Hao's assessment, they would definitely give in more.

"Er...can we rewrite a bid..."

Wen Renyun's face showed a touch of pain. All the bidding documents in his hand felt okay before, but after Brother Hao's name came out, he instantly felt that these bidding documents were too bad.

"No. Brother Hao's time is precious.. It's all right, you wait here."

Fang Bing glanced at Wen Renyun, shook his head and said, he was right. Brother Hao's time is indeed very precious.

Wen Renyun probably knew about it, and nodded helplessly, only hoping that his bid could be recognized by Wang Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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