Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 735 Encounter

Chapter 735 Encounter
"Let's go, follow me." Although Wang Hao didn't know the language of this world, but after he checked it, he didn't have so much burden. He wanted to see if there was any difference in the language of this world. .

"it is good."

Fang Bing looked at the defense line in the distance vigilantly. He would not have been so vigilant before, but after listening to Wang Hao's words, he knew that the flat land in front of him was not as flat as he imagined.

On the contrary, there are many crises. Although it is said that he will not really die, he should still be careful.

"Sir, Iron Man is here."

The people standing in the line of defense couldn't help but tense up when they saw the two steel men moving. Although the two steel men didn't seem to be much of a threat, they all knew that the two steel men's Behind, there are countless steel warriors.

If there is a real war, they have no confidence at all that they can withstand the attacks of these steel warriors.

"This actually completely circumvented our minefield."

Wu You watched the two iron men approaching, his face froze slightly, but seeing the clear walking route of the two iron men, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Hurley, warn them not to go any further."

Wu You hesitated for a moment, as if he had made a certain decision, he couldn't help but speak.


Heli responded softly, and his partner, Malediz, was promoted by Wu You because of his good performance this time.

"Warning, please stop advancing immediately."

He stood up and yelled at the people who were approaching in the distance.


But to Wang Hao and Fang Bing's ears, they were a little dazed. This was a completely gibberish language, and they didn't understand what it meant at all.

Wang Hao looked at the person who was talking and gesticulating, and the person who stretched out his hand to warn him, and he understood the general meaning. It was to make him stop, and he also stopped.

Wang Hao tentatively replied in Interstellar Common Language, but seeing the other party's blank expression, Wang Hao knew that the other party did not understand Interstellar Common Language at all.

Then he instinctively used Chinese and English, and said a few words again, but looking at the other person's expression, he felt a little helpless. If he hadn't learned the other person's language, he probably wouldn't be able to communicate.

"It seems that I can't communicate anymore. I don't know if I can catch a person and use brain waves to collect language."

Wang Hao's eyes flickered with a hint of danger, and his eyes fell on the person who made him extremely interested, the experimental product that could fly.

The brain computer collection is actually similar to the ones brought to Goth's three aliens before, but Wang Hao has improved a lot and optimized the program to better identify brain waves. The role is also very much.

He can use the ability of brain waves to decipher some language or thoughts
Wang Hao's muttering made Fang Bing take a step back subconsciously, because Wang Hao was the most dangerous at this time.

Especially Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao, looked at the person who could fly before, and couldn't help praying for him sadly, who made you so flirtatious, actually flew in the air, and was seen by Brother Hao.

Now that they want to collect languages, they all have their eyes on each other.

"What's the matter, my physical strength, I can actually shudder?"

Wu You didn't know why, but trembled, which made him a little puzzled. With his physical strength, it stands to reason that he shouldn't be trembling.

But the fact is exactly like this, which made him feel a kind of crisis, and after he seriously felt the source of the crisis, it actually felt like it came from the eyes of that Iron Man.

"I don't understand what to do..."

There was also a look of helplessness on Malediz's face. When language became an obstacle, there was no opportunity for communication at all.

"Huaxin, did you hear that? It's Chinese."

But Wu You didn't notice that in the line of defense, a yellow-skinned man not far away showed a look of disbelief, staring blankly at the steel man, he said with some uncertainty, there was a kind of his own It's like hallucinations in the ears.

"I heard it's really Chinese..."

Zhang Huaxin's face revealed a touch of surprise. In this line of defense, there are many people who can speak Chinese, but he never thought that he could actually hear Chinese from a steel man, which made him unable to believe his ears.

They didn't know how they came to this world at all. He only knew that the plane was hijacked, and then there was a series of things. When the plane crashed, he even thought he was going to die.

But when the plane crashed, the people on the plane suddenly found that it seemed as if they had come to Jurassic Park, just like in the movie, there were some huge monsters outside the plane.

At that time, I was also fortunate to meet human beings who were rescued. In this world similar to the end of the world he saw in the novel, human beings embarked on the road of technology and mutation, while the opponents were countless source beasts, all over the world. Among them, there is the origin, which is the origin of the origin beast.

Humans can only defend passively, and the survivors on the plane are slowly assimilated. In such a world, they realize the cruelty of the world.

In this post-apocalyptic world, as if there is no skill, you are destined to be eliminated. Maybe you won't starve to death, but you can barely maintain the lowest level of food and clothing, and you can't even maintain food and clothing, just to ensure that you will not starve to death.

Because more food needs to be provided to those fighters who can participate in the war, or those who can pay for the base, not the existence of eating and dying.

After coming to this world, he didn't hear Chinese from other people, except the people on the plane, but now he heard Chinese from Iron Man.

"Tell me, could it be that the earth came here?" The yellow-skinned man who spoke first, with a hint of speculation on his face, said in a low voice, they came here without knowing the reason, as if the plane crashed That's it.

The name of this person is Liao Zhicai, and there is a huge scar on his face. In this world, fighting is indispensable. People who cannot adapt to fighting have already become food in the mouth of the source beast, and the scar on his face was left at that time. of.

Because at that time, after being rescued, his status was very low, and he had no fighting ability, and he was just an ordinary civilian in China. After all, people who came from a peaceful age could not compare with people who fought all the year round in this world.

In the case of extremely low status, naturally there will not be too much medical treatment, and this scar is naturally left.

"I don't know, maybe it's really possible. At that time, there were more than 100 Chinese people on the plane, dead and disabled. Only a dozen of us were left to fight. If we were more disabled, it is estimated that those Handicapped brethren, the situation will be worse."

Zhang Huaxin thought of Dixing, and at that time, after the air crash, there were more than 100 Chinese people in the plane. After being forced to participate in the war, some of them died and some were maimed.

It's okay to die, at least it won't add burden to those who survived.

But for the disabled, in this strange world, the Chinese people showed unprecedented unity. It can be said that every Chinese person on the plane is like a relative in this strange world. They can't bear to look at these wounded people. The handicapped died right away, actively combining their strengths to carry out treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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