Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 710 I have done this bowl of poisonous chicken soup

Chapter 710 I have done this bowl of poisonous chicken soup

"Wang Hao, do you have anything to add to this policy?"

In a huge conference, there is at least a conference room that can accommodate about 500 people, and the current conference room is already full. If people outside see it, they will definitely recognize the speaker.

Because this person is the bellwether of Huaguo, Tao Hongguo.

Hearing that the superior person looked at him with a very respectful expression, Wang Hao felt helpless in his heart, which was completely different from what Ye Lao said.

It's all about the policy-making process, and having him involved in it, participating in national policy-making meetings.

"Just one question..."

There was a look of helplessness on Wang Hao's face. This meeting, he has seen it. What is a meeting at the national level, the level of rigor makes his scalp tingle.

The policy is really meticulous, and it can be said that all the things that can be considered are taken into consideration.

The credit rating system is actually very simple. It follows the previous credit system such as bank loans and extends it a lot.

The theme of this meeting is to make this credit system cover all industries, all aspects of the country, including individual behavior.

The biggest impact is actually that the credit rating will limit many benefits. After Wang Hao understands the credit rating system, he also knows that the country is really ruthless.

Credit rating, in fact, has no direct relationship with wealth or status, and your credit rating will not be improved because of your high status and wealth.

Wang Hao saw the biggest core of the credit rating system at a glance, that is, the credit rating system. In fact, it is for those who are patriotic and can contribute to the country to have a more superior institutional environment.

"Wang Hao, tell me."

Tao Hongguo had a look of curiosity on his face, Zhiyong implemented several policies, Wang Hao just listened in and did not make any comments, but this time the credit system made Wang Hao speak.

In this meeting, the credit system was actually the highlight. Wang Hao's opening immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Facing 500 people, Wang Hao performed the gazing ceremony on himself. To him, he was just expressing his own words, just expressing his own thoughts, let alone hundreds of people, even if Even the attention of people all over the world will not make Wang Hao nervous.

"That is the issue of supervision. The emergence of the credit system, since we want everyone to be equal, there is an important factor. The biggest problem is supervision. If the supervision is unfair, then there is no need for this credit system to be implemented."

Wang Hao didn't leave any room for it, and expressed his thoughts without hesitation. He still agrees with this credit system. After all, this is a system that can make Huaguo's cohesion reach an unprecedented level in a real sense.

The credit system does not affect people's lives, but in the face of some new technologies and new value manifestations, it has extremely far-reaching significance.

Just like Guoshu, it is the first execution point of the credit system.

Only when the credit reaches the general level can one be able to learn Chinese martial arts and enjoy the right to the martial arts practice room, which is the right to use the martial arts hall.

If it is lower than the normal level, then I'm sorry, please raise the credit rating to the normal level.

The reason for the strict review of Huaguo's entry this time is to give way to the credit system.

Let those who go abroad after the arrival of aliens, reduce their credit rating as a punishment.

If the verification does not have a clear purpose of going abroad, they will become the first batch of Chinese citizens with credit below the ordinary level.

And the citizens of China in the country will all have the same level, that is, the ordinary credit rating. Now those who have a higher than ordinary credit rating, it is estimated that only those who have been out of missions and disabled for the country will have a higher than ordinary credit rating. Ordinary grade.

The cultivation of martial arts at the Mingjin level requires ordinary credit levels, while Anjin requires more credit points. Below the credit level, the trade-off is the credit points. When the credit points reach the set limit, the credit level If the credit score is insufficient, it will be downgraded.

The emergence of this system stunned Wang Hao. He saw that Huaguo's high-level officials were determined to reform. In just one month, they had formulated such a huge reform plan. He couldn't help admiring him. Perhaps it was the reason why Huaguo was able to catch up even though its development was several hundred years late.

Huaguo's top management has never lacked the courage to change.

"We have also considered this issue, but we have never thought of a once-and-for-all solution." Tao Hongguo said truthfully. He and Wang Hao had met Wang Hao in private under Ye Lao's guidance before.

He never thought that Wang Hao's level was lower than his own, but always put Wang Hao at the same or even higher level to face.

This kind of respect made Wang Hao personally feel that he had a very good impression of Huaguo's top management...

"Actually, we can use intelligent programs to increase efforts to establish intelligent monitoring conditions, let intelligent supervision be the main focus, and set up a supervision department as a supplement. When encountering some complicated situations, we can implement them through consultation and judgment, and most of the work will be automated."

After pondering for a while, Wang Hao raised his head and said, according to his thinking, intelligent programs, coupled with human assistance, can solve complicated audits, which is the most fair solution he can think of.

And he is a scientific and technological researcher, so naturally from the perspective of science and technology, let the intelligent program maintain justice.

"We have thought about this idea before, but the technology involved in it made us hesitate. We were originally planning to ask you at this meeting if you can provide such technology..."

Tao Hongguo nodded in agreement and spoke.

"If the country needs it and trusts the technology I provide, I can provide it."

Wang Hao hesitated for a moment, raised his head and said, this kind of technology is not complicated for him, what is complicated is actually people's hearts. After all, if he is allowed to do this kind of national monitoring program, will the national level be at ease? , has enough trust.

After all, Wang Hao also knows that he is not very controlled. Although he has no intention of harming the country of Hua, there are always unwarranted worries, which should always be there.

"Wang Hao, you should know that we have always trusted you, otherwise, we would not have invited you to this meeting. If you can provide such supervisory intelligence, can you help us research one?"

It also appeared in Tao Hongguo's mind that there was no need to worry about what Wang Hao thought in his heart, but after they discussed it, they found that Wang Hao's strength actually wanted to break away from the country, to establish a country on his own, to attack a country, and to occupy it as No matter what, there is actually no problem at all.

It's just a question of whether Wang Hao wants to do it or not. Obviously, Wang Hao's focus is only on research.

So after a long discussion, their worries about this kind of worry have been reduced a lot, and it is not the first day they have known Wang Hao. It can be said that they have never stopped getting to know Wang Hao after Wang Hao appeared in their line of sight. .

It was based on this understanding that they felt that they should give enough credit to Wang Hao, which was also the original intention of inviting Wang Hao to come back to the meeting.

"That's fine, I'll study one at that time, and send it to you when the matching conditions for monitoring hardware facilities are required."

Wang Hao nodded lightly. Since the country trusts him, he will study this thing. For him, such an intelligent program is not difficult.

The meeting was going on, and after two or three hours of the meeting, the credit system was considered relatively complete, and then a new topic was raised.

That is, Huaguo wants to form a global organization, and just as Wang Hao guessed, this is a real military joint organization.

But when the choice of the name of this organization was announced, Wang Hao's face suddenly became a little weird.

"The name of this organization, we have initially decided to be the Earth Star Peace and Development Committee. The above is about the relevant content of the global joint meeting to be held in a few days. If you have different opinions, you can speak freely."

After Tao Hongguo read some articles of association, he said a name that Wang Hao felt somewhat familiar.

"Why does this name sound familiar?"

Wang Hao's face was a little confused. He always felt that he had heard this name somewhere before.

"Are you familiar? This is too normal Wang Hao, guess where you heard it?"

As Ye Lao, who was familiar with Wang Hao, Wang Hao was also arranged to sit next to him at the meeting location. Hearing Wang Hao's words, he spoke with a strange smile on his face.

"I can't think of where I've heard it before, but I just feel familiar with this name."

A pensive expression appeared on Wang Hao's face. He just didn't think where he had heard this name before.

The exchange between Wang Hao and Ye Lao made everyone projected with a touch of curiosity, especially after hearing the content of the conversation, some people looked at Wang Hao speechlessly, but most of them, But with a touch of curiosity.

"Old Ye, don't waste Wang Hao's brain cells. His brain should be used for research." Tao Hongguo also looked at Wang Hao speechlessly. How can there be such a person? Isn't the memory of researchers all very good? ?

"Okay. I won't tease you. This name is the name of the organization that you said to the aliens when you caught the aliens. We took it and used it. Therefore, you chose this name. It's strange if it doesn't sound familiar. .”

Ye Lao didn't hold back any more, and said with a smile.

But Ye Lao's words made Wang Hao's face stunned, and he blurted out a word like you were teasing me again.

"You're kidding me. I never chose such a funny name, it's too middle school, too rustic."

Wang Hao's expression froze, and he opened his mouth in disbelief, even doubting Ye Lao.

But Ye Lao's next rebuttal left him speechless for an instant.

"We don't think this name is considered Secondary School anymore, but more foreign. Compared with your previous names, this name is already very tall. Think about it, what names did you choose before to make a statement, what is the vast island garbage disposal center?" And the earliest one, the most outrageous, the guard room of the vast island, actually used the guard room to warn country M, thank you for doing it."

Listening to Wang Hao's words, Mr. Ye was speechless, and he didn't even want to blurt out. He wanted to complain about Wang Hao's naming ability for a long time.

But he hadn't found a chance before, and this time, seeing Wang Hao's self-conscious face, he couldn't control it anymore, and vomited badly on Wang Hao's face without hesitation.

Wang Hao was stunned. He stared blankly at Mr. Ye. He thought about it seriously, as if he really chose these names.

"...don't mention the past, life is over. I look forward, look forward."

Wang Hao's face was full of sadness, he had already stood at the pinnacle of his life, he was the loneliest, but only he knew the embarrassment in his heart. concealed his embarrassment.


Everyone looked at Wang Hao, and the current performance made them stunned. They thought that Wang Hao must be rigorous as a scientific researcher.

But now they looked at Wang Hao with the expression on his face that he had dried up the bowl of poisonous chicken soup.

The corners of the mouths of all the people attending the meeting unconsciously curved slightly, outlining a smile, and some of them even couldn't help laughing out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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