Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 706 'Battle Nation' (2)

Chapter 706 'Battle Nation' ([-])
"This is the airport of the capital of China, it's impossible."

Henik Luohan looked at the huge airport, and the crystal reflective glass made him stunned. The luxury of the airport made him think that he had arrived in one of the most glorious hotels in India.

"How could it be so prosperous?"

The Indian business exchange group that came down with Henike Luohan looked at Yanjing's airport with people coming and going, and a dull look flashed across his face.

"How about it? This is our Yanjing International Airport."

Guo Qiubing looked at the expression of his good friend Nelly Davill next to him, and said with some complacency on his face.

She had endured very uncomfortable before, if she hadn't seen the large number of Indian business exchange groups on the plane, she would have jumped out to analyze it, but after getting off the plane, she was worthwhile, because this is Huaguo , was full of her countrymen.

Shock appeared on Nelly's face. Her university was in the capital of India, but after comparing the airports of the two countries, she suddenly found that this place seemed to be different from what she had imagined. There was only one airport, and the gap was too big. big.

"Your capital is developing so well?"

Nelly, looking at the airport's facilities, it's completely different from India's capital airport, the sky and the earth, but this is the sky, and her own country's airport is the earth.

"Actually, not only the capital of Huaguo is developing well, but other first-tier cities, several big cities, are not worse than the capital's development..."

Guo Qiubing thought of Shanghai, the commercial center, Guangcheng and Shencheng, as well as some inland cities in Guangdong Province. The development of these cities has its own characteristics. In terms of the degree of development, Yanjing's development is unquestionable. Doubtful, but it is impossible to say how much these cities are worse than Yanjing. Every city has its own cultural atmosphere, especially Shanghai, which surpasses it.

Yanjing is only a political center, but Shanghai is a commercial center, and cities like Shenzhen, the pioneer of reform, the old city of Guangcheng, and some cities like Chongqing, all have their own estrus characteristics, which can be said to be true. A hundred schools of thought contend, each has its own strengths.

"What did they say..."

Henik followed the team of the exchange team and met the translator who had been waiting in the airport for a long time. Hearing that Nelly and the girl from Huaguo were communicating in Chinese, he became curious.

As an interpreter, Li Ming looked at the group of people with a strange look. He heard the demeanor and conversation of this group of people getting off the plane, and he couldn't help being a little funny.

Originally, when he watched the Internet, he thought it was just a rumor from the media, but after meeting these Indians whom he was responsible for as translators, he found that these Indians really like to compare with their country.

Hearing the amazement of the people from India, he smiled slightly. From their words, he could hear some truths. The difference between the two countries is too great to be compared at all.

However, as the translator assigned to this group of people, he has his own professional ethics. He still explained the conversation between Nelly and Guo Qiubing to these curious Indians, which instantly aroused strong discussions among the Indian exchange group.

"It's impossible how there are so many cities that can be compared with here."

Henik had a look of disbelief, as if he was angry because of Guo Qiubing's deceitful words, especially when he saw the speechlessness in the eyes of the interpreter in front of him after listening to his words, he was even more I was slightly angry in my heart.

He really couldn't accept that there are still a few cities like this in Huaguo, because in their country, even their capital, seems to be much worse than here. It is estimated that it is really not as good as here.

"Sir, it is true."

Li Ming remained polite. He felt that it was difficult to maintain a smile on his face with these country bumpkins, and it was too uncomfortable to endure.

If Guo Qiubing knew what he was thinking, it would definitely be like finding a confidant.

After all, you have experienced it before you know the suffering you have endured, and you can empathize with it.

"She must have lied to us. Our villages have already been powered on. I even sent several motorcycles to my employees before. Huaguo definitely can't do it."

"That's right. Huaguo definitely can't."

Henick glanced at Li Ming, turned his head to talk with other people in a low voice with suspicion on his face, but his words seemed to be deliberately loud, as if he was deliberately speaking for Li Ming, and other people also echoed at the right time , let Li Ming listened to a correct answer.

Li Ming looked weird, motorcycle?What the hell was that, but his professional ethics still made him slowly suppress the turmoil in his heart, after all, these words were not meant for him.

Although the other party obviously wanted him to hear it, after all, he didn't say this to him. He was polite and did his duty, and didn't intend to intervene.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. After turning his head, he realized that guards of honor appeared one after another in the distance, appearing neatly, and even at the end, there appeared a person who made Li Ming a little stunned. people.

Wen Zhishan, the senior leader of Huaguo, was fully dressed at this time, and appeared at the airport, not far from him.

"Translation, is this welcome for us?"

Henik naturally didn't know Li Mingzhi, but he knew the guard of honor, which made his face excited, because he felt that it was coming towards him.

"not sure..."

There was a trace of doubt on Li Ming's face. If it was just the guard of honor that appeared, he would really think that this business exchange group from India was welcome.

But the appearance of Wen Zhishan let him know that things were not as simple as he thought.

"Qiu Bing, your country is really warm, is this a welcome exchange group?"

Nelly watched the guard of honor appear, and couldn't help showing a look of curiosity on her face.

"Probably not."

Although Guo Qiubing seldom reads the news, when she looked at the dignified person in the crowd, combined with the expressions of the people next to her, she recognized that this was the leader she had seen on TV. people.

She knows the nature of the exchange group in India. It is impossible for such a business exchange group to have such a heavyweight person, right?

"It's spectacular.. Really spectacular."

"Nice. The skills of these drivers are too good."

But at this moment, the sky at the airport suddenly darkened, causing everyone to turn their eyes away from the guard of honor. Everyone was attracted by a situation outside the sky.

I saw ten planes suddenly appearing above the airport, blocking the sun, making the sun behind the planes like a shy girl.

"It was spectacular."

Nelly stared blankly at the ten planes above the sky. Where had she seen such planes exist? What made her even more unexpected was that these planes, after slowing down, were quietly suspended in the air. A cloud formed, blocking the sun.

And one after another landing, the scene is very spectacular.

It can be said that the appearance of these ten planes attracted the attention of everyone at the airport, and instantly triggered heated discussions on the Internet.

"Hovering technology in the air. Straight up and down. It's really awesome. By the way, who is this so high-profile."

"You don't need to guess upstairs, I remembered that the pure black large passenger plane is Brother Hao's special plane, and only Brother Hao can own this kind of plane, but what are you planning to do when you come back with such a plane, come to find cooperating?"

In the Internet, it caused huge fluctuations, and instantly reminded some people of the previous report about Wang Hao, and instantly made them guess the truth, and they had to admire it. Every time Wang Hao appeared, it seemed to inadvertently trigger huge fluctuations.

However, he was wondering what Wang Hao was planning to do with so many planes coming back, wouldn't he come back to seek cooperation?
"President Wang, welcome back to China, I am Wen Zhishan."

After Wen Zhishan watched Wang Hao get off the plane, his eyes lit up with a look of curiosity on his face. This time Wang Hao returned to China, it can be said that he has received unprecedented attention, and he dealt with it completely according to the national standard.


After Wang Hao took the people off the plane, it was really not suitable. The guard of honor, and a person in front of him, followed by a large group of people. The person in charge, he knew, was one of the senior leaders. , made him a little confused, not to mention Yang Lu and others who were traveling with him.

This time, Wang Hao came back with nine planes. If the normal runway test landing took too long, he did not cover up any more. Instead, he took a direct landing method, and the planes hovered. , and then landed, because the airport also knew the specific situation after saying hello to the airport, and with Ye Lao's help and explanation, it landed in this way.

This way of landing naturally caused huge waves, and instantly exploded on the Internet.

"When we return to China this time, when we have time, we have been looking for a time to communicate with you."

There was a smile on Wen Zhishan's face, looking at Wang Hao who was slightly taller than him. After all, the target was not a real country, but a country of Hua, and in Hua country, it also had its own industry and place to stay.

It is impossible for them to arrange everything, so he asked this question.

"Set a time, I'll see your arrangement."

Wang Hao thought for a while, and said, he came back this time, nothing more than to come back and have a look, and the other is Ye Lao's previous invitation.

"Then let's set it in three days. You can also take a good rest during this time."

There was no surprise on Wen Zhishan's face, as if he knew Wang Hao would answer in this way, he said a time they had set before.

"Okay, then we'll see you then. In fact, you don't have to be so polite. I'm also Chinese, and this is my country. It makes me look like an outsider. I really don't like it. My friend can arrange it for me." gone."

There was a smile on Wang Hao's face, and he nodded lightly. He was really uncomfortable with Hua Guo's behavior. He never thought that he had left Hua Guo, but he always believed that he was a citizen of Hua Guo. , but moved to the island for better research at that time, but this did not affect his perception of Huaguo.

"Okay, then we won't bother."

Wen Zhishan pondered for a while. Although they treated Wang Hao as a country, just as Wang Hao said, the situation of the other party was special, and they could not deal with it completely according to their standards for treating a country.

Therefore, after he heard Wang Hao's words, since the other party didn't want to make it so grand, he didn't have to force it, as long as he put Wang Hao in the same position.

(End of this chapter)

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