Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 692 No one can touch my cake (2)

Chapter 692 No one can touch my cake ([-])
"Damn. How dare you touch my things."

Wang Hao's face showed a look of hostility, and he uttered a rare swear word. He had long regarded this transit base as his own, but these aliens dared to touch his cake, which made him unable to control it anymore. .

After returning to the control room, looking at the image transmitted back, without any cover, the robot fell into the sea like a dumpling.

He was obviously searching for something, which made Wang Hao's heart skip a beat. Knowing the situation well, he knew that the aliens must have discovered something, at least he knew the approximate location of the transfer base.

"Warn them that they are violating our territory and tell them to withdraw immediately, or they will bear the consequences."

Wang Hao's face showed a gleam of brilliance, he must have a transfer base, even if it is a war with aliens, because he is too curious about where the other part of the interstellar portal is.

What's more, he knows that the alien's technology is better than his own. He is not worth a spaceship of the opponent, and he also has some combat weapons.

"Wang Hao, what's the situation?"

Ye Lao looked at Wang Hao's dignified expression, and he was even more angry, which rarely appeared in his impression.

"It's nothing, it's these aliens who want to grab my cake. I will help the country get rid of this alien now."

Wang Hao said without turning his head, tapped a few times on the screen of light and shadow, and started to make some arrangements. Originally, he wanted to do some research first, and then attack the aliens, but he didn't expect that these The alien couldn't wait, which made him make a lot of preparations in advance.

Ye Lao looked at Wang Hao's busy appearance, he was very curious, what kind of cake Wang Hao was talking about, but he didn't say anything more in tacit understanding, after all, no matter how busy Wang Hao was, he couldn't keep asking the other party's meaning.

But after a long while, Elder Ye couldn't help asking a question, because in his opinion, he had to ask this question.

"Wang Hao, you are going to fight aliens."

Ye Lao had never doubted Wang Hao's strength, but this time he was facing an alien. For him, this is synonymous with high-end.

I didn't see that just the word "alien" caused huge waves in Huaguo, making people panic, and the power was so obvious that they, the management, didn't know how to deal with it, but now they heard Wang Hao.

Actually preparing to confront the aliens, the progress of this operation made Ye Lao and Lu Meng look at each other. Although they wanted Wang Hao to help solve the aliens, they felt that the progress was too fast.

"Well, if the aliens don't want to back down, I'll capture them."

Wang Hao didn't have the slightest burden on his face. Others didn't know, but he knew that the technological strength of this group of aliens was stronger than his. He had no chance of winning in space, but in space Within the atmosphere, it can be eaten with mental arithmetic and unintentional.

If the opponent's strength is too strong, Wang Hao will naturally bear it, but facing an enemy who is only slightly stronger than himself, especially in the area he is good at, he doesn't care at all.

Their biggest weakness is outside space, not in the atmosphere, because he has not yet developed a spaceship or a fighter, let alone a robot for space combat.

The strength of the vast island to fight in space is only two satellites, but when the opponent enters the space, the weakness of the vast island is eliminated invisibly.

Ye Lao and Lu Meng were a little stunned when they heard Wang Hao's plain words. They felt that the aliens were only in a weak position, while Wang Hao was the one who had the upper hand. This made them look at each other involuntarily. There was a sluggish look.

"Hey, license, help me buy all kinds of mineral resources and transport them to the production center of my villa. The sooner the better."

After Wang Hao replied to Ye Lao, he continued to make arrangements, but Ye Lao and Lu Meng looked like they didn't know what to say.

Without the slightest pause, Wang Hao took out his mobile phone and called Xu Xu.

He can despise the enemy tactically, but in actual execution, he will activate his greatest strength. After all, the opponent is the stronger side, and he is in a weaker position.

"Okay, boss."

With permission in the country, he heard the seriousness in Wang Hao's tone. As Wang Hao's butler, he instantly recognized that there must be a huge problem with the boss.

After pondering for a while, Mr. Ye looked at Wang Hao who was busy, and withdrew without hesitation. He wanted to discuss with people in the country whether he should get involved in Wang Hao's actions. After all, he was in charge of a country , a nation, is not an individual that can be executed because of his personal will.

Therefore, he needs to discuss with the domestic management instead of blindly making decisions.

"Old Ye, since you said that Wang Hao looks confident, then tell Wang Hao that we will support him to the end."

In China, because of Ye Lao's words, a large-scale meeting was temporarily organized. After some resolutions, Wang Hao's character and behavior style were examined, and finally a decision was made.

That is to fully support Wang Hao's actions.

Elder Ye also nodded slightly, because he saw the attitude on Wang Hao's face. Although his face was serious, he could feel that he was not nervous.

It seemed that he was facing either an alien or an opponent, which gave him a little confidence in Wang Hao.

After hanging up the teleconference, Ye Lao walked into the command center of the vast island again.

"Wang Hao, we discussed it. If you need us, just tell us. We will fully support you."

Ye Lao's meeting lasted about half an hour. After walking in, he looked at Wang Hao standing in the command center with a look of determination on his face, announcing the negotiated decision.

Wang Hao was taken aback by these words. He didn't intend to let the country help him, but the other party offered to help him with all his strength, which made him feel grateful. This might be the country and nation he wanted.

He knows the status of aliens in other people's hearts, but it is precisely because he knows that he has already faced the aliens this time and is ready to face them alone, but the country tells itself here, They discussed it and decided to help themselves with all their strength.

"Thank you. How about this? You guys count the number of levels of dark energy in the army, and transport them all to the vast island. There may be some casualties. I want to tell you in advance."

Wang Hao didn't refuse either. After all, he was still facing a lot of pressure alone. After getting Ye Lao's reply, he immediately thought of a new plan.

"Okay, protecting the territory of our citizens is something that must be done. No matter how heavy the casualties are, we will not hesitate to do so. However, if we can minimize the casualties, we should try to reduce them as much as possible... Are there any other requirements?"

Ye Lao nodded lightly and said.

"Casualties, I just remind you that there may be no deaths. As for other requirements, there are no for the time being. By the way, let the country sell me some resources and transport them to my villa."

Wang Hao shook his head. He didn't need many things. Originally, he wanted to produce combat robots to fight against aliens. After all, the transfer base was in his heart.

But when Mr. Ye brought it up, he thought of a new problem, which was to produce dragon soul mechas plus intelligent combat robots.

In this way, the combat strength of the vast island can be maximized, because the intelligent computing core requirements for the production of combat robots are too high, and if the combat robots are engaged in large-scale battles, the auxiliary computing of the borneol must be used.

But employing people is different. Although there may be casualties at that time, after Wang Hao's analysis and calculation of various weapons of aliens, he knows that even if the Dragon Soul Mecha will be damaged, if he wants to hurt the people inside, It's still difficult, provided you don't get hit head-on.

After all, regarding the spaceship of aliens, after he returned to the vast island, he already knew the technological strength of the other party, which was indeed higher than that of the earth and stars, even a little higher than him. After Wang Hao's analysis, he knew that, These aliens may be at the stage of entering the interstellar world.

It didn't pull away too much. The power of the weapon is not weak in terms of defense against the continuously optimized star steel material.

After comprehensive consideration, combined with Ye Lao's words, this made him think of producing a faster Dragon Soul Mecha, and cooperate with combat robots to have head-to-head encounters with aliens.

No one can move the transit base.

Wang Hao's eyes showed firmness. Since the aliens want to fight, let's fight. He is ready to fight.

Although it took him a short time to find a transit base, for his research, there was no room for loss.

(End of this chapter)

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