Chapter 68 Speech
"Isn't it Yanda's freshman party tonight? I'm still going to have a look, but there seems to be no sound."

"Don't mention it, go to the Yanda Football Stadium. There is a magician who is giving a speech. The content of what he said is really shocking."

Among Yan University, many old students did not go to the Yan University football stadium for the first time, because they all knew that in the first half hour, the representatives of the freshmen gave speeches. In their opinion, this was the most nutritious thing.

But as a video circulated in the school's circle of friends, they could no longer remain calm, and they all moved towards the Yanda Football Stadium.

Zheng Qin looked at Wang Hao on the podium in shock. She originally came for Wang Hao, but what Wang Hao said in the first half made her have the urge to pack up and leave, but Wang Hao really began to talk about his own. After the content, she could no longer remain calm.

"Did you take a picture?" Zheng Qin tried her best to control the rush of blood in her heart that was aroused by Wang Hao, and whispered to the camera.

"It's shot, it's all shot, this is Wang Hao, it's really good to say it." The camera is also excitedly looking at Wang Hao on the podium. A camera just wants to record such a thing and then share it out. .

And Wang Hao's speech gave him the urge to share, he wanted more people to see, even if he was a layman in education, but he felt that what the other party said, every sentence made sense, every word hit the heart .

"I made a mistake, I apologize for what I said earlier." The man next to the principal of Yan University said with a wry smile.

"Old Wu, you can be right, this boy Wang Hao has indeed plagiarized before, but just based on his content, I'm afraid that he won't pass the review, and he doesn't take Yan Da's freedom seriously." Shaking his head lightly, he smiled.

"Lao He, you're so right. For this kind of student who doesn't care about Yan University's freedom at all, if I were to, I would definitely fire him." Lao Wu tapped a few times on the chair and said in agreement.

"Well, no, Lao He, you are trying to dig a corner." Principal Yan nodded lightly when Lao He agreed with him, but after a while, he realized that what he said was wrong.

"No.. Listen carefully." Old Wu glanced at the principal of Yan University and listened carefully.

Wang Hao didn't stop because of other people's thoughts, he still talked about his own thoughts, and his eyes became more and more calm, and the things he showed seemed to be raised to a new level in an instant. Many things melted at this moment. Convergence.

He knows that this is a skill upgrade, and he has reached a level like the computer upgraded by sleepless nights before, level seven, an unquestionable pinnacle in the industry. If his speaking ability could be matched by others before, then he has now broken through. A limit, reaching the highest level of human beings.

"Education is strong, talent is strong, talent is strong, society is prosperous, society is prosperous, national strength is strong. This is something the country has been talking about recently, but where is education strong? Education is not an assembly line, and the production is exactly the same.
I think the fundamental of education is to teach people how to think. I think this is the true meaning of education. Only when the real thinking is strong and self-learning ability is improved, this is the foundation of strong. "

Wang Hao's voice came out slowly, all the students did not speak, did not discuss, and quietly listened to the content of Wang Hao's speech. After receiving the news, more and more YSU students and teachers gathered on the YSU football field , but when these students first arrived, it was already close to the end, because the 5 minutes that Wang Hao had set were 5 minutes, it couldn't be more, and it wouldn't be less.

"Finally, I hope that all the students here, time is the most precious wealth of all wealth, let go of impetuousness, calm down and think about yourself, we have many advantages, but they have not been discovered yet. It is a very sad thing to let others discover their own advantages. , self-improvement, self-confidence in others, thank you all.”

Wang Hao took the microphone and bowed slightly towards the black students below, but he glanced at the host, as if he didn't mean to come.

Looking at the classmates below who didn't seem to respond, he couldn't help but be a little puzzled, did he speak well?But a moment later, he was startled by the applause that rang out.

"it is good."

After Principal Yan took the lead in applauding, the applause broke out immediately. Everyone present stood up and applauded, looking at Wang Hao on the stage with admiration.

The applause lasted for a long time, and it took about 5 minutes to subside slowly. At this time, the host came to Wang Hao's side and sighed that this seemingly young boy gave him too much shock.

Even the principal of Yanjing was told by Wang Hao, and he felt that he had benefited a lot. Some people may think that Wang Hao's talk is very small, but in his opinion, the previous points are indeed very good. But Wang Hao's most content shocked him. He knew that the last two points were probably what Wang Hao wanted to say.

The words directly revealed the root of the incident, which shocked his heart.

"Lao He, I envy you, the Yan Da generation is stronger than the first generation." Lao Wu looked at Yan Da's principal with envious eyes.

"Don't be envious, your momentum is also strong now." Principal Yan Da smiled slightly and glanced at Lao Wu.

"I can't compare..."

At the same time, after Wang Hao handed over the microphone to the host, he walked to the backstage. Watching Wang Hao leave the venue, all the students present applauded again.

"This is the strongest champion, this time the news material is finally available." Wu Qin looked at Wang Hao who disappeared in the background and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sister Qin, do we want to play the first half?" A camera seemed to have thought of something, fiddling with the position at a high speed, and said.

"Let it go, why not let it go." Wu Qin replied without thinking, "I'll also record the performance in a while, and focus on what Wang Hao said. Then I'll make a video, and I'll hand it in directly."

"it is good."

After listening to Wu Qin's words, several cameras nodded and made some high-speed cameras.

When Wang Hao stepped down from the stage, he heard the still warm applause behind him and smiled casually, but he didn't care, but to his surprise, after coming down, he saw that Su Yu was still in the aisle.

Su Yuyu raised her hand slightly and gave a thumbs up.

Wang Hao smiled lightly, chatted briefly with Su Yu and then separated. Su Yu made an appointment with his roommate, and Wang Hao also went to the three of his roommates, but they both exchanged contact information. .

"Haozi, you are so awesome that you were almost fooled by you. You are indeed my Wen Bao's younger brother." After seeing Wang Hao, Wen Bao had a smug look on his face, as if he was the one who came to power.

Wang Hao smiled slightly. He had long been used to not having a proper warm protector. He sat in a position occupied by three people for him, and watched the next program seriously.

PS: Tell me about the latest update. It will start the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It will start three shifts. I have been busy recently, and I have very little time for coding. I apologize to all book friends.

Also ask for a recommendation ticket, don't tear it apart because of the update volume of walnuts. In the new book period, the recommendation ticket is very useful, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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