Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 651: Major Events in Life

Chapter 651: Major Events in Life
On the way, Wang Hao looked at the twelve fighter jets with all the bombs on them, and his face also showed a touch of speechlessness. He wanted to refuse, but Ye Lao's words dismissed him.

The Tianyin passenger plane landed slowly and walked out of the cabin. He looked up at the sky helplessly, and looked at the twelve fighter planes flying away in the distance. He looked at an airport ground staff with curiosity in his eyes, but he was also a little helpless in his heart. .

He also felt that this time it was too high-profile.

But he didn't notice that a person with a camera in the distance was excitedly shooting out of the cabin, with a helpless Wang Hao on his face.
"Who is this person. Big news, I will definitely dig it out."

Shi An looked excitedly. As a senior reporter, he always has an extraordinary enthusiasm for news. This time he seems to have found a news explosion point. A 20-year-old young man has actually inspired the country to mobilize the masses. , Arranged twelve fighter planes loaded with missiles for close protection.

This made him excited at once.

However, there was a person in the terminal building, looking at the black passenger plane that was parked not far away, with a complex expression on his face.

"Son. Are you convinced now?"

Tang Tian looked at the somewhat familiar and somewhat unfamiliar face, with a touch of complexity in his face.

He remembered who this was. This person was the one who took his life's hard work, Tang Tian Entertainment, from the peak to a second-rate film and television company, causing him a heavy loss. What he couldn't understand was that the reason was that he thought that a small thing could no longer be done. Small things, even just one thing that hasn't happened yet.

It is impossible to say that he does not have any resentment, but when he saw Wang Hao again this time, he suddenly realized that maybe the other party's thinking is really different from his.

The status and strength of the other party may be this kind of temperament that is determined not to be provoked by others, not to mention the other party's sister, and his own son may be a very normal thing in the eyes of his own son, but in the eyes of the other party, it belongs to The scope of provocation caused his hard work to suffer a great loss.

"This person is really awesome..." Tang Yan looked at such a large passenger plane, and only a few people walked out, and he knew that it was actually a private plane.

He thought that he was relatively good. With a good family background, coupled with his certain ability, he became popular in the entertainment industry.

But compared with this man named Wang Hao, he suddenly realized that he was really incapable of doing it. Is the other party incompetent?He has and is very perverted. He started from scratch, formed several large groups, and became a leader in various industries.

Does the opponent have a lower status than him?This is simply impossible. His previous status was much higher than his. Now it seems that he still underestimated Wang Hao's status. Just by looking at the landing of the fighter plane protecting Wang Hao, he knew the status he wanted. , maybe it's nothing at all in the eyes of the other party.

Because the status of the other party is much higher than his own, even the status class he imagined seems to be a little different.

Tang Tian didn't answer. He was thinking about what he saw. He now knew it. Leaving aside the company, the other party was not an ordinary person at all. At least he was inextricably linked with the country. It also made him curious.

However, he has no desire to investigate. After all, he has limited resources. He is also afraid that if the other party finds out that he is investigating, it will trigger the other party's revenge. After all, his strength and the other party's strength were very different before, and now there is no need for more. To be clear, this is definitely a national-level person.

He hasn't gotten to that level of mental retardation, and he's investigating because of curiosity.

Curiosity kills people, you can't just talk about it.

Wang Hao, who walked out of the Tianyin passenger plane, knew that he had been paid attention to, but he did not expect that some acquaintances would see him, but even if he knew, he would not care.

After getting off the plane, Wang Hao got into the car after meeting with the license.

"Boss, the business, as you might imagine, has been more or less blocked."

Permit sat in the car and reported some situations. Previously, major companies were busy with transnational plans. When such a thing happened, Wang Hao's company was not affected much in China. However, on top of the transnational plan, But it has a small impact.

"Is it a big impact?"

Wang Hao was not surprised. After all, if even a country could not investigate some of its details, it could only be said that the country was too pure, not to mention that this time it was actually a big country.

"It's a little bit less profitable..."

Xu Xu knew Wang Hao's temperament and said after thinking for a while.

"It doesn't matter, let them relax, I will find a way to solve it."

Wang Hao thought for a moment, shook his head gently, and there was not too much worry on his face. Just as Xu Xu thought, profit was not the first priority in his opinion, but he valued the fact that these people followed He, when creating value, the sense of accomplishment.

"Boss, I'm a little curious, how are you going to solve this."

There was a hint of doubt on Xu Xu's face. He couldn't figure out how the boss wanted to solve this problem. After all, he had thought of a lot of solutions, but he could not think of an effective way to solve the various problems. Transnational issues of large corporations.

After all, there are too many ways for a country's top executives to prevent a commodity from flowing into the country. In the other party's territory, it is not what the other party says or how to calculate.

"Just wait... It's estimated that it will only take two or three months. It is estimated that none of these can withstand it."

A smile appeared on Wang Hao's face. Regarding the trade war, he had already heard Mr. Ye say it, and he had even talked to the other party about how to deal with the trade war.

This time back, he was going to stay for a long time.

After Wang Hao learned about the situation of some enterprises, he returned to his villa in Yanjing. Looking around the villa, there were a lot of strange people, surrounding his villa in the center, and he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

He knew that these people were arranged by the state. After returning to the villa, he met Zhang Xin, who had been worried about him, and was thinking about a major event of his own.

But Wang Hao didn't know that in Yanda's girls' dormitory, there was a girl staring blankly at her phone, as if waiting for something.

"Comrade Xiao Yu. Your lover hasn't called you yet."

Zheng Huaxuan looked at Su Yu's state, and she guessed a rough idea. It didn't take a second to know, it must be that Wang Hao hadn't called Su Yu yet.

"No, I'm just thinking about things."

Su Yu's face was slightly red, but she did not admit that she was waiting for a call. Although it was true, her face was still a little thin, and she couldn't stand the teasing of her roommate.

"I said no... my face turned red."

Zheng Huaxuan didn't intend to let Su Yu go, but teasing the other party could keep himself happy physically and mentally, and naturally he didn't want to let go of such an opportunity.

PS: Tomorrow, walnut will be ready for three and a half months. I hope that salted fish, like me, can persevere. Give me some motivation and vote.

(End of this chapter)

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