Chapter 615 Returning to Gancheng

"Chen Xiu, Wu Ning, you have developed..."

In a minibus, a large group of girls chirped, and the core topic never left Chen Xiu and Wu Ning.

"No, I'm lucky. I met my idol. I didn't expect that my idol would be so good at talking. I just mentioned it a little. We are also trainees, so help us fight for opportunities."

Chen Xiu looked at the many girls and exchanged glances with Wu Ning, and felt a lot of emotion in her heart. As expected, she was poor in the busy city and no one asked, and the rich had distant relatives in the mountains.

She and Wu Ning looked at the ecology of all the girls. They were ostracized before, but after they got a chance, these people changed instantly.

This made the two have strong and burning expectations in their hearts, and at the same time they were more alert, and Chen Xiu deeply engraved Zhang Xin's behavior in their minds.

She decided to be a person and took Zhang Xin as an example. This is indeed an idol worthy of her learning and worship. Seriously, she has learned a lot from these two brothers and sisters in just one meal.

In Chen Xiu's mind, Wang Hao's gentle and elegant temperament, the common sense of the abyss like the sea, left a deep impression on her heart.

It made her unable to forget such an image, even if she left, the image of Wang Hao and Zhang Xin in her heart became more and more profound, and when she looked at the girls in front of her, she felt the difference more and more.

I must be like my idol and idol brother.

After Chen Xiu made a detailed comparison, he set a clear goal for himself. After all, the image contrast is too different, so that a person who is not stupid knows how to choose.

"Chen Xiu, this time I'm really proud."

Wu Ning said excitedly after returning to the hotel.

"Wu Ning, what we need to do now is to maintain our mentality. After all, it is only an opportunity, not [-]%. If our own strength is not enough, the possibility of being brushed down is very high."

After Chen Xiu figured out the problem, she calmly said that she has another idol in her heart, not someone in the circle, but Wang Hao.

She didn't even notice that her way of speaking had changed a little. Some people learned from Wang Hao's way of speaking. This change was very inconspicuous. Even Wu Ning didn't notice it, but the change was an indisputable fact.

"You're right, from today, we have to study acting hard, and I must fight for a role."

After all, Wu Ning had experienced some darkness in the entertainment industry. If she had just entered the entertainment industry, she would definitely not pay too much attention to such a sudden opportunity that seemed to be readily available.

But now it's different. She knows that if she doesn't seize this opportunity, she will definitely miss a lot of things. As herself and Chen Xiu without a backstage, this kind of opportunity is definitely not to be missed.

After Wang Hao was over, he took the Tianyin passenger plane and flew back to Gancheng from the airport in Yanjing the next day. It has to be said that as a third-tier city, Gancheng is the first time that a private jet has occurred.

Let Wang Hao become an airport staff, and the object of onlookers can be regarded as an experience of Huang Tao's treatment at the airport at that time.

The difference is that in order not to affect the normal operation of the airport, Wang Hao left at a very fast speed.

Xu Xing had already arranged a vehicle at the gate of the airport. After Wang Hao got into the car quickly, he left the Baicheng Airport in Gancheng.

"Boss, the bosses of several groups, want to see you, do you need to meet?"

Xu Xue's business affairs for Wang Hao can be said to be well-organized, but there are some things that cannot be avoided, such as the meeting requirements of these bosses.

"Let's see, make arrangements, it's best to see them all."

Wang Hao thought about it for a while, and it seemed that he hadn't officially seen these bosses for more than a year. After thinking about it clearly, he said.

Besides, Chinese martial arts are now in the stage of preparing for promotion. This time he meets, and he plans to give these bosses a gift, that is, the quick success of Chinese martial arts. After all, these people have worked hard to meet such a boss as themselves.

"It hasn't changed..."

After Wang Hao returned to Gancheng, he went straight to his villa, looking at the villa that had been away for three months, and the research center, his face showed emotion.

"Boss, after you left, I specially arranged for special personnel to clean up, just to keep it as it was." Xu Xu said calmly, he now feels like he is Wang Hao's big housekeeper.

In charge of all the trivial matters of Wang Hao, what he has to do is to get rid of these trivial matters, just don't affect Wang Hao.

"Permit, I am grateful now that your girlfriend stopped me and recommended you, and I recruited you as an assistant to help me manage in an orderly manner."

There was emotion on Wang Hao's face. At that time, when he was in the Nantian Group office building, his girlfriend recommended his boyfriend to Wang Hao, otherwise, he would not have gotten such an all-round assistant.

"Boss, you can't say that, it should be because I am fortunate to meet you."

There was also a touch of emotion on Xu Xu's face. He had followed the boss for two or three years, and he was used to seeing big scenes, but when he thought of what the boss was doing, he had a strong burning feeling in his heart.

Over the past two or three years, not only did he not feel tired in his assistant position, but he became more and more enthusiastic.

"By the way... The boss has something I want to tell you."

There was some hesitation for permission, but he said it firmly.

"Come on, don't hesitate."

Wang Hao nodded lightly and looked at the license with a serious face.

"Well... Gu Ying and I are going to get married soon, and it's scheduled to be NO.15 this month."

Permit hesitated and said.

"This is a good thing, what's the point of hesitation? You're shy? I'll be there when you get married." Wang Hao looked at the license with some humor, thinking that the other party was shy and made a joke.

"That's great."

Xu Xu didn't care about Wang Hao's words, because he had already communicated with Gu Ying about the date of the marriage, that is, after the boss returned to China.

It can be said that the wedding date was decided because it was convenient for Wang Hao's time and schedule.

As soon as this idea was uttered, it was immediately approved by Gu Ying. After all, Wang Hao has changed too much for himself and his boyfriend.

Not to mention that in the heart of permission, he respects Wang Hao very much. Even if Gu Ying has not met Wang Hao a few times, it does not affect the respect of Wang Hao in Gu Ying's heart at all.

This is a respectable boss, and what Wang Hao has done shows that he is a person worthy of everyone's admiration.

After sending away the permit, Wang Hao took out his computer.

"The flight map of the satellite has been formulated. One satellite can cover half of the earth's attack and monitoring. Now the satellite is being produced, and another one is produced. It is estimated that the time is too late, and the two will be launched together."

Wang Hao looked at the notebook and fell into contemplation. The satellite has now been formed and is in the production stage. This time, when he comes back, he plans to stay in Gancheng for a while, and then he plans to return to the island.

It should have been produced by then. After all, he did not want to delay the launch of the satellite.

(End of this chapter)

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