Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 601 Satellite Formation

Chapter 601 Satellite Formation
After everyone watched Shi Wei defeated ten special forces soldiers, his face was not red and he was not breathing, which made most of the people's eyes scorching hot. Their IQs were not low, so they naturally thought of some of the key points.

These two people invited an instructor, does that mean that the training they are about to receive is actually this one.

After thinking of this, all the special forces present couldn't help showing a touch of excitement in their eyes.

They all knew the strength of the ten people on the field, but it took them 5 minutes to solve the battle without blushing or panting. This made them all have a thought in their hearts, how strong are these two instructors? .

Shi Wei breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was casual at first, but he forced it. He still underestimated the combat ability of the special forces.

Even if the special forces king doesn't have the explosive ability and dark energy as him, the physical quality is there, and it is much stronger than ordinary people.

A Ming Jin, facing a dozen ordinary people, does not have much pressure. After all, the people he has to face are estimated to be three or four around, but the special forces are different from those who are often trained in military affairs.

They all have a tacit understanding with each other, and they have their own techniques and tactics. They know how to cooperate with each other, and the strength they exert is not as simple as ten people.

This made Shi Wei, who was Dark Jin, have a fluke and almost lost face.

"Guoshu. These two are martial arts masters, and they are definitely masters above dark energy." Qi Binhong's face showed suspicion at first, but after a while, as if thinking of something, he said it in a low voice.

"Bing Hong, what are you talking about, what kind of national art?"

The captain standing in front of Qi Binhong also looked blank, and said in a puzzled manner.

"Team Xiang, these two people are definitely masters of Chinese martial arts. I have seen such a state on a 60-year-old man. I fought against him at the time, and I only learned about it at that time. These two instructors are definitely behind the scenes. A master of Chinese martial arts at the level of strength."

Qi Binhong thought about the old man in a remote mountain village when he was on a mission, he had a deep impression on him. A 60-year-old man beat him to pieces. At that time, he asked curiously After a while, it seemed as if a new chapter had been opened, it was the first time he knew that there was such a thing as Chinese martial arts.

Since that time, he has had a strong yearning for martial arts, but the task was tight at the time, and when he went back on vacation, the old man was no longer in the village.

However, he was obsessed with it, and he never forgot to pursue the martial arts, and even practiced a lot of martial arts, but he did not practice it. , This is true, and it also allowed him to successfully step into the ranks of the special forces.

"Is there really such a thing as Chinese martial arts?" The captain's eyes flashed and he said suspiciously.

"Captain, yes, but now I don't know the reason, and I can't practice it, so it disappears."

Qi Binhong nodded lightly and said with confirmation.

Shi Wei, who was on the high platform of the school field, spoke again after making some adjustments.

"Everyone has seen these thorns..." Shi Wei said, probably because he was too self-suggested before, and the word thorns blurted out.

As soon as Shi Wei opened his mouth, all the soldiers looked strange, as if they saw something.

"Instructor, you don't bring such a bully. It's obviously your name, let us come out, as I said before, it's the reason why our applause is not warm enough, why we become thorny..."

A soldier was a little unconvinced, rubbed his chest, stood silently, and opened his mouth with grief and indignation. He accepted the fact that he was defeated, but he didn't take such a bully.

He stood up well before, and the applause was very warm. In the end, he suffered such a crime. He could see it. It was obviously the other party who wanted to stand up. This is very common in special forces training.

"Uh, don't pay attention to these details, just listen carefully."

Shi Wei was directly punctured, his face turned slightly red, and he said.

After the soldiers heard this, their expressions tensed, and they looked at Shi Wei silently, with a touch of excitement on their faces.

"This time, my boss has only one reason for us to come. That is to teach you martial arts. You will have a month to familiarize yourself with the movements. After a month, that will be the real beginning of your martial arts."

Shi Wei opened his mouth and said, slowly entering the state, under the comparison of strength, he found a few thorns and hit him, which made his self-confidence unprecedentedly improved.

"The name of national art originated in the Republic of China and was the real art of protecting the family and defending the country. At that time, it was called national art."

Shi Wei Taotao kept introducing, introducing the origin of Chinese martial arts, and introducing the principles of Chinese martial arts.

"This is the real national art, your boss is indeed a righteous person, and his mind is bigger than that of an old man like me..."

Ye Lao listened to the expression on his face, thinking of his conversation with Wang Hao in the island.

Xu Xu smiled, and there was no surprise on his face, because he had seen Wang Hao's character long ago, and he knew the boss's personality, which also made him feel like in ancient times, he had found someone he wanted to help. 's master.

That's what Wang Hao felt to him. If there is a license, no matter how much money it is, no matter how superior the conditions are, he will not fail.

Maybe it's the charisma.

Xu Xu also had some insights in his heart. There are not many people whose personality charm can reach the level of the boss.

The impetuousness of modern people, it is really difficult to keep a person loyal. I have observed the people around the boss, and all of them have great respect and loyalty to the boss.

This is not a manifestation of personality charm.

In the island, Wang Hao watched seriously, the satellite slowly taking shape in their hands, his face could not help showing a touch of strangeness.

"Yang Lu, this design looks more and more like a rescue sign, or a three-dimensional cross"

Wang Hao looked at a large object in front of him, about 50 cubic meters in size, and muttered to himself.

This large object has a square in the center, which occupies about 40 meters, and around this square, there are some much smaller extensions.

The overall shape is somewhat like the cross of a rescue organization, or a three-dimensional cross.

"Boss, this is the most space-saving way for me to design. It's good to be practical, and it's good to be practical." Yang Lu wiped the sweat on his forehead. When he was designing, he didn't think too much. Neither is combined with the rescue cross.

During this period of time, Wang Hao was also busy designing some electronic components inside the satellite, and he did not look at his design drawings, even when he took the design drawings to show Wang Hao.

Wang Hao just glanced at it casually and approved it, but after the satellite was created, everyone found it strange.

This satellite is in the shape of a rescue cross, and the extended part is exactly the electromagnetic rail gun that Wang Hao requested, as well as a propulsion device in one direction.

The five electromagnetic railguns and propulsion devices, after being installed, extended the satellite, the electromagnetic railguns in five directions, and the power device extended slightly, which was like a three-dimensional cross.

No matter which direction you look at, from a distance, it is a cross.

(End of this chapter)

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