Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 581 Check the water meter, please be serious

Chapter 581 Check the water meter, please be serious

The next day, Wang Hao came to the Haohan R&D center early and looked at the R&D center. Because the robot had been transported to the island ahead of time, the research center seemed a little empty.

"Boss." Yang Lu said respectfully after seeing Wang Hao coming.

"Well, have your things been packed?"

Wang Hao nodded lightly and said.

"Pack up, boss, say something when you leave, and we can go with you."

Yang Lu nodded, looking at this vast research center in his eyes, a little reluctant.

"I'll be back as soon as possible. You should go home to accompany your family first. This time you go out for half a year..."

Wang Hao smiled. He understood Yang Lu and Lan Wei's expressions somewhat. After all, it would probably take about half a year to go out.

Because he needs to make a big layout, since Lan Wei and Yang Lu are going to follow him, he naturally has to consider their safety.

Not only these two people, but he also needs to think about safety issues for all those who follow him. He has to set aside half a year. He wants to use this half year to create a protection system.

"Boss, let's go first."

Yang Lu said.

Wang Hao didn't say much, and lightly patted Yang Lu and Lan Wei on the shoulders. Except for Chen Tang, who still needed the consent of his parents for the time being, the performance of the other two people in the research center did not disappoint him.

It makes Wang Hao feel that he is not wrong. In fact, if Yang Lu and Lan Wei do not follow him, it will not have much impact on his research.

However, people are afraid of loneliness, and Wang Hao is naturally afraid. He thinks that on the road of research, there must be one or two like-minded people, and now he feels that he has found it.

Watching Yang Lu and Lan Wei leave, Wang Hao cleared his mind and looked at the Haohan Research Center.

"Thank you for staying with me for so long, see you in half a year."

Wang Hao's eyes were heavy. He was a person who was extremely nostalgic. Otherwise, he would not have stayed in a big city like Yanjing, but returned to a third-tier city like Gancheng.

He didn't think that leaving this time was a farewell to this vast research center. Just as he thought in his mind, this time he went to the island.

It is a further liberation for his research. After leaving Huaguo, he will have no scruples. After all, Huaguo is his own motherland, and many of the next experiments may involve some dangers. Avoid or avoid, not to mention that this is for the smoother follow-up research.

In Wang Hao's heart, his feelings for China are also very pure. This is the motherland, and he also understands some actions at the national level.

Retreat to the island, in Wang Hao's view, is just to make himself get along better with the motherland. After all, he has his own ideas, and in his heart, he does not want his ideas to be controlled by others.

On the other hand, Hua Guo wanted to know everything about the situation in the territory. This was the conflict he had with it. It was like getting along with friends. When there was some friction, it might be the best choice to avoid it.

After Wang Hao stayed at the Haohan Research Center for a while, he returned to the villa. It took time for the large trucks to gather, and his request was conveyed to Ma Qing, but he was shocked, and some did not understand why it was necessary. Lots of big trucks.

"What the hell is this?" Ma Qing smelled something unusual from Wang Hao's order, but he did not discount Wang Hao's order in the slightest, and still followed Wang Hao's order truthfully. , let Nantian Group fully produce [-] large trucks.

But in his heart, there is a feeling that the storm is about to come, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

In Wang Hao's villa, Wang Hao was sitting on the sofa, talking and laughing on the phone relaxedly.

"Okay, Mom, let's not talk about it. The general situation is like this, hang up first, I have something to do here."

Wang Hao glanced at the reminder that several cars had already entered his villa, and he said involuntarily.

"Okay, go over there, pay attention to your health, your parents support you, but we won't follow you, you have grown up, pay attention to your own safety, think about it yourself, we also know your character, but I also want Say something, your roots are here." Mother Zhang's voice was a little bitter, as if she was holding back something.

"I know, you pay attention to your health. For now, it is safer for you to stay at home. In the short term, don't go abroad."

Wang Hao nodded lightly. Although he didn't hide his adoptive parents, he modified some words in order not to worry them.

But Mother Zhang still realized something, but she didn't say much, just let Wang Hao pay attention to safety. For her, Wang Hao's safety is the most important thing.

Wang Hao hung up the phone with a sense of loss. Now that this decision has been made, he knows that he will definitely face many impacts.

After weighing the pros and cons, for the long-term plan in his heart, Wang Hao decided to take the island step. It was a dangerous move, but for him, it was the most profitable move.

"Risk and benefit are indeed the truth. The ancients did not deceive me."

After Wang Hao hung up the phone, he muttered to himself, with a determined look on his face.

About a minute later, Wang Hao stood up and walked out the door.

"Everyone is welcome."

Wang Hao said with a smile, looking at five armored vehicles and a police car arriving, his face was very calm.

"Hello, Wang Hao, we have received some news that we need to search your villa. This is a search warrant."

After Lu Meng got out of the car, he was startled when he saw the opening at the door of the villa, but he still reacted, especially after hearing Wang Hao's 'welcome', his expression suddenly became a little strange.


There was no surprise on Wang Hao's face, because he had already passed some means and learned about this search. He deliberately assigned Shi Wei and Shi Qiang to Licensing as bodyguards, and only Shi was left in the villa. old.

I was afraid that the two would stay and conflict with these people, because in Wang Hao's view, it was unnecessary. Since he had already decided to leave China and go to the island, there was no need to have a conflict with the people sent by the state.

As soon as Wang Hao finished speaking, he suddenly heard the roar of the engine, which attracted everyone's attention, and saw a very sharp Nantian sports car appear.

"Fang Bing is here." Wang Hao was stunned. He had no idea that Fang Bing would come at this time, but he estimated the time in his heart. He estimated that Fang Bing had just conquered Mount Everest alone and came back to find him.

Because he knew that Fang Bing had been preparing for a solo trip to Mount Everest some time ago. Of course, this time it was Wang Hao who provided technical support, because apart from Wang Hao, there were really not many people who could support one person. Everest to go live.

"Brother Hao, what's the situation?"

After Fang Bing got out of the car, he was taken aback by the [-] or [-] SWAT policemen who were fully armed.

Lu Meng glanced at Fang Bing, but didn't read much, because his investigation materials contained some information about Fang Bing. However, he was about to open his mouth to order others to search in, but Wang Hao's next sentence made one step. staggering.

"Small thing. As you often say, I am being checked on the water meter now."

Wang Hao said with a flat face, Lu Meng's arrival did not affect his mood, and he was still in the mood to make a joke with Fang Bing.

"Brother Hao, as expected we are different... different, you can be so fresh and refined in the way you are being checked by the water meter..."

Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao and was speechless, especially after listening to Wang Hao's words.

How is this posture of checking the water meter different from the one introduced on the Internet?Shouldn't it be a knock on the door, the police?Why does it seem like a war is coming.

Fang Bing muttered in his heart. Looking at Wang Hao, who was calm and joking, he was even more speechless. This is probably the difference between a scholar and a mortal. Even if the water meter is checked, the specifications are different.


The conversation between Wang Hao and Fang Bing made Lv Meng also bewildered. He is within the system, but he is also a person who often surfs the Internet. Naturally, he also knows what it means to check the water meter.

All the SWAT officers looked at Wang Hao's calm face and couldn't help being a little speechless. This TM was also so calm when the water meter was checked. Please, we are checking the water meter, please give us a little tension.

As for Lu Meng, this was the same idea at this time. He felt that he was not respected when he checked the water meter, and even gave him the illusion that Wang Hao was standing at the door just to wait for them to come.

Lu Meng had the idea of ​​talking about it in the past. He wanted to tell Wang Hao that we are checking the water meter, please be serious and respect us.

(End of this chapter)

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