Chapter 577

"Don't you really need my help?"

Su Tang looked at Wang Hao, and naturally knew that it was absolutely nothing like Wang Hao. After all, an old man's ability to observe words is not bad.

"It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom."

Wang Hao shook his head and opened his mouth to speak.

There was a flash of vigilance in his eyes. This time, his face changed a little. It was nothing else, but his villa, which was invaded by someone.

"It's actually a member of the country."

Wang Hao found a corner and controlled it with his mobile phone.

This time, there were four people who invaded the villa area, and the route of their behavior was also very particular, basically avoiding the blind spot of the camera.

Wang Hao wanted to use the cameras around the villa to monitor these people, but it was impossible. However, Wang Hao's villa was not only a camera, but also placed a lot of biodetectors, so his whereabouts were naturally under surveillance. There are no secrets.

Using the drone in the villa, Wang Hao immediately found the images of several people, and quickly asked Long Nao to investigate the identities of these people.

"It seems that I want to find out what I am now. Fortunately, there are six anthropomorphic robots from the last time in the villa." Wang Hao was thoughtful in his eyes, but he had already guessed that such a day would come.

Even speaking, this day was later than he thought, and he almost forgot about this aspect.

For Wang Hao, seeing this scene, although not very good, for him, this is also a confirmation news.

Now that the island has taken shape, this is his way of retreat, a way to retreat at any time. Even if the country wants to investigate now, he doesn't have too many scruples.

"To promote the martial arts, we can only find another way. After this research is over, I will arrange the transfer of the Haohan Research Center. It seems that I will live on an island."

Wang Hao's eyes showed a touch of finesse. When he decided to use the island for registration, he had an idea, that is, he would go directly to the island, and then arrange for an anthropomorphic robot to stay in the villa.

The sudden change now made Wang Hao make a quick decision.

However, he is not going to go back at this time, but is going to finish his research this time. The combination of power and balance device is also a research direction for him.

For the time being, with preparations, he won't care too much about someone coming to inspect the villa, but this research is different, and it will play a big role in his future. Naturally, he doesn't want to give up. He also plans to take the results back and bring them directly Use it.

Although he knew the detailed experimental data, it was impossible for him to take it out, but he knew how to get the experimental data. After returning, let the dragon brain calculate it for an hour or two, and then the experimental data could be obtained.

"Long Nao, use anthropomorphic robots to drive these people out."

Wang Hao thought for a while, and said something softly to the phone, then walked back towards the experimental center, ready to continue his research.

"Do we need to be so serious?"

In the forest, a person is looking ahead vigilantly, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Yes, what you are facing now is not an ordinary person, but a genius-level scientist."

Tang Li's eyes were full of vigilance. He didn't know if it was his own delusion. Anyway, he had a feeling that he was being stared at as soon as he entered this forest.

In the jungle, he is moving forward cautiously. As a senior professional, he naturally knows how to avoid some monitoring devices that exist.

But after he just stepped on a hillside, he was about to arrive at the villa, but his face suddenly froze.

"Our boss's villa does not welcome you, please leave."

Tang Li stared blankly in front of him. I don't know when, four people in black suits appeared, staring straight at him, as if they had been waiting here for a long time.

"That. The scenery here is good. We are ALICE friends who came here for an outing. We don't know what happened."

Tang Li's complexion changed, but he was very quick-witted and said involuntarily.

But he didn't get any reply, as if mocking his words, the four men in black in front of him looked at him blankly.

Tang Li met the eyes of these people, he felt like a fool, because the eyes of the other four calmly made him feel a chill, and the other party did not change his face because of his words.

"Please leave."

The man in black still spoke with an expressionless expression.

"Hello, we are a country..." Tang Li thought for a moment, took out a certificate, and started talking, but as he talked, he couldn't go on. The special action team didn't say it yet, he felt His body is slowly falling down, losing strength.

"The inspection object may reveal his identity, execute special instructions, and bring it out after being knocked down." Longnao immediately analyzed Tang Li's words through the eyes of the four anthropomorphic robots.

The four black clothes, like lightning, took out a gun and lifted it slightly, as if they had been electrocuted, they shivered all over, and then slowly collapsed.

All this is carried out by Long Nao in accordance with Wang Hao's instructions. If the other party is willing to evacuate normally, then everything is easy to talk about, and it is enough to persuade him with good words.

But if the other party is unwilling to give up, Wang Hao also gave Longnao an order to let these people down in advance and take them out of the villa area before they clearly identify themselves.

What Tang Li said undoubtedly triggered Wang Hao's second order. Longnao executed the order according to some keywords. After detecting the word "country", Longnao made a preliminary judgment.

"The execution of the order is completed, carry it out."

A man in black, in fact, is where Longnao is, and said without emotion.

Tang Li didn't know how the other people were, but he had a vague feeling that after his body slowly collapsed, he still had a vague sense that these people were just trying to prevent them from investigating.

As Longnao's order came out, two anthropomorphic robots jumped out in an instant, stretched out their hands to catch them, clipped the other under their arms, and walked towards the outside at a rapid pace.

The other two returned to the villa and continued to guard the villa.

"It seems that the non-anthropomorphic robots have to be moved away."

After Wang Hao came back, he would take out his mobile phone from time to time to watch the execution of Long Nao, and nodded lightly.

In the villa, if it is really hidden, it may be those robots that have no human appearance. In the early days, he produced a lot of engineering robots, as well as handling robots. These cannot be hidden under the face of humans like anthropomorphic robots.

These he plans to move to the island as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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