Chapter 561

After Wang Hao hung up the phone with Xu Xing, he sat silently in front of the computer and pondered.

For him, the best result is naturally to register an airline in China. After all, China is an economic power and a military power, which can be very protective.

However, due to some reasons of Huaguo's policy, Wang Hao knew that his idea was expected to fail. In the end, it was estimated that he could only go abroad.

He originally planned to have a country that would allow him to register, but after the license proposed the idea of ​​an island-registered airline, he immediately felt that the idea was very good.

Although there may be some crises at that time, for Wang Hao, he is not worried at all. After all, risks and benefits coexist. If he registers on the island, his autonomy can be greatly enhanced.

But the disadvantage is that he will enter the vision of various countries, which is something he has to consider.

"Maybe I can find someone to be a legal person. Maybe I can hide it. But that's not right. If the island shows its strength, I believe that it should not be difficult for a big country to investigate the person behind it."

Wang Hao tapped on the table, thought seriously, and weighed the pros and cons. After thinking for a while, he raised his head and patted the table lightly.

"Just do it like this, go to the stage before the stage, I now have enough strength to protect my research, the big deal, just arrange a clone to stand in front of the stage."

Wang Hao seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he said immediately.

He thought of a problem, that is, anthropomorphic robots. In his opinion, he can use the current technology to create one or several clones for himself. At that time, he can stay in the R&D center and take care of the clones. Remote control.

"It seems that we need to develop a brain wave control device as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be too cumbersome to go to the control center to control the robot every time." Wang Hao perfected this idea, and he felt that this idea was realized.

Easy to say, easy to say, difficult to say.

Because at present, the instruction analysis of brain waves is not very complete, he needs to spend a lot of time to study the analysis of brain wave instructions, and he must implement such instructions.

However, according to Wang Hao's conjecture, it is not difficult to successfully decipher the brain waves, but it will take him a lot of time.

bell bell bell
Wang Hao glanced at the phone and picked it up, with a look of doubt on his face, this number was not any number he knew.

"Wang Hao."

After Wang Hao answered the phone, his face was obviously stunned. He heard the old voice of the other party, and his face showed a hint of surprise.

Ye Lao, who had met Ye Lao several times before, after hearing Ye Lao's voice, his face moved slightly, and he thought of a question that he had thought about before.

The promotion of martial arts.
However, Wang Hao did not speak directly. For any matter to be accepted, it requires a process. After thinking about this problem, he was thinking about how the martial arts could enter the country's vision.

"Elder Ye, do you have anything to do with me?"

Naturally, it is impossible for Wang Hao to directly talk about the issue of martial arts. He has always had a sense of self-protection. If he speaks directly, it will lead to some not-so-good results, so he has to pay attention to the method.

"That's right, we will hold a seminar on technology next month. If you have time, you can attend it." Ye Lao said, in fact, he didn't need to call for such a notice, it was just him I feel very good about Wang Hao.

And this matter was invited by various national research institutes and technology companies. They were organized by the military. Naturally, he thought of Wang Hao, a technology genius, so he took out the phone and invited him.

"Okay, I will definitely participate then." Wang Hao's eyes lit up. He has never communicated with anyone except a few people from the Haohan Research Center for so long.

Moreover, this is a scientific research conference in the entire country. Wang Hao has never liked to work behind closed doors. Before, he just didn't have the opportunity to communicate in this area. After learning about such a communication opportunity, he naturally didn't want to miss it.

He has always wanted to know the thoughts of some other researchers. Although his research ability is very strong, the ideas exchanged by other researchers are still easy to collide and sparks. This is what he is most looking forward to.

Just like the vast R&D center, they hold meetings regularly to exchange ideas.

If it was another meeting, Wang Hao would definitely not want to participate, but this kind of scientific research meeting made him feel a strong expectation, and there was a kind of eagerness to attend.

"Okay, on the [-]st of next month, it is estimated to last for ten days, and the location is in Chengcheng City. If you haven't been there, you can have a good time. There are still many interesting places here."

There was no surprise on Ye Lao's face. He didn't know much about Wang Hao, but it didn't mean that he didn't understand at all.

"Okay, it will be there by then."

Wang Hao nodded lightly. He was looking forward to the scientific research conference.

After chatting with Ye Lao for a while, Wang Hao hung up the phone with a look of anticipation on his face. After a moment of contemplation, he raised his head sharply.

"Re-plan the research. There is still one month left before the conference. This month, I will study Chinese martial arts and brain waves. You can also bring Yang Lu and the others to the conference." Wang Hao will definitely participate in this scientific research conference.

Even he was going to bring Yang Lu, Lan Wei, and Chen Tang with him.

He wanted to go to the meeting and listen to other people's thoughts, and he would not forget that about the promotion of martial arts, he wanted to take this opportunity to find an opportunity to let the country know about his recently revised martial arts.

"Hey, Lan Wei, on the [-]st of next month, we will go to Chengdu to have a scientific research conference. We will attend it together. Please inform Yang Lu and Chen Tang."

After Wang Hao notified Lan Wei, he asked Lan Wei to inform the other two. Now Yang Lu is perfecting some aviation-related research, mainly some small details, and Lan Wei is also busy with aviation and may need it. software, programming.

At present, Chen Tang has also begun to stand alone, and has begun to conduct independent research, and the research direction is the mechanical aspect, but it is not as advanced as Yang Lu.

According to Chen Tang's interest, Wang Hao asked Chen Tang to study the mechanical transmission.

"Brother, I'm speechless." Shi Qiang drove the car helplessly, while Shi Wei was sitting in the co-pilot.

At this time, Shi Wei's face was also helpless. He glanced back and sat down. There was not much space at all, and the pile was full.

"If this was stopped, I thought we were murderers, the boss is really a pit." Shi Wei glanced back and said with a bitter mouth.

"That's right, I was always scared when I drove the car. Fortunately, I was fine along the way, and I was going to Gancheng soon."

Shi Qiang was driving at high speed normally, and there was a trace of worry on his face.

"Drive steadily, don't be seen by the police, otherwise, we'll just drive away."

In Shi Wei's heart, it can be said that he is really powerless to vomit. He did not expect that the boss has developed something as high-end as a robot, but he has not designed a charging port.

The piles behind the car are nothing but six anthropomorphic robots, and there is only one reason, that is, after more than ten days, these human robots have entered a state of no electricity.

Shi Wei didn't want to bother Wang Hao anymore, so he could only put all these robots into the car and drove back. There were six robots, except the four in the back row, and there were two in the trunk.

This kind of situation made the two of them drive at high speed all the way. When they passed the toll booth, they were all scared, lest someone see something strange and stop them.

Although they didn't do anything illegal, this was a robot, a high-end technology that couldn't be more high-end, and a technology that the boss had not exposed before. The two didn't want the boss's technology to be leaked because of the two of them.

After a thousand kilometers of worry, they finally came to the boundary of Gancheng, and their faces were slightly loose.

"Sister, can you keep a low profile? I'm in a group with you. It's really a bloody mildew, and I was sent to the traffic police again."

A man in a police uniform said with a bitter expression.

"Isn't it because the means of arresting people are a little harsher, the director just pressed us a little, don't be afraid, in a few days, we will definitely return to the serious crime team, and then we will be a good guy again, you can focus on me now, we will If you want to do one line and love one line, what happened to the traffic police, whether the police are good or not." Weekend said nonchalantly, and glanced at the cars coming out of the highway.

When she saw a car coming out of the toll booth, her eyes showed pride, because it was the car of Nantian Group.

Nantian Group's current Gancheng has a huge reputation. She is naturally proud of Gancheng for having such an enterprise, but after looking at the half-open window of the cab, half of her face and eyes are exposed in the passenger cab. Her brows were slightly wrinkled, she always felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

"Wait..." On the weekend, she looked at the Nantian Automobile that had left the toll booth, and had already driven a distance of more than ten meters. She frowned and could no longer control it. She reached out to stop the car that had already left the toll booth. Nantian Motors.

"Pretend you didn't see it and leave quickly."

At the beginning, Shi Wei felt that the woman's eyes were a little different, as if there was a hint of vigilance, so after passing the rearview mirror and seeing the policewoman's actions, he turned to Shi Qiang without thinking. speak up.

"Okay." Shi Qiang nodded lightly, stepped on the accelerator subconsciously, and Nantian Motor showed a good speed increase.

"There's something wrong with that car. Let's chase."

The frowned on the weekend was even tighter, and he ran towards his car without hesitation.

"Hey. Come again, sister, it's really hard for your team." The male policeman who was traveling with the weekend also looked tense after seeing the weekend's actions. Although he said it hard, he was still firm. followed.

(End of this chapter)

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