Chapter 498
"Guoshu masters, I don't know each other. If you are willing to teach, I am willing to hire you as a coach. The salary is 100 million yuan a month." Wang Hao thought for a while, raised his head and said, there is a person in front of him who can teach Guoshu. Naturally, I don't want to waste time and energy looking for it.

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Shi Wei's eyes lit up, and he stared blankly at Wang Hao, as if confirming the truth of Wang Hao's words.

"Really?" A flash of excitement flashed in Shi Wei's eyes, 100 million a month, which is equivalent to, this is much higher than his current salary as a martial arts job. It takes more than 100 months to earn 100 million.

That was a few years, even ten years, but now there is an opportunity in front of him.

"Really, if you don't believe me, I can pay you in advance." Wang Hao is not worried that the other party will lie to him. For him, 100 million is not too much, and the most important thing for him now is to get started.

Then study the principle of Chinese martial arts, and why it can stimulate the potential of the human body, reaching the level like Shi Wei.

"There is no need to pay in advance, I believe in Wang Hao's character, I agree." Shi Wei hesitated for a while, then nodded lightly.

Because he needs money too much, his father's secret injury is tormenting him all the time, and the family has been emptied long ago. The younger brother's schooling is a problem, and now he has come out to be a martial arts substitute.

"Okay, when will Mr. Shi have time to teach?" Wang Hao also showed excitement in his eyes. He has certain expectations for Chinese martial arts.

"The work on my side will probably be completed in mid-March, or we will start in March..." Shi Wei thought for a while and said tentatively.

"How about this? I usually stay in Yanjing. If you have time, please call me. I will arrange someone to pick you up at that time. You can work hard and take time outside of work to teach me." Wang Hao pondered After a while, he spoke.

For something he was interested in, Wang Hao couldn't bear it for a long time, even if it was only half a month, so he thought of a compromise.

He usually has plenty of time. He came to Yanjing just to read books. He stopped by the school, and then used the upgraded seventh-level physics to improve some previous designs.

These times, except for going to school is a hard time, he can arrange and adjust the other times independently.

"Okay." Shi Wei nodded lightly this time without much hesitation. After all, Wang Hao is the sponsor.

"There is still time in the afternoon, then let's find a place to start now!!"

Seeing that the matter was settled, Wang Hao immediately flashed a look of excitement on his face, and said impatiently.


Shi Wei was a little speechless. He had seen anxious people, but he had never seen such anxious ones. However, he thought about it and nodded. He was indeed free in the afternoon and had no role arrangements, otherwise he would Will not meet Wang Hao.

Later, after Wang Hao and Shi Wei came out of the cafe, they went straight to a basketball court.

Wang Hao also wanted to be quick, so he found a basketball gym nearby and booked all the time for today.

Inside the basketball hall, there are only Wang Hao and Shi Wei.

"Bajiquan has a long history and can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty..." Shi Wei didn't waste any time and started to introduce the content about Bajiquan, but Wang Hao interrupted him just as he said it.

Shi Wei stared at Wang Hao dumbfounded, with a look of shame on his face.

"I know this, I have checked the origin of Bajiquan, Bajiquan, history in the Ming Dynasty, it is really called "Baziquan", which is the predecessor of Bajiquan, it was famous in the period of the Republic of China, there is "Wen You Tai Chi secures the world, and Wu is known as "eight poles determine the universe".

And Bajiquan, which can also be called the Eight Forms, is actually the application of the eight parts of the head, shoulders, elbows, hands, tail, hips, knees, and feet.So the name of Baji is to ask the disciples of this sect to bring the functions of these eight parts into full play. I don’t know if I’m wrong. "

On the way here, Wang Hao asked Dragon Brain to inquire about the origin of Bajiquan. He still found some information on the Internet. some understanding.

But Shi Wei looked at Wang Hao blankly, with a little shame on his face, it seemed that he didn't understand the other party.

"Uh, you're right. Let's get to the point. Bajiquan's introductory boxing techniques are also known as the Eight Forms of Vajra, such as supporting the hammer, subduing the dragon, crouching the tiger, splitting the mountain, exploring the horse, hugging the tiger, squatting the bear, and walking the crane. There are a total of eight moves, I will show you three times, after each time, I will gradually slow down the movements, and memorize the movements carefully."

Shi Wei tried his best to make his face more serious, suppressed the shame in his heart, and said.

Seeing that Wang Hao was very focused like a student, he nodded in satisfaction. He didn't know what the other party's talent was, but at least this attitude made him approve.

Shi Wei's body also tightened, and his eyes showed a trace of brilliance immediately. In this venue, he practiced Bajiquan's introductory boxing method, Vajra Eight Stances.

While Wang Hao was watching seriously, suddenly his expression moved slightly, and his mind immediately turned.

Because he started a new skill, which attracted his attention.

Bajiquan Introductory Boxing (King Kong Bashi), Level 1, Proficiency 0.08/0.16
Wang Hao's eyes flickered slightly, and when Shi Wei quickly finished the drill, he showed a skill, 0.16, or even 10 minutes, but now it is converted into hours.

As soon as this skill appeared, he clearly felt that his physical fitness had become slightly stronger.

Shi Wei's first round of punching was extremely fast, and it took about 4 minutes to finish the punching, without stopping in the middle, and directly started the second round of punching, this time the punching was much slower than the first time.

But Wang Hao has a strange expression on his face, because his skill proficiency has changed again and there is another situation, that is, he has upgraded
Bajiquan Introductory Boxing (King Kong Bashi), Level 2, Proficiency 0.18/1.6
After the upgrade, the time has increased tenfold from the original 10 minutes to [-] minutes, but when he looked at Shi Wei's boxing skills at this time, he suddenly felt that Shi Wei's level seemed to be one level higher than his.

According to his thinking, it is estimated that it is the level of third-level skills.
"Is it really so difficult to practice Chinese martial arts? It took more than ten years to reach the level of third-level skills?" Wang Hao felt that his body had improved again. He couldn't help thinking, he knew that he could practice so fast, it was naturally because of his body. , the mysterious system cause.

It is precisely because of the system that he has the incomparable learning speed and research speed of ordinary people.

But now, he is thinking about another question, that is, the question of national martial arts cultivation. What is the reason for making Sweeka at the third level?

As soon as this idea appeared, he naturally wanted to inquire.

"Next, I will practice for the last time. I will practice the movements while talking." After Shi Wei practiced again, his face was not red and his heart was not panting.

"Punching must be coordinated with breathing so that it can last. For the hammer, before punching, you have to breathe deeply, and when punching, breathe twice, so that you can punch out the power perfectly."

Shi Wei was rehearsing while talking, and the time passed little by little. He was explaining and rehearsing, which naturally took longer.

But in Wang Hao's place, after more than an hour, there was a smile on his face. His Bajiquan entry-level boxing method, Vajra Bashi, was upgraded again.

One hundred minutes, that is one hour and four ten minutes. After Shi Wei finished the three rehearsals, especially the last part of the explanation, it took almost an hour and a half.

And it also made Wang Hao's Bajiquan basic boxing method reach the third level, which is comparable to Shi Wei.

"Mr. Wang, how do you feel after watching it again?" Shi Wei stood still after the last rehearsal, with a slight pant on his face, very small, if you don't pay attention, you can't find it, it doesn't look like exercise at all For nearly two hours.

"Very good, let me practice it for you again?" Wang Hao nodded lightly, with more doubts in his heart...

"Okay." Shi Wei was stunned, and a look of displeasure flashed across his face. He practiced it three times. Although the last time was a movement and a slow explanation, he wanted to learn the basic boxing method of Bajiquan. Still whimsical.

You must know that he is known as a national martial arts genius, but it took him about two days. Under the teaching of his father one by one, he barely memorized these movements and breathing skills.

Wang Hao didn't care what Shi Wei thought. After he stood still, he moved, and his fists appeared, and he was hitting fiercely. Bajiquan's introductory boxing method reached the third level of skill, which improved Wang Hao's physical fitness three times.

The first time, it wasn't obvious, but Wang Hao still felt it. The second skill upgrade was obviously much stronger, and the third time, it really made him feel very clear, almost improving him by [-]%. physical fitness.

"This." Shi Wei stared blankly at Wang Hao practicing the eight postures of Vajra. His skilled movements were not like a beginner at all, which really made him a little dumbfounded.

"Mr. Shi, I'm doing okay." Wang Hao showed a smile on his face. After punching once, he felt the importance of breathing.

The wisdom of the ancients, Bajiquan, is precisely combined with the method of breathing, so that the power of the punch is greatly increased, and it can also burst out stronger power with less effort.

No wonder, if there is no one to guide the martial arts, even if you learn the moves, it is just a show
Wang Hao instantly understood the importance of breathing in martial arts, which is the essence of martial arts, and movements are just refined fighting movements. Only with precise breathing can the power of the fist be fully exerted.

(End of this chapter)

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