Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 48 Wang Hao's Helplessness

Chapter 48 Wang Hao's Helplessness

After Wang Hao cleaned up the food, he got into the room again and thought about the Xiaolong problem. Now he is not thinking about the optimization problem of Xiaolong itself, but the problem of the server array. How to arrange the array can be optimized to the greatest extent. The computing power of Xiaolong on the server.

Although the 300 million has been returned now, the sales revenue of drones is still very high. After the first batch of viewers who bought drones received it, there was another wave of purchases, which made the sales of Tianbing drones still alright.

If he wants to buy a batch of servers, there is no problem with taking part of the revenue from the Tianbing UAV, but he has not done so for the time being, and plans to wait until the array is optimized.

The next day, Wang Hao got up early and ran for a walk. Then he washed his clothes and went out. Of course, he naturally had a large computer bag on his back. Naturally, he never left the mobile graphics workstation after purchasing it.

Today, he made an appointment with Lantian. With a strong sense of time, he will naturally make some appointments in advance.

"Your best friend's boyfriend doesn't want to step on people again, right?" Lan Wei looked at Guo Yu speechlessly. Originally, he just made an appointment with one of Guo Yu's roommates, but he didn't think so. Another roommate actually also Back in Yanjing, she even brought her boyfriend to participate.

This is not the first time for Guo Yu's roommate and boyfriend to get along with Lan Wei. The strong sense of superiority makes him very speechless. Although the other party is not malicious, people with poor heart capacity will definitely have the urge to hit people. .

"I can't do anything about it, who made Liu Dan unable to keep his mouth shut, and then He Qin just returned to Yanjing." Guo Yu also had a look of helplessness on his face, looking apologetically at Lan Wei, his roommate's boyfriend But it caused a lot of trouble for Lanwei.

"Let's go, Brother Hao is probably here, he has a strong sense of time." Lan Wei urged and said.

"En." Guo Yu nodded lightly.

"Audience friends, your soldier has moved from Gancheng to Beihe Province, and the journey of conquest begins here."

Wang Hao watched Fang Bing's live broadcast. He didn't expect that he would go to Beihe Province. Beihe Province is next to Yanjing.

"Brother Hao..." Wang Hao was watching Fang Bing's live broadcast with great interest, and suddenly heard Lan Wei's voice, raised his head and looked at it, "Come on, are you ready to go?"

"Yes, but there may be a few of us, but these few people." Lan Wei said suddenly embarrassed.

"What's wrong." Wang Hao glanced at Lan Wei unexpectedly.

Lan Wei gritted his teeth and said about Guo Yu's roommate's boyfriend.

"Don't worry, my heart will definitely not be weaker than yours." Wang Hao said with a slight smile, "By the way, you said that you were driving by yourself yesterday, but you never mentioned the place. Where are you planning to go?"

Yesterday, Wang Hao also heard that he was going to play around Yanjing by car, but he didn't say anything about it.

"North River Province."

When Wang Hao heard Lan Wei's words, he smiled slightly and nodded.

"There is an antique market here, and you can also gamble on stones.."

In front of Wang Hao, there was a young man who was constantly explaining the source of gambling stones. Wang Hao was helpless when he heard it. After looking at Lan Wei, he was speechless. This is the so-called stepping on people.

If it was the real stepping on Wang Hao, it wouldn't be so entangled, but this young man named Qi Yu has been showing off his knowledge in front of him all the way. The habit will definitely be made, so correct all the mistakes of the other party and then talk about it.

But holding back like this made him really uncomfortable. After thinking about it, he said to Lan Wei and others,
"I'm sorry, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, I'll find a place to rest." Wang Hao couldn't stand alone, and he was full of loopholes in front of him. One reason to separate from the crowd.

Lan Wei looked at Wang Hao as if he was running away with a funny face. It was the first time he saw Wang Hao like this.

"It's really speechless, and it also has a show of confidence." After Wang Hao left, he breathed a sigh of relief. After glancing at him helplessly, he found a cafe and sat down.

The air quality in Beihe Province also made Wang Hao dare to respect Wei. He has been in Beihe Province for two days. It is not much better than Yanjing, and even worse than Yanjing, which made him think of making an air filter. the idea of ​​a chemist.

"After two days, I can't help it anymore, haha." A clear voice sounded behind Wang Hao.

"Why did you come out?" Wang Hao glanced back, a woman in a lavender butterfly skirt, with a touch of light makeup on her face, making her originally delicate face even more beautiful.

This is another roommate of Guo Yu, named Liu Dan, a native of Yanjing.

"You calm man can't stand it anymore. I can't stand it anymore. I just found a reason and came out. In other words, why don't you go to see Gambling Stone, and you actually run here and sit here." Liu Dan's face With a slight smile, she is also very speechless towards her roommate's boyfriend. If you want to say that the other party is stupid, it is not stupid, but she just likes to show off.

Showing off any place, financial resources, and knowledge will become the object of Qi Yu's showing off.

"I don't like to gamble, I'll ask for something to drink." Wang Hao nodded lightly and said.

He doesn't have any interest in gambling. He prefers to be down-to-earth and walk step by step. Even if he has read some books related to stone gambling, he has formed a gambling skill, but he has no idea to gamble at all. Treat it as reading.

"Milk tea, thank you." Liu Dan said to the waiter, then turned to Wang Hao and said, "It's rare for you to please, should I order a few more cups."

These days, she is still very curious about Wang Hao. Everything Wang Hao is too calm and calm, and the one that impressed her the most is stingy.

"Am I so stingy in your eyes?" Wang Hao looked at Liu Dan helplessly.

"Yes, why not, I'll give you the calculation for these two days, what have you done, have a meal, fill up the water in the bottle before leaving, stay in a hotel, and bring any disposable toothpaste that is not used up. Let's go, it's not a stingy thing." Liu Dan raised his hand and said item by item, while he observed Wang Hao's face, after seeing the embarrassment on Wang Hao's face, he immediately changed the conversation, "Of course, There's nothing wrong with it, at least I feel good, as for Qi Yu, you don't need to care."

Wang Hao knew that the other party was not malicious, he was just making fun of himself. These are all habits he developed in high school. He was about to speak when the phone rang suddenly, and when he took it out, it was Fang Bing.

"Brother Ho..."

Wang Hao listened to Fang Bing on the other end of the phone, his voice was so heavy that he even seemed to cry, and he hurriedly asked,
"What's wrong?" Wang Hao frowned and said with a rare seriousness on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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