Chapter 441
"Mr. Shen, it's not good. The other party's large inflow of funds is strangling us."

"Mr. Shen, the other party's capital flow is too huge. Now all our funds are locked up. If we don't think about it, we will probably have to fall into it."

With exclamations, Shen Wen's originally excited face suddenly became ugly. He hurriedly stepped forward, leaned over, and looked at it.

Even Shen Chenfeng was stunned, walked over with a serious face, and checked it himself.

After a while, Shen Chenfeng's complexion became very ugly, and he turned his head with a very stern expression. He took out a phone and pulled it out without hesitation.

"How do you work, Nantian Group has such a large capital flow, have you not noticed it?" The coldness in Shen Chenfeng's eyes made a large group of people in the room feel like the air conditioner in this room was turned on too low up.

Let their skin have a kind of coolness in it.

"Boss, Nantian Group has no cash flow. We have never relaxed, and we have been staring at it."

The other end of the phone was obviously taken aback by Shen Chenfeng's tone, and after hesitating for a long time, he spoke.

"Nantian Group has no capital flow?" Shen Chenfeng frowned. Originally, he thought that Nantian Group mobilized funds to help here.

And he arranged for people to watch Nantian Group in order to prevent it in advance, but he also knew that the other party could not deceive him, which meant that this part of the funds did not come from Nantian Group at all.

"Where did such a large amount of money come from? It can't be a deposit, right?" Shen Chenfeng frowned. He couldn't figure out where this money came from.

But he didn't expect that this was really Wang Hao's deposit, which was prepared because he wanted to register an entertainment company.

"Dad, this..." Shen Wen looked at his father, he became a little confused, and after the amount increased, the offensive of Licensing made him feel as if he was about to suffocate.

"Approximately how much money has entered?" Shen Chenfeng did not answer Shen Wen, but stared at the screen with a serious face.

"It should be [-] million." The trader quickly replied.

"I'll invest another billion in it, and I'll see if the other party dares to play." Shen Chenfeng has a courage that other people don't have, and he always reveals a trace of ruthlessness.

In Gancheng, in the office building of Nantian Group, there is a big office, Xu Xu stares at the screen with some strangeness, the data flashing non-stop.

"Yo, this is a replacement." Xu Xu whistled, and his face became more serious. He felt some pressure, but he thought that he still had 25 billion funds in his hand.

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes, he ate mine and spit it all out for me.

"Join funds? Eat as much as you have, come on."

There was a chill in Xu Xu's eyes. He knew that it was good for Shen Wenshan to let go. If he continued, he would use the original funds as bait to lure the other party into the sea, and then entered the market with [-] million funds. Funding ideas.

He quickly operated on the computer, it seemed like a war without gunpowder smoke, it was completely killing people without blood.

With Lian's step-by-step operations, especially after seeing the other party suddenly appearing with a large amount of funds, he was not greedy, and continued to operate with the other party directly with the same funds, slowly dealing with it.

But as the relationship between Xu Xu and Shen Wen was like a fight between gods, there were three people in the office of a pharmaceutical company in Guangcheng, with sad faces.

"What should we do...We don't usually provoke people, so why did they attack us?"

A middle-aged man scratched his hair in distress. His hair was messy and he had no image at all, while the other two were not much better, with almost the same image.

"Hey, this is a fight between gods. We just hurt Chiyu. Fortunately, we didn't have much loss. It's just that I'm not surprised that Wentian Finance has such a large amount of funds, because I knew the background before, but I didn't expect it at all. Haomiao Financial’s funds are even more terrifying, and Wentian Financial has been beaten completely powerless.”

Another middle-aged man shook his head and said with a wry smile on his face.

"The funds of this Haohao Finance are really terrifying. It is like a bottomless pit. Wentian can spend as much money as he wants. The problem is that with the same amount of funds, Wentian Finance can't compete with others." At the beginning of the speech Bing De shook his head and said with a wry smile.

He is the chairman of Yongjue Medicine, but now he is very passive. If he knows that he will face such a situation after listing, killing him will not push the company to listing.

"I have investigated, and I have not found out who is behind this vast finance. It is as if it appeared suddenly." Jiang Hongshuo shook his head helplessly, with a pedantic look on his face.

"Under these big crocodiles, our Yongjue is still too weak. Now we can only watch the battle between these two families. Who will win and who will be the master of Yongjue." Xi Yong had a trace of helplessness on his face. The company founded by the three of them was originally a researcher, but gradually, Bing De gradually transformed into a president.

Xi Yong and Jiang Hongshuo didn't have too many thoughts, and continued to study with peace of mind. Only now that something important happened, could they get together and discuss it.

"It's my fault. I really shouldn't have promoted Yongjue to go public." A look of annoyance flashed across Bing De's face.

"This has nothing to do with listing or not. It's just that we are treated as a battlefield to compete, so we will encounter such a thing." Xi Yong's face was very helpless. He had already understood the situation, so he naturally knew that they were treated as a battlefield.

As a result, as soon as they went public, the stock price fluctuated like jumping off a cliff, up and down, and they also knew that there were not many real investors buying their stocks.

Just kidding, who dares to buy such a stock, how can small investors buy it.

Compared with the sad faces of the three CEOs of Yongjue Pharmaceutical, in Wentian Financial, the entire company exudes a trace of sadness.

"Dad, we lost."

Shen Wen said with some bitterness.

"En." Shen Chenfeng also stared blankly, with a trace of helplessness on his face, yes, he lost, and it has been many years, and he has tasted the feeling of losing once.

It's still the feeling of being teased, the price of losing, even if it's Shen Chenfeng, if you think about it a little bit, you will feel a heart-piercing feeling.

The entire 20 billion funds were manipulated wave after wave by the other party in a short period of time, and the 20 billion funds were completely lost like running water.

"Who is this trader? The trader's technique and thinking make me feel like facing a murderous god."

After a long time, Shen Chenfeng came back to his senses and spoke.

"Permission, the person behind it is [-]% the boss of Nantian Group." Shen Wen said with a bitter face.

"Permit...permit..." Shen Chenfeng muttered to himself, looking at a group of helpless professionals, he couldn't help but sighed softly, as if he had remembered the name.

On the contrary, the boss of Nantian Group is far inferior to this person in his heart.

"I'll get in touch with this person." Shen Chenfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he made a decision in an instant.

"Dad, you want to get in touch with this person." Shen Wen's expression froze, as if he hadn't reacted at all, but looking at his father's appearance, it didn't seem like a fake.

"Yes, this person is a great talent. If he can be recruited, the 20 billion is a small matter." Shen Chenfeng thought of 20 billion, and his heart was still so painful that he couldn't breathe, but he couldn't help it. He had already lost.

Although 20 billion is not enough to affect him too much, it has a great impact after all. It hurts his muscles and bones, which almost empties all his liquidity.

But to allow this person, he has seen the other party's operating methods. Such operating methods remind him of a person, a vicious existence in the stock market.

He believed that Licensing had the potential to become such a financial predator, so he naturally wanted to poach him.

In Gancheng, in a mountain villa, Wang Hao did not go to the R&D center, but sat quietly in the lobby of the villa. The day before yesterday, Zhang Nan was allowed to be sent to the train station and returned to Changnan.

In the villa, it became deserted again, and Wang Hao sat here, just quietly waiting for Licensing to appear, because the other party said that he had urgent business with him.

"You mean to use the money to buy the island to earn 20 billion? Then use the 20 billion to buy the island?"

But after Xu Xu came, Wang Hao was really confused. The news Xu Xu brought could be said to completely confuse him.

"Yes, boss." Xu Xu nodded, as if he was satisfied with the rare sluggish expression of the boss.

But Xu Xu was not happy for too long, and his complexion became very strange immediately after Wang Hao's words.

"Xuan, I really didn't realize that you actually have this ability, and you actually bought the island I wanted without spending a penny... This Shen Wen is really a boy who gives money... Not bad... Not bad, forget it , don’t target Shen Wen next, 20 billion is enough for Shen Wen to learn a lesson.”

Wang Hao's expression was strange. He never expected that he would hear such news from Xu Xu, that he would use the 30 billion authorized by him to earn an island.

As a result, 30 billion went out for a week, and I didn't spend a penny. . .He also used this part of the money to earn 20 billion, which means that the island was bought without spending a penny.

Send money boy. . The lesson of 20 billion buying... .

Xu Xu murmured in his heart, he suddenly felt a little sad for Shen Wen, why offend the boss so well, why make trouble.

However, looking at Wang Hao's appearance, he agreed a little bit, and silently agreed with Wang Hao's statement in his heart. This is really not wrong, Shen Wen is a boy who gives money.

"Permission, then you can help me acquire several mining companies, both domestic and foreign." Wang Hao thought of some construction materials he needed after thinking for a while, and raised his head and said.

The materials he needs, not to mention the large number, may involve some relatively rare materials, which are within the scope of national control, and are for future deployment.

The arrival of the license can be regarded as bringing him good news. With the existence of a rich boy, he saved 30 billion yuan, which can just be used to buy some mining companies and supply his own needs. s material.

"Okay, boss, but I need you to give me a general direction." Xu Xu straightened his face and said.

"I'll send you later, you should go back first, by the way, that Shen Wen, you can go and target him because the other party is a money-giving boy, the lesson of 20 billion is already enough."

Wang Hao thought for a while, then nodded lightly. Originally, he wanted to bankrupt Shen Wen's company, but Shen Wen's company was only valued at one billion yuan, but the two billion yuan he bought for the island was real money.

(End of this chapter)

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