Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 28 Buying a Server

Chapter 28 Buying a Server

"Xiaohao... What did you just say..." Mother Zhang looked at Wang Hao in disbelief.

Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan both stared at Wang Hao blankly.

"I was ignorant before, Dad, Mom, thank you." At this time, Wang Hao's face was rarely shy, but he found that he was just like Lan Wei said, and it was not as difficult as he imagined after speaking.

In the past four years, Zhang’s father and mother have always taken care of him in their hearts. Even for him, the other party has not traveled for several years. He will come to accompany him whenever he has time. I have learned there that in the past, they usually choose to travel during summer and winter vacations.

But for the past four years, they almost never came out again. The only time was when they went to Jinggang Peak a few days ago to take a look. Seeing Father Zhang supporting him unreservedly, he couldn't help calling him out. Shen sealed the words for four years.

"Okay, Xiao Nan, bring me a case of beer. I'm happy today." Father Zhang said happily.

"Okay, for Wang Hao's sake today, I won't stop you from drinking." Mother Zhang also said excitedly.

However, Wang Hao felt ashamed in his heart. The tolerance and understanding of the other party for four years had not allowed him to pass this hurdle until today.

"I'll go and be back soon." He doesn't usually drink, so he doesn't have any drinks at home. After speaking, he opened the door and headed downstairs. There is a canteen downstairs. Selling beer.

He quickly carried a box and ran upstairs, and his terrifying physical fitness was once again reflected.

Father Zhang didn't care about noon, and Wang Hao didn't care either. The college entrance examination was over, and it only took three days to go to the school to fill in the volunteers.

After [-] years of drinking, it is enough. After Wang Hao drank three bottles of beer with Zhang's father, there was nothing at all, and Zhang's father was already a little drunk. He was not drinking, but chatting.

"Wang Hao, do you want me to buy you a house in Gancheng?" Father Zhang said after pondering for a while.

"No, if the drone is put into production, the sales should not be bad. If I want to buy it, it will not be too late." Wang Hao shook his head decisively after hearing this. He was going to college, although he wanted to develop in Gancheng. , but it is estimated that it is not suitable for a short time, and it is not suitable for him to place a server without anyone guarding it.

It must be going to Yan University to go to school, and he will definitely bring borneol to Yanjing. This is not suitable for storing borneol. It is meaningless to him to buy a house here.

"That's right, I almost forgot that you are a potential rich man." Zhang's father was stunned, and then he smiled bitterly. He had forgotten that the other party was already a potential rich man. As long as the drone was advertised, it would definitely not be bad in terms of sales. .

After lunch, Wang Hao went out with his father Zhang and the four of them. After meeting with Fang Bing and his son, they went to the factory. The factory was placed on the outskirts of Gancheng, because the land here was cheap, and they were a good choice for those who did not have much money. the best choice.

Although 200 million may seem like a lot, it is not worth mentioning when it is practical. According to Wang Hao's suggestion, most of them are used to purchase raw materials, and there is not even much money left for recruiting employees.

UAV accessories are all ready-made, and there is no need to produce accessories. You only need to assemble these accessories one by one. Although the cost is high, the investment is small. After that, consider producing some accessories within your ability.

So in the early stage, they didn't plan to recruit people at all. It was just Fang's father, Fang's mother, and Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan who were asked by Zhang's father to train. These were all free labor.

After returning, Wang Hao handed over the drone assembly technology to Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan, and Zhang's father and Zhang's mother looked at the situation of their three children, and they also let go of the two-person world.

And Wang Hao's school reward and the reward from the Municipal Education Bureau had already arrived in his account, and he took Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan to the Computer City with the huge sum of money he had never owned.

Wang Hao wanted to buy a server to move Longnao, but the three of them didn't save, so they took a taxi and came to Computer City.

The Computer City in Gancheng is far less prosperous than the neighboring provinces of Yangcheng and Shencheng. The Computer City looks very deserted, but Wang Hao's face does not have too many surprises, because he has been here when he got drones before.

Many salespeople saw Wang Hao and the three of them entering, but many salespeople in the computer city didn't care after seeing them. Buying potential buyers.

Wang Hao went straight to a stall. This stall was a big one, and it was a Lenovo store. When the sales staff in the stall saw Wang Hao, they all smiled and said to each of the short girls.

"Li Qin, the god you received last time is here."

"Hello, welcome, I want to know something this time." Li Qin is a salesperson of this computer store. The last time Wang Hao came here, he was looking for the server price that the other party knew.

So after he came to Computer City again, he didn't go to other service providers to find out more, but came here directly, because when he came last time, many people were reluctant to talk to him because he was young, thinking it was just a curiosity How could it be possible for a child to buy a server that costs tens of thousands, up to 10,000+, or hundreds of thousands.

"Sister Qin, last time you said that there is a high-end IBM rack server here that can't be sold?" After Wang Hao came in, he said straight to the point.

"Yes, you don't really want it." Li Qin's face showed a hint of surprise, because she already had a hunch in her heart that the other party might really want this server.

"Yes, how much is the top match?" Wang Hao nodded lightly and said.

"All the top matching items will cost 20 yuan. Do you have so much money to buy them?" Li Qin asked in a low voice for Wang Hao's sake.

"It's the top match, can I move out today?" Wang Hao nodded lightly. Originally, he was planning to build a server array, but he thought that he was going to Yanjing. If it was a server array, it would have to be placed there. Gancheng is gone and cannot be moved.

He had to settle for the next best thing and buy the best server within his tolerance for the operation of dragon brain.

Both Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan glanced at Wang Hao in surprise. The two of them knew that Wang Hao had a huge sum of 25 yuan, but they didn't expect that Wang Hao obviously wanted to spend the money here, but the two did not dissuade them. , They have seen Wang Hao's strength in computers.

(End of this chapter)

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