Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 242 Changes in the villa

Chapter 242 Changes in the villa

"It's all changed to voice control, it's too awesome." Fang Bing's eyes straightened, revealing a touch of burning, watching Wang Hao like a test, following what Wang Hao said.

The TV in the villa can be adjusted according to Wang Hao's voice.

"This villa renovation, don't be in a hurry. I don't have time recently. After the robots become popular, I will let the robots go to your villa for renovation." Wang Hao turned his head and glanced at Fang Bing, looking at him with burning eyes.

Immediately, he knew what Fang Bing was thinking, and after thinking about it, he spoke.

"Okay..." Fang Bing nodded repeatedly, as long as Wang Hao agrees to this matter, it will be easy, isn't it next year, his villa is still under construction, and it won't be completed so soon.

And the location of his construction is also very weird. He didn't choose to be in Gancheng, but chose to be outside Wang Haoshan, and there are more than a dozen buildings in one construction.

According to Fang Bing's words, these villas must be a small investment with big returns, and the boss under Wang Hao will definitely give him money obediently.

Fang Bing has long decided that the real estate developer, he wants to be a black-hearted one, blacking out those treacherous bosses. Although he doesn't care about these investments now, there are a lot of land outside the mountain, and there are villas under construction.

Let Fang Bing set his sights on the real estate tycoon, but he also knows that his vision is not sophisticated, so he seeks Wang Hao's advice for many investments, and he really intends to play real estate, because there are The land is gone, build more than a dozen villas, sell them if they can be sold, and put them away if they can't.

"I'm going to test the villa, put the motorcycle in the warehouse, and we'll go to Nantian Factory to get some things to explore the cave." Wang Hao said after pondering for a while.

"Okay, I listen to you."

Fang Bing naturally had no objection to Wang Hao's words.

"These media can really make a fuss." Sitting in the office, Ma Qing shook his head with an ugly expression.

"It's normal. These media think they are uncrowned kings. What's more, these media look down on you as a small company." Feng Wei laughed, and there was not much entanglement on his face.

"What the hell, if I didn't arrive in three days, I would sue these media now." Ma Qing said angrily. He received feedback from these media not long after he sent the fax.

Only a small part of them apologized, and most of the media chose not to back down, but confronted Nan Tian, ​​and some media even sent a fax directly, wanting to fight Nan Tian to the end.

Damn, is this a mistake? It should be our Nantian who are fighting to the end. It should be caused by the irresponsible reports of your media, right? TM also fought Nan Tian to the end.

Ma Qing thought he had a good temper, but he was still very angry by these media, and almost pulled out his two-meter long knife again.

"The boss is back. I'll go to the No. [-] workshop." Chu Tian stood smoking at the window, saw a Mercedes-Benz and a supercar driving in, his eyes lit up, and he turned and walked outside.

"I'm back. Chutian is waiting for me." Ma Qing didn't believe it this time. He walked to the window, took a look, was a little surprised, and quickly followed out.

"Okay, I know the content, you can discuss and deal with it yourself." After Wang Hao came to the No. [-] factory building, he had just entered, and Feng Wei and others came in on the back foot.

"As for the unification of the bank of the group that Ma Qing said, I do have someone I know. I will ask her to come to Nantian factory, and you can talk to her yourself." Wang Hao listened for a while, and Nantian's factory is getting more and more Many, the unified bank is naturally imperative, the previous wages were handled by the factory finance.

But now it’s different. Using the factory’s own finances to pay wages is too much work, so it’s better to hand it over to the bank. This reminds Wang Hao of Li Ying, the worker he met before.

bell bell bell
"Hurry up, I have to answer an important call." After Wang Hao finished speaking, he glanced at the phone, and then at other people who hadn't awakened at all, his face suddenly looked a little dignified, as if a very important call had come.

Chu Tian, ​​Feng Wei, Ma Qing, and Gu Shan looked at each other, nodded helplessly, and retreated.

"Brother Hao, who's calling, so cautious." Fang Bing looked at the four people who had retreated, and then at Wang Hao's face. He really thought it was someone important, so he called Wang Hao.

"Lan Wei's, it's just to drive people away." Wang Hao picked up the phone, slid it open and answered it.

Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao speechlessly. He felt that he was really too pure. He was fooled by a casual sentence, and he was still dumbfounded. He turned his head silently, looked at the computer screen, and tried his best to let his The mind is immersed in the game.

After a while, Wang Hao hung up the phone and said to Fang Bing.

"Stop playing, go and pick up Lan Wei, they came out of the mountain." Wang Hao said to Fang Bing who was playing the game.

"Can I just go after I finish this game? I'll be eating chicken soon." Fang Bing glanced at the computer screen, then turned to Wang Hao and said.

"A game takes more than ten minutes. Hurry up and I'll help you play." Wang Hao shook his head and said.

He also knew something about Fang Bing's game. After a round, there would be no twenty, three or ten minutes, and it would never be over. This was just the beginning of the game, and he didn't believe that Fang Bing could solve it within 10 minutes.

"Okay, you want to win, don't you know how to play, this is changing guns, this is wearing equipment..." Fang Bing said in admonishment.

"Get up, go out." Wang Hao glared at Fang Bing, why didn't he feel that Fang Bing was so wordy before.

Fang Bing left his seat reluctantly, and looked back at Wang Hao three times a step at a time. Wang Hao was sitting in front of his computer, as if he was really playing, and then walked outside with confidence.

"Xiaolong, take over this character." Wang Hao watched Fang Bing go out, said something, and left Fang Bing's computer chair.

He didn't have time to play games, so he naturally let Xiaolong take over the role, but just as Wang Hao sat down on his workbench, a voice appeared, which made his expression freeze suddenly.

"Damn it, Brother Hao, if you use cheats, you will be banned. Didn't you agree that you would help me play? If you don't help me play, you can die. Why can't I control it?"

Wang Hao heard Fang Bing's hurried voice behind him, turned his head, looked at Fang Bing, and sat in front of the computer quickly, trying to control the character.

Fang Bing found that no matter how he manipulated it, it seemed useless.

"Don't worry, it's not a cheat, it's just a simulated operation of an intelligent program. I can't explain it clearly to you. Hurry up and pick up Lan Wei. It's not a cheat." I understand.

"Brother Hao, is this really a hack? Well, I'm going now." Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao, with a look on his face that you didn't read too much and I couldn't explain it to you, and suddenly regretted in his heart, why didn't he Straight A student.

After staying with Wang Hao for a long time, Fang Bing felt that he was a big idiot and was hit everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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