Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 173 Efforts Can't Make It Up

Chapter 173 Efforts Can't Make It Up

"County magistrate, Mr. Wang's boat has already rowed back." He Yun walked into the hotel lobby, glanced at Dong Yue, and immediately whispered in Wu Feng's ear.

"President Dong, pay for your loss." Wu Feng glanced at Dong Yue, said something, and then walked outside.

Dong Yue looked at the back of Wu Feng walking out uncertainly. If he couldn't see that Wu Feng didn't come for himself at all, then it was impossible for him to develop to such a degree.

"Follow me out to have a look." Dong Yue's expression was gloomy, and after thinking about it, he immediately walked outside.

At this time, the two girls on the shore were silently looking at the boat in the center of the lake.

"It feels like I can do it myself, and it must be better than that bragging king." Duan Ying looked at the boat in the center of the lake speechlessly, not in a straight line, but in a very enchanting S shape, with a large range , leaving them stunned.

Lin Youyou also nodded in agreement, a look of speechlessness flashed in her eyes.

"Xiaoying, why does the boat seem to be still there?" He Yun brought Magistrate Wu over, but looked at the boat standing on the lake and asked suspiciously.

"It seems that the rowing skills are not very good." Duan Ying looked at Wu Feng behind her cousin, and said nervously.

The county magistrate will still cause tension to civilians.

"Fang Bing, let me do it. Some things can be solved without hard work, and a certain amount of talent is needed. Otherwise, we will all have to spend the night on this lake." Wang Hao looked helplessly at Fang Bing, who was rowing very hard. , Fang Bing has been paddling for half an hour.

Looking back again, it turned out that the distance between the ship and the shore was about 500 meters, but after half an hour, the distance between the ship and the shore was still 450 meters.

That is to say, it only takes five or six minutes for Wang Hao to reach the distance. When Fang Bing couldn't control the direction, he walked a large S shape in half an hour and successfully advanced 6 meters.

"What the hell, in the future, whoever the fuck asks me to row a boat, I'll fall out with whoever." Fang Bing's face flashed with shame, and he finally gave up.

As expected, I was only suitable, spinning around in place, working as a coolie for Wang Hao and Ling Yan who were painting. Ling Yan listened to Fang Bing's words, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, you step aside." Wang Hao carefully put the drawing board away. The drawing board has been filled with a beautiful landscape, which is a pencil sketch.

On the boat, which was still a small wooden boat, Wang Hao could only choose the simplest sketch in the narrow space, and then after returning, he found a large drawing board and expanded the copying.

Finally, coloring is done to complete the final process.

"President Dong."

Dong Yue followed Wu Feng outside, and suddenly heard a voice.

"You are." Dong Yue didn't pretend to be aggressive, but really didn't know this person.

"Hello, I'm Luo Qing from Xinqing Company. Mr. Dong is busy, so he should have forgotten me." Luo Qing looked at Dong Yue who came out of the hotel, his eyes lit up.

He came to Shangtong County naturally because of the Feixi battery project, but he has not found a way yet. He heard the gossip that the county magistrate of Shangtong is in this resort hotel, so he came directly, but he did not expect to meet him. A big boss in Gancheng.

"I remember, Mr. Luo, hello, let's talk later." Dong Yue reached out his hand and shook Luo Qing, without saying a word, but walked out, closely following behind Wu Feng.

He wanted to see who the person Wu Feng could treat so seriously was.

"Mr. Dong, this is your supercar. It's really beautiful." Luo Qing was not angry. Seeing the green sports car, he immediately thought that Dong Yue also had such a sports car, and praised him.

Hearing Luo Qing's praise, Dong Yue was really a little erratic, and didn't react immediately, but when he saw Wu Feng, he seemed to have heard Luo Qing's words and looked towards him.

"Where, it's just a car." Dong Yue shook his head and said with a calm face, but he was also sensible and did not admit that this matter was his own, but now the negotiation with Shangtong County has reached a critical moment.

At this time, we must not lose face, and Dong Yue is a person who values ​​face.

Wu Feng glanced at Dong Hua, with some regret in his eyes. Dong Yue is actually a person with great investment strength, but unfortunately they did not agree on conditions. The county wanted to control Lingshui Lake by itself, but Dong Yue wanted to take control in their own hands.

This alone will make it impossible for their negotiations to proceed.

"He Yun, what's the matter with you? Are you not feeling well? Why don't you go back and have a rest." Wu Feng looked away, looked at He Yun with a strange expression, and said without persuading him.

He Yun was supposed to rest today, but he found Wang Hao, which made He Yun unable to rest. Just like him, he was still busy.

"County magistrate, that car seems to belong to Mr. Wang's friend." He Yun's face was a little weird, and judging from the time his cousin, Duan Ying said, the car had already been parked there when Duan Ying came yesterday.

According to his information, Dong Yue came to Shangtong County only today, so it is more likely that this car belongs to Mr. Wang's friend.

"It's really possible that it's Mr. Wang's friend." Wu Feng's eyes lit up, and he thought about it for a while. He didn't doubt what He Yun said. This speculation can be said to be well-founded.

"Brother Hao, how did you learn to row a boat? How the hell can't I learn it." Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao who was standing at the stern of the boat, shaking the rudder with both hands, with strong envy in his eyes.

"Sometimes talent is very important." Wang Hao looked forward with both eyes, with a deep expression on his face.

Ling Yan looked at Fang Bing with a smile, and then at Wang Hao who looked like a tall man.

"Brother Hao, you are too pretentious. If you only look at the upper body, I will definitely think that you used the lightness kung fu - Wei Dujiang." Fang Bing's forehead darkened, and he held his forehead, as if he couldn't accept Wang Hao's words.

"Haha. Huh." Wang Hao laughed. In the green water and clear mountains, he watched Ling Yan smile more and more, and his affection was also very good, but after his eyes fell on the shore, The smile on his face froze.

"We're in trouble."

Wang Hao saw Wu Feng and He Yun appearing on the shore, as well as a few people he didn't know, and immediately felt very headache.

"Who are those people?" Fang Bing looked over curiously, looking at the people on the shore, he also knew that this was the trouble Wang Hao said.

"The county magistrate of Shangtong, and the director of investment promotion, but how do they know that I haven't left?" Wang Hao couldn't figure it out. How did he find out in this Lingshui Lake? It must not be stalking. What kind of society is it now? , and it is not a big commercial competition, it is impossible to use such means.

Wang Hao roughly guessed Wu Feng and He Yun's thoughts, and wanted to invest more in Shangtong County, but if he has a project recently, it doesn't matter if he invests.

It can be regarded as a reward for the two dedicated efforts for the development of Shangtong County, but recently he really has no results and projects that can be put into production.

(End of this chapter)

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