Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 1137 The Nokia Clan Stands

Chapter 1137 The Nokia Clan Stands

"What, you want to form an alliance with our Yanhuang Alliance and choose to withdraw from the Protoss Resistance Alliance."

Just as Wang Hao was arranging the Yanhuang Warrior plan, after entering the awakening stage, he suddenly received a communication request from the Nuoji tribe again. When the request was connected, Wang Hao received a message that he couldn't believe. information.

"Yes, we are willing to form an alliance with the Yanhuang Alliance, or even join the Yanhuang Alliance."

Noah also has a certain understanding of the Yanhuang Alliance. Naturally, he knows the management mechanism of the Yanhuang Alliance. Facing the multi-civilization structure of the Yanhuang Alliance, he naturally knows that it is not impossible for him to join the Yanhuang Alliance.

The only thing that is satisfied is that the Yanhuang Alliance has autonomy for itself, and even in Noah's view, the rights don't need much, as long as they meet the authority to resist the Protoss Alliance.

After Wang Hao heard Noah's words, his eyes also showed a gleam, and he pondered.

After a while, Wang Hao looked up at Noah.

"Let's form an alliance, advance and retreat together, attack and defend the alliance, and fight together."

Wang Hao pondered for a while. After thinking about many factors, he still did not decide to let the Nuoji tribe enter the Yanhuang Alliance, because the Nuoji tribe is different from other civilizations. The Nuoji tribe civilization has a civilization outside the galaxy.

There are too many involvements in the middle, Wang Hao naturally does not want the Nuoji clan who joined the Yanhuang Alliance to withdraw from the Yanhuang Alliance again due to some reasons of their own. In that case, Wang Hao knows that he will be a little embarrassed.

In order to rule out this factor, Wang Hao would rather choose to form an alliance with the Nuoji clan than let the Nuoji clan join the Yanhuang Alliance.

But Wang Hao's words made Noah startled, and there was a look of thought on his face, and the same was true for the wind.

After talking about some details with Wang Hao, Noah hung up the communication with Wang Hao, and looked at Yan Feng and Yan Ningxin.

"What do you think."

In Noah's eyes, there was a hint of strong thinking. After facing Wang Hao and pondering, the decision to form an alliance instead gave him a hint of other thoughts in his heart.

"Obviously, he is resisting us joining the Yanhuang Alliance. If we infer from this, we probably made the right decision. It's just a pity that we didn't join the Yanhuang Alliance."

Yan Ningxin looked at Yanfeng and Noah's eyes, then his eyes fell on himself, and after thinking for a while, he spoke.

Judging from some details, Wang Hao knew at a glance that the joining of the Nuoji tribe was actually not welcome, and the strength of the Nuoji tribe, she thought she was not weak, this is also the Hengyuan Empire, after hearing the Nuoji tribe After the situation, the reason why the Nuoji tribe entered the Protoss Resistance Alliance immediately.

Even the status in it is really not low, but Wang Hao's performance all showed resistance to the Nuoji clan joining the Yanhuang Alliance, but the more she resisted, the more she confirmed an idea in her heart, that is the Yanhuang Alliance, for this Facing the sea of ​​Zerg once, there is a way to deal with it.

"Hey, now that the details of the alliance have been completed, it will probably be very difficult to mention joining the Yanhuang Alliance."

After Yan Feng heard his niece's words, his eyes showed a look of intense thought, and he nodded slightly, agreeing very much with Yan Ningxin's words.

"Let's quit the Protoss Resistance Alliance first. Since we have formed an alliance with the Yanhuang Alliance, we must naturally show our sincerity."

Noah also showed a complex look on his face. Facing Wang Hao's decisive alliance, he felt a little empty in his heart. In fact, this is his nature. The less you can get something, the better you think it is, and the easier it is to get it. Things, on the contrary, are considered worthless.


Noah's proposal was also instantly recognized by Yan Feng and Yan Ningxin, and after Noah was confirmed, he also sent a withdrawal request to the Hengyuan Empire without hesitation, and began to leave the Protoss Resistance Alliance. The queue moved closer to the Yanhuang Alliance.

"The Nuoji family also quit?"

If it is said that the withdrawal of the Yanhuang Alliance made Angang of the Hengyuan Empire and Wuyan of the Scarlet Empire fluctuate in their hearts, the departure of the Nuoji clan made their hearts jump slightly.

Because the knowledge of the Nuoji tribe, in his opinion, should be higher than that of the Yanhuang Alliance, because both of them have their own databases on the origin of the Nuoji tribe, and they know very clearly that the Nuoji tribe came from outside the galaxy , even outside the galaxy, there is the existence of the headquarters.

But now the Nuoji tribe, like the Yanhuang Alliance, left the Protoss Resistance Alliance, which gave them a bad premonition.

"We are moving closer to the Yanhuang Alliance. Maybe the two civilizations have reached some agreement."

Angang's eyes were gloomy. The departure of the Yanhuang Alliance just made him feel a little regretful, but the departure of the Nuoji clan made him feel a kind of denial about his decision.

Whether it is really wrong to preserve one's own civilization in this way.

The fluctuations in Angang's heart made him doubt the agreement he reached with the lightcaster civilization.

Is it really correct to directly carve up the core area?

The same is true for Wuyan, who has a certain amount of self-doubt in his heart.

"Let the Yanhuang Alliance and the Nuoji tribe leave the safe range, otherwise, I will choose to open fire."

Lal looked at the Nuoji people who were slowly leaving, his eyes were also gloomy, thinking that it is really inappropriate to use a knife now, because the sea of ​​unknown civilizations is very close, if they attack these two civilizations, the attack After that, it will definitely be dragged into a battle for a certain period of time.

At that time, when he wants to be distracted and face the wave of attacks, he will be distracted, which is what he doesn't want to see.


Angang and Wuyan looked at each other, facing the sudden departure of the Nuoji tribe, both of them knew that they didn't have much time to deal with it, because a terrifying wave of attacks was coming.

"Commander Wang, the resistance alliance wants us to leave, you have received the news."

After Noah got the news, he contacted Wang Hao immediately, because he was also betting and put his treasure on the Yanhuang Alliance.

"Got it, your battleship, follow us, follow me."

Wang Hao's face remained unchanged, as if this decision had no effect on him at all.

In fact, this decision really has no effect on Wang Hao, because of the trough of curvature, it is impossible for the warships of the Yanhuang Alliance to stay too close, otherwise they will collide and cause a rebound effect.

Even if it was the lightcaster civilization, Wang Hao would choose to let the Yanhuang Alliance move to the rear flank instead of staying too close to the lightcaster civilization warship.

And Noah looked at Wang Hao's calm face, and suddenly felt a little confidence in his heart. He had a feeling that if he chose the Yanhuang Alliance, maybe this step was really right.

(End of this chapter)

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