Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 1129 Collection of 2 Hands (2 in 1)

Chapter 1129 Second-hand recycling (two in one)

"Stop producing the latest Vast Warship."

After getting the order, Goth immediately arranged for the shutdown of the production center of the third-hand clan, and this order to stop work instantly caused the workers of the third-hand clan to stare blankly.

"Patriarch, why did you stop working? This is a powerful space battleship."

From the elders of the third-hand clan to the ordinary workers, there was a look of incomprehension in their eyes.

Because in their opinion, this kind of warship is more powerful than any warship, and they are very puzzled to stop work now.

"Stop, an order from Haohan R&D Center."

Goethe shook his head. He thought that when he received this order, he also had something he didn't understand very much, but it was the dragon brain who gave the order, so he didn't question it at all.

Among the major races and civilizations of the Yanhuang Alliance, the dragon brain has a very high prestige, because all civilizations know that the dragon brain's order must be Wang Hao's order.

Therefore, for Wang Hao's order, Goth did not hesitate to conduct research.

"I still have to go to the administrative center of the Yanhuang Alliance. I will stop quickly and rest for a few days. I guess I have to produce other things."

Although Goethe didn't ask in detail why the borneol was discontinued, it was obvious that, perhaps, they were about to start producing other things.


Everyone in the third-hand family, after hearing Goethe's words and knowing the order conveyed by the vast research center, their eyes also showed a touch of approval, because the latest warship has just started production, and the production can be stopped. It is estimated that there is only the vast research center.

After Goethe explained something, he immediately headed towards the administrative center of the Yanhuang Alliance, because the current member organizations of the Yanhuang Alliance are very complicated. After a long period of development, almost all the administrative affairs of the Earth Star , the military garrison, all moved away from the Earth Star and into the Origin Star.

The current Yuanxing, in addition to the base camp of the Yuan clan, is also the base camp of the Zhan clan, the machine clan, and the three-handed clan. Yuan Xing can be regarded as a truly open planet, and all universities have established teaching points in Yuan Xing. All major civilizations in the alliance can enter the source star.

The Tianyan Ten Stars were also handed over to the Yanhuang Alliance by a few planets donated by Tianyan Zu, and these planets, the Bayan Star, had already become the location of Wang Hao's research center, and the other few planets had also become The production center of the Yanhuang Alliance.

After all, the Yanhuang Alliance now has a large number of members, and there are many lives in each civilization, so the logistics pressure can be described as enormous.

On these planets, the agriculture developed by the Yanhuang Alliance is used for agricultural production, and some of them have become industries, technological manufacturing, research, and multi-field development.

"Leader of the alliance, we hope to get some warships researched by the vast holy land, even if it is purchased with resources."

"Slovakia, it's not that we don't want to arrange some warship resources for you, but that the new type of vast warships, the major legions of the Yanhuang Alliance, have not yet arranged many, and now only the source race and the machine have been arranged. It is the Yanhuang Legion, the Astronomical Legion, there are a small number."

As soon as Goethe entered the conference room, he heard the voice of discussion inside. He saw Tao Hongguo, the head of the Yanhuang Alliance, was talking with Slovah, the former head of the Sti Alliance, and the content of the conversation was also very concerned by Goethe. of.

Because the third-hand clan also wanted to own those warships, and even they had already submitted applications, but when it was their turn, it was estimated that the main battle legions would choose to arrange for them after the battleships had reached saturation.

"That will allow the third-hand family to increase production."

Slovakia is now in the Yanhuang Alliance, and it can be regarded as a non-staff civilization with some right to speak. Now they are looking forward to the standard warships of the Yanhuang Alliance, especially when they heard that the Yanhuang Alliance can release some standard warships. It can be said that he has worked hard for the target.

And for him to make such a big effort, it is natural that he has seen the new-style vast battleship, the powerful flying speed, and it is that kind of flying speed that makes him really have a strong desire to possess, and hopes that he can also have that kind of flying speed. fleet.

"There is no need to increase production, the production of the new vast battleship has been discontinued."

Goethe didn't intend to interrupt at first, but after hearing what Slovakia said, he also spoke at the right time.

"Stop production? Such a powerful warship, how can it stop production, alliance leader, why don't I stop urging, let's wait slowly, don't stop production."

Slovak's eyes became anxious, seeing that powerful warship, he was like scratching his heart, when he heard about the suspension of production, he immediately thought that Tao Hongguo, the leader of the Yanhuang Alliance they forced, was too anxious, so he asked the production center of the third-hand clan to stop the new production center. Produce the latest warships.

"League leader, let's stop urging, don't stop production...we are willing to wait, wait slowly."

The other civilizations in the Yanhuang Alliance, after hearing Goethe's words, were also taken aback for an instant, and spoke hastily.

And Tao Hongguo was also stunned. Naturally, he did not issue this order, so after hearing Goethe's words, he also showed a look of puzzlement.

"Discontinued.. What is the situation, I don't know."

Tao Hongguo originally wanted to speak, but after hearing what Goethe from the third-hand clan said, he was immediately taken aback, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked.

In the meeting room, many civilizations who joined the Yanhuang Alliance looked at Tao Hongguo eagerly, but when they heard Tao Hongguo speak, they were stunned for a moment. It didn't feel like Tao Hongguo had issued this order.

"I don't know what's going on. It was Master Dragon Brain who directly conveyed it to me."

Goethe shook his head, he didn't ask too much, because as the current patriarch of the Three Hands Clan, he naturally knew what should not be asked and what should be asked.

You must know that many civilizations now seek the third-hand clan, and even some people who did not regard the third-hand clan as a civilized person in the Meiwen Alliance before are now asking the third-hand clan to do things, and have their current status , everything originated from Wang Hao.

Therefore, for Wang Hao's orders, Goth would never ask the reason, but would choose to execute without hesitation.

"Wang Hao's order?"

After Tao Hongguo heard Goethe's words, his eyes froze. He naturally knew what a borneol was, and because he knew it, he immediately realized that the order was not issued by the borneol, but by Wang Hao.

Because the borneol does not produce direct orders, it must have heard Wang Hao's orders.

"I'll get in touch and have a look."

Tao Hongguo was also full of doubts, without even thinking about it, he directly connected to Wang Hao on the virtual screen.

But Slovah and the others had burning eyes. They didn't know much about the Yanhuang Alliance before, but after they really understood the Yanhuang Alliance, they were immediately shocked by the development process of the Yanhuang Alliance. They didn't expect that Well, the Yanhuang Alliance has only developed in such a short period of time, but within such a short period of time, it has become such a powerful Yanhuang Alliance.

What can be done in 200 years, perhaps before seeing the Yanhuang Alliance, Slovakia can only say one thing, in 200 years, it can only increase its technological strength by about [-]%.

But after he really understood the development process of the Yanhuang Alliance, he was shocked. He didn't expect that, in his opinion, when 200 years can only improve the scientific and technological strength by 200%, he didn't realize it. In [-] years, they have caught up with these civilizations that have developed for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

Facing the 200 years of scientific and technological development of the Yanhuang Alliance, it has achieved from within the planet, out of the planet, and into the interstellar, and now it has achieved a civilization that is not weak in the Hengyuan galaxy.

It has even completed the crushing of their technology, from the sense of superiority when facing the Yanhuang Alliance before, to the sense of loss of being incorporated into the Yanhuang Alliance, and facing the strong rise of the Yanhuang Alliance, the sense of belonging gradually developed The more Slovakia understands, the more he admires and even worships the rise of the Yanhuang Alliance.

Because anyone who has known the Yanhuang Alliance knows that the reason why the Yanhuang Alliance can rise so quickly depends entirely on one person, that is Wang Hao, the founder of the vast holy land.

This is the key figure in the rise of the Yanhuang Alliance. When he heard that Tao Hongguo wanted to contact Wang Hao, his expression immediately became very focused.

The same is true for other people, because almost all the civilizations that can participate in this meeting have been recognized by the Yanhuang Alliance, and after the Yanhuang, Zhan, and Machine races have improved in strength, Tao Hongguo is not afraid of other civilizations at all. Peeping hearts will appear.

Especially after learning about the origin of the Zhan Clan, Tao Hongguo finally knew why the Zhan Clan called themselves the guardian race of the Yanhuang Clan, because this was created by Wang Hao, and it was created just like the Machine Clan.

Of course, only a few people know this secret, like those who are currently in the Yanhuang Alliance, only he and Ye Lao know it.

Facing the warrior clan and the machine clan, this strong strength as a backing, coupled with the Yanhuang clan's self-improvement and improved strength, also made the Yanhuang Alliance truly become the Yanhuang Alliance. Interstellar really no longer hides itself.

"Brother Hao, it is too difficult to use the curvature driver to change the surrounding force field like those two battleships, and even, according to my calculations, it is impossible at all."

After the borneol simulated and tested an idea, there was a look of regret on his face, he shook his head, and said to Wang Hao.

"Well, it's true."

Wang Hao also nodded seriously. After seeing the curvature troughs created by the two warships, he also wanted to try to use the curvature driver to achieve the same effect. It's not just talking, it's really difficult.

This made Wang Hao silent. After silently glancing at the data of the experiment, he lowered his head and thought.

"No, I feel that we have entered into a misunderstanding. What we want is not to imitate, but to be the same as these two warships. Just achieve what we want."

After Wang Hao pondered for a long while, he suddenly raised his head. He found that he had a certain idea before, but facing the powerful army-level combat support capabilities of those two warships, his heart burned, and he couldn't help thinking about the two warships. The performance of the battleship is closer.

But the pondering just now made him figure out a problem. He had thought about using the curvature driver to create a single individual, instead of the curvature trough force field created by two warships to assist other warships.

What he has to do now is actually just radiate the curvature driver to the weapon.

"Sure enough, attractive things always involuntarily want us to get closer and give up research in this direction. For the time being, we still can't eat it. We are going to directly combine the curvature drive with the weapon."

Wang Hao shook his head, and took a deep look at the two warships. The mutual attacks and shocks could not help but lead him astray. Perhaps these two warships are the true form of the legion-level flagships, but he knew that, Now that he wants to research it, it is really unrealistic.

Because he has not mastered such a powerful energy, he can change the surrounding force field structure, and then form a oscillating driving force like a curvature trough, as well as a pulling force.

However, he thought of another way. Now that the curvature battleship has been formed, the most important thing now is to load the curvature drive on the weapon.

"Start to build a new type of warship model, target, and apply curvature-driven gravity to particle weapons."

After thinking about a clear direction, Wang Hao immediately raised his head and spoke.

"it is good."

After hearing Wang Hao's words, the borneol carried it out without hesitation. At the same time, Wang Hao fell into deep thought again, because he also had a lot of ideas and needed to think through some thinking to slowly build a new one. structure, perfect ideas.

But at this moment, the smart tool of his hand and brain vibrated, which made him slightly startled, his hand shook slightly, and immediately a virtual portrait appeared, which was Tao Hongguo.

"Wang Hao, have you stopped the production center of the third-hand family?"

Tao Hongguo looked puzzled, and then said curiously.

"I made it stop, what's the matter?"

While Wang Hao was thinking, he answered casually. At this time, new models had been constructed in his mind.

"What about the arming of the new vast warships of the Yanhuang Legion and the Astronomical Legion?"

After Tao Hongguo heard Wang Hao's words, he also asked a question, that is, the new warship legions of the Yuan clan and the machine clan have taken shape, but the Yanhuang Legion and the Astronomical Legion have not yet formed.

And as soon as these words were spoken, whether it was Yuejun or Qitian, their eyes immediately showed a touch of concern, because they are now the chiefs of the Astronomical Legion.

"Allow the warships of the Yuan Clan and the Machine Clan to the Yanhuang Legion and the Astronomical Legion first."

Wang Hao was thinking about the design problem, without thinking about Tao Hongguo's meaning at all, but instinctively answered Tao Hongguo's question.

"What about the warships of the Yuan clan and the machine clan?"

Tao Hongguo was stunned, and took a serious look at Wang Hao, as if to see if Wang Hao was speaking in anger, but looking at Wang Hao's serious expression, he knew that it was not in anger at all.

"We are designing a new type of warship, and it is estimated that it will be put into production soon. At that time, it will be enough to supplement the source race and the machine race. Let's not talk about it. I am designing a new type of warship now, and it will be done soon."

Wang Hao replied, but Tao Hongguo was stunned after hearing Wang Hao's words.

"So we have become an army of second-hand goods again?"

After Tao Hongguo hung up the communication with Wang Hao, he looked confused, because he felt like he had become a second-hand recycler again. Every time the warships they armed were almost eliminated, and even like now, they had not yet become popular. The whole army has already been eliminated.

Although the performance of these warships is very powerful, after knowing that Wang Hao has stronger warships, it is always tasteless.

And Yuejun and Qitian also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Why do we feel like a garbage recycling bin? Every time a new type of warship has not been deployed to the entire army, it has become an obsolete product."

"The same feeling, this update speed is too fast."

Yuejun and Qitian were a little confused, and spoke with emotion, but after hearing what the two said, Slovah was speechless.

"You've got it right, we don't have any, and the warships we want have already become obsolete."

Slovakia now understands why the strength of the Yanhuang Alliance can be improved so quickly. How can Wang Hao's technological update speed be so fast? He even feels a little envious in his heart. Why does Wang Hao not appear in his own civilization? people.

Slovakia really admires Wang Hao for raising his own civilization to such a height with his own efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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