Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 1123 Another Ship

Chapter 1123 Another Ship

"Do we still have hope of winning? This is really time manipulation."

When the virtual screen controlled by Noah appeared, almost all representatives of civilization really collapsed at this time.

Because they watched the video projected on the virtual screen, after the appearance of the mysterious warship, it seemed that they couldn't see it clearly.

But after the performance of the enemy warships and the Protoss warships, they were really shocked, because the strength they showed almost made them all look broken.

In the virtual screen, the heart-like battleship flew in the darkness of the universe, distorting the darkness of the universe.

And with waves of distortions, the civilization representatives of the Protoss Defense Alliance also discovered that around this God's heart, the attacks of the Protoss seemed to have gained the bonus of time flow. After the laser cannon was fired, the speed increased. It has become at least dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, moving towards the target that the Protoss wants to attack.

However, the lasers emitted by the enemy warships seemed to be slowed down by more than ten times, dozens of times.

The laser weapons, which were originally extremely fast, turned into pillars of light that were countless times slower during the process of advancing, and did not cause any damage to the warships of the Protoss at all.

"What the hell is this... It can be done to such an extent."

Angang of Hengyuan Empire also looked at the scene in front of him with a strong sense of disbelief, because in his mind, this kind of situation was almost impossible.

But once he thought about it, the protoss might have mastered the control of time, even if it was himself, he no longer had the confidence to resist.

What would he look like now.

Yan Ningxin had seen this scene before, and when she saw it again, there was still a strong shock in her eyes.

However, there was an idea in her heart, that is, she wanted to see what Wang Hao's expression was like at this time, and whether he would collapse like other people.

After Wang Hao appeared on the virtual screen, he carefully observed it. It seemed that Shenxin was manipulating time as a weapon, but he always felt in his heart that the scene in front of him was very familiar.

"what exactly is it."

After Wang Hao took a serious look, there was suspicion in his eyes. He can guarantee that he always felt that he had seen the scene in front of him somewhere before.

But he couldn't remember it for a while, but he made one thing clear, that is, this is definitely not manipulating time.

"Xiaolong, do you see what this is?"

Wang Hao turned his head and asked about the borneol, but the borneol, after taking a serious look, shook his head involuntarily. He really didn't realize what it was.

Did he find anything?

Yan Ningxin's eyes showed a hint of curiosity, especially after hearing Wang Hao whispering to the people next to him.

But at this moment, there was a sudden burst of intensive exclamation, and in this exclamation, there was strong despair.

"There's another ship. . . . God. . . We're done."

Although the representatives of civilization have never seen the power of Shenxin, from their point of view, the combat strength of Shenxin is really terrifying.

This is the point that really makes them desperate. A divine heart has already caused them strong despair, and now another divine heart is coming, which is like the last straw that crushes them.

Even Angang's complexion was ugly, especially when Noah blurted out a sentence, which instantly made Angang's complexion, as well as those of other civilization representatives, reveal a strong look of despair.

"My God, there are two Shenxin battleships. It is already difficult for our Nuoji clan to defend against a Shenxin battleship."

Noah looked at the dark belt of the galaxy, and at a place not far from the Protoss battleship group, familiar ripples appeared again, which made his eyes reveal a strong sense of horror.

Because he really couldn't imagine that the Nuoji tribe had already retreated steadily in the face of a Shenxin warship, but now the Hengyuan galaxy was facing two Shenxin-class warships, which made him completely without any confidence to resist .

There is even an idea of ​​migrating galaxies once again.

"Your Nuoji clan headquarters can't stop this Shenxin battleship."

Angang of the Hengyuan Empire, his eyes flashed slightly, and there was a look of shock on his face. As the master of the Hengyuan Empire, how could he not know the strength of the Nuoji tribe.

Because of the several major civilizations led by the Scarlet Empire, he had no energy to solve the hidden dangers of the Nuoji tribe.

He knew the Nuoji tribe before, but in fact, like the Hengyuan Empire, it is a civilization outside this galaxy.

Because of the constraints of the local civilization, the Hengyuan Empire had no way to make a move, and the subsequent arrival of the Protoss made it even more impossible for him to make a move.

"Can't stop it."

Noah was startled when he heard Angang's words, and immediately understood that the other party already knew some details about the Nuoji clan, and faced with such a situation, he didn't say much.

Instead, he shook his head without hesitation. The Nuoji tribe, now in the headquarters, has undergone strict contraction. It is precisely because of the appearance of the Protoss title-level legion, and the powerful power of Shenxin, that the Nuoji tribe, this horizontal The overlord who has spanned more than a dozen galaxies is also powerless.

It can only make the Nokia family keep shrinking the line of defense and shrinking the line of defense.

After Wang Hao heard Angang's words, his eyes flickered slightly. He knew that the so-called information sharing of the Hengyuan Empire was just some selected information sharing. He originally wanted to talk about the analysis of the manipulation time, but when he got to his mouth, he didn't Go on.

Because he discovered that the Hengyuan Empire still has its own plans. Maybe, if he took painstaking efforts to deal with the Protoss, what he might welcome would be a stab from the back of the Hengyuan Empire.

With such a discovery, Wang Hao also had a plan in an instant, that is to hide the Yanhuang Alliance again, even in the face of the Protoss, these major civilizations probably have their own plans, and they did not make unreserved moves.

Because the Hengyuan Empire obviously discovered long ago that the Nuoji tribe is actually a civilization outside the Hengyuan galaxy, but in the information he got, there is no introduction about the Nuoji tribe being a civilization outside the galaxy.

All of this is derived from Wang Hao's judgment after seeing the image displayed on the virtual screen released by Noah.

And following the words of Hengyuan Empire Anshan Iron and Steel, many civilizations were thoughtful, and they also realized something.

Angang, however, did not take it seriously, because now that the situation had come, he no longer needed to worry about some previously hidden things.

Because of the external pressure of the Protoss, even if some civilizations have grievances, in fact, it has little impact on the Protoss Resistance Alliance, because separation means death, and there is still a ray of life if they do not leave.

(End of this chapter)

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