Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 1078 War is both belief

Chapter 1078 War is both belief
"Alarm, alert, strong energy fluctuations are found, and the risk factor for the protective shield is eight stars."

Noah breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the protective cover that had just been raised, but before he could really relax, he was suddenly taken aback by the intelligence of the explorer battleship.

"Eight-star threat, how is it possible."

There was a strong disbelief on Noah's face. Looking at the universe, two soft creatures appeared, spinning towards his battleship, which made his gaze dumbfounded. for a moment.

This eight-star threat is not as simple as ten-star dangerous creatures. Ten-star dangerous creatures are creatures with extremely terrifying individual strength, but now the protective cover of the explorer battleship has been raised.

There was also the threat of Gao Xing, which made Noah immediately know that the soft energy creature with a rotating structure in front of him had definitely reached the threat to the battleship.

This kind of danger caused Noah to face the sudden attack without much change in his complexion. At this time, it also changed, and it was a big change.

Because Noah suddenly discovered that the Yanhuang Alliance, which he thought was not much of a threat, was so perverted that he could use his individual strength to launch such a terrifying attack on his battleship.

"Block with all your might."

Noah's face was also eager at this time, because he knew that if these human beings with terrifying individual strength approached, it would be a devastating blow to the explorer warship or other Nokia warships.

Now he can only hope that the energy cover of the explorer battleship can successfully defend against these terrifying human attacks.


Ling Zhan and the Ling Clan looked at the energy shield suddenly strengthened a lot, and their gazes froze, and they immediately spoke in a deep voice, and it can even be said that they transferred all the energy in their bodies without any hesitation.

"The Zhan Clan wants to fight, no one can stop it, break it for me."

With a stern look on his face, Ling Zhan said without hesitation, with a strong will, that is the desire for a fight, and the two of the Ling clan, joined forces, and shot with all their strength without reservation, and they didn't even want to back down idea.

".Crazy, all crazy."

Nuo Ke glanced at Wang Hao, with a frightened look on his face, and then looked at Ling Zhan and the Ling clan, the frightened look in his eyes became even stronger.

In fact, not to mention Nuo Ke, everyone in the command center of the Yanhuang Alliance, saw the performance of Ling Zhan and the Ling Clan, and their faces were silent. They now truly understand the Zhan Clan.

Just like the name of the war clan, fighting is the greatest joy of the entire clan.

It can even be said that war is actually the belief of the Zhan clan.

This is a group of true warriors, and war is both belief.

"Ling Long, lead the team to follow immediately, don't get out of touch."

Wang Hao looked at the appearance of Ling Zhan and the Ling family, his eyes were also stunned, and he spoke with a touch of speechlessness.

He knew that it was impossible to dissuade the two of them at this time, and even if he stepped out, looking at Ling Zhan and the Ling family, he might not be able to pull them back.

It can only be arranged for Ling Long, with hundreds of crimson warriors, to keep up with Ling Zhan and the Ling clan, so that the two will not fight alone.


After hearing Wang Hao's words, Ling Long's eyes showed firmness, and he said in a deep voice without hesitation.

And after saying these words, the entire scarlet team seemed to have fallen into a frenzy in an instant.


A loud, uniform shout shocked Wang Hao in the command center, as well as other people, even Nuo Ke.

"Defend, defend."

With a look of horror, Noah looked at the rotating soft creature, and directly touched the shield of the explorer battleship. He even felt that the whole battleship was a little unstable.

He knew that it wasn't the instability of the battleship, but that the two shields directly shook the entire battleship's shield system with their terrifying strength.

"Alarm, the opponent's attack strength still exists, and the protective shield is rapidly weakening."

And when Noah watched the protective cover open, preventing the other party from entering, his eyes relaxed slightly, but after hearing the alarm, he suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

"Increase energy output."

Noah shouted hastily. At this moment, he no longer cared about his image. The most important thing now is to block the two terrifying figures in front of him under soft creatures. That is the most important thing.

"Father, father."

An Rui couldn't believe it, and looked at the situation around the Yanhuang Alliance. After all, the Yanhuang Alliance now has an extraordinary status in the God Clan's union.

After all, the conflict between Scarlet Empire and Hengyuan Empire has directly benefited the Yanhuang Alliance, allowing the Yanhuang Alliance to have a veto power, which naturally raised An Rui's attention to the Yanhuang Alliance to the highest level.

"what's the situation."

Angang's complexion also showed a trace of fatigue. After learning about the situation of the entire line of Protoss, he became less and less optimistic, because the Protoss is fighting on all fronts, not just the Hengyuan galaxy.

That is, other galaxies, even the overlords of several galaxies, were shrunk by the protoss, and they gave up several galaxies, only to save one.

Faced with such a situation, as the master of the Hengyuan Empire, he naturally has his own worries.

"Yanhuang Alliance, there is a situation, it seems to be fighting with the Nuoji tribe."

After An Rui heard her father's words, she immediately opened the screen of the Yanhuang Alliance fighting.

"A fight? What is this?"

Angang frowned slightly, but in an instant he glanced at the situation of the Yanhuang Alliance and the Nuoji Clan, and immediately froze. Looking at the scene in front of him, he saw a long creature appearing in the dark universe, and a Appeared, there are two, this creature, he naturally knows that it is made of energy.

But what scares him the most about these two creatures is that the energy fluctuations they produce have their opponents, the Noki tribe.

This is known as the most mysterious race in the distant galaxy.

Even Anshan Iron and Steel has thought about it, the technology of this Nokia family is really not like the development of technology in this universe.

It can be said that the science and technology research system of the Nuoji tribe is directly independent into a department, that is, it is mainly based on energy weapons, and cooperates with the system of researching portals. Even the Hengyuan Empire has just started with interstellar portals.

And this Nuoji family has already put the portal into practical application, and it can even be said that the application is very good. The difference is like a semi-finished product and a finished product.

Therefore, Angang is also very vigilant towards the Nuoji tribe. After all, according to his analysis, the Nuoji tribe has such strength that it is impossible for them to be unknown in the galaxy.

This is not in line with common sense at all, and it doesn't look like the style displayed after the appearance of the Nuoji tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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