Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 1023 Mind Cultivator

Chapter 1023 Mind Cultivator

Slovakia was silent for a moment, but he still hadn't made up his mind to cancel the Sti Alliance and complete his plan to join the Yanhuang Alliance.

The same is true for other civilizations. After all, it takes courage to cancel one's own civilization and join the Yanhuang Alliance.

However, joining the Yanhuang Alliance's external system is enough for them, at least in some respects, they are protected.

"This, why the speed of the battleship can be so fast."

After Qitian and the Yue Army joined the Yanhuang Alliance, they also began to get in touch with the true core warships of the Yanhuang Alliance, and the living area was also divided into survival on the source star.

But after actually coming into contact with some core warships of the Yanhuang Alliance, Qi Tian and the Yue Army were really stunned, because he only knew about it after actually touching the core warships of the Yanhuang Alliance.

It turns out that the strength of the Yanhuang Alliance is not as simple as it appears to be.

"Gravity warships, also known as curvature-driven warships, are a type of warship with great potential. If supported by the current theory, after optimization in the future, it can even reach the speed of light."

Wang Hao smiled, with a look of pride on his face. The gravitational battleship can be said to be one of his most proud researches, and the other research is the birth of the Zhan Clan.

"Speed ​​of light?"

Qi Tian and Yue Jun stayed for a while, but Qi Fei Wu and Yue Bing who followed behind were also stunned. The concept of the speed of light was too far away for them.

But I didn't expect that Wang Hao actually heard the word speed of light. Light speed spaceship can be said to be a concept in every civilization, but this concept has no actual theory to support it.

But now it is different, because whether it is Qitian or Yuejun, I have clearly heard Wang Hao's current theoretical support. After optimization in the future, it can reach the speed of light.

"Brother Hao, is the planet actually driven by curvature?"

Although Yue Jun knew that he was older than Wang Hao, but facing Wang Hao, he really didn't have a clue at all, but he sincerely called Wang Hao "Brother Hao".

"Well, it is also driven by curvature. By the way, have your warship operators made a choice?"

Wang Hao nodded lightly, looking at the two, with the disappearance of the Apocalypse Empire and the Meiwen Alliance, a new integrated body was formed in the Yanhuang Alliance, that is the Astronomical Legion.

As for the personnel in the two civilizations, a small part entered the source star to survive. Although there are a lot of people, in the universe, the source star cannot accommodate them. After all, the two civilizations are civilizations with dozens of planets.

The huge number of civilizations can be described as terrifying, and the extra lives naturally still live in the starship and continue to carry out the civilization of the starship. However, the source star has been opened up, allowing non-residents to People can also enter the source star, but there is a time limit.

"The selection is done. We have selected [-] million fighters."

Qi Tian and Yue Jun hurriedly said, after all, they knew that in the Yanhuang Alliance, Wang Hao had a huge right to speak, and it could be said that he really could decide life or death with one word.

"One hundred million?"

Wang Hao's eyes froze slightly, as if he heard something he couldn't believe, he turned his head to look at the dragon brain, as if he was asking for something.

"I said at the time that I selected strong-willed fighters, but the other party may have misunderstood it."

After seeing Wang Hao's gaze, the borneol shook his head and said, how could he not take what Wang Hao ordered, he expressed his meaning very clearly.

After hearing the words of the dragon brain, Wang Hao also heard clearly. After all, they have long been familiar with the operating system of the Yanhuang Alliance. Join the Yanhuang Alliance.

"One thing, you may have misunderstood it. Selecting strong-willed fighters to control the battleship is not control in the traditional sense, but the use of mind control."

Wang Hao patiently explained that over the past few decades, not only has the form of manipulating warships changed, but the requirements have also become higher.

Because after Wu You developed mind training, the people with mutated mind power in the entire Yuan Xing became the main force to control the battleship, and similarly, after Wang Hao's improvement, they also began to spread and spread among the entire Yan Huang clan. stand up.

Now among the Yanhuang clan, there is not only a system of cultivation, but also a system of mind power, which can be said to gather the strengths of everyone, and even Wang Hao is divided in terms of strength.

Like the cultivation system, Wang Hao has not changed, and still maintains the mortal realm and the star realm, and on top of this, there is a new realm, that is, the star field level, and the star field level powerhouses are really like Like a cosmic deity.

The strength in the universe is very strong. In the Yanhuang Alliance, there are also three star-level powerhouses, namely Ling Zhan and Ling Clan. As for the last one, it is not Ling Yan, but Wang Hao himself , because Wang Hao has possessed a lot of skills in the past few decades, breaking through the seventh-level limit and reaching eighth-level skills.

And the skill of cultivation is one of them. When Wang Hao reached the star field level, it was even earlier than Ling Zhan and the Ling clan.

"We are looking for warriors with a strong will, because the talent for mental training is better, and only those who have a strong mental training effect can become the commander of the Yanhuang Alliance fleet."

Wang Hao looked at the confused faces of Qitian and Yuejun, and naturally knew that the other party had misunderstood the starting point. This is another training system he has to talk about, and that is the training system of mind power.

Because after the method of cultivating mind power developed by Wu You, it was studied in depth by Wang Hao, and improved, and changed to be suitable for all Yanhuang people's cultivation, and at the same time, it was also graded.

However, different from individual cultivation, Wang Hao's classification of mind power is more inclined to combat at the legion level. Currently, there are more system levels than cultivation. ,
It is divided into soldier level, soldier level, school lieutenant level, general level, and legion level. Currently, it is divided into five levels. As for why such a classification is made, there are also deep considerations.

Like the lowest-level soldier-level mind trainer, he can control a battleship, and use his mind power to control a gravitational battleship, exerting the most powerful local advantages.

But the soldier class can use its own mind power to use ten warships to the limit, the lieutenant class has a hundred ships, the general class has a thousand ships, and the legion class has [-] ships by Wang Hao. .

Thought cultivators, in terms of personal combat power, are weaker and stronger than the individual cultivation system, but they also have their own advantages, that is, the number of controls, and they can control many powerful warships.

(End of this chapter)

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