Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 1011 Want to destroy the Yanhuang Alliance?

Chapter 1011 Want to destroy the Yanhuang Alliance?

"We join the Sky Floating Alliance."

After the Yue Army and the Lord of the Apocalypse Empire failed to win over Wang Hao, he chose to join the Tianfu Alliance without the slightest hesitation.

And after this decision was made, the fleets of the Apocalypse Empire and the Meiwen Alliance immediately set off and entered the camp of the Tianfu Alliance. As before, three forces were formed, one of which was the camp dominated by the Sti Alliance. , one is the Tianfu Alliance.

And the last one is the neutral camp before, but the current neutral camp is not as spectacular as before. There is only a huge planet, and there are hundreds of strange warships.

"The strength of this Yanhuang alliance is not very good, but it is very arrogant. Let's just wipe it out. I really think that if we don't show off our power, we will be treated like a sick cat."

"Okay, let's kill them, come, let's vote."

Tianfu Alliance's impression of Yanhuang Alliance was not very good. They offered nice invitations, but the other party didn't appreciate it at all. After rejecting them two or three times, their voices in the parliament also showed clues.

Yuejun and Qitian sat together, glanced at the discussion of the Tianfu Alliance, with a deep helplessness on their faces.

These Tianfu alliances are known as alliances and have set up a parliament, but the control of this council is in the original Tianfu empire, because more than half of the members of the council belong to the original Tianfu empire.

And after these people came in, although they had the right to vote, they couldn't vote at all.

"Actually, we should form a new faction with the Yanhuang Alliance. Joining an old faction like this is really useless."

Qitian, as the master of the Tianqi Empire, he originally had some expectations for joining the Tianfu Alliance.

But after he really joined a big alliance, he also discovered that in the alliance, his hands are tied, and he has no right to speak in many places, and even has to hand over part of his own resources. This is the big head, now In this era of escape, resources are actually the most important link.

"Indeed, too many of the Apocalypse Empire and the Meiwen Alliance are inclined to join these two forces. Now that they have joined, we have no choice at all."

The Vietnamese Army also nodded in agreement, with a look of deep helplessness on his face, even looking at the planet of the Yanhuang Alliance, he felt a little regretful, because the parliament is passing a resolution to kill the Yanhuang Alliance, and now most of them have already died. agreed.

And he, like Apocalypse, chose to abstain.

"The STI Alliance seems to be moving first, we can actually wait and see."

A council suddenly received the news, raised its head and said, at this time, a vast universe appeared on the big screen of the meeting, and a fleet of the Stie Alliance was dispatched.

"Since it's moved, we'll dispatch it immediately. The third squadron of the Fifth Fleet will also participate in the killing. Since you don't want to stand on both sides, let's kill it directly. We can't let the Stie Alliance keep walking in front. We should show it force."

The head of the Tianfu Council, his eyes sank, he glanced around, his eyes froze for an instant, and he made a decision, and his words were also approved by the vast majority of people.


Yue Bing followed the Yue army as a follower, and after hearing this, he couldn't help being anxious.

"There is no way."

The Vietnamese army shook his head, even if he wanted to help, there was nothing he could do.

As for Qi Feiwu, looking at the Yanhuang Alliance, there was also a trace of sadness and sympathy. In the universe, the jungle is like this, and the Yanhuang Alliance has become the target of killing chickens and monkeys.

"It seems that they want to move us. How long will the vanguard of Tianyan World be?"

Wang Hao did not relax for a moment about the information collection of the Sti Alliance and the Tianfu Alliance. After all, he knew that there is no morality in the universe, and there are only collisions between civilizations and Fang Ming. Same as World War I.

The power within the range of the cannon is also applicable in the cosmic era, but this phenomenon is more direct and obvious.

"Times of Day."

The borneol immediately replied and said.

"What about Wu You's ship?"

Wang Hao nodded lightly and said.

The Wu You ship he mentioned is a real ship, a warship specially developed for Wu You, its size is designed to be smaller for power, it is a battleship that exerts gravity to the extreme, and cooperates with Wu You's ideas Force, coupled with gravity, produced the speed of the ship, which has reached ten times that of the normal gravity team.

"There's still half an hour to arrive."

The borneol's face remained unchanged, and he spoke.

"Well, let's release all the battleships and have a big fight. I want to see if this group of people can stop the battleships driven by the mind."

Wang Hao thought of the figure of Wu You fighting thousands of protoss, and now he is still very impressed. Wu You's individual strength is not strong, and it can even be said to be very weak.

However, after discovering that metal could be manipulated by thoughts, Wang Hao immediately thought of a possibility, that is, the power of thoughts, which is actually a kind of gravitational force. If this kind of gravitational force can locally control warships, how terrifying it would be.

And the result did not disappoint Wang Hao. Under Wu You's control, even a race with extremely strong individual strength like the Protoss was controlled by Wu You to fly a kite in the universe.

After all, the forced speed-up of the mind power, combined with the balance device and the gravitational device, the speed of the explosion is too fast. If it is not for this mind power, it will be consumed and it will take time to recover. Wu You's strength will be perfect.

"It will be there soon, and then I can meet the real Brother Hao."

There was a touch of excitement on Wu You's face. Although Yuan Xing was hit hard, his gratitude to Wang Hao was getting deeper and deeper, because the more he understood, the more he knew Wang Hao's heart.

The more I admire Wang Hao, now Yuanxing is headed by Wang Hao's will. After all, in the era of the universe, everyone in Yuanxing has seen the danger of the universe.

The oppression of the protoss and the unknown in the universe made the people in Yuanxing feel at a loss, but under the leadership of Wang Hao, they adapted at a very fast speed, and all of them knew that , who brings about the change.

Especially my heart was given by Wang Hao. For me, this is tantamount to the grace of regeneration. Because of the gene mutation medicine, their strength has improved rapidly, but their lifespan is very short. The stars can feel it.

But when Wang Hao changed their hearts, the people of Yuanxing got a new life, and even under Wu You's suggestion, they had a new name, that is Yanhuang Yuanzu, the race of all survivors of Yuanxing, and Yuan Xing rested and recuperated.

Therefore, after receiving Wang Hao's order, he drove the special gravitational spaceship with all his strength, and quickly headed towards the planet where Wang Hao's real body was, to welcome the first battle of joining the Yanhuang Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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