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Chapter 990 Qin Fen triggers merit setting

Chapter 990 Qin Fen triggers merit setting
Di Jun held his breath in his chest, and looked at Qin Fen fiercely, grandson, I'll see you later.

Not to be outdone, Qin Fen took a look at the other party, Xiao Mian, don’t think buddies don’t know what you want to do, this is all a routine, someone ordered you to come here, really treat the man as squatting and peeing, come on, look at me Do not frown!Qin Fen is also frizzy, and his temper is not going well today, everyone wants to tease him, do you think I am made of mud?You can do whatever you want?God, I won't be cowardly.

If you have the guts, kill me!Qin Fen also worked hard, anyway, the time was almost up, so he delayed and left.Before I leave, I'll disgust you a lot.

"Senior, what is Dao and how to obtain it?" Nu Wa asked Di Jun directly without regard to the question in her heart.

If Qin Fen doesn't counsel, he just does it. If he wants to mess with me, I'll play a big game for you. Qin Fen doesn't want to be aggressive, but he's not feeling well today. The more I don't give you advice, the more he will fight.

"Tao is the complement of perfection, the door of all wonders, the Tao produces all things, and is connoted in all things. The Tao is not only the tangible matter, the spirit of thinking, and the law of rationality, but also the invisible, formless, and spiritual The root of all things, matter, spirit, and rules, are all products of Tao.

Tao is in things, things are in Tao, everything leads to the same end, and the end point is Tao.

This is the reason why all three thousand roads can become enlightened, because the end point is the same! "Qin Fen glanced at Nuwa and began to recall the content of the Tao Te Ching. It seemed that he hadn't read it much, and he couldn't help feeling tense. This is nonsense. As a young dick in the new era, why should he read it if he has nothing to do?" .

It seems that there is something to say, yes, Di Jun curled his lips, wanting to ask a tricky question, but unfortunately, before he opened his mouth, Nuwa spoke again.

"The Dao has no form or form, and it can't be seen or touched. How can we pursue it?" Nu Wa asked this sentence, and the surroundings became quiet.

"Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature. To find the law in the heaven and the earth, to understand the true self in the heart, this is to seek the Tao!" Qin Fen really didn't know how to talk nonsense, he had never read it I haven't researched it yet. Now that the ducks are on the shelves, I can only say how to do it.

Di Jun thought for a while, then looked at Qin Fen, I'll give you a hard time and see how you answer.

Nuwa's eyes lit up, "What is a human being?" She understood the rest, but the first sentence was a bit stuck.

Di Jun was dumbfounded again, he really wanted to make things difficult for Qin Fen, but it seemed that Nuwa didn't give him a chance.Fuck!
Tiandao stared blankly, I didn't call you here to make you dazed, you did it, but as soon as Nuwa finished speaking, he was in a bad mood.

Tiandao blushed, "It's going to rain, mother is going to get married, there's no way to stop it!" There was really no way to stop it, because judging by Tiandao's procedures, he couldn't stop Qin Fen, because the chef was preaching.

This cannot be interrupted, why?Because the Dao is invisible, because the Dao has not yet been established, since the Dao has created all things and created the prehistoric, then you must not interfere with the establishment of the Dao.

Tiandao wants to commit suicide, that is to say, Qin Fen, a bastard, has linked Nuwa's creation of human beings with the establishment of Taoism, so he can't stop it. To stop the creation of human beings is to hinder the establishment of Daoism, and wouldn't that shake his own foundation?The final result is that the way of heaven is obliterated, because there is no knowledge of the way, and there is still a fart of the way of heaven.

"This grandson is so fucking ruthless, it was definitely on purpose!"

Qin Fen was not convinced. Fuck, that's what he said. How did he know that no one said it at this time.

Since there was no one, the first sentence was unreasonable, and he directly missed the auxiliary car, and Qin Fen returned to the wave of making people.He didn't expect it himself, but Nuwa's eyes lit up, this is the senior reminding me.

You see, the first sentence is so obvious, Nuwa's mood is getting more and more excited, and Tiandao's heart is getting more and more painful.

Qin Fen also became more and more irritable, why can't he go back?Di Jun is also getting more and more anxious, so at least let me speak.

"Human?" Qin Fen thought for a while, what should I say?The two points I thought about before are definitely not possible.

"Guess!" Qin Fen looked at Nu Wa strangely, don't you look human.

I guess?Nuwa's complexion changed, and the emperor was overjoyed, and just about to laugh at it, playing tricks!

"Didn't they call you sir just now?" Qin Fen chuckled, "Since you know it but don't understand it, then you can see it if you clear the clouds!"

Qin Fen's body began to blur, he knew he had to leave, hahaha, the time-delaying tactic was successful.

grown ups?Nuwa never cared about it, she thought it was just an honorific title, but now that Qin Fen said it, she had some ideas.

"Senior, senior, hold back, can you give Nuwa a little more hint!"

"I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but I was born in this mountain! The road to seeking Taoism is long. If you want to understand your mind, you must first gain Taoism, and then you will be enlightened naturally. You don't even understand what you have to do. How to determine the path under your feet, Pan Gu The sky is open, the Tao is in the common people, Hongjun teaches, and the Tao is in the living beings. I come here today, without desire or desire, I just want you to understand, what is the Tao, in short, the road! The road leading to the rules of all things!" Qin Fen disappeared, and his voice came softly from mid-air.

"Then how to be firm on the road?" Nuwa was anxious.

"Virtue! There is Dao but no virtue. There is no Dao. Dao is the rule and the foundation. Virtue is the special worldview, methodology and method of dealing with people that monks should have. Find it, understand it, and the road under your feet will be self-contained. !"

Gone, finally gone, Tiandao heaved a sigh of relief, and seemed to be able to accept it.

Di Jun's face was ugly, you f*ck are about to run away and pretend to be aggressive before you leave.

"I don't know what it means!" He muttered softly, but the surrounding creatures could hear it clearly. "If you say it, you don't say it!"

"I understand, I understand. I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but I was born in this mountain. My appearance at this moment is human, the teacher's appearance is human, and the brothers of Sanqing are also human. Haha, I know how to make a human. Already!" Nuwa waved her fist excitedly.

You know now?Di Jun looked contemptuous and wanted to say something, the sky was thunderous and golden.

"What is this?" Di Jun's face was dumb, and there was thunder in the sky, which is understandable. Hongjun joins the Tao, controls the way of heaven, rewards good and punishes evil, everyone is familiar with Zixiao Shenlei, what is that golden light, it seems extraordinary .

Not only Di Jun's blank face, Nu Wa also looked up stupidly, the surrounding creatures could only perceive the great power contained in the golden light.Like a gentle force, but sacrosanct.

Tiandao looked at the display screen, exhausted, "Virtue, virtue, damn Qin Fen, before you leave, you triggered the merit setting in advance! That's my job!"

That's right, morality and morality are indispensable. Qin Fen chose the Tao Te Ching because he wanted to fool around with his cultivation and preaching, but inadvertently, he went wrong. At the stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones, there are many things that future generations do not have at this moment, one of which is merit.

Now because of Nuwa's creation of human beings, and the chef preaching, Qin Fen shuddered before leaving, directly disgusting the way of heaven, the merits appeared because of his virtue, this is the trend of the times, it is fate.Now Tiandao is still in a daze, because there are still two years before the appearance of merit. According to the normal process, he should declare it, submit it to the Daoist for approval, and then set up the project as his exclusive right.

But now, the emergence of merit has nothing to do with him, and he can take charge in the future, but there is a problem, which was brought up by Qin Fen, can he take charge?The function of WeChat speaks for itself. Qin Fen's ability to snatch red envelopes is not without origin.This is the back door specially opened for the chef by Da Dao thinking of his meritorious service.Before he knew it, Qin Fen and Da Dao got entangled again.

Tiandao gritted his teeth and was about to say something when he found a message popped out from his background.

"The way of heaven is fair, Nuwa sees her nature clearly, her heart is stable, she knows her mission, she has made countless merits and virtues, and the merits of heaven have given Nuwa a sage with Dao Fruit! Immortal!"

Di Jun is getting irritable, is this okay?Nuwa was so stupid, she was the first to be sanctified?
Tiandao had a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, co-authored that he was blind for nothing after doing so many things today.It also includes the exclusive right of merit!
PS: A person's relaxation starts today, the plane in the afternoon, but I haven't stopped changing, and I will try my best not to stop in the stage of adjusting the state later, I hope to find new elements and techniques to break through my bottleneck
(End of this chapter)

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