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Chapter 909 Queen Mother Bai Xiaojie, Cousin and Big Cousin

Chapter 909 Queen Mother Bai Xiaojie, Cousin and Big Cousin

"You point to the direction!" The queen mother grabbed the small oil lamp without any explanation. She also noticed that this place seems to be different from the human kingdom in the earth fairy world. Without leaving any trouble, the Queen Mother flicked her hair with one hand, and took out the gold hairpin and put it on her head casually.

The appearance of the measuring ruler made Little Oil Lamp cry in fright. He stared at the top of the Queen Mother's head, the magic weapon, the cliff is a magic weapon.

The moment the golden hairpin appeared, the little fat man noticed that the space around him had changed, and a transparent film of light wrapped the two of them. The Queen Mother saw the direction clearly, carried the little fat man and ran away.

With a whoosh, a huge wind pressure appeared on the light film and was blocked. Without resistance, the speed of the Queen Mother became even faster, just like a bullet out of the chamber, heading towards the destination.

Ahhhhhh, the little fat man screamed all the way, but unfortunately, no matter how loud the sound was, it couldn't be conveyed. The Queen Mother seemed to be getting used to running. After bumping into those traps, the queen mother rushed up to the guardrail in a frenzy. She was running, running on the fucking guardrail.

Note, this is not the most disgusting thing about Xiaoyoulan, the most disgusting thing is that this woman is wearing a pair of high heels like an animal!At that speed, it was difficult for anyone to see clearly. Coupled with the cover of the light film, the Queen Mother was running wildly, with full firepower.

Is this the power of the high gods?Little Oil Lamp finally realized that in an environment where there is no aura in the world, he is almost invincible just by relying on physical strength, so what about his master?
The little fat man thought of Qin Fen. It's not that Qin Fen can't use mana. He had seen it before, and suddenly there was a wave of worship in the little fat man's heart. He was so overwhelmed.

Qin Fen had a good day today and had dinner with the female ruffian, so he didn't run around. Now the manor was full of turmoil, and a large number of policemen entered to investigate today's events. Qian Kun and Farrell were doomed to tragedy. Not only did they Facing prosecution alone, Time magazine reporters also passed on the news.

A bombshell appeared over Europa and began to wreak havoc, and a terrible storm was brewing because of the wedding incident.Farrell is famous again, rumored to be having an affair with a member of the royal family, no, the fiancée of a member of the royal family, coupled with his shady behavior, has become a laughing stock in Europa's business circles.

His father, Old Farrell, received the news early in the morning and smashed three teacups severely. Now he shut himself in the study, he can see the decline of his family, "This unfilial son!" Old Farrell said fiercely As he spoke, he picked up the phone, "Notice, a board meeting will be held today to dismiss Farrell as CEO!"

The old You Tiao made a decisive decision, but it was a last resort. He must give those people an explanation now.

It's a pity that although his approach is grand, Prince Grant may not appreciate it. He is sitting in his study and roaring at other friends and members of the royal family, "I don't care who it is, no matter what company the other party is, I want him to pay the price. Inform our relevant companies and families, give me all-out suppression of Farrell, I want to see their clothing companies disappear on the continent of Europa!"

Everything was proceeding step by step. Farrell sat in the interrogation room stupidly. Qian Kun beside him was not much better. He knew in his heart that they were finished and had no chance of turning over.

Because of today's incident, Qin Fen didn't go out and stayed in the room obediently. Everyone quieted down tacitly.

Qin Fen was quiet, but the Queen Mother was not quiet. She ran all the way, from Shennongjia to Yiling in half a day. No, it took more than half a day. It took her just a few hours to stand in front of the Longpan Lake community. The fat man was still dumbfounded.

He repeated in his mouth, "So fast, so fast!"

The Queen Mother looked at the sentry box in the community calmly and pointed there, "Is this the residence of Duke Dong?"

The little fat man nodded mechanically.

The Queen Mother grabbed the small oil lamp and walked over, "I want to see Prince Dong! Hurry up and report."

The security guards at the door saw the Queen Mother, and they were all amazed. Such a woman, just like the one in the painting, was more like a star than a star, and was almost speechless. But after hearing what the Queen Mother said, they changed from amazement to Surprised, what are you talking about?What the hell is the East Prince?report?

This seat?What's your name?The security guards are so stupid.Are you still a foreigner?Why is there a surname of Ben!

The queen mother is a little irritable, what are these servants doing?Her attitude is already very good!My eldest queen has no experience in finding a guard, and there is a green light all the way to go anywhere.

The little fat man is already in a mess, it's no wonder people understand if you ask me that.

The security guards are very heartbroken. Look, this girl looks like a fairy, with a good figure, like a model, tall, with long legs, and can play for several years. Unfortunately, she is a fool!
Just when the Queen Mother was about to get mad, a crisp voice came from the side, "Excuse me, Qin Bing, is Mr. Qin back? I have something for him!" A woman in a denim skirt appeared at the door, driving a car A booming Audi TT.

The guard immediately put on a smile, "I'm sorry, we don't have an owner named Qin Bing here."

"Oh, I forgot. His name is actually Qin Fen, and Qin Bing is his nickname!" Sun Yujie turned her head and saw the Queen Mother. It's nonsense, but that's the Lord of Kunlun, can you not focus on it?

Qin Fen?The Queen Mother instantly looked at Sun Yujie, our classmate Bai Xiaojie. This person knew Qin Fen, but the moment she saw him, the Queen Mother was in a mess. She was a woman very similar to her, except that she was not tall enough and had a different temperament. The queen mother almost thought that she had some relatives.

But then the Queen Mother was instantly attracted by Qin Bing, "This dead ghost actually has a nickname?"

"Mr. Qin, who are you?"

who?Sun Yujie is stumped now, girlfriend?Doesn't seem to be, female friend?No one believed what he said, "I'm his cousin!" The little witch rolled her eyes and came up with a bad idea.

"That's it, okay, you can go in, but it's best to keep the things in our property, because Mr. Qin has gone to Europe and hasn't come back yet!"

Oh, Sun Yujie was a little disappointed, "Then I'll come back later!" After speaking, she was about to leave, but the car had just started when a tall figure stood in front of the car, and the Queen Mother looked down at Sun Yujie, "Are you Qin Fen's cousin? "

"Who are you?" Sun Yujie looked at the other party in a daze. Apart from being amazed just now, she now found that her facial features were very similar to the other party's.

"I, I'm Qin Fen's eldest cousin!" The Queen Mother also smiled strangely, and came up with a bad idea.

Ah, Sun Yujie blushed, feeling ashamed, as if she realized that her little thoughts had been exposed by others.

But the Queen Mother didn't laugh at her, she was fooling herself, "Hello, my name is!" What is it called?The Queen Mother was stunned for a moment, "My name is Yao Chi!"

Sun Yujie was also stunned. Does your mother know your name?Yaochi!It sounds so familiar, isn't this the name of the Queen Mother?

"Hello, my name is Bai Xiaojie!" Sun Yujie answered so smoothly without any pause.

Xiaopang watched from the side, okay, neither of them is a good person, he clearly knew that these two people started to fool around, cousin, uncle, cousin?I have never seen it.

"Hello, where is Europe? I'm going to find Qin Fen!" The Queen Mother cut to the chase, she really didn't know where Europe was!
"Are you going to find him?" Sun Yujie was taken aback.

"Yeah, it's my first time here. I don't know the place. He's the only acquaintance. If not him, who else should I look for?" The Queen Mother said confidently. He brought me here, and I have to be responsible!Now the queen mother doesn't know what to do, she can't use her mana, and she doesn't know how to go back?God, pit ratio.I didn't even say to receive her when I got it here, and left her in the deep mountains and old forests.

"That's it, how about, let's go to Europa together, I'm on vacation recently!" Sun Yujie smiled strangely, whether the other party would be surprised?

The queen mother also gave a weird smile, hehe, this guy probably doesn't know that I'm going to find him, tell you to mess around, I'll scare you to death!
Ah Xie, Qin Fen's eyelids twitched violently, and he said to Xiao Xiaozi, "I suddenly have a very ominous premonition that something big will happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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