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Chapter 798 The Daily Life of Principal Tianting

Chapter 798 The Daily Life of Principal Tianting

Today in Chamonix can be said to be the busiest day in history. People have gone through the test of life and death, and have also gone through the purification of the soul. Facing Qin Fen, thinking about his actions, the deeds of heroes are always so attractive , is always so enviable and daydream, so tonight is a spiritual journey, they understand something, really.

Visible and tangible, the believers seemed to feel an indescribable relaxation towards Qin Fen physically and mentally.

Their eyes were very firm, it was the man in front of them who had brought them everything, Qin Fen, a living hero, a guy who was praised, his deeds would become memories and affect their lives.

Walking down the steps of the police station, every step Qin Fen takes touches people's heartstrings, as if there is a quiet harbor there.

"You are also a bull!" Fu Qiang punched the chef, he really didn't expect that the solution to the matter would be a spiritual journey.

Niu Nima, Qin Fen hasn't figured it out yet, since he can influence the surroundings, why hasn't he influenced this guy?Neither did Xia Keli. In addition, his divine power was seriously drained, and his body was already beginning to get tired. He knew that God's divine spirit must have done something, but how to do it, I'll give you a lung, he doesn't know the process.

"Just now you were very embarrassing, you spoke so well, just like a fucking old Jianghu!" After Song Shaoqing finished speaking, the female ruffian also smiled strangely.

"That's a movie line I said!" Qin Fen was not convinced. This is different from fooling the gods. He has no burden to deal with the gods. If he doesn't love the gods, he is lying. But when facing ordinary people, especially when the other party is confessing and needs someone to explain, he With a touch of wind, the chef was still positive in his heart, so he could only search his brains hard and thought of some movie lines to deal with, but he didn't expect to pass the test.

The female ruffian has the urge to swear, so you still fly up like a fool, my God, are you the actor?He said it so righteously and with integrity.

It seems that the doubts of the female ruffian can be seen, "I was imprisoned just now, why are you still messing around like hell, I must be positive, plus I am the hero of Xue Beng, and there is a live broadcast, don't show the friendship of the Chinese people, How can I come out to win sympathy? You think I'm stupid!" Qin Fen suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

That's what he thought, but it seemed that the ending was a bit wrong. He felt a lot of luck, is that okay?

Song Shaoqing and Fu Qiang lowered their heads at the same time, this result is unacceptable, your performance is too good.

The female ruffian smiled wryly, "Then what should we do now?"

what to do? "Looking for a place to eat, I'm going to faint from hunger!" Qin Fen stated his purpose.

"Did you bring any money?" The female ruffian was speechless, her wallet was still in the police station as evidence and she couldn't get it out, so she returned Qin Fen's cell phone to him. .

Song Shaoqing spread her hands, "Don't look at me, I came out without any money." Fu Qiang nodded along.

Qin Fen touched his bag, took out ten euros, and stared at the three people around him in a daze, thinking that's all you need to bring when you go out to eat?Can you die if you are not stingy?
"Let's go first, no Song Shaoqing can swipe the card!" Qin Fen said with certainty, the eyes of the young master of the capital stared, you are also a person?
The world of good night snacks for two is gone, but Qin Fen's harvest is also huge. When they left, everyone around them also consciously watched him leave. This scene, the assistant watching this scene was terrified and yelled in his heart, what will happen now? Fat.

The next day the sun came out, and as soon as the sun shone, Qin Fen also opened his eyes. Because of the avalanche, the original filming was put on hold, and everyone had a day off.

Lying on the bed, looking at the snow scene outside the window, Qin Fen felt that it was actually pretty good.Whoosh, a small thing fell from the top of his head. The skin was smooth. Qin Fen looked at Nian, held it over and over in his hand, and wondered, "Have you eaten the feed? Why does it feel bigger?"

Leaning against the head of the bed, feeling the sunshine, the heartless chef threw Nian against the wall as soon as he threw it away, and the poor auspicious three treasures glared at Qin Fen and spit bubbles.

Turning on the phone, a row of messages began to swipe the screen. Qin Fen is a little WeChat phobic now, "This person can't be too attractive, look, there are a lot of messages." The screen flew up with a swipe.

"Principal, are you there, Mr. Principal?"


"Will it be possible to answer the question, His Majesty Dong Wanggong, if you don't show up again, I will resign and I can't live on!"

Is Yuelao crazy?Qin Fen clicked on it speechlessly, "I'm very busy, I haven't said a word to the Queen Mother yet, why are you joining in the fun?"

"What are you doing!" Qin Fen tilted his head and looked sideways into the distance.

"My lord, boss, you finally answered? What are you doing? Have you forgotten that you are still the principal of Tianting Academy? It has been a long time since you showed up. The students are waiting for you to speak, or to have a class, and the teachers of the school are also waiting for you." Waiting for your instructions." Yuelao wanted to cry, how can you play like this, can you be a little bit responsible?
Well, to be a good example, Qin Fen opened his mouth wide, he doesn't have much experience, okay? "There is no need for any instructions from the teacher. According to the previous ones, in addition, I will develop an additional physical education class, which is to give children activities, and there are also art classes and music classes. We must either quit or have morality." All-round development of intelligence, body and beauty!"

This is also called no instructions?Yuelao opened his mouth wide, and as soon as he opened his mouth, there were three more classes. Why did the teacher come?what to teachWhy don't you say anything?Old man Yue has grown up again. He hasn't had a good day since he became the vice principal. He feels that God is tricking him. Looking at it now, it's this guy who cheated him the most!

During this period of time, he was so busy that he didn't have time to think about the marriage, Yuelao felt bitter. "I said you can't help me order, there are too many things, I'm going to die!" Yuelao was furious.

"Living people are forced out, just get used to it, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, everyone looks up to you, being too modest is hypocrisy!" Qin Fen stood up, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

Nima eggs!Yuelao suffocated and went back directly to internal injuries.He accepts his fate according to the law of heaven, and if the law of heaven says you can do it, you can do it, and if you don't want to do it, it is hypocrisy. "Why don't you tell everyone this, you are still the principal!"

Qin Fen wiped his face, "It is said that you said that at the time, the principal does not need to know a lot, as long as he can employ people, this is a truth, I am very relieved! We are so lucky to have a partner like you Son, it's really handy."

How about some face?It was all done by Lao Tzu, Yue Lao blushed instantly.That's right, he really said this, not only did he say it, but he said it in front of everyone in the heavenly court, and he said it to Tiandao, does he regret it now?

Yuelao whispered in his heart, why do I feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot?At that time, he recommended Qin Fen to the position in order to evade this responsibility. Looking at it now, "I should be the principal myself!"

Yue Lao muttered to the side, but Qin Fen didn't laugh at him, "Since it's all right, I'll flash!"

flash?I'm going to go, I finally caught you and wanted to run? "Fellow Daoist, please stay!" Yue Lao roared.



Qin Fen's face changed instantly, embarrassing!

PS: Today’s update is late, I know, I’m sorry everyone, here’s an explanation, I’m Cavin, and today I’m the fourth update, plus update, so I’m three hours late, I’m writing Chapter 4 for these three hours, sorry up!thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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