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Chapter 793 Qin Fen is not peaceful anywhere

Chapter 793 Qin Fen is not peaceful anywhere

Sun Yating, who came to inquire, only saw Chef Qin's back, and then he was taken into the car.

The female ruffian was very angry, and went to the side to make a phone call. No matter how she negotiated with the other party, it seemed that the middle-aged white man was very impatient.

Sitting in the car, Qin Fen looked at Chamonix in the dark and felt a little bit pained. What is this, but he can't confront the law enforcement department, can he?At least for now, there is nothing wrong with the other party.

In a police car ahead, a woman looked at her boss, "Xia Keli, this is not good, after all, they are here to travel, they are victims!"

Xia Keli shook his head, "These guys are indeed here to travel, but they are also the source of all the chaos! We must give them a warning. Are these Orientals drinking and making trouble outside at night? Besides, he is indeed a bit out of line today, since Call the police, then it should be handed over to us instead of doing it yourself.

You know, he was beating a French citizen! "The last sentence is the key point. Xia Keli is an old-fashioned Frenchman. To put it bluntly, he is proud of his country. The understanding is still relatively low, staying at a very ancient stage.

Coupled with those messy movies in the United States, it seems that China is backward, poor, vulgar, and inferior in the eyes of the other party. Of course, not everyone thinks so, but there are quite a few who think so!

Coupled with the overall decline in the world economy, Europa is in mourning, and only Chinese people in the world appear around the world waving banknotes. This is a great stimulus for the locals.

That's why they robbed the Huaxia people, and that's why Qin Fen's actions aroused Xia Keli's displeasure.

Hearing what the director said, the woman shook her head and stopped talking.

And Qin Fen was successfully taken to the police station and began to take notes separately.

The female ruffian then arrived, followed by Song Shaoqing, Fu Qiang and Jay Chou's assistant.

They looked for help with depressed faces, but unfortunately, facing Xia Keli's strength, they could only swallow it in one breath.

The assistant was very anxious, "Mr. Director, can't we be released on bail now?" There is business tomorrow!

The female ruffian gave him a hard look, you're just a short-sighted person, why did you get bail if you didn't make a mistake?This is not slapping yourself in the face, "I want to hire a lawyer!" The female ruffian just does it.

Seeing the assistant lowering his head, Xia Keli was very happy at first, but the female ruffian's words angered him, "Really? You can do whatever you want, but I have the right to detain him for 24 hours. You must understand that he just beat up two French citizens. It's against the law if you don't make it clear that the other party committed the crime!"

The female ruffian is angry, what the hell are you playing with words, what do you mean by not being clear?

Sun Yating's face was flushed, and she wanted to go forward to argue with the other party, but was grabbed by Song Shaoqing, who walked to the side and shook his head, "Yating, this is not our territory, if we suffer, we should leave it to the professionals. The more noisy it is, the happier this bastard is, and the more trouble he can cause us!"

Xia Keli watched the female ruffian and the others leave with a smile on his lips, you hate Chinese people, do you think you are the center of the world?

He curled his lips to show disdain, walked into the interrogation room, and the subordinates immediately stepped aside and whispered next to him.

"Boss, I've asked. It's true that I'm chasing after the bag, but I'm a bit ruthless, and the process is rather vague!"

Xia Keli nodded, "Then continue to ask, and throw them into the detention room after the questioning, I don't want them to hang around in front of me all the time!"

The young police officer nodded, "Do you want to take care of it?"

Xia Keli shook his head, "It's not necessary, let him be punished, after all, it's those bastards who rob, I just don't like people like them, although I know that Chamonix needs tourism and money, but after they come, they always Some people destroyed this beautiful town, and the garbage has increased, today is to teach them a lesson, let this kid know what kind of place this is, and this is the land of France!"

"I understand. After the inquiry is over, I will send his companion to leave and let him calm down!"

A smile appeared on Xia Keli's face.

It's a pity that although they whispered, Qin Fen's ears are good. Let me go, you are making subjective assumptions about China. Damn it, a thread in his heart has been violently fluctuated. His country is ancient and heavy, but Too long behind, too long in silence.

I am too slow to do it myself. It seems that there is a long way to go to let the world know about Huaxia and understand Huaxia. The best way is to promote culture!

Thinking of this, Qin Fen's heart calmed down again. This trip to Europa was his first attempt, and it was a tough battle, but you know it. The chef is just a piss, trying to mess with me, sorry, piss Pure man came.

"Then please cooperate and tell me the process of your conflict!"

As soon as the police officer opened his mouth, Qin Fen stopped talking. This was the guide, the fuck. What is a conflict?

"Damn!" Qin Fen yelled subconsciously, but unfortunately the other party didn't understand.

"What did you say? Please repeat!"

Qin Fen was very happy, this is what you asked for, "Your grandma has a leg!"

The policeman was dumbfounded, the number of words in these two sentences was different! "Please say it again, don't use Chinese, can you use English?"

I'm not very good at English, Qin Fen curled his lips! "I'll go to your uncle!"

The policeman's face is full of pain, and it's so fucking inconvenient to communicate.Xia Keli on the side could see that this guy is a thorn, and it was clearly intentional.

He immediately walked up with an ugly face, stood in front of Qin Fen, and looked down at him, "Young man, you'd better cooperate, you know, we have the right to detain you for obstructing our official duties!"

Qin Fen stared at him, "The prince of the East was arrested by you, you are so stunned, you still want to play tricks?"

He immediately said something in English, "Please repeat, I don't understand!"

Xia Ke made a black line on his forehead and repeated it.

"Can you please say it again, don't have a local accent, who can understand the old dialect?" Qin Fen smiled.

Damn it, Xia Keli was trembling with anger, this guy definitely did it on purpose!
He grabbed Qin Fen by the collar and said in a low voice, "Boy, you'd better not make trouble!"

"Then what do you want?" Qin Fen looked at him innocently.

"Me?" Xia Keli smiled strangely, he was very good at scaring these Chinese people, "What will happen to me? I will tell you what will happen to me, and then you will cry and beg me to let you know After I'm powerful, you won't talk to me like this, you know, this is Chamonix, and it's my territory of Xia Keli!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around, damn it.

There was a group of people standing outside the glass window, including a lot of reporters, and many cameras were aimed at him and Qin Fen.

In a small town like Chamonix, the interrogation room is actually an ordinary room, with a wooden structure, and it is not soundproof.

He was sweating profusely on his forehead, what's going on?
The reporter pointed the microphone at the camera, "This station is tracking and reporting on the hero of Xue Beng, but it seems that we have discovered some unknown information. We are at the police station tonight. Which chief is threatening the Huaxia we want to interview at this moment?" Man, what kind of story is there in this?"

Xia Keli, who came out of the inside, hit his balls hard, the hero of the avalanche?Fuck you, uncle, I didn't react just now!This is not the point, the point is that he clamored in front of the people of the whole country that this is his territory and he can do whatever he wants!

(End of this chapter)

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