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Chapter 762 What a Fatal Strike

Chapter 762 What a Fatal Blow

There is a light rain outside the cabin, not heavy, pattering, moistening everything silently, nourishing all things, the light rain falls on the body, and there is no discomfort, neither cold nor too wet.

But even with the light rain, it couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of the fans not far away, they were still shouting and hysterical.At this moment, it seemed as if the powder keg was ignited, and the surging passion permeated everywhere.

At this moment, the blood was boiling, and even Fu Qiang and Song Shaoqing standing in the back row could feel the enthusiasm and hospitality of the French girls!
At that moment, the waves were turbulent and the huge waves were surging, which made people dizzying and beautiful.

Except for the female ruffian, several men were very excited, especially Wei Tianlong who stood at the front, he was very happy, it can be said that now is his performance time, all embarrassment has disappeared, he is the most dazzling star at the moment.Nonsense, isn't it his fans? Could it be the female ruffian and Qin Fen's?The other two are entrepreneurs.

Opening his arms and posing, he seemed to embrace the whole world, "I love you too!"

Ahhhhh, countless loud screams sounded at this moment, the enthusiasm between heaven and earth was ignited, holding flowers, the French beauties screamed loudly, and they started to go crazy!

Every time it beats, the tide ebbs and flows, making the men beside him go crazy, eyes are full of balls, and the passion of the audience begins to burn.

Looking at the responses from the fan girls, Wei Tianlong felt that he was the happiest man, not one of them. Everything on the plane was embarrassing and ugly, and it was washed away by the tsunami-like screams of beauties, leaving only the jealous eyes of countless men .

Wei Tianlong was very satisfied and proud, and even looked back at Qin Fen beside him, "I never thought I would have so many foreign fans in France, so excited!"

Fu Qiang gave him a speechless look, and you were stunned. Song Shaoqing felt very sour, this guy is still pretending, the little fresh meat is incomparable.

The female ruffian also saw Rogers, and he was waving towards them, as if he saw them. In an instant, Sun Yating gave Wei Tianlong a strange look, and then Qin Fen. red?

"I'm a little embarrassed now, so many female fans support me!" Wei Tianlong said again, and the trio of eating, drinking, and playing were silent at the same time. Any man would not be very happy to hear this sentence, and Qin Fen also No exception.

Fu Qiang was agitated, you are enough, you have to have a limit.

It seems that I can't stay there all the time, I want to go down and interact with fans at close range, look at those girls, they come out to support him in single clothes when it rains, you can't help but be moved.

Wei Tianlong walked down the stairs, opened his arms with a smile on his face, that smile was very friendly and made him look even more handsome.

"Thank you, thank you for coming!"

At this moment, a reporter next to him or something handed over a microphone. Before the other party could speak, Wei Tianlong stood up, raised his energy to the best state, and faced the fans with his best side. He grabbed the microphone, He said excitedly, "I love you, you are my greatest support, thank you.

In addition, can friends from the media please take a photogenic photo of me?I hope that the moment when I appear in the magazine is my best side, which can bring joy and comfort to everyone! "

"This product seems to be quite popular!" Song Shaoqing's tone was a bit sour, and they followed Qin Fen down the stairs and walked towards the crowd. They didn't want to join in the fun, no one would do this after eating too much, but the channel in that direction.

"Yes, there are a lot of female fans, but I didn't expect him to enjoy it in France!" Fu Qiang was also unhappy.

Only the female ruffian followed with a strange look on her face. None of these stupid old men knew French, including Qin Fen. They couldn't understand other words except I love you, but the female ruffian was not. As a high-end and elegant Entrepreneur, she can speak several languages, and she seems to have heard a few words from the shouts of those girls, sculpture, food, and fighting.

Looking at Wei Tianlong who was talking in front of the microphone, Rogers couldn't stand it anymore. He immediately stepped forward and said to Wei Tianlong, "Sorry, we are here to pick up Qin Fen!"

Shrimp you say?Wei Tianlong was dumbfounded at the time, holding the microphone in a daze, "Are you sure? Isn't he a chef?"

Rogers nodded, "Yes, they are all food lovers, and some of them are kung fu fans. My teacher, Mr. Qin Fen, has been on the tip of the tongue, on the National Geographic Channel, on the Guinness Book of World Records, and was even sought after by the Europa royal family. , became the No.1 dinner party, and the appearance fee has become a sky-high price after Prince Grant's publicity.

They think that only the artistic cooking skills are perfect, so this trend began to prevail in Europa, and my teacher is very popular here!He has a lot of fans, he is an oriental fan.

Full of mysteries, kung fu, cooking, carving, and even clothing weaving and tailoring, yes, photography, he is almost omnipotent, all of which have a fatal attraction for young girls in Europa, fashion trends, food, and even safety Sensation, and the conditions for being able to make popular girls, all added up, he is currently one of the most attractive men in the hearts of Europa girls.

Of course he is also very rich.A banquet catered for 500 million euros.

You see, they are going crazy! "

Are you so sure you're not lying to me?Rogers babbled a lot, but Wei Tianlong was not convinced, how could this be possible?
But in the next second, he couldn't help but believe that the female fans in front of him rushed towards the chef like a tide, and began to cheer, their hands holding the flowers were shaking.

Looking at this scene, he was stupefied. What he said in front of the camera just now was simply a trough.

He was holding the microphone, and the reporter next to him was very anxious, so he pulled it. Unfortunately, the other party was holding it too tightly, and he was also very distressed. Can you f-cking let go?He is a reporter from a magazine. He heard that Chef Qin from Guinness hosted the wedding banquet of the Europa royal family.

But just pay attention, let me go, he is still the designer of a clothing company in the East this time, this is a blast, he rushed over when he heard the news at the first time, but he came over, what is this thing in front of him ?

After pulling twice, looking at Qin Fen surrounded by sister papers, the reporter was anxious, how could he rush in for an interview?He took a hard look at Wei Tianlong, "Can you let go? Just now I wanted to say, who are you? How did you grab my microphone!"

You are paralyzed!Wei Tianlong wanted to scold someone, but he didn't make any excuses yet.He narrowed his eyes in shame, his eyelids twitched violently, and felt that his temples were swollen and uncomfortable.

Looking at Qin Fen, and looking at himself alone at the scene, Wei Tianlong couldn't stay any longer, so he didn't understand why he was instantly killed by a chef.

He was suffering, and Qin Fen was also suffering. What's going on?Surrounded by sister papers, and even being touched by someone from time to time, it's crazy.

Fu Qiangdan looked at the chef in disbelief, "Do you think we should come?"

Song Shaoqing also felt sore, "It's already here, what else do you want, can you compare with that animal? He is not human! As for being upset, we are fine!" The two looked at Wei Tianlong at the same time.

Look at your second uncle, Wei Tianlong took the bag and ran to the aisle, and if you stay here, you are also a pig.

(End of this chapter)

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