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Chapter 741 The Jade Emperor figured it out, the old king is coercive

Chapter 741 The Jade Emperor figured it out, the old king is coercive
As soon as the screen changed, the root cause of the incident between the two religions in the Heavenly Court was also exposed to the full attention of the Heavenly Court.The sun in the sky was high and clear, but after seeing that wonderful sailor suit, all the gods almost shuddered.

I went, and they yelled in their hearts at the same time, there is the figure of Dong Wanggong here again.

What is the scariest thing in the Conferred God period? One sentence, fellow Taoist, please stay on the list. The end is to die and be listed on the list. So what about the current Heavenly Court?
After Yuelao sees it, he can tell you responsibly that Prince Dong is naturally a Taoist, because there is no one in this world who cheats his father more than him!Look at the picture, Old Yue opened his mouth wide, but he was not the most surprised.

Although there are quite a few people who are surprised at this moment, the Eight Immortals are collectively speechless. They just saw the square dance, but they didn’t expect to recover, and saw the school uniform again. Naturally, Taoist figures are everywhere, and there are pitfalls everywhere. The Jade Emperor committed a crime once. Two, the Eight Immortals can tell you now that he is not alone, and the Antarctic Immortal is a teammate.

Li Jing was the first to discover it. He really wanted to die. From the moment he saw the sailor suit, he understood why today's incident was so wicked. Because of Chef Qin, why the Jade Emperor was so painful this time. Because of Qin Fen, why is the Antarctic fairy not spared? Don't want to be cheated. The answer is still one, because of the chef.

Everyone in the Lotus Pavilion knew that Qin Fen's evil sect had long been out of the norm, and now Heavenly Court gradually had this intuitive impression that the place where Qin Fen appeared must be a bad thing.

After experiencing the lesson of blood and thunder, Li Jing never wanted to meet this guy in his life. He really wanted to leave now, but when he thought of the Jade Emperor's entrustment, he wanted to vomit blood again. He kept muttering in his heart, does His Majesty know about this?What will you do when you know?
The entanglement in Li Jing's heart at this moment has surpassed that of the Antarctic Immortal. After the other party was ugly just now, at least the matter is over.

But he is different, he came with a mission, which is to suppress the Antarctic Immortal and force him to bow his head to the Jade Emperor.

But Shen Gongbao, that bastard, didn't say that the source of the school uniform was Qin Fen.

It is right to oppose the Antarctic Immortal, it was ordered by the Jade Emperor, but to oppose him and support Shen Gongbao is not to support the Eastern Prince, the Jade Emperor's deadly enemy and old enemy?

When the Jade Emperor found out, he felt upset and resented him, Li Jing, then Zhu Bajie looked in the mirror and looked like a human being, and Li Jing felt a little bit in his heart, feeling that he had also fallen into a pit.

That's right, there are only two people who are most entangled in the entire heavenly court, one is Li Jing, and the other is the Jade Emperor.

It's not a sin for a man to cry, it's not a sin for a strong man to get tired easily. The Jade Emperor raised his hand calmly and wiped away his tears. He cried, really cried.It's so hard to guard against, I didn't expect this bastard to do it.

I wanted to say loudly in my heart, he said, what is this little pain in the wind and rain?Don't be afraid to wipe away your tears, at least the Jade Emperor still has dreams, he said that this little pain in the wind and rain is nothing, wipe away your tears, don't ask, why!
That's right, this time the Jade Emperor felt ruthless, the scheduled cannon had to be fired, and he had to finish it. He quickly adjusted his state, "Notify Li Jing, let's do it!" It's not that the emperor's generation of Tianjiao and peerless hero can't afford to let go.

Clairvoyance cast a helpless glance at the lonely emperor, and retreated.

Just as he was about to go out, a voice sounded from the Jade Emperor's inner hall, "I still thought His Majesty would be very sad, but I didn't expect His Majesty to put the overall situation first. If you can see it, I feel relieved!"

"Old Lord?" Jade Emperor was overjoyed, unexpectedly he would appear on his own initiative.

"It's the old man. The Jade Emperor doesn't need to worry about this matter. Since the old man comes out, I will solve it for you!" The voice gradually became quieter, and the inner hall was completely quiet.

Knowing that Laojun was going far away, the Jade Emperor waved his hand violently to stop the clairvoyant. His eyes looked at the direction of the school with sparkling eyes, as if he was thinking about something, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Not only did he not feel depressed just now, but he showed a weird smile instead.

"Hahahaha!" The Jade Emperor laughed, and the laughter instantly filled the entire inner hall, which could not be calm for a long time.

The school has become the focus of heaven at this moment, and countless eyes are still watching here, because although the Jiejiao disciples have left, their eyes have not left. They stared at the Antarctic fairy to death. If this matter does not give them a fair answer, they will never leave. Will give up easily.

"Heavenly King, what do you think?" Shen Gongbao asked with a smile on his face, and then glanced at Nanji Xianweng, as if to say, wait and see how you deal with it.

Xianweng was bitter, this matter was messed up, he didn't even bother to talk about Shen Gongbao, his eyes looked at the sky, as for Li Jing, he knew well that the other dog couldn't spit ivory out of his mouth, even if it was because of Taiyi's love It won't be any better to save face, after all, he represents the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor also expressed his position just now.

What the emperor wanted to do, Xian Weng knew very well that the other party would never let him go easily. Only by severely suppressing him could he bow his head to the Jade Emperor. And he is the breakthrough point.

damn it!Xian Weng cursed fiercely in his heart.

"I don't know how Li Jing will do this?" The Queen Mother smiled happily, "I guess he is the one who suffers the most now!"

The Seventh Fairy and Chang'e both laughed, and Qin Fen also laughed, "Li Jing is loyal to the emperor, even if he doesn't want to get in touch with me and is upset with me, he still wants to help me this time, I feel a little excited!"

Xiaodouding nodded, what could be more refreshing than helping the enemy?And he knew he was the enemy.

Fuck you, can I die if you don't ask me?Li Jing's face was flushed, he just had one thought now, go home.There is no pressure to offend the Immortal, and it is impossible to offend the Jade Emperor, but what about offending Qin Fen?I really don't want to be hacked anymore, I've already been hacked twice.Li Jing's heart twitched.

He couldn't survive the thought of Zixiao Shenlei reappearing in the arena again.

"Well, oh, haha, the weather is nice today!"

When Li Jing spoke, the entire Heavenly Court was stunned.

Zhao Gongming looked at the light film stupidly, "Didn't you say it was fair and open?"

Wen Zhong felt angry again, "What is this idiot doing?"

The third prince covered his eyes speechlessly, he couldn't bear to watch anymore, why is dad so weird today?

That's right, everyone was stunned. I didn't expect Li Jing to change too quickly. What I said just now was so awesome, but now I'm scared for no reason.

It's okay to be cowardly, he really can't make up his mind, and he feels so uncomfortable that he is dying.

The Queen Mother shook her head and smiled wryly, Li Jing was also in the shadows.

The seven fairies of Chang'e's admiration for the chef is like a torrential river, and it can't be contained. He is awesome, a majestic king, and he is cowarded just by seeing his works. He is simply an animal.

When he played haha, the gods who were concerned by the whole heaven were anxious to death.

Of course the most urgent one is Shen Gongbao, he is confused, what is the situation?
The Antarctic fairy is also confused, does Li Jing actually want to support me?That's not right, to support the Jade Emperor and still say so grandly?
They got tangled up, and the little gods in the academy got tangled up too, and started shouting loudly, "Fair, open, and just!"

A wave of sound spread over the school like a tide. This invisible wave of sound not only brought out the voices of the students, but also was like a fire, which was once again thrown on the powder keg of the dispute between the two religions. The volcano that was about to be extinguished It seems to be about to erupt again.

Blocking is worse than sparse, everyone understands this truth, just blocked once, everyone gave the Jade Emperor a face, but now?

The eyeballs of the Jiejiao disciples were all red, and they began to stare at the screen. If they could not give them an explanation, Taoist Haitian would lose face later on, and even Lingbao's oral instructions could not stop their anger.

The atmosphere in the Heavenly Court became more and more tense, and the Jade Emperor had a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, "What is that pig Li Jing doing?"

He was angry, and countless immortals were also angry, and the air was filled with terrible aura.

"This old man handles this matter, who has any objection?" A gloomy voice from the sky spread in the heavenly court.

Tathagata suddenly raised his head, with a strange expression on his face, "Old gentleman? He wants to intervene?"

The suppression of heaven seems to be suppressed by a pair of huge hands. Countless immortals are watching the screen closely. There is an old Taoist, a terrifying existence. Only one person can suppress the existence of all immortals, because he is Laojun , one of the Sanqing, the incarnation of a saint!It is the supreme existence in the heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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