Chapter 727

From last night to this morning, the Heavenly Court has been in a state of chaos, and now the three emperors have begun to tear each other apart.

But everyone can't figure it out, why is it that the three of them, Huang Di, Shao Hao and Jade Emperor, are fighting against nature, but in the end it becomes the three of them fighting each other internally?

The Queen Mother was dumbfounded, Qin Fen himself was covered in cold sweat, just now he had even made preparations to tear him apart, the worst would be to fight, but, but in an instant, the Jade Emperor became a living woman, and everything disappeared in smoke!Qin Fen looked dumbfounded.

In Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor was stunned, looking at the Xuanguang Technique at a loss! "I forgot to be able to talk, paralyzed!"

The Yellow Emperor's chest heaved, and he was going to faint when he couldn't ride a tiger. After Shaohao finished cursing, he realized that not only the two fathers and sons were humiliated today, but they would also bleed after fighting with the Jade Emperor, because the Jade Emperor is after all the heaven Lord, the strength is stronger than them.

This is unlucky!

The state of being watched by tens of thousands of people was very uncomfortable, Huangdi felt uncomfortable in his heart, and his face was also uncomfortable, let alone Shaohao, the two father and son couldn't stay for a moment, and ran away without a word in desperation, Do not run again?If you really want to start a war with the Jade Emperor, then you are really stupid.

As soon as the figures of the two disappeared, the Moon Palace at the scene burst into unprecedented laughter.

Looking at the jubilant moon palace, the corners of the queen mother's mouth turned up, and she clenched her right hand. This time, she won a big victory!The male immortals around have experienced the initial unhappiness, and now they are stupid, and then they are happy from the bottom of their hearts. It seems that waiting for others is not so unpleasant.

At least this night was not in vain, cool, what I saw and heard today is really exciting.

Qin Fen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. It seemed that everything was going well. The little apple was a sensation in the heavens. It was not a song, but a wonderful dance. At the same time, it promoted the fashion exhibition, and Chang'e also Chasing away Shaohao, he killed many things in one fell swoop, that's right, the Jade Emperor was deflated this time, and coupled with the feud between the father and son of the Yellow Emperor, there is no way to let it go in the near future.

I was very happy and was about to chat with Queen Mother Chang'e when the door rang again.

Qin Fen put away his phone, Sun Yating must have come back this time, he opened the door and saw that he was still confused, because there were several cars parked at the gate, and more than a dozen people came down from it, all in black suits and sunglasses , with earphones hanging by their ears, with a tough posture and no smile, the moment they got off the car, they spread around and checked what.

Qin Fen took a closer look, I'll go, there are quite a few golden retrievers inside, what are these people doing?The chef knew very well that it should be the foreigner's entourage. It seems that the identity of the other party is not just an ordinary royal family. So many security guards can only show the fact that this person is very powerful. No wonder Secretary Huang attaches so much importance to it. .

"Is this Mr. Qin? I'm Xiao Zhang, Secretary Huang's secretary. I'm in charge of making arrangements here today. Mr. Qin, let me introduce you. This is the Lu team of the XX Bureau. He just came from the province. Today he is in charge of security. Work, this is Mr. Grant's catering consultant Haoxue. Mr. Haoxue is of Chinese descent. He has studied cooking in Hong Kong Island, Taiwan Island and other places. He is currently studying nutrition and has excellent cooking skills. This is Mr. Grant's trip to my country. Nutritionist, you two are colleagues, you can communicate more!"

Secretary Zhang first introduced several main characters. After all, it came unexpectedly. Although this banquet is simple, it is not casual. There is a lot of work to be done. With a smile on his face, he spoke carefully, for fear of causing Qin Fen's displeasure.

"Oh, I see. Secretary Zhang, I understand. If you are busy with something, I will be in charge of cooking. You can do whatever you want, but don't mess with my things!" Qin Fen reminded him that he had no contact with such people. Yes, but I have seen it, it is often seen on TV, and I know the trouble of reception, but fortunately, it is just a meal at noon, and it will pass quickly.

Qin Fen shrugged his shoulders and didn't worry about it anymore. He walked into the kitchen quietly by himself. As soon as he reached the door, Haoxue's voice came, "Hey, this devil fish is so interesting, so small!" He even wanted to reach out and touch it. one time.

Qin Fen's cold voice came, "You'd better not touch it! It's a personal item!"

Hearing the voice of the chef, Haoxue shrugged, but there was a trace of displeasure in the corner of his eyes.

Seeing Qin Fen walk into the kitchen, he followed up with his assistant, and looked around curiously. It didn't seem so mysterious. At least the knives used by this famous chef were ordinary, not famous brands. , I couldn’t help but feel a little contemptuous, there is a good saying, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools, you don’t even have this awareness, how can you be a famous chef?
It's a pity that the chef has always been like this. He doesn't rely on gimmicks to cook.

"I don't know what dish Master Qin is going to make for lunch?" Haoxue frowned, looking at the kitchen, he found that the ingredients were not very delicate, and a bit ordinary.Looking at the other party's preparations, is this clearly the rhythm of home cooking?What are you doing!
"Boiled cabbage, roasted beef brisket with potatoes, winter melon cup, and a dish of deep-fried green peppers!" As soon as Qin Fen finished speaking, Haoxue frowned even more.

"Just these few?" He was a little surprised. It is said that Secretary Huang still begged for a long time before he booked a table, just this?There are no special features, many cooks know it, except for the winter melon cup to test the knife skills, and the boiled cabbage to study the soup base, there seems to be nothing special.

"That's it!" Qin Fen nodded affirmatively.

Is this really unparalleled in the world?Haoxue despises it very much. This product is not for fame, is it? It is said that the fee is still sky-high in China?A strong doubt and contempt rose in Haoxue's heart. It is true that colleagues are enemies. He is a master himself. Looking at it now, he became more and more suspicious of Qin Fen's strength.

"Then do you need my help?" Haoxue asked intentionally.

"No, I'm a guest from afar, let me come!" Qin Fen began to prepare, and watched the chef slowly start chopping vegetables, Haoxue's contempt grew stronger, "I want to remind Master Qin, our boss's The taste is really delicious, although I have never tasted Master Qin's handicraft, but I hope you can show your real skills!"

Qin Fen stopped holding his hand and raised his eyebrows. What do you mean by that?Does that mean he's ostentatious?
"Thank you, I will." Qin Fen turned his head without looking at the other party.

Haoxue wandered around the kitchen, looking at this and that, "Is your vegetable organic?"

Qin Fen shook his head.

"Where did your seafood come from? Did it come by air? It seems that some of them are dying."

Qin Fen still shook his head, air transport?I'm so sick.about to die?That's normal, Haitian just brought it, "I won't use it to death."

"That's good, there are some businessmen now, black-hearted!"

I'm going to Nima, what do you mean?Qin Fen was speechless, the little demon over there bought a vegetable, a big bowl of seafood, it was normal that he would die when he got it, he didn't plan to use all of it.

Watching Qin Fen take out a bottle of special wine, ready to pickle, Hao Xue shouted fiercely, "Wait a minute, I have to check these things first!"

Your sister, Qin Fen is so irritable that he is used to cooking by himself, and now suddenly there is a man pointing fingers at him, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's strange if I don't feel frizzy in my heart.

"If you feel uneasy, you can leave! Either you do it, and I go to sleep." The chef is such a pee, so there are so many problems,
"What do you mean?" Haoxue was also taken aback, he didn't expect the chef to be so pissed, and he refused to do it if he said no.

When the two argued, Secretary Zhang, who rushed over from the side, was in cold sweat, "Speak slowly if you have something to say, Master Qin, you are busy, consultant, just take a look around, don't disturb Master Qin!"

Haoxue's heart rushed to his forehead, what does this mean?
As soon as he finished thinking, he saw Qin Fen coming out with a pot of wine, ready to marinate seafood and beef, and his eyes instantly looked over. "Wait a minute, let me take a look first!"

(End of this chapter)

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