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Chapter 695 Righteous Qi Convergence, Nian Beast Shows Its Power

Chapter 695 Righteous Qi Convergence, Nian Beast Shows Its Power

A series of words reverberated throughout the heavens and the earth fairy world, with clear voices and clear meanings, like a slap in the face of everyone's head.

Not for fame, not for profit, but with a sincere heart!
All the literati muttered to themselves, repeating what the chef said over and over again. Every time they read it, they seem to gain a layer of understanding. There are patriotism, people, heaven and earth, and common people. The meaning of the book vividly and vividly depicts the character of the literati.

An old teacher slowly closed his eyes, and it took him a long time to open them, "To build a life for the people, well, well said, no wonder this god would say a selfish, self-interested, self-seeking dog, that's right, if it's really for the sake of Sheji, for the sake of the common people, why don't you just compromise and seek perfection, but play with your personality and walk cleanly, what a literati's character!"

After finishing talking, the old gentleman bowed three times to the sky, one, two, three, more and more literati, regardless of age, regardless of class, began to ponder carefully, and then some of their eyes lit up, young people The blood in one's cavity seems to be burning all over the body. They feel what is the strength of character, which is not arrogance. It is more compassionate and noble than the latter.

At this moment, the young people are full of ambition and seem to have found the goal of struggle in an instant, and they are unwavering.

A little bit of white brilliance began to dissipate from their bodies, swish swish swish, they bowed to the sky three times unconsciously, three people must have my teacher, the East Prince has that qualification.

The old people understand, recalling the past, the Qingliu are a little embarrassed, and the old officials are a little regretful, as if thinking of the youthful years.Regardless of the type of people, Qin Fen's words touched the depths of their souls.

Facing the sky, they sincerely worshiped.

The Earth Immortal Realm became quiet, and from scratch, a large number of white light spots began to gather continuously, forming beams of light and flying towards the sun in the sky.At this moment, the literati who were originally angry because of Qin Fen's vulgar remarks and insulting Wenchang changed.

Because what Qin Fen said was more incisive and comprehensive than what they had previously understood. A great chivalrous man serves the country and the people, and the same goes for literati. If this is the case, then everything must bow to this goal. This is the real literati.

The sun in the sky burned violently, bursting out with dazzling light, and after adding countless white lights from the Earth Immortal Realm, it became even more brilliant.

On Lingshan, the Tathagata was startled, "Can it still be like this?" He looked at the changes in the earth and fairy world stupidly, but he didn't expect that the natural Taoist confronted Wenchang head-on, and got the approval of the literati all over the world. It's against the sky!

You must know that Emperor Wenchang is an example of literati, a god worshiped by literati all over the world, and the guy who insulted his god won their respect in an instant, or did it come from the heart, is this unscientific?
But the unscientific Tathagata can only accept that the white light all over the sky is not fake, because it is the special power of literati, righteousness!

Dizang looked at the changes in the underworld stupidly, and countless ghosts began to emit special power, breaking through the barrier of the Yin Mountain in the underworld and gathering towards the sky.

Some ghosts quickly moved aside as if seeing the judge's ghost, for fear of being accidentally injured by these guys.

Dizang opened his mouth wide, "Damn it, you're upright!"

That's right, there are quite a few ghosts of literati stranded in the underworld. At this moment, they feel the same way, thinking about the words of the chef, recalling their past and present lives, expressing remorse for those who made mistakes, those who did not do well, full of regrets, and working hard for this goal Yes, but also firm will and no regrets.

This time, the whole hell exploded!
Avalokitesvara sits on a lotus platform and listens to the world of earth and immortals. Countless literati chanted a sentence repeatedly, "Build a heart for the heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations! Heaven and earth have righteousness!"

Looking up at the sun in the sky, Avalokitesvara shook his head, "The power of the teacher is unimaginable, turning decay into magic, it's terrifying!"

A large amount of righteousness washed over the sun, and the mark on the chef's forehead suddenly lit up, and began to emit a faint golden light.

Righteousness and yang are both things of the most rigid and yang, and they have similarities in themselves, and they begin to blend at this moment.

In Qin Fen's pocket, the year began to throb violently, and a large amount of purple mist began to diffuse, surrounding the body of the chef.

Ordinary people can't see it, but Xiaodouding knows it clearly, its panda eyes froze for a while, such a powerful luck, it is even more terrifying than the treasure of merit!
With the beating of the year, there was a click, and the eggshell cracked strangely, and the golden mark of the sun star flashed fiercely, absorbing all the purple energy, and the purple-gold mark flashed slightly, then disappeared.

A vision also appeared in the heavenly court, the white light on the sun began to melt, and the golden light took on a noble and mysterious purple.

In Three Thousand Small Worlds, Mitsui was paying homage to Dongre, when a guard shouted from behind, "Your Majesty, look at the sky!"

Mitsui was a little dazed, followed the other party's prompt and walked out of the room, completely stupefied.

The sun in the sky seemed to be dyed with color, and began to turn into purple gold, majestic and inviolable, and the earth changed.

"This, this is?" Mitsui muttered to himself, then knelt down to the sky, "Dongre Tenjin's miracle!"

With a loud roar, one spread ten, ten spread hundreds, the entire island nation Wuyang Wuyang fell to its knees, a large amount of purple fog covered the four islands, the boundless purple light began to reflect the sun in the sky, and the four islands were enveloped by Qin Fen's brilliance , he is in charge of the sun, and this sun is more than one world. Where there is the sun, where it is illuminated, is where the chef's divine power lies, and everything is included.

The entire island nation was united, and Qin Fen wiped away his luck. At this moment, he has mastered the fate of the opponent's race, killing and plundering in a single thought, but unfortunately, he didn't know it.

He lit a cigarette, and he didn't know about the changes in his body, and he didn't have time to pay attention, because the confrontation with Wenchang had entered a fierce stage.

At this moment, the heavenly court was also in an uproar. Countless white lights rose from the earth fairy world, like beams of light. Start penetrating every inch of heaven.

Then flew towards the sun in the sky without stopping.

The huge shocking change stunned every god. They could touch the white light around them as long as they stretched out their hands lightly, but they couldn't stop it. The Lingxiao Palace was filled with beams of light everywhere.

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment, "So much righteousness, what is this? The literati in the world are convinced of the natural Taoist, righteousness, and faith are integrated!" Damn it, is there any reason for this?

Is there any reason for this?Wenchang also wanted to know that the literati who believed in him accepted Qin Fen at this moment. He scolded Lao Tzu just now, what are you doing?
His face was ugly, thinking of his disdain and ridicule, but now the other party taught him how to be a man with facts every minute, which is what scholars all over the world want. This is not only righteousness, but also fucking faith!
(End of this chapter)

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