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Chapter 690 Wenchang sprayed the chef, the god pit appeared

Chapter 690 Wenchang sprayed the chef, the god pit appeared
Qin Fen took Xiao Douding into the car and was about to go home. The little boy next to him yelled hard, expressing his thoughts at this moment.

The chef started to light the fire, looking forward, "It's okay, no one will believe a murderer's words, and he won't say it himself, no trouble! I just don't know what happened to Lan Yibing, I think the little fat man should get along with the other party." Quite a pleasure."

Xiao Douding shook his head speechlessly, that is, that kid probably can drive that guy crazy.

"Then, go home!" Qin Fen smiled. He didn't care about today's matter at all, but he was thinking about Emperor Wenchang. He had never dealt with literati and pedants in his life. The level, probably the special grade teacher in junior high school, that guy, the old-fashioned one can scare people to death, Qin Fen had a lot of hard work back then, and asking parents was commonplace, every time he thinks about it, he has an irritating urge.

Qin Fen is not good at reading, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't like reading, it's just that he is a bit repulsed by what the school teaches. In the eyes of the chef, applying what he has learned and understanding his heart is learning, regardless of orthodox miscellaneous learning, not Classification, regardless of high or low.

Whether it is entertainment or serious study, in Qin Fen's view, reading is reading. As long as you increase the amount of reading, you can learn the good things, take the essence and discard the dross, increase your knowledge, serve the country, and be a useful person. most people read books.

But some people don’t think so. Emperor Wenchang, as the second person in the Confucian sect after the most holy teacher Confucius, is one of the objects of pilgrimage for scholars all over the world. The literati dress up politely.

There must be a disapproval of people like Qin Fen. Thousands of years of ancient society, they already have a certain strength of character, but also have a deep-rooted rigidity. This is the limitation of the times and a manifestation of history.

Because the world is developing!But the Heavenly Court is not so developed. Now, as one of the leaders of the literati, Emperor Wenchang must be concerned about the Heavenly Court Academy.

The school must be a place for teaching. Although it is governed by the heaven, it is impossible to completely abandon the etiquette and law. Basic character education, even if you are a god, you can't be ignorant?Of course, Confucianism itself is an orthodox thought in the lower realms for thousands of years, and this point has also reached the heavens, with only slight changes.

Wen Changgui is the emperor and he belongs to the line of Confucianism. He does not rely on Yuan Shi, does not vote for Lingbao, and forms his own school. They basically belong to the neutral fourth party in the heaven, and they are biased towards the Jade Emperor. After all, in terms of thinking, they are all loyal to the emperor.

Because of this, Emperor Wenchang had also heard about Qin Fen's messing around a few times, and he didn't like Naturally. It's not in line with their thinking. From his personal point of view, the natural Taoist is a shit-stirring stick who is lucky enough to go against the sky.

He messed around all the way, and miraculously made a lot of big things by him along the way. As for the chef, Wenchang only had one evaluation, and he did not conspire with each other when he disagreed.

Today he has nothing to do, he was invited by the Antarctic fairy to see the situation of the school. After all, the school in Tianting is also within his duties. Accompanied by Yue Lao Taibai, Wen Chang first walked around the campus, Yangchun Baixue is full of youthful atmosphere.

Under the peach blossom tree, senior students read books in twos and threes, chatted with each other, and brainstormed, creating a very school atmosphere.

It's just that the brightly colored clothes are a bit of an eyesore, but this doesn't prevent him from agreeing, the school should be like this.

"It's not bad. Old Yue and Taibai have worked so hard. I seem to have seen the future of Heaven."

Taibai stroked his beard, his heart was infinitely sighing, he was always troubled recently, but fortunately, that guy disappeared naturally, the school can get the affirmation of Wenchang, that is, the affirmation of the Confucian school, a good thing, this is undoubtedly a good thing for the Jade Emperor As for his achievements, he immediately smiled, "The emperor praised us, and we are also crossing the river by feeling the stones!"

After talking about Taibai, he was in a daze, and Yuelao gave him a strange look, wanting to laugh in his heart, he dare not say this now, dare you say it, Taibai, you are ashamed, that’s right, this was what Qin Fen said to Yuelao at that time .

It can be said that in the Heavenly Court, only the chef is genuine, but this cannot be mentioned, as long as it is related to Qin Fen, it can attract the mad dog Jade Emperor, even their confidantes can't do it.

After Taibai finished speaking, he felt bitter and regretted a bit, but when these words fell into the ears of Emperor Wenchang, he naturally had a different flavor. He laughed, "Okay, it's a good way to cross the river by feeling the stones. These words describe the situation of the New Deal. It's like walking on thin ice. Be careful, even if you make a mistake, you must carefully find the way and constantly correct it, well said!"

"The emperor is too proud." Taibai wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Where, this sentence is very profound. You are also doing it according to the idea. It is very good! Doing work and literature should be rigorous. Don't be like that natural Taoist. He recently made a book about some kind of doraemon. I don't know what it means! "When it comes to this, Emperor Wenchang is full of anger, "Let's not talk about whether this book has educational significance, but the pig's feet are delicious, lazy, timid, and dare not take responsibility. .”

In Wenchang's eyes, this set of comics is nothing but rubbish, what kind of stuff, the patriarch of this book has a lot of meaning for the legend of the bitter sea lamp in heaven and underground, he scoffs, personally thinks that even such a playful work can alert the immortals, it's just farting , Natural Taoist must be a person who seeks fame and reputation, and also publishes books?This product is also worthy of being called a literati!

Yuelao is not easy to comment, silence is golden, who told him to have the most contact with the chef, he still doesn't get along.

Taibai smiled, the corners of his eyes were crooked. "What Dijun said is very true!" A flattery slapped him.

The three of them walked all the way, and there was a small study in front of them. Many students were queuing to borrow books. There was a dazzling array of things here, all of which were some experience of immortality.

"This is a good move. In fact, the emperor was also supportive of the library run by the star official on duty at that time. There are roads and hard work in the mountains of books, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning. It is a place for scholars to learn, exchange and read independently. Good thing." Wen Chang stroked his beard and nodded in relief.

Yuelao is a bit pained, and the library is naturally the idea of ​​that guy.

As if feeling Yuelao's gaze, how can an old man like Wenchang not understand, "Of course that guy is messing around, and there are some things that are worthy of recognition, but his intentions are impure, and the hype that the library said is actually for him. The set of doraemons, it’s just a stick! You didn’t learn from him, it’s good to make some messes!”

On one side, a little fat man swished his nose, glanced at them, heard the conversation between the three, and said in a low voice, "We are crossing the river by feeling for the stones. It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat." , this small library is very good!"

Emperor Wenchang laughed, "Little fat man, you are from Lao Cao's family. You are right. What you said is not rough. I didn't expect you to have such insight at such a young age. I am so relieved!"

The little fat man glanced at him, a brat at the age of a bear child can be described in one sentence as bold and bold, he is not afraid of these adults, even if the status of Emperor Wenchang is very high.

"I didn't come up with it!" He swished his nose and pouted.

"Really?" Emperor Wenchang was very curious, "Come on, tell Uncle, who is the sage who said it, this man is far-reaching in wisdom, sees things far beyond the eyes of others, has unique insight, great talent, and is worthy of friendship."

Yuelao had a black line on his forehead, Taibai opened his mouth wide, and at the same time stared at him intently, yelling in his heart, it's over!

"It was said by the patriarch of nature, you don't know! The school, library, and teaching plan are all suggested by the patriarch of nature. The wisdom is naturally vast, and we all know it." The little fat man looked at him with contempt , these are not clear, why are you here to investigate?Doraemon is so good-looking, if you don’t watch it, don’t watch it, there are so many things to say.

Emperor Wenchang felt a pain in his heart for no reason, I was despised by a brat?Thinking of what he said just now, that different ways do not conspire with each other, now that he said, "I beg for a date, naturally, a Taoist", he wanted to scold people, don't want to be cheap!Nima, he swears!The integrity and reservedness of a literati disappeared in an instant, and the surroundings were completely silent!

(End of this chapter)

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