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Chapter 644 One day destined to be recorded in the annals of heaven

Chapter 644 A day destined to be recorded in the annals of heaven

One night passed, and Halloween came as scheduled. The Bull Demon King stood in front of a cave and smiled. Don't underestimate this cave, which is full of heaven and earth.

The inside of the huge cave is simply another world. All kinds of flashing lights illuminate the dark cave, and the colorful light bands on the mountain wall make the cave a dreamlike world.

Of course, if there wasn't any Zhu Bajie carrying his wife's music that could be called perfect, the Bull Demon King would be dumbfounded every time he came in and looked at the metal tables and stools, as well as the various arrangements of strange shapes.

As for the taste in music, let's not talk about it, the Bull Demon King is really a local turtle.

"How did Dongre's brain grow?" He muttered, thinking that there are still a lot of girls at night, I went, this place is simply heaven. "Now let's see how the Dapeng Eagle dies!" The Bull Demon King was very pissed, this time he was sure to win and play this bastard to death, telling him to grab the territory with me!
"Report, report to the king, King Dapeng came to the door with someone, saying that he has something to talk to you about!"

After receiving the report from the little demon, the Bull Demon King's heart skipped a beat. This guy was quite well informed. He waved his hand and sent someone out. As for the greeting, the Bull Demon King curled his lips. The old bull head is like a country bumpkin, touching here and there, looking cautious.

Let me go, these things are not magic weapons, they are very fragile.He pinches it and it breaks.

"You all have to be careful, do you hear me? If you break it, you won't be able to pay for it." The old cow reminded. In his eyes, every plant and tree here is worth more than the utensils in his plantain cave.Just look at the flickering lights, which shows the technical content.

"Haha, the Bull Demon King is really generous, I admire it!" Dapeng was also dumbfounded as soon as he entered the door, Lao Tzu, what's going on?After receiving the news report, I heard that the Bull Demon King made a big move, and the golden-winged roc couldn't sit still.

This time when he came out of Buddhism, it can be said that he made a big move. He met a certain great sage. With the help of the other party, he decided to clean up the old mountains and rivers from the beginning and set foot on the pinnacle of life. Peng Diao used it to get a large number of female Shuras, and the population of the territory was also increasing, and the power gradually became stronger.

This is a good thing, but because the place he chose is adjacent to the old cow, it has touched the other party's interests. Therefore, Dapeng Niao wanted to see the other party's actions and be prepared. Unfortunately, he was confused as soon as he entered the door, and his heart moved Well, if this place opens up, damn it, it will definitely attract a lot of little monsters, and they will never miss leaving.

"I didn't expect it to be Dapeng, why are you free to come to my brother's site today!" The Bull Demon King nodded and raised his hand, snapped his fingers, and the little calf next to him immediately handed over a cup of wow haha, the one with a straw inserted, It's still a very long circle.

Holding the cup, the Bull Demon King took a sip. If you are rich, you have to use a straw to drink a drink. Anyway, the old cow thinks so.With Erlang legs crossed, the old cow looked at him sideways. He wore a thick gold chain around his neck. This thing is not a magic weapon, but Dong Re said that it is necessary to have momentum at the beginning, so according to the advice of the other party, the Bull Demon King came. one.

After looking in the mirror, he thought it tasted very good with the environment of the scene, and the glass of fruit milk in his hand, I believe it, it was a fortress.

Dapeng looked at Lao Niu, his eyes widened, and his momentum became weaker unconsciously.

There is no way, the surrounding environment is really a bit fantastic. Anyway, I have never seen the Dapeng, so I entered the Grand View Garden with Grandma Liu. It seems that everything around me is so curious. Because of this, he dare not move. If it is a joke It's not good, and those things are worth a lot at first glance, so he should be more careful, not to be too curious, and expose his ignorant nature.

Now seeing Lao Niu's style, beach pants, plaid shirt, and a big thick gold chain, his eyes popped out.

The momentum fell again and again, because no matter what it was, he was very curious in his eyes.But what the hell, he wanted to ask, but didn't dare to ask, for fear of making a fool of himself.

That's right, after the hard work of the chefs these days, Lao Niu's appearance is simple but not simple, plus his true colors, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance, a typical gangster, but he is still very successful So, look, the big boss of the first nightclub in the Immortal Realm asked you if you were afraid. He has tens of thousands of little demons and countless ladies!

"Isn't it better to be a close neighbor than a distant relative? I heard that Big Brother Niu is going to open a nightclub. When I heard it, this is something new, so I came to see it!" Dapeng said while looking around strangely. Ah, this place looks awesome.That's right, he couldn't tell how he felt, but he was overwhelmed as soon as he entered the door.

Little bastard, of course Lao Niu knows the plan of the other party, he is here to find out, maybe he is here to learn from the experience, and he will still play tricks with himself in the future, but unfortunately, Lao Niu doesn't care, you can't get so many fairy-level craftsmen , with this design, you can't figure it out.When you understand how to play, Dongre still has a lot of ideas.He is getting more and more excited, and he will definitely cooperate with Dongre wholeheartedly.

He's staying in this place so much that he doesn't want to go home anymore.Focusing on Qin Fen's words, make it bigger and stronger, and even go public in a chain!Although he didn't know what it was, he felt very powerful.

"It's easy to talk, what do you want to drink?" The old cow raised his hand, and the little demon immediately leaned forward.

"Good wine, I won't drink if it's not good wine!" Dapeng laughed, unable to lose his momentum.Although his gaze, which has been wretchedly looking around, has already betrayed his nature as a vulgar man, he must not lose face.He's here to negotiate.

"Good wine? Okay, let's have a glass of Xuebi!" Lao Niu is very calm, he has good wine, but it is not rare, silly bird, Xuebi has never been drunk.Qin Fen was a man who vowed to carry out the copycat to the end.

Dapeng was stunned, snow forced?I've never heard of it, where did this grandson get the new wine?
But when the little demon served a cup, Dapeng became very cautious in an instant, I'll go, there are bubbles, fresh, but in front of the old cow, he didn't feel surprised, that doesn't mean he It's a redneck!
He looked at the glass with a strange expression. Could this glass be a glazed glass? It's a big deal!He felt a chill in his heart, it seemed that the old cow was not easy to deal with, and he felt a little itchy, wanting to see what kind of trick this good Jiuxue is going to make, it is definitely not easy for the old cow to dare to take it out.

The old cow curled his mouth, Xiao Mian, today I want you to see what is style and what is awesome, even though he was not much better than the other party before he saw these things, but now he is the boss.

Dapeng was holding the cup, ready to drink, but there was a tube on it that was a bit inexplicable. He dangled around the tube for a long time, not knowing what it was for to drink water, but he was too embarrassed to ask. Shame on him, saying he has little knowledge.

Dapeng calmly took the straw and stirred it, and found that it was empty, which meant that he didn’t put it in it randomly. His heart moved, he blew on the straw, and there was more bubbles in it. He found that after blowing a few times After the second time, the bubbles became less and less, and Dapeng's heart moved, this is the way to use it, and he can only drink it when the bubbles are gone.Just now Lao Niu used this inhalation to mislead him and wanted him to make a fool of himself. You see, the two drinks are different. His has no bubbles.I'm such a genius.

Nonsense, the carbonated material has been volatilized for a long time, and it must be out of gas.

He blew for a while, then put down the cup, "I'll drink it after cooling down!" The old cow was dumbfounded, you are so smart.

The old cow clapped his hands, and the little demons around him took out some tobacco leaves. The old cow gave Dapeng a contemptuous look, rolled it up with his hand, then lightened it with a lighter, put it to his mouth and took a puff.Looking at Dapeng slantingly, "Tell me, what exactly are you looking for me for?"

That's right, tobacco leaves, this taste is strong, suitable for monsters, but it is a bit frustrating.

It's a pity that Dapeng's eyes were not on Lao Niu, he was attracted by the lighter, he stretched out his hand unconsciously, picked up the lighter, lit it, hey, then lit it again, hey, continued to light it, hey, what an interesting magic weapon.

The Bull Demon King couldn't stand it anymore, "Let's have fun."

Dapeng nodded, still burning.

"It's interesting, once you press it, flames will come out. Although it's a common fire, it's very convenient!" The old cow said again strangely.

Dapeng nodded, it's really interesting, it has a sound, it clicks, and it gets angry, this thing is transparent, and there is a painting of a beautiful woman on it, awesome!

"I haven't played it before." Idiot, Lao Niu despised it very much, and suddenly realized that he was like this before.

Dapeng's facial features instantly wrinkled into steamed stuffed buns. I really haven't played with it, so I'm still ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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