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Chapter 637 Only a moment later, things are different in hell

Chapter 637 Only for a while, hell is different

Qin Fen looked at the inventory in the kitchen, and picked out a few items from this time to start cooking. The teahouse finally opened for business.

Well, he is now in a serious state of cooking. Whether it is Samuel or Dracula, he has left behind him. The earl in prison is very calm. Now that the Lord has appeared, do you still need to worry? ?No need, hell, it’s not good to say it, it’s because of which one exists, in the eyes of high-level people and those who know the inside story, this is actually balance.

That's right, he wasn't worried either, but he was so entangled with the demons that he was half dead. After waiting for a long time, he didn't find any trace of the chef. The sweet taste, come on, he dived into it, and it came to Beryl's mind in an instant.

At this moment, Samuel had an ugly face, and kicked the Cerberus hard on the ground, "So that's it for today!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the meeting room. Is it necessary to continue driving?He doesn't think so.

"This is embarrassing and embarrassing!" Leviathan shook his head, moved his body, and disappeared in place until everyone left. Belial was also about to evade, but just as he took a step, a voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"Are you a man too? No, you are a demon god, a veteran of hell, and a member of the fallen angels. Oh, God, I didn't realize that you are still a bitch. You didn't react at all when someone framed you. Either way, you The leader of the former wise angel, he was bullied to the door, and he can still swallow his anger like this. Is this a devil? I don’t know much, so don’t lie to me!"

"Who are you, bastard?" Belial looked ugly. How could someone use their devil's usual routine to deal with a hell lord?
"Don't ask me where I come from? My hometown is far away!" The heart demon thought of that prison, and he was out of it a few times, and he was no longer an ordinary person. He collected a lot of information. In layman's terms, he is really not The soil turtle is much more knowledgeable than those gods in heaven, at least he can speak a few foreign languages.

Belial was upset, "I don't care who you are, if you have such an idea, I advise you to forget it, to provoke, to arouse the anger in my heart? You may not know us well, it's all left over from my play !"

The demon has a good time, isn't it? "I'm just very sad for you. As a demon god, you don't get the respect you deserve. Then why did you rebel against Heaven?"

"Guess?" Belial wasn't fooled, Xiao Mian.

"I guess? Well, in heaven, you are not valued very much, because your father loves mortals more than he created you first, so the Son is both mortals and true God, not Picking from among you, poor Beryl, you seem to be repeating tragedies from heaven to hell, and you don’t seem to be respected in hell.

It is a pity that you have a pair of wings cut off, from six wings to four wings!After the strength dropped.

Whether it's Lucifer or Samael, they all look down on you. The majestic demon god is being slandered at will. I feel really sad for you! "

Belial's heart fluctuated, but he is the king of hell after all, and he will not give in easily.

"Hehe, many people know about these things. Whether they want to anger me or make me feel sad, don't dream about it. It's just your guess!"

The inner demon smiled strangely, and the laughter echoed in the opponent's mind, and a strange fluctuation began to spread out, spreading in the opponent's heart like a plague.

"Who the hell are you? What are you laughing at?" Beryl hated this voice very much, like a psychopath.

That's right, the inner demon is a little crazy now, "Who am I? You should ask yourself, because I am you and you are me!"

"Fart!" Beryl curled his lips, you fooled yourself to the liar's house.Do you know where this is?hell!
"Of course I know, that's why I feel sad."

Belial was restless, the noise was really annoying, "Since you don't say it, then I'll catch you out, little bug!"

"Really? Then why do you keep that gift so precious? In fact, you can't let it go. Your heart is not in hell. You are still looking forward to it. In the deepest part of your heart, there is still a glimmer of hope." !"

Belial was shocked, "Who the hell are you? What do you know?"

"I am you, did you lose that father's gift? No, no, as a crying little devil who left home, you still keep them. Only I understand you in this world, because I saw your Heart! A pathetic fellow!"

"You are talking nonsense, what gift, what soul, it seems that I won't give you any power, you don't know my majesty!" Belial blushed, his figure began to be distorted, and the terrifying dark power instantly filled the entire meeting room .

It's a pity that he doesn't know what he is facing?
"Why don't you throw away the pair of wings? Sad little thing, are you still looking forward to it? Unfortunately, your father will never think of you!" The demon's eyes changed, the corners of his mouth cracked, and he closed his eyes. A strange aura began to rise crazily in Beryl's heart.

"The smell of sadness! How intoxicating!" The demon with his eyes closed, like a world-class conductor, closed his eyes, waved his hands, and directed a grand symphony.

With the vigorous waving of both arms, the speed became faster and faster, and the sadness in Belial's heart also expanded rapidly. That's right, he still kept the pair of wings, which were his most precious things.

No matter how you use your strength, it seems that you can't stop the expanding sadness in your heart. A tear of blood flowed from the corner of Beryl's eye, "No, who are you, you are definitely not my negative emotions!"

"That's right, little bug, let my demon eat you!" The demon suddenly opened his eyes, Belial's mind was instantly filled with darkness, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at him.

small bug?Belial is determined to die. This is what he said just now, but just as he was about to move, the black energy on his body began to condense, uncontrollably turning into a huge, hideous head.Open your mouth wide and swallow it in one gulp!

A dense black fog surrounded Belial. After a while, the black fog dissipated. Belial walked out, twisted his neck with both hands, and a strange voice sounded, "Negative power? Haha, that's what I left from playing. Fighting with me? Little brat, you are not qualified!"

Moving hands and feet, the demon smiled happily, "This is really heaven, God, I praise you! Haha, let me swallow the whole hell first, and then go to heaven to find you. I think you will look forward to it You met me! Ahhhhhhhh!"

"you call me?"

"Who, who are you?" This rhythm is a bit familiar!The heart demon was instantly stunned when he heard the words in his head.This unscientific!
"They all call me God!" The voice seemed to be very helpless, and even the demon could hear a little irritability.Nonsense, I really don't want to be a chef, but I've been brainwashed all the time lately, it's not like a misunderstanding at all, he thinks so himself.

A long-lost familiar voice sounded, and the heart demon who was still laughing suddenly froze, maintaining a strange smile, and opened his mouth wide,
"Oh, NO! So you are God?" He wanted to slap himself now, call you uncle, it's a tragedy now!

The heart demon wants to cry, as the strongest thug in the world, the tall, handsome and rich existence has already reached the pinnacle of his life. He never expected that one day he would meet a beast, and then, and then there would be no... up.

(End of this chapter)

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